One might argue that Call of Duty is about as mainstream as a video game franchise can be, but Activision doesn't see it that way.
No, they're going after an even larger chunk of the gaming population with another "innovative" Call of Duty installment, in development at San Francisco studio Sledgehammer and set to release some time next year. This is the "mystery" CoD that we don't know much about; we're well aware of Call of Duty 7 , currently being created in the Treyarch studio and scheduled to be on store shelves this fall. Activision COO Thomas Tippl told the Los Angeles Times as much – in the same interview where he said Infinity Ward was treated "extremely well" – and it's the last part of his quote that interests us:
"And, most recently, we've added Sledgehammer in the Bay Area. We haven't yet announced the content of their game, but it's going to be an innovative take that will further broaden the audience for Call of Duty."
Could this be the third-person perspective that rumor brought to our reporting doorstep earlier this year? Or is it something else entirely? If it's going to "broaden the audience" of the series, it has to be something popular and familiar, right…? By the way, Tippl also confirms in that interview that they have "interim leadership" in place at Infinity Ward, and despite the 13 people who have left, there are still over 100 members of that studio. Just think it's worth mentioning.
Alright, third person perspective would make it easier for me, I still won't buy it though, it's most likely the same formula as the last 2 cods (smelly like the fish), seeing as it's yet again a one year thing.
I do not care much for this series.
Me either. If the surprise is a third person perspective, I can see that getting a little more praise, but other than that, there wouldn't be anything spectacular. In fact, I doubt there is really anything that could get me into the game.
i think u lot really do hate call of duty way to much and are making your minds up about a game that hasnt even been released way to quickly
COD being a third person shooter? Like GTA? No way, that's be a huge mistake.
umm, infinity wards mw2 had a hint of 3rd person shooters with their playlist. although the maps are either too small or too plain for the 3rd person perspective.
ROTFLMAO! *more* mainstream appeal?
I guess the departure of IW means no more first person in the first person shooter genre leader….
Regarding IW, wasn't there something in the contracts about IW that basically allowed them to split with Activision sometime soon? With the leaders of IW gone, and Activision putting into place interim leaders, wanna bet whether that option to split out on their own as IW is taken? Suddenly I think I understand. Activision did not want to lose IW as an in-house property, so they removed the people in IW most likely to exercise the option to split. That's pretty damned devious if it's the case.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/19/2010 10:45:26 AM
The main bulk of it is, Activision are in the shits, and this next COD will be hyped to the max, and be pretty poor as far as games go anyway.
Innovative eh?
No more auto aim
Back to dedicated servers
Less scripted events
10+ Campaign
Actual NextGen graphics
Challenging gameplay, SP and MP
Yeah right, I have ZERO trust/faith in this series.
hold on Limited, isn't that what EVERYONE else is already offering.
i think the FPS to be interested in is Brink. and Mirrors' Edge 2 if it ever comes to exist. Here's hoping for a E3 2010 anouncement.
That's what everyone was offering a decade ago.
FPS in general is a waste in gaming technology, anyway.
I beg to differ. There are plenty of FPS that offer both an original compelling story and excellent gameplay.
"Call of Dooty in general is a waste in gaming technology, anyway."
More appropriate.
@ deathofchaos
have you played killzone 2? you could tell how much time and dedication guerilla put into that game. so all fps aren't crap. crysis 2 looks really good too. it's just activision keeps releasing these rehashed games every year with nothing new. i like treyarch though. i still love world at war
COD W@W & COD MW r the best COD games this Gen so far.
their gonna have to try everything now its sh*t
MW2 is addicting but i'll just stick with it, and then play something else. i mean i could replay MGS4 over and over, and it'd be way more fun (and emotional, that was one hell of a final scene… masterpiece!)
or buy a new game or something.
New studio might make a refreshing change of pace. Im going to keep an open mind on it anyways. I'm not siding with IW or Activision. What truly goes on behind closed doors is never revealed properly to the public.
Last edited by shaydey77 on 4/19/2010 11:21:06 AM
so they want to try to make Uncharted and SOCOM fans buy their games now?
They can take all their "innovative" ideas and shove them into an original location of B.Kotick's backside.
