Although Crytek has admitted to difficulties in jamming their massive CryEngine 3 onto consoles, they have said the PlayStation 3 has done "slightly better" in receiving it.
This is in comparison to the Xbox 360 version of the game. As studio business development lead Carl Jones told PSM3 , not only has the studio not encountered some of the problems other designers have had with Sony's machine, they've gotten "slightly more performance" out of the PS3. That being said, Jones added that Crysis 2 would become the best looking title available "on every platform" and thus far, those who have seen it are forced to agree. Said Jones to the magazine:
"We haven't found it more difficult to develop for PS3. We're lucky in the fact that we've come to the generation slightly later than other people – the ones who were trying to build the first technology and games were surprised at how different the PS3 was. We took our time and worked out the right way to approach it.
At the moment, we're getting slightly more performance from PS3 compared to 360. I'm very confident that products using CryEngine 3 are going to come out as the best looking, or at least in the top three, on every platform."
"Best looking" on the PS3 could be tough, what with titles like Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Killzone 2 , Heavy Rain and God of War III already pushing the visual envelope this generation. But considering the power behind the CryEngine 3, we're certainly expecting a top 3 graphical performance from Crysis 2 . Anything less would indeed be a disappointment…
HAHA Who would have thought…. (sarcasm). (-:
Not me…given the closer similarities to PC hardware in the Xbox 360, I was thinking it would be the other way 'round. Has been in the past, at any rate.
Me, neither. Especially since the 360 has more Graphics RAM (or sharable as they put it), which was the most common complaint of 3rd party multiplatform developers. However, if the CryEngine 3 was truly optomised for the ps3 Cell architecture for it's version, than I would expect it to perform more than just "slightly better" than the low/medium-end pc settings, which is what the 360 boils down to.
Yeah I can see both of your points, no doubt. However, overall the PS3 has just had a better track record for better graphics but again that was generally only true on exclusives…. I guess maybe my inner fanboy got the best of my comment . hahah
Although it says "At the moment" (which means it could change in the future), I can't help but imagine a victory FF fanfare in my head. *twirls sword*
Yeah, I guess Valve ruined me. I always expect less from PC games on my ps3. This is good news to know.
Neo…the only Valve game on the PS3 wasn't even done by Valve so what are you smoking?
The games in the Orange Box were old too. Left 4 Dead 2 looks pretty sweet.
@Limited. Yes, I know that much. Whether they made it or not, I still hold them responsible for the lack of support for it. As a company they should hold some responsibility on quality control. I've even read articles where they were apologizing for the way it turned out, and they are working to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm just mad because I love me some Team Fortress (one of the only online games I really like) and the ps3 version is the worst one from what I hear.
And I haven't been smoking anything. Been dry for a week now and getting irritable. So, don't mess with me, or I'll bite your little alien tongue off and use it for TP. lol. I kid, I kid….kinda.
dont even remind me of the final fantasy victory fanfare. i'm still pissed that they didnt use it in final fantasy 13
Gonna buy it
hmm Crytek did say we would see a game that would surpass anything we have seen visually on the ps3 …now its only slightly better than the xbox version!
I was thinking the exact same thing while reading this article.
ha, i still don't think this game will look better then Uncharted 2 or God of War 3. The console versions anyway. I just don't see how it can. It's a multiplat!
There's a game play video making its way around the internet. I looks good but not Uncharted2/God of War3 good. Personally i think they are just hyping this up. Which is fine, but i won't believe it will be the "best looking game on consoles" until i see it on my TV. But that may never happen cause I may end up buying it for my Vaio. 🙂
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/14/2010 11:05:45 AM
I can see it passing Killzone 2. It's older. But GOW3 and Uncharted 2?
Look at FF13.
Im not sure what your saying. Final Fantasy XIII is not as good as Uncharted 2 and God of War III. GoW3's in game graphics are almost on par with Squares high res prerendered cut scenes.
I don't even think it will look better then Killzone 2. I was playing that last night for a few hours, that game is gorgeous. but i could be wrong.
Sorry for not clarifying it.
One FF13, the visual and audio is worse on the 360 when compared to the PS3.
This is how I expect Crysis 2 to be.
ah, i see. i agree. thats how it should be. 😉
still waiting for a semblance of a game… Doesnt help matters that they're bad mouthing anything and everything without proving much at all yet.
Exactly. They keep talking but have yet to show us anything longer then a few minutes of a bit better then Youtube quality game play footage and a new prerendered trailer. The graphics look good, but i'm going to predict it falls short. Especially stacked up to God of War III. God that game is pretty.
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/14/2010 11:17:06 AM
Nice news, an american multiplat developer which makes the PS3 version look better, now let's just hope they keep it on top.
I too don't think it will look better than the latest PS3 exclusives, but as long as the PS3 version is the best looking console version, you won't hear me complain about graphics, unless they really suck, but they don't, for as far as I have seen.
