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Square-Enix: Why Did You Buy The PS3 (Or 360) Version Of FFXIII?

As the March NPD results told us, the PlayStation 3 version of Final Fantasy XIII easily outsold the Xbox 360 version and while most of the fans can probably tell you why , Square-Enix still wants the answer.

If you visit the publisher's Members website , you will see they're conducting a customer survey. If you're a member, feel free to sign in and answer the questions but if you'd rather not go to all that trouble, here are two questions that may interest you:

Why did you select the PS3 version?

Why did you select the Xbox 360 version?

Well, it appears Square-Enix needs your help. Maybe they were expecting the 360 version to sell better in the US. It's unlikely they're regretting their decision – a half-million copies is nothing to sneeze at – but at the same time, they probably want a better, more accurate look at the Final Fantasy fans. Assuming most people here bought the PS3 version, why did you choose that version? I mean, besides the painfully obvious reasons of which most are well aware.

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14 years ago

I second that…

14 years ago

Looks like they need people to tell them if they made the right choice to jumped ship. Clearly they made the wrong decision.

14 years ago

yeah that's what jumped to my mind.

14 years ago

Obvious questions with obvious answers. Why do they bother with this nonsense? You'd think they'd do market research BEFORE making the game.

14 years ago

Don't they read books backwards in japan?

14 years ago

They write right to left, so that's why.

14 years ago

Well I don't plan on getting FFXIII for either platform… Just not my thing. However, I will say that I'm getting tired of only seeing the 360 version advertised on TV.

14 years ago

if i did get FFXIII obviously would be the ps3 version only because well the ps3 does not scratch the sh*t out of the disks after 3 days use!
ive had mass effect 2 for just over a week, i just got onto the 2nd disk 3 days ago it was brand spanking new and now my 360 cant read it because its scratched to hell!
how the %$#@ M$ gets away with selling such shoddy hardware is beyond me.
if it was anyone else selling this sh*t they would of had their pants sued off years ago!

14 years ago

Here is a question for one and all to discuss. If Sony had released the PS3 with the hardware reliability that the Xbox 360 has experienced, how do you think the media would have covered it? And how do you think that would compare to the almost sympathetic coverage MS has had?

Makes you think huh?

14 years ago

You complain, yet you continue to buy games for that piece of crap __________.

14 years ago

@Highlander, I'm willing to bet the obvious, the PS3 would've gotten a lot more hate than the 360 has gotten.

14 years ago

Regarding Highlander's question:

The media would be all over it. Compared to the ridiculously sympathetic coverage MS currently has, you'd think that the media itself was run by MS.

As to why, I have no idea. Maybe it's blind idiotic nationalism (support the AMERICAN console), maybe it's sour grapes-ism (buying an Xbox in the year headstart it got and then finding out PS3 was better, but not wanting to admit the mistake), or maybe it's both.

14 years ago

I agree with jawknee, they get away with crap like that because people still buy them. i mean who in their right mind would still be okay after getting their second "repaired" system crap out with the same fault let alone their 14th system.

*yeah, i was argueing with this guy on a different site. he said hes on his 14th and insists the 360 blows away the ps3. i asked why, his response was we have all the great games. asked him to give examples and all he had was halo and gears…ohh and modern warfare 2?

14 years ago

Hey, I'll give MS credit. They have created legions of mind controlled individuals.

…Live is superior…
…Blu Ray's don't matter…
…3 year warranty makes it ok…
…God of War 3 doesn't look that good…
…Who needs controllers when we have NATAL…

My personal favorite?

…Forza 3 is the defintive car simulator…

14 years ago

it is a shame there was no all of the above option

14 years ago

I lol'd at "Prefer Xbox 360's graphics appearance"
anyways, ima go fill in the poll now.

14 years ago

My theory on the 360 version coming up short in sales: FFXIII was the death knell of the console war. Millions of console owners stared across a valley of empty red bulls and pizza boxes at their 360s and felt shame for the first time. If you owned both consoles the choice was clear. This wasnt like so many times in the past when a ps3 version of a game was inferior. This was different. This was proof positive that the ps3 hardware was never to blame. The 360 version spanned three discs and it was STILL inferior. This was a cold groinslap of reality to every 360 fanboy that clung to the belief that the playstation would fade into oblivion

14 years ago

lol groinslap

14 years ago



Oh that is good. Far better than bitchslap or pimpslap, or any of the others. From now, people will deserve a sever groinslap if they step out of line!