I'll show them something "innovative". How about boycotting all Activision published and developed games until Kotick get's his head out of his ass?
or gets tarred, feathered, and fired.
Innovative = Move and Natal support.
I'll just keep my controller thank you.
Move would be fine, Metroid Prime on the Wii is excellent with the motion controls, Natal on the other hand, pointless.
move looks promising as long as it's done right and we have hardcore titles. please sony try not to swamp us with that god awful shovel ware
'Call of Duty' and 'innovation' dont belong in the same sentence
Of course. The CoD games has only been leading the genre for years…
leading with staleness.
perhaps it will be an rpg, or maybe an mmo
wow people really don't know how to take a joke, or they are really afraid of COD ruining yet another style of game
I can't see how your comment could be construed as something disagreeable in any case.
The only innovation I'd like to see is that they release a game that isnt full of glitches
If I recall, innovative, was also used to describe that epic face palm of a game tonyhawk ride. When Activision says innovative, that means my money is staying in the bank. Think I'll hold out for what Respawn has in the works.
Innovated my ass.
Riiiiiiight, give it up Activision. Your games suck.
Sorry. Meant to give you a "thumb down" instead of up. Minus 1.
I'm calling the big surprise to innovate the series right now;
CALL OF DUTY: 10,000 B.C.
Synopsis: You play as a caveman in a group of elite cavemen who must journey across a glacier to fight off an opposing gang of caveman who have come to steal your cavewomen. Along the way, you'll fight dinosaurs (Kotickosaurus, anyone?), that squirrel thing from 'Ice Age' and your wives themselves in gruesome, hand-to-hand side-scrolling household (or in this case, cavehold) quarrels. Can you survive the experience? Activision will gladly take your money for you to find out. Available for $69.99 or you can buy the Collector's Edition that comes with an Bobby Kotick-autographed rock for only $349.99 (not suitable for children due to choking hazard… but for an $40, we'll let you kids play with it, too)!
@ tridon:
Looks like Joe and Mac for the Super NES, only in first person…
Last edited by Lex Luthor on 4/27/2010 5:13:41 PM
Oh, while I remember….
Any COD game at all is not a D1P for me…just thought I'd make that clear. 😉
Don't over use it already, you don't want to be Pepsi.
Eww…Pepsi. Who'd do that?
I want Crystal Pepsi back.
they're gonna make us play call of duty with the guitar hero controller. That's pretty innovative and guitar hero is pretty "mainstream". Although I am not a fan of either series.
Keep in mind that this is coming from a company that has Tony Hawk 32, Guitar Hero 16, and Call of Duty 9.
The only innovative thing to come out of Activision is the lack of original content and Bobby's holier than thou attitude.
I stand by my innovative statement. Activision can lick my @$$ until their tongue goes raw and I will still refuse to give any more of my hard earned (maybe not so hard…) money.
Last edited by Nynja on 4/19/2010 1:21:26 PM
Hey Sledgehammer, don't make your new innovative game TOO good or you'll be in court by 2012.
It'll probably be called CoD:World Tour, It'll come with one plastic M16 lightgun for $99.99, the special edition will include a compass, a canteen, and a small plastic shovel to dig out a latrine for $149.99. The 3 map packs will include 3 maps each from CoD2, CoD4, and MW2 respectively and will carry a $24.99 price tag.
I hope I'm joking, but at the rate Kotex (No offense to the feminine product company XD) is going I wouldn't be surprised to see this come true.
anyone have an update on the lawsuit between acti and ex-iw heads?
Resident Evil style with the ability to move while you shoot. Calling it right now.
@ Swavey,
Here are a few related links to it so far….
Activision exec Thomas Tippl speaks out on current Infinity Ward conditions….
Activision expects $1.1 billion in sales revenues…..
More jump ship at Infinity Ward….
Much more interested in what Respawn studio does…. 😉
heh heh, I'm just happy my "Kotex" moniker caught on so well 🙂
Anywho, it will be fun and funny to see what this game is all about as they continue to squeeze every last bit of creativity and money out of the series. Yeah he says it is innovative, but going even more mainstream pretty much means going even more generic.
Activision should just be a MS company since they clearly get off on selling crap to throngs of people for exorbitant prices.