They are German.
I am so buying this game! the trailer looks too awesome(plus I loved the first one).
I might buy it with Move support IF it's as good as they make it sound like it is, cause I'm a rookie when it comes to shooters.
These guys sounds like some arrogant big shot. You don't see improvements JUST by waiting to develop the games. Not like developers share their secrets with you. Other developers make their mistakes with their first games and refine their approach on their next PS3 game, so you can see improvements. Being their first PS3 game, watch they make the same mistakes the early adopters did.
Meh, if you're talented and you've proven it I see nothing wrong with being cocky.
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 4/14/2010 12:24:46 PM
I… kinda didn't understand what you said, Godsman. Could you rephrase that?
Slightly better on the PS3…
WAY better on the PC…
Except sales will be WAY better on PS3 & Xbox
I doubt it, even when you factor in the amount of Piracy prevalent on the PC.
How much did Crysis 1 sell?
Wasn't it under 1 million? Think that's why Crytek decided to go multiiplat, no?
Have to agree with Godsman on this one. There is no way the PC version will sell anywhere near what the consoles will sell.
Pretty positive the PC version will be head and shoulders above the console version as far as graphics but there are just too many console users for the PC version to even come close in sales.
^Not only that, PC gamers would have to upgrade their gaming rigs if they want to enjoy the best out of Crysis 2 (since, after all, it's going to be the best-looking PC game out there). Alot of people wouldn't want to bother doing that.
the PC will likely get my purchase.
my pc couldn't even run the install screen, and it was top of the line in 2001!
P4 1.7 Ghz
ATI Radeon 9700
TURTLE BEACH sound card!
i….i just don't understand…
SquishySoftness- Your processor sucks, and you barely have any ram, if you upgraded those two things, you would probably be able to play it without any problems.
Those computer specs sucked a decade ago, what the hell were you expecting?
Haha, those specs would bottleneck the operation of Win7! 😛 And to set the record straight, a CPU & RAM would help it generally run better, but won't make it gaming worthy. Easily fixed, though. A new CPU/Mobo combo, 4gb ddr2 @800mhz, a 9series Geforce card, some more HDD and a better PSU. It can be done for under $400. Hell, it could be done for under $300 if you super-budget buy.
Being on both sides of the playing field teaches you something many don't realize. First, most adult console gamers are closet gamers. Secondly, every adult PC gamer hides behind a alias only known on the internet! haha.. More than enough PC gamers will be picking up this game. Are there going to be as many as PS3/Xbox gamers? Maybe, if you pick one of the consoles, but not as many as both console sales combined.
I'm definitely liking what I'm hearing so far about this game, though! 😉
"I'm very confident that products using CryEngine 3 are going to come out as the best looking, or at least in the top three, on every platform."
From best to top 3?
It's good they are making a good port for the ps3 and not some afterthought trash.
I don't believe any of them are ports. it sounds to me that are developing each platform independently.
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/14/2010 12:59:01 PM
"We took our time and worked out the right way to approach it."
Now if every other cross-plat developer could be this intelligent the ps3 might actually get some good cross-plat games.
Simply stating that the 360 can compete with ps3 graphics is they keep on saying how good it is, remember, the game is on both systems!!! However the PS3 might outdo the 360 by a bit, still proves it's better, but it goes to show there is really no reason to argue about graphics when the 2 are very close. It's mainly 360 games that have a lot smoother game play than PS3 because, it's easier to work with it.
I just hope the PS3 version runs smooth, I really could care less about graphics than game play.
Last edited by thj_1980 on 4/14/2010 2:47:15 PM
It's just hype, even Battlefield BC2 was talking about looking better than Uncharted 2. I'll be shocked if it looks as good as Killzone 2. Any way, I'm not caring about this game. I'd try a demo though.
they spicifically said their "Vistas" will be better than uncharted 2. never said it was going to look better over all. Being an FPS, i could care less about their vistas because i'm more concerned by what is down my sights. the arica harbor map on rush was cool but had too much exploits. if you're defending, you can snipe from the mountain even if the enemy reaches the last defense point. I was so pissed because i kept getting sniped by someone no matter where i hid. turned out he was behind the attacking team the whole time. i had to hike to take the guy down. then theres places where attackers cant reach but defenders can snipe no problem.
johnld is correct. they did say vistas but even then im not sure they were accurate.
yeah, I didn't feel like clarifying because it's just madness either way. Not that DICE didn't have some nice vistas in there, but it seems like multiplat developers crow a lot about how good their stuff will look and it just never reaches exclusive style status.
Multiplats will never look at as good as Uncharted 2.
the bulletstorm guys said their "set pieces" are going to be way better than uncharted 2.
same old song and dance. everyone's gunning for the champ.
it should be noted that i'll believe it when i see it. and maybe not even then…
Like I have already said, if any 3rd party multi format developer can do it, it will be Crytek.