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New Call Of Duty: An “Innovative Take” On The Series

One might argue that Call of Duty is about as mainstream as a video game franchise can be, but Activision doesn't see it that way.

No, they're going after an even larger chunk of the gaming population with another "innovative" Call of Duty installment, in development at San Francisco studio Sledgehammer and set to release some time next year. This is the "mystery" CoD that we don't know much about; we're well aware of Call of Duty 7 , currently being created in the Treyarch studio and scheduled to be on store shelves this fall. Activision COO Thomas Tippl told the Los Angeles Times as much – in the same interview where he said Infinity Ward was treated "extremely well" – and it's the last part of his quote that interests us:

"And, most recently, we've added Sledgehammer in the Bay Area. We haven't yet announced the content of their game, but it's going to be an innovative take that will further broaden the audience for Call of Duty."

Could this be the third-person perspective that rumor brought to our reporting doorstep earlier this year? Or is it something else entirely? If it's going to "broaden the audience" of the series, it has to be something popular and familiar, right…? By the way, Tippl also confirms in that interview that they have "interim leadership" in place at Infinity Ward, and despite the 13 people who have left, there are still over 100 members of that studio. Just think it's worth mentioning.

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14 years ago

Micro$oftie, Kotex, & Little Wada are all acting like good butt-buddies lately.

Maybe they can all chip in together to get that Vaseline in a new larger "A$$-wipe" sized 55 gallon drum.

14 years ago

If it's good and long then I'll CONSIDER buying it.

14 years ago

that's what she said

14 years ago
14 years ago

I have no planes on buying the next COD or even the one after that specialy if they go third person.

Last edited by StangMan80 on 4/19/2010 8:23:02 PM

14 years ago

I believe its more of a PS Move/Natal type of game. they have to make it sound big because of the infinity ward controversy

14 years ago

wait so its not going to be set in previous wars?
sorry, than i could not give a 2 hoots!
honestly for fu*ks sake enough is enough we have had WW2, vietnam and such styled games since the ps1 i think its time to put it to rest.
actually no, its time to put this whole military shooter to rest!
for once can i buy a new game and honestly say i have not played this game before?
once! just once thats all im asking!

14 years ago

I will not buy this, even if it gets a 10 from PSX

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

That's pretty lame oi.

14 years ago

Broaden *cough cough audience.

You mean like *cough Tony Hawk Ride?