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Singularity Singles Out A Launch Date

Hey, remember Singularity ? No? It's a game by Raven Software…makers of Wolfenstein …and Wolverine …still no?

That's probably because the game was delayed well past its original release date, which was supposedly set to be around fall of 2009. Since then, we did hear that it would land this June, although we didn't have an official release date. Now, as announced in the latest trailer , it appears that Singularity is finally cleared to hit store shelves on June 29, so mark your calendars, FPS fans. You should watch the video before passing judgment; this one might really surprise you, and personally, I'm kinda intrigued by the standard World War II setting infused with superhuman capabilities…but then again, that sounds an awful lot like Wolfenstein . We remain optimistic about most every title until we have reason to not be realistic, and for now, Singularity does have some promise. Doesn't anyone like the idea of controlling that bullet in mid-air? It's not entirely innovative or fresh, but we don't always need something original for pure entertainment value.

Besides, we can't really think of anything else towards the end of June that should take priority. Summer doesn't seem to have a huge number of blockbusters, so…

Related Game(s): Singularity

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14 years ago

F.P.S.= For Pete's Sake. Another FPS? No way no how is this gonna compete.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/18/2010 10:00:45 PM

14 years ago

You really think the time-control mechanics won't do anything special for the game?

14 years ago

I sure don't, every fps that has done it before has been cheap and gimmicky, don't see much changing here.

14 years ago

Nothing worth putting it over the top shooters of this generation.

14 years ago

@ Kraygen
Look into the game and you'll see Raven has made the time-controls into much more than a gimmick.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 4/18/2010 11:25:17 PM

14 years ago

Holy you sure this wasn't called Resistance 3: the Bioshock-enstein Chronicles?

But yeah even if this is a half decent game…why would you bother release another FPS now? I don't know, maybe it's just me but if I was a game developer, I'd look at the market and think, "Hmm, this market segment is getting pretty heavy, let's try something else that's had success but isn't too over saturated."

Unless the word gets out that this game is going to have a killer online community, this is going to be another flash in the pan if anything at all.

14 years ago

That's what I'm saying, basically if you don't have the massive capabilities of a company that goes into something like KZ2 or MW2 or BFBC2, then why even try to dent the super-saturated market with this? Wolfenstein was a massive flop.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/18/2010 11:23:47 PM

14 years ago

Damn, I was really wanting this game bad.

I like the idea of "Weaponizing time to fight the past and save the future".

But now I see kotex has gotten his dirty mitts on it, so now it's a bargain binner for me.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/18/2010 10:42:11 PM

14 years ago

"Weaponizing time to fight the past and save the future".

See: Timeshift.

14 years ago

First of all, please do not make comments about "there are too many FPSs already," they are quite annoying to those of us who enjoy the genre. Anyway…

I'm pretty stoked for this game. The time-control mechanics seem like an important strategic option instead of a gimmick like in Time Shift. You can also decay and rebuild cover as well as dissolve or mummify your enemies. The story has me intrigued as well.

14 years ago

Agree, and when Resistance 3 or KZ3 news come up then we don't hear it.

14 years ago

Cuz those games are worth the price of admission, the creme de la creme of a market drunk on mediocre FPSs, I'd be just as upset if there was a new piece of crap RPG every few months. And it is a legitimate complaint that the genre is stagnating and dragging things down.

Maybe the game won't be a piece, but I wouldn't hold my breath given its history and where it's coming from.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/18/2010 11:29:01 PM

14 years ago

World, maybe that's why Bioshock, an FPS, used an underwater environment or why Inversion is making gravity manipulation the central focus of its gameplay. Developers are creating innovations, if you bother to look for them.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 4/18/2010 11:41:46 PM

14 years ago

I wouldn't even classify Bioshock as a straight FPS since it incorporates RPG elements which make it more in line with a first person adventure from Bethesda than say MW2.

But I hope you're right and the game is good for FPS fans. I'll be sticking with Resistance and KZ.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/19/2010 12:16:15 AM

14 years ago

Whatever floats your boat, man. I just get sick of seeing the FPS hate.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 4/19/2010 12:35:52 AM

14 years ago

It's not like the only people complaining about too many shooters are people who don't like them – I've enjoyed the genre for many years. There are just way too may of them at this point. I enjoy racing games a lot, but if there were 2 or 3 racing games coming out every single month, I'd be just as bored with them as well.

14 years ago

World, I have Timeshift, & agreed, it's not that good.

But in the same token, that's not to say that Singularity can't expand on that, or even do the whole time-warping thing a lot better.

So I say give it a chance, and the more games of any genre, the better we have to choose from.
And who knows, this one could turn out to be a surprise sleeper hit, like inFamous & Arkham Asylum wound up.

And don't forget, this title was already started, and supposed to be out too, before a lot of those other FPS that have come out since their announcement. I only hope that their delay was to make a much better product.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/19/2010 3:09:48 PM

14 years ago

I'm sorry, I'll give Raven a chance, They were great back in the day and Singularity really does look pretty darn good, The way they crafted the story and integrated the time weapon as crucial to the game rather than a gimmick from what I have read and seen makes me think that it will be worth getting.
Besides, I agree with Kangasfwa, I thoroughly enjoy the FPS genre and don't think that it is over saturated. to be honest, from my point of view one could say that third person games are over saturating the market as well/more so.

Last edited by realmadpuppy on 4/18/2010 11:53:43 PM

14 years ago

First, I gotta agree with Kangasfwa on this one. When a non-exclusive unknown first-person shooter is being advertised, a number of individuals on this site are quick to bad-mouth the game or criticize it for its first-person shooter status. I think people should wait for the box to open before they criticize the contents inside…

Well…back on topic with the article, this game actually looks pretty interesting. There are some really cool videos on the web of some gameplay if you're interested. I'm interested in this game because it is about more than just shooting. The supernatural and mystery element in this game really intrigues me. I'm just glad to see the developers postpone their game to better their investment. It's better to wait for an amazing title than to get a failed experiment on time. Hopefully, this game delivers the goods!

14 years ago

…they just usually suck is all.

14 years ago

To those already bashing that's your opinion and hardly indicative of everyone. It's highly ignorant to criticize a game you've never played even if you don't intend to play it. You can't pass judgment. Also the AAA shooter market is hardly overused. There are quite a few sub-par shooters, but very few gems. And maybe this game might tap into something cool.

14 years ago

I'm definitely game for fps's, but this just looks like Time Shift meets Wolfenstein…. Trailer not making me a fan.

14 years ago

another shooter? oh dear god!
they have absolutely no hope, not only are they releasing a game thats been done a million times before.
its also being made by raven software the people who DESTROYED, VIOLATED, RAPPED, AND LEFT WOLFENSTEIN TO CRY IN A BACK ALLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved raven software for xmen origins wolverine, it was such a good game for a movie tie in.
but i will never, never, NEVER! forgive them for what they did to the daddy of FPS.

14 years ago

I don't think it is FPS "bashing" to say that companies need to cool down with releasing one after another after another. It isn't a crime to want to see more companies taking a more creative route with video games, like Heavy Rain or possibly Alan Wake, I know some people can only play FPS but others crave diverse entertainment and would see good talent put elsewhere or at the very least spread out.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/19/2010 4:09:51 AM

14 years ago

I am WAY burned out on shooters at the moment. And I've got two or three of them I haven't even started playing yet.

14 years ago

great pun

14 years ago

Activision game = pass.

14 years ago

Here's the link to a more recent Singularity trailer. This looks undeniably interesting.