14 years ago

"I mean, besides the painfully obvious reasons of which most are well aware."

Isn't that, like, an oxymoron or something?

I didn't buy the game, though. Do they have a survey for those who didn't buy the game too?

14 years ago

Why did you select the Xbox 360 version?

* Enjoy Xbox’s community when playing games like this *

when i read this i just laughed my ass off. I mean what does the xbox's community have to do with a game like final fantasy 13, a single player game. Then i thought that this is a POSSIBLE excuse xbots will use to justify buying this game on the 360. I laughed even more.

14 years ago

i brought FF 13 on ps3 because of a better rating on metachrick (spelling is off. i don't how to spell today lol) over the 360 version

currrenly playing
ps3 -God of War 3
360 -Forza 3

14 years ago

i wouldnt pick a game based on ratings. I suggest you ignore scores and read the actual reviews. im not saying final fantasy 13 is crap, its more of a generality. check the psxextreme review score for just cause 2. It lower than expected but a few people still love the game. if the game sounds like i'd like it, i buy it without thinking about the review score. gundam crossfire had bad review, but i still enjoyed it. probably because im interested in making robots but thats just me.

14 years ago

Of course every game has trophies and achievements, I don't get why they made that an option and that last one for the 360 "Enjoy Xbox’s community when playing games like this"…….am guessing PS3 doesn't have a community huh. It shoulda been "Xbox 360 has 3 discs and I just love to exercise my waist by standing and swapping discs"

I'm sorry Square but most of those options seem dumb and the survey as a whole. They shouldn't be asking this at all when its obvious dual platformers got it for PS3 cause news broke out that its the superior version and only-360-owners had no choice than to get it for that console.

What a strange survey, its clear Square are just disappointed the 360 version didn't do well as they expected. I'm not sure IW put up a survey to determine why the 360 version of MW2 sold better than PS3. Square, you don't seize to amaze me

14 years ago

Well i bought a PS3 in 2007 expecting Final Fantasy XIII to be a PS3 exclusive, the thought of it going to the 360 never even occured to me. When i heard it would also be on the 360 i did exactly feel cheated, because i preffered the PS3 in genereal. As i don't have a 360 the natural choice would be to get it on PS3. And i am glad i had the better version of the two, i admit i don't particualy care about the multiple discs FFVII,VIII and IX were all the same. However what i did want was FFXIII in the best quality i could be possible experience, which i felt i got with the PS3.

14 years ago

My brother gave me his PS1 with a copy of FFVII for my B-day long ago. Then when the PS2 came out, I bought it because I knew that FFX would come out for it later. But by the time the PS3 came out, I just got because I loved the first two machines….. And for once FF didn't sway my decision, and I absolutely love this console.

14 years ago

it just belongs on the ps3 period…. the history the fanbase… 50% of why i got my 600+ ps3 in the first place way before it was announced it would go multiplatform… what gets me is the "did you enjoy the xbox community" WTF is that? its not a online game….. this isi just BS and is the reason why im just renting this game from gamefly…. i havnt seen ONE commercial for this game for the PS3… but i see the xbox market it like its an exclusive… I honestly hate the direction this franchise took after final fantasy X… x2 was very girly? almost felt like gals night when i played it

14 years ago


-1 disc,
-I have a 46inch full 1080P TV and I didn't want to get crappy video resolution from the compression on the 360 game,
-The game was first made on PS3,
-Uncompressed sound is pretty neat.
Final Fantasy is pretty much the reason I got a PS3 3 years ago.
-My 360 died on me 3 times and I didn't want to have to postpone my gameplay if it happened again LOL.

*So um yeah why not get the superior version on a system that won't let me down* Is what I thought.

