It hasn't been officially announced but if it isn't common knowledge, it's certainly "common sense" to assume Naughty Dog is already working on a third Uncharted title.
Or so says voiceover industry celebrity Nolan North, who will undoubtedly be back to voice the popular protagonist of the series, Nathan Drake. He doesn't spill the beans – he's really not supposed to, ya know – but there are enough subtle winks in his latest interview to convince the entire world that Uncharted 3 is indeed a reality. In speaking to PlayStation Chat in a recent podcast, North was asked if he's working on what everyone expects. His reply:
"I’m not supposed to talk about that. I’ve been told I can’t say one way or another. But I will ask a question back: Do you think it would be financially responsible of Sony to not make a third game that has made hundreds of millions of dollars for their company?
You’ve just got to use your common sense. What do you think? I’m not supposed to say one way or the other. I would encourage everyone to tap into their common sense."
He goes on to ask us to consider if such a project would be a "sound decision" by Sony and of course, we all know the answer to that. I guess we should probably start requesting certain things of Naughty Dog; what do you want to see in Uncharted 3 ? Personally, I just want Chloe back. Or…I just want…Chloe's "back." …yeah. Something like that.
Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Well i will be buying it day one for sure, as with most other ps3 owners.
Yeah I bought Uncharted 2 on the first day at Blockbuster(LOL) because the first one was good and the second was awesome, Now i have to pre-order Uncharted 3
lol i love this guy. Practical and to the point without breaking his promise not to talk.
Can't wait. Been getting the urge to play the Uncharted 2 campaign again.
same urge here, it rises up even though I have much yet to complete elsewhere.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/14/2010 10:06:35 PM
Me too. I have too many games i need to finish before i replay other ones.
But Sony has no games. 😉
"Sony has no games" I know huh! I am definately regretting my purchase of the PS3. I should have bought a Xbox360 last year instead. Look at all the games I have missed out on in that time. I could have had all those exclusives this past year. Let's see…hmmm…gimme a sec dammit!
Oh, Mass Effect! Yes, I could have gotten that…ermm…couple of Halo games, YES!
Hrmmm, come to think of it, I think I'll stick with my PS3, and get stuck playing U2, GOWIII, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls, LBP, Infamous that have come out since I've had my little black vibrating joy giver. Referring to my Dualshock 3, I lost my black dildo years ago.
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 4/14/2010 10:40:33 PM
Better rush out and get one Myworst! Or else your gonna miss out on all 5 hours of Splinter Cell C! Not to mention Gears of War 3. its "sure to look better then Uncharted 2!"
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/14/2010 10:53:10 PM
Splinter Cell Conviction: bad graphics.
Splinter cell actually looks really nice in the trailers, until you see the gameplay. The bodies look realistic, but once you look at the face, it's like a cardboard box.
I also noticed a lot of resemblence to MGS4. We had that 2 years ago and it still looks better.
Last edited by godsman on 4/15/2010 12:11:23 AM
Let's hope for a Fall 2011 release…as far as I'm concerned, they can reuse just about all of Uncharted 2's assets. I can't imagine making a "better" game next time around.
@The X Factor 9
Can't imagine? True, it's hard… But ND is a beast in graphics. They can beat their previous installment. They'll put it to shame!
…Well, not too much, I hope.
A high quality Uncharted 3 with even more of what was good will be sick
Jak 3 was amazing
I can already see them ending the series with a serious bang. They'll definitely let it all shine!
LMAO chloe's back, awesome… i want them to make the story a little longer it was a great story but in my opinion it should have been a little longer
Lol its so true. It would be moronic to stop the Uncharted saga now.
Chloe's definitely got "back." I didn't play the first Uncharted until U2 was nearly out so there was almost no wait, but the wait for this is going to be interminable. Still, at least we know another PS3 exclusive Game of the Year is on the way.
If Prison Break can run for four seasons then yeah, there's going to be an UC3 and UC4.
I never understood how it takes you so many seasons to break out of prison.
yeah how could that ever be a show?
after season 2 prison break was a** cheeks
Naw i dont want chloe back!!! i want chloe's front 🙂
Both lookin finee.
It is common sense, but Naughty Dog is coming out with Co-op maps. They needed the original voices for the new dialogues. For now he probably just voicing the Co-op.
If they didnt announce anything this E3, they probably aren't working on anything. This time they should have headlines "Uncharted 3 graphics and stories outperforms Crysis 2. "
Wait Uncharted 2 made hundreds of millions?
Millions? I was hoping billions… Ah, sad.
