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Polyphony: Prologue And GT5 Are “Totally Different”

As we continue to wait for Gran Turismo 5 – which series creator Kazunori Yamauchi keeps saying is "90% complete" – the only sampling we have is in the form of Gran Turismo 5: Prologue .

And while it's certainly a demo of the full game, one has to remember just how much time has elapsed since the release of Prologue : the latter became available around Christmas of 2007, believe it or not. Therefore, one really shouldn't assume that such a demo is truly indicative of the final version; according to CVG , Yamauchi says GT5 will be "totally different." We're not really surprised at all but it's probably important to remind the fans that just because they may have played Prologue to death, that doesn't mean they know how GT5 will be. Said Yamauchi to PSM3 magazine:

"Prologue is really only a prologue. Though the look and feel of Prologue and the full version will have uniformity, the full version will be totally different in terms of scale and diversity in comparison."

That likely goes without saying but again, there appear to be a great many people who are treating Prologue like one of those standard demos that pops up a week before a game releases. This is a whole different thing and when you sit down to play GT5, you'll recognize the changes and upgrades immediately. At least, you should.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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14 years ago

so they freaking better be considering prologue released what 2 years ago?

anyway, did that really need saying?
i mean prologue had 1 track, no damage models, no nascar, no rally, few cars, few driving options.
there putting a sh*t load of work into this, and for that i thank them, but i think i speak for the majority when i say for fu**s sake just release the freaking thing!
GT5 is already 20 times better than any driving sim out there, is that not good enough?

14 years ago

Whoopty Doo.

14 years ago

Well I hope so! If there wasn't, that would mean it was 90% 3 years ago, too! haha.. I had to say it..