Not long ago, I wanted to know where my beloved Devil May Cry series had gone . Then, we heard that in addition to Enslaved , Ninja Theory was working on some mysterious project .
…yeah, I know what you're thinking. "How can those two things be related?" Well, you might be in for a surprise: according to The Silent Chief citing the upcoming May edition of Game Informer, the Heavenly Sword developer is actually working on a new Devil May Cry . Has Capcom really farmed out their acclaimed DMC franchise? The quote is clear:
"Loose Talk has learned that Enslaved isn’t the only game Ninja Theory is working on-we’ve heard that the Cambridge, England developer is being tapped for the next Devil May Cry."
Heavenly Sword really was one of the best PS3 games early on and we've been pining for a sequel ever since. Enslaved really does look promising but something like a new DMC might be right up Ninja Theory's alley. After all, HS really was a lot like DMC and in some ways, this new developer could refine the visuals and style just a bit. We'll still want that cocky, bad-ass attitude, though…
Anyway, we'll definitely have to keep a close eye on this.
The DMC series has been hit and miss. The first was fantastic, 2 was trash, 3 was too effin' hard and 4 was good.
I want Heavenly Sword, but for an old game it seems to be constantly over priced still. I guess 1.5 mil sold doesn`t qualify it as a Greatest Hit candidate.
I wonder what the criteria is for a greatest hits game. It certainly can't be sales, as you point out. COD4 has sold quite well also, but will we ever see it as a greatest hits? Call of Duty 3 is, however, it can't have sold near as many as COD4 has.
It must come down to price. If Activision decides to start charging $29.99 for COD4, then it can become a greatest hit.
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 4/13/2010 12:56:32 PM
Try Amazon.
Amz has it for about $30….I was hoping for the $20 range, like other PS3 exclusives that were released around the same time. $30 isn't horrible, it's just that I hear HS is really short.
A GH candidate has to sell well, and the publisher probably has to agree to the price drop. Those games you mentioned are courtesy of Activision. 'Nuff said.
Last edited by Hezzron on 4/13/2010 1:00:51 PM
It's short but not that short. And I think it's definitely worth $30 in my opinion. I plan on buying it again just to keep in my collection.
Heavenly sword is platinum over in europe. US guys have platinum right? or is it actually called greatest hits?
well, its platinum (which means cheap) over here. apart from in GAME where everything is F*CKING over priced
Zoringo, I would have thought the term "Platinum" was trademarked by Microsoft for their collection of games.
I 100% agree with every word you said regarding the DMC franchise. I loved the first but then the second one totally ruined everything for me. The third was too hard. The fourth was decent but I hated Nero. I hope this series can get back on track.
I've been also looking for a good deal on the game but the price is still too high, even a used copy here in NYC… Will keep looking, I really want to play that game.
If you don't mind buying used, it's $20.50 on Glyde Excellent, or $14.50 Good. Here's the address:!viasearch/products/7947613/Heavenly-Sword
Everything I've bought on Glyde has been very good quality so far, but I would go for the Excellent condition copy myself.
bought my HS copy 4 $20 in late 2008 off of amazon.
personally , i loved 3 the most, YOU HAVE to be on the ball with styles and such, but its the more divers and dinamic of the dmcs , my favorite because of that, and the weapons are badass too
Actually keep the bad-ass attitude, ditch the cocky attitude. DMC1 Dante was the best.
But this is really… what's the word… unreal. The DMC franchise is Capcom's, and it's huge. It doesn't make sense for Capcom to just throw away one of its bigger franchises.
Buuut… if this is true, then here's hoping they make it exclusive to the good ol' Pee Ess Three. God forbid the Xbox 360 holds back the PS3's potential again.
I couldn't have said it better…………
So right about the bad-ass attitude, and losing the cocky attitude
Didn't Ninja Theory say they wouldn't be making exclusive games because Heavenly Sword didn't sell well and it didn't make sense for them to be an exclusive developer?
Not to burst a bubble of hope or anything but I don't think we will be seeing another exclusive DMC.
Much in the same that I don't think we will see anything go from multi-plat back to exclusive to be honest. It doesn't make financial sense really and that is the motivating factor for most if not all of these companies. Some must just want to make the best game they can though.
Yeah whatever…I still want Heavenly Sword 2!
This is weird and exciting at the same time. o_0
I want a Heavenly Sword 2 damnit!
"Heavenly Sword really was one of the best PS3 games early on and we've been pining for a sequel ever since"
um, heavenly sword was a crappy titlte all the and thank goodness Sony made a good move and dump them.
How was Heavenly Sword crappy??
TO me the pacing for the game was terrible .I didnt really enjoy it as much as other people did, but I cant complain about the voice acting because that was great.
I thought everything about the game was great. My only complaint is the length of game play.
Whatever your opinion on the game, it wasn't a "crappy title"
Gotta love those that call certain games "crappy" but don't back up their statements with any valid reasons. Hell give us a few invalid reasons, at least that's something!
He has no valid reasons because the game wasn't "crappy."
Just ignore it.
Am I the only one who is ecstatic about this???? WTH guys???
Heavenly sword is bigger than all DMC( excluding 1 , I played it till the cd burnt down)
still HS is one of the "Thank God I have a Ps3 " kind of game, the game is way beyond awesome, especially Kai's fight with that weird ass guy, that was priceless , can't believe u guys. And even if it's a multiplat it wont suck….