60 bucks multiply by 4,000,000 = 240,000,000 simple mathematics.
Nolan North does a lot more than just Nathan Drake. He's in a ridiculous amount of video games. The guy is the Unreal Engine of voice acting. Look him up at IMDB to see his body of work. (Google IMDB if you don't know what it is.)
Last edited by Hezzron on 4/14/2010 11:31:46 PM
For some reason hes just bad in Assassin's Creed. Who ever wrote his lines should be fired.
….and the Prince Of Persia.
Halo STD I think too, but he's not the Unreal 3 engine of voiceovers because that engine is old and lame.
I think he's just plain best as Nathan Drake. 'Nuff said.
If Nolan was the Unreal Engine of voice acting we'd have Jawknee complaining about voice tearing.
As soon as they announce the 3rd I will be running to preorder my copy. love uncharted.
@ Godsman I'm with you… I watched like the first season and then went ok so they're out that should be the end right nope it kept going like bad reruns of saved by the bell LOL!
Last edited by Robochic on 4/14/2010 11:49:36 PM
has anybody noticed how youtube is no longer available on the ps3 web browser?
You still have to post this in the Medal of Honor story today.
It's working fine for me.
For one, it would be financially IRRESPONSIBLE to not make a third installment. However, more than honestly, I can't see a fourth installment coming into the picture. It'd be great, but maybe a bit too far and too much. And Nolan just screams that they're working on Uncharted 3. Kinda hard not to see that.
And as much as I hate to disagree with you John, I would HATE for Chloe to come back. She's just such a skank… 'Scuse my improper language. I'd like to see some new characters with some of the old. And more than ANYTHING I want good old Sully to be in on the adventure this time. It made me sad when he only showed up for the first and last parts of the game…
Seeing as Naughty Dog is obviously working away at Uncharted 3, I'm sure they will blow our minds even more than they ever have. ND can only get better now that they have a great big foundation to work off of. Hell, Drake's Fortune was a good enough foundation and now Among Thieves is just some extra, extra padding in the mix.
Anywho, I fully trust ND to give us their best and I'm not scared that they'll mess anything up. No matter what happens in their third installment, I'm sure it will receive the highest scores for graphics, character development, environment, storyline, and voice acting.
And yes, it WILL be revolutionary "this time". I'm putting all my money on that one.
S'matter, you never heard of a classy skank? 😉
Those chicks RULE.
Lol sure! Let's not forget good ol' Bayonnetta. She tops them all, hands down!
Chloe is the kind you take on a vacation to Shangri-la, Elena is the kind you marry later on when you start to get old.
I agree that Uncharted 3 will be the last this generation. There were 3 Crash games, then CTR. Three Jak games, then Jak racing. I expect to see 3 Uncharted games then something else. Probably not Uncharted Racing, but some spinoff from the series.
Well, Nathan Drake IS in ModNation Racers…
What we need is Uncharted Team Racing XD!
Haha exactly what I was thinking… Wacky Uncharted Team Racing. Now that's awesome :0
@ World
Unless they both want to go to Shagri-la. (wink wink).
no, ND we do not want another uncharted game we have more than enough TPS as it is!
all we want is a remake of the crash bandicoot series, good old 2D platforming fun!
i cant believe no one has really done a 2D platformer for this gens consoles yet, there perfect for PSN or XBLA titles.
ive been playing the experimental weapons mode in shadow complex and have been having a blast!
closest thing to a 2D platformer we have ever had, and probably ever will on this gens consoles.
oh, what i would give to turn back time to 1995.
Mega Man just called to say "Thanks."
If you want to play some 2D platform game, just break out your PS and there you go. Don't want to hook that up? Go to PSN and download yerself some 2D games. There ya go. Many solutions to a simple problem.
Obviously, you've never played Uncharted. AT ALL. And obviously, you have no good taste. AT ALL. As seen by your other comments in the past, you like the oldies. Go ahead, go back to them, no one's stopping you. But, welcome to the future. ND will not remake them. Go cry little boy. Go cry.
no ive never played uncharted, or uncharted 2 i just got the plat for both by watching others play it.
and name 1 2D platformer ps1 game on the AU PSN store.
the only 2 i can think of are pandamonium and oddworld, and neither of those are on the AU store.
and i dont have a ps1, i dont keep 15 year old equipment especially electronics because they can barley last 5, let alone 10, let alone 15 years!
Another uncharted 3 would be great but I'm kinda shootered out atm. A Jack and Dexter would be nice though. But what they should be more careful this time is with the amount of bugs. I found a lot of bugs in the game.