Last edited by VicTheMighty on 4/17/2010 10:36:59 AM

14 years ago

Now whoever is doing this…is pretty LAME and doesn't know/understand gaming…AT ALL. LOL

Choosing FF on Xbox over, PS3…The only reason you should pick the Xbox version is if your family is tied up with a AK-47 to there heads, your gf/bf is threatened to be raped, and you…yourself have a desert eagle to your head.

Bottomline, 360>PS3?? Your nut's and outta your mind…

14 years ago

i bought it on ps3 because

a. ps3 is my console of choice
b. it is blasphemy to play it on anything else

14 years ago

errr…because the 360 is a piece and Final Fantasy has traditionally been a Sony exclusive.

I filled mine out yesterday. I made no mention of my disappointed about this game being dumbed down for the DVD format. i did however let them know that their attempt to "Westernize" their games has failed miserably and that us long time fans of Square and Final Fantasy and most of us agree XIII is the worst of them all.

I also sent them an email about a week ago letting them know just how disappointed in FFXIII i was. Surprisingly they replied with an apology and advised our feedback is welcome and all will be forwarded to their superiors. I suggest all of you who have played FFXIII(who were underwhelmed) or who have just been annoyed with Squares behavior this gen shoot them an email. Only takes 5 minutes.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/17/2010 1:58:28 PM

14 years ago

Sweet. Thank you for your effort. They most certainly need to stop with all this westernizing stuff.

14 years ago

I could only click it once, but +10 thumbs up man. Good job.

14 years ago

Awesome, I'll do the same.

14 years ago

Why did you select the PS3 version?

* Prefer PS3's graphics appearance (check)
* Controller preference (maybe)
* PlayStation Trophies (doesn't matter)
* PS3 is my console of choice (check)
* PS3 version had only one disc (check)
* Other (it was originally made for the Ps3 anyway)


Why did you select the Xbox 360 version?

* Prefer Xbox 360's graphics appearance (no)
* Controller preference (no)
* Achievements (no)
* Xbox 360 is my console of choice (definitely no)
* Enjoy Xbox’s community when playing games like this (?)
* Other (more DVDs for my collection?)


I don't understand this survey. It's so lopsided.

Last edited by daus26 on 4/17/2010 2:25:39 PM

14 years ago

you know wut, for me to answer their questions, I only have one answer as below:

"The 360 version SHOULD NOT have been made in the first place. FF13 should stay as PS3 only, and should have towns, free exploration and a world map."– that is my only answer, period.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 4/17/2010 4:13:12 PM

14 years ago

You know, it's not my fault nor our fault that the people at Square Enix feel like dumb-asses for porting FF13 to the 360. It's not our fault that they decided to market an exclusive FF13 360 console that won't be worth sh** in years to come.

Square Enix feels like idiots for selling out their Final Fantasy series for a chance at better numbers or more dollars in going muti-plat. Well let the numbers show that without an exclusive Final Fantasy XIII PS3 system, more units of FF13 sold on the PS3. Imagine if they had brought out a FF13 PS3 system, numbers would have covered what the 360 sold.

14 years ago

That exclusive console will be worth only what the case is worth sine the hardware inside will almost certainly have failed.

14 years ago

The game is okay, to begin with.

14 years ago

I choose all of the PS3's responses and none of the xbox's responses 🙂

14 years ago

On other forums/sites I frequent, people who chose the 360 version (including some who owned BOTH PS3s and 360s) said it was because of their friends list/achievements… I mean, REALLY now? They willingly chose the technically inferior version just so they can show their list of XBL friends that they are currently playing FFXIII at any given moment + the possibility of using cross-game chat (which I can kinda see as a positive, since some of the battles can get monotonous).

But still. Foolish reasons from them all

14 years ago

C'mon they're just wrapping up their test on westernizing FF and molding the masterpiece 13versus…… I hope

14 years ago

C'mon they're just wrapping up their test on westernizing FF and molding the masterpiece 13versus…… I hope

14 years ago

Why did you select the Xbox 360 version?

Prefer Xbox 360's graphics appearance
Controller preference
Xbox 360 is my console of choice
Enjoy Xbox’s community when playing games like this
It will get the RROD when I play and then I will have a reason to get a PS3 which is better.