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ModNation Racers One-Ups The Competition

I loved me some Super Mario Kart on the SNES. Hell, I still do (the cartridge and the system are both in the other room right now). But with such advanced technology, we should expect more advanced kart racers, yes?

ModNation Racers , the game that builds upon the "Create, Play, Share" philosophy introduced by LittleBigPlanet , is set to launch for the PlayStation 3 and PSP on May 25. In order to get you psyched for the release, you should definitely check out this ArsTechnica article , where we learn exactly why Sony's new and very charming little racer is leaps and bounds ahead of any Mario Kart . The section on the Racing Tactics is definitely worth a read, because it seems the karts in ModNation Racers "feel much heavier" and the offensive and defensive positions are greatly enhanced. You actually gain points to fill up a special moves meter; these points can be obtained by moving up in position, spinning in mid-air, drafting, etc. Once you've got enough, you can then boost or even activate a shield to deflect incoming attacks. Man, what wouldn't I have given to have that feature in SMK? Plus, we'll get a Career mode and oh yes, that whole concept of building your very own karts and tracks from scratch, and then going online to share them with a lively and receptive community.

We saw the creators build a whole new course in five minutes on the stage at E3 last year, so if that's not enough to get you excited, nothing is. We're very much looking forward to this little racer, ya know?

Related Game(s): ModNation Racers

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14 years ago

I don't like their characters very much. I would rather have Sackboy behind the wheel. I'm not much into kart racers. Mariokart 64 enrages the hell out of me. I suck at it and i don't know why. hahaha I'll be picking this up but more for my wife. She loves these games.

14 years ago

Enrages? Is it the rubber band racing?

14 years ago

Go for the red shells, they require no aiming. That should help the enraging.

14 years ago

The great thing about Sackboy and the Mods is that they can literally be ANYBODY. Allows for for insane opportunities on the user's side for customization.

14 years ago

They remind me of those Munny dolls you buy blank and paint.

14 years ago

I cant wait for this game it looks like it is going to be a lot of fun 🙂

14 years ago

I don't know if I can get into this. It all looks good, but "drafting?" Not my kind of fun. :p

14 years ago

Why not? You drive up close to the cart in front, and get a benefit from the drafting, build speed and momentum and pull-out to overtake. I do that all the time in Burnout Paradise and Gran Turismo.

14 years ago

Drafting is such a great/balancing technique in racing. It's even used in real life 😉

It's easy, just align yourself with the person in front of you and you'll gain speed.

14 years ago

You can draft in Mario Kart 64, too. Not many people know about that.

14 years ago

Drafting's much more obvious in Mario Kart Wii.


14 years ago

Been watching a lot of beta gameplay lately. It sounds strange to say this'll tide me over until GT5, but I really think it will. Looks great!

14 years ago

That's exactly my plan. This'll be the racing game for Summertime I've been longing for

14 years ago

I'm really excited for this for a couple of reasons.
1) It looks to be the best multiplayer game for the PS3 I could possibly find, and I have exaclty 0 party games. Modnation will be a must.

2) I believe the Modnation community will grow and come together very quickly, with things like "Modnation Mondays" already happening on the PS Blog.

14 years ago

Kowhoho, you said "It looks to be the best multiplayer game for the PS3 I could possibly find, and I have exaclty 0 party games."

You don't have LBP?

14 years ago

Good point. Yes, I do have LittleBigPlanet, of course. I need something more current though.

14 years ago

A definite D1P for me, as well.

I'll be preordering it as soon as I get my copy of Super Street FIghter 4 in the mail. Amazon's giving me $10, and that's going to go towards ModNation. 🙂


14 years ago

Day 1 purchase

14 years ago

IBSTPTGASAP – I'll Be Sure To Purchase This Game As Soon… never mind, Highlander's is better.


14 years ago

HA, Don't sell yourself short. I think IBSTPTGASAP has a ring to it.

14 years ago

I like it kind of a ROTFLMAOTFVF! sort of thing…

Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off Tears Flowing Very Freely!

14 years ago

Not big on Kart games but it looks pretty fun and, pay attention here critics, innovative!

Here's to hoping the next Create, play, share game is some kind of fighter so we can innovate that genre too 🙂

14 years ago

That would be fun. You could create a fighting arena for Sack-phitia and Cas-sack-ra to fight in, adding all sorts of items that can be destroyed during the fight, and of course creating customized weapons.

If you nab the custom character creator from Namco, the one they used in SC4, and throw that into the mix, I can see the game selling millions.

14 years ago

A fighter with customisable characters would be awesome! Instead of fatalities, you could literally rearrange your opponent's face. Call it an Identality.

14 years ago

They could make it kinda like Powerstone.

14 years ago

I loved Powerstone!

14 years ago

Awesome acronym Highlander!

I'm loving this Play-Create-Share idea that these cool developers are feeding. There was a game back in the day for the PS2 called Graffiti Kingdom that pretty much jump-started the whole Play-Create idea. However, LBP and MNR implemented the most important idea…Share.

Graffiti Kingdom doesn't sound very intriguing but it surprised the life out of me. Creating your character and then playing with it customizing attacks and whatnot was a great idea. If a game comes along and does this again but better, with "Share", I will be a happy gamer!

14 years ago

Interesting indeed, not a day one purchase but it will be an eventual purchase for me, oh man, now I have 3 racing games to buy this year.

14 years ago

I'm diffently getting this game sounds so cool, looks so great, can't wait. we will all forget about mario cart. The wii has nothing know… oh wait did it ever have anything. this will be The second for sure racing game I'll buy this year. I havent dissided on Split second yet looks like it will be a lot of fun but there are already to many games I want to pick up.

P.S #1 game of 2010 GT5

14 years ago

This game is going to be lots of fun (: If racing is just as sweet as SMK then I'm good.

14 years ago

mmmmmmm, i dont think so!
mod nation racers has a long way to go till it can take the pie off mario kart, granted ive only played the beta.
i guess only time will tell, but i really can not see this changing anything.
mario kart has been the king of kart racing games for so long, i really cant see that changing any time soon.

14 years ago

Wow, for once, I actually agree with you.

However, I am definately open to MNR. Looking forward to seeing/playing what they bring to the table.

To be the best, you got to beat the best, and thus far that is Mario Kart.

14 years ago

The longer something remains at the top, the more inevitable it is that something will come along and topple it.

14 years ago

I hope your right Highlander, it means good things for all of us who enjoy this kind of game.

14 years ago

eh, i hope it is but i cant see that happening.
the ps3 needs more party games like this, thats one thing sony really needs to get their act on.
almost every single 360 exclusive has co-op but theres only like 3 or so ps3 exclusives that have it.
the ps3 can have 7 controllers connected at once, but whats the point if very few games let 2 be used, let alone 7.

14 years ago

This game looks very good, hopefully kids will start to get the ps3.

14 years ago

Wait, I thought we don't want kids to get the PS3 becuase we don't want PSN to turn into Live? I'm confused.

14 years ago

we DON'T want the kiddies on PS3. xbox is their happy place. stay there. all kids out of the pool.

14 years ago

We're very much looking forward to this little racer, ya know?
4/19/2010 10:37:36 AM Ben Dutka

No. We don't know. Lies! all Lies!!! You never reviewed it and your racing fan Andrew skipped over this great exclusive as well.


14 years ago

not andrew. I meant Arnold. The guy that loves to play and review racing games, except for this one for some reason.