P.S GeOW 3 trailer is sick , makes me want a new XBOX
i see hs like bayonetta, wonderful game but i never could get into it, duno maybe it was the setting or i was craving other kind of gaming at the time, but it never caught my interest enought to keep playing it, bayonetta had one of the most awsome fight systems ive seen in a hack and slash game, but the tongueincheekiness was waayyy wayyy wayyyyyy overdone, buterfly wings when i double jump? seriously? and yeah lets make lil colored buterflys fly out as particle effects too! i felt like puking after 15 mins, no thanx
Heavenly Sword is better than devil may cry
I beg to differ but to each their own. Than again, if DMC was still an exclusive, believe you me that DMC would resonate much more loudly with current PS3 owners than the way it does now. There's no way I can knock HS but again, DMC is at its 4th title for a reason and hopefully we'll get a 5th. Still iffy about Ninja Theory doing a DMC. Bey was similar in so many ways so there's still plenty of fantastic hope, but again, Bey sucked so much A$$ for the PS3. Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come.
Last edited by Dridion on 4/13/2010 1:22:03 PM
i will agree with what you said. being that is my opinion and everyone has their own. i was never big on dmc. i know everyone will not agree with me but i just never cared for those games.
I agree, HS definitely was better, imo
I was referring to Beyonetta when I wrote "Bey." Sorry for not clarifying that :p. Don't know how to spell it so I shortened it lol.
You're right, not everyone loves DMC as much as me. I do understand you though. For what it was worth, though it was a short game, HC was a fantastic title.
Last edited by Dridion on 4/13/2010 3:16:45 PM
Heavenly Sword was just OK for me.
It would nice to see where A new developer would take the DMC franchise.
DMC is rated higher than i have so far been interested. the next istallment probably wont compete with GOW3, so ill just replay that and put my money elsewhere.
however if it does rock, then f*ck yeah!
Ninja Theory has really lost it, imo
Seriously lol…..
Ninja may cry…
Maybe they won't be doing a numbered installment but some kind of spinoff instead.
I thought Heavenly Sword was decent but somewhat disappointing. Controlling the arrows and whatnot that you shot with the Sixaxis was fun but extremely frusterating at times. The gameplay became rather repetitive, too. I guess it's because I wasn't that into the storyline. I mean, God of War has repetitive gameplay but it's the storyline that makes that game kick major ass. Without really caring about the characters, it's hard to care about the game.
Story wise, Heavenly Sword is in the same level or even beyond God of War
I like GOW more, trust me
But if there's one thing HS does better than most action/adventure games of this kind is present an amazing story and characters.
PS: You can control the arrows with the analog stick. Just go to options.
LOL… I guess looking at the options menu might help every now and then, eh?
I know a lot of peeps loved the HS storyline but I just didn't really care for it. I still recommend the game to people, though, if I know they like the genre. It's all a matter of preference, right?
I'm not feeling too hot about this. Usually when a series is handled by a different development team, it doesn't live up to previous installments. I'm not going to say that Ninja Theory are going to mess it up (they've had experience from Heavenly Sword), but we've seen this happen A LOT of times before. The DMC series is a good example: DMC and DMC2 were made from totally different teams. It was good to see that they got better with DMC3, but with what happened with DMC2 only shows that transitions from A to B in terms of development aren't always successful. That's probably the reason I'm not so crazy about Dead Rising 2
Last edited by sonic1899 on 4/13/2010 2:01:23 PM
Was the 4th handled by a different team?? cause i whole-heartedly hated that one.
Well, at least we should be able to look forward to decent dialogue again.
Not a fan of DMC. I bought the original and enjoyed it for what it was but I haven't liked any of the others in the series.
While we are at it, could we get Quantic Dream to do a "Clock Tower" Game? This idea just got stuck in my head after playing "The Taxisermist" DLC, the most scared I've been playing a video game in a very long time. Much scarier than any other part of Heavy Rain…
Can't wait for the next DMC, but i don't think ninja theory should handle it… DMC4 was pretty good IMO and the guys that did that game should continue the series… Ninja Theory should do another Heavenly Sword… There's like 35 million PS3s out there… if they sold one sold 1.5 million copies when there was like 3 million PS3s bought at the time, imagine how much they would sell now… Heavenly Sword is a very old game and there was a lot of games out already out now when the PS3 starting getting momentum so i wouldn't expect a lot of ppl to fork out $60 dollar for a 2 or 3 year old game… It should definitly b in the GH list
I just hope it will be a PS3 exclusive, like I do with every other upcoming game, even though I know it won't, all games should be PS3 exclusive from now on IMO.
I'm unconvinced Ninja Theory has the chops to make a standout DMC title, though they could surprise me. I'm sure they could make something better than DMC2 in their sleep, but topping, say, DMC3 is a different story all together.
The text of this news piece keeps disappearing once the page has loaded. It's happening on three different browsers. Anyone else having this issue? I would like to read this piece.
I'll say this one more time:
"It's coming to the xbox as well so no worries, it will suck"…
Simple reason, all previous DMC's were created for PS brand…
DMC4 was multi and see where that lead us…
I lost all hope in Silent Hill, Devil May Cry and Grand Theft Auto going back to greatness unless they are EXCLUSIVES…
If not, forget it, maybe IF and only IF those games hit the bargain bin, I'll buy them for $20 or less