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New Silent Hill Teased, More Details To Come At E3

We've heard that Konami would produce another Silent Hill entry at some point and now, we've got a bit more information to relate.

The publisher held a press event last night in San Francisco and according to a summary by 1Up , they finished the show with a short trailer of the new project in question. It didn't really tell us much – just some dude sitting on the edge of a bed, then the world "morphs" (standard Silent Hill fare) and then gets attacked from behind – but it may not have anything to do with the last release, Shattered Memories . We don't have an official title but the developer for Shattered Memories , Climax, is not handling this game. In fact, Vatra Games has the design responsibilities and up until now, we've only known them for working on the upcoming Rush 'N Attack . The team is also working on other "high-end action titles for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC" so maybe we should be encouraged. But when we know next to nothing about a studio like Vatra, it's easy to become skeptical… Even so, we're not about to pass judgment until we've learned a lot more about the game and that info should arrive at E3. The teaser vid closed with "more to come at E3," so we're perfectly willing to wait.

So, survival/horror fans, are you more about Silent Hill or Resident Evil ? That's a debate that isn't likely to die out any time soon.

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14 years ago

I never got into this series. Always seemed like a Resident Evil wannabe. But now that RE officially sucks, ill keep my eyes on this new Silent Hill. Maybe ill dig.

14 years ago

The first 3 Silent Hills were the scariest games I've ever played until I played Siren for PS3.

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
14 years ago

Your comments cannot be taken seriously because you are forgetting the grand champions of scary games: Fatal Frame 1 and 2…

Honestly, makes RE and SH just bedtime stories…

Last edited by Lex Luthor on 4/12/2010 2:16:50 PM

14 years ago

Dude! Those games were way more scary than any RE game. They are more of a psychologically scary genre than just the normal "BOO!!" that RE seems to rely on these days.

14 years ago

I've played them both and Silent Hill is scarier and has far more atmosphere.

Thanks for trying to discredit my opinion simply on the basis of being different than yours.

14 years ago

I just never played them. Didn't have the time. Spent the time i had on games that seemed more appealing to me. Capcom and Square were my favorite developers back in the day, didn't care much for anything else any other studio was putting out except the Metal Gear Solid series.

14 years ago

No dead space love?

14 years ago

I don't think we have to choose between RE and SH

They're both good in their own ways

Reminds me of the Metallica VS Megadeth arguments…

They're both good

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
14 years ago

@ LV:

Obviously, you always think your opinion is the absolute TRUTH…

I was merely stating the fact that everyone is forgetting the Fatal Frame series, way scarier than these 2, SH and RE…

SH 1, 2 and 3 were excellent, 4 and forward the series went downhill…

RE died on Code Veronica, from there on it was just action…

Fatal Frame?? 3 games and scary as hell and better than any of those 2…

Next time, try to raise an argument with more facts, ok?

It's like saying:

"Oh, there are just 2 good RPG's in history, FFXIII and WKC"

What about Chrono Trigger?? Chrono Cross??

Last edited by Lex Luthor on 4/12/2010 8:59:05 PM

14 years ago


Of course my opinion is the truth, are you calling me a liar? Do you not believe that I've played a Silent Hill game and thus I'm unable to form an opinion on the series? I think what you meant to say is I believe my opinion to be absolute fact (obvious this is what you meant). Which if that's the case it's pretty funny that you're the one actually doing it.

I CLEARLY said the first 3 Silent Hill games are the scariest games I've played.

You reply to my post by informing me that I can't be taken serious since I didn't say Fatal Frame is the scariest game series. Great job at demonstrating the very thing you're accusing me of.

Oh and your last example about WKC and FFXIII is a terrible example. I never said RE and Silent hill are the only scary games ever made. I suggest from now on you read what others write instead of making up your own interpretation based off of imaginary conversations with people.

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
14 years ago

@ LV:

I've never said you that you had to write down that Fatal Frame games are the scariest games ever, I said you are FORGETTING Fatal Frame…

FORGETTING!! Get it, you narrow minded??

And I backed them up with FACTS, SH4-forward sucks, RE4-forward sucks…

Do you get it or not??

But hey, you have more time here than I do, so people will back you up always and will say you are the ABSOLUTE TRUTH…

End of discussion and put a cork where your mouth is.

Last edited by Lex Luthor on 4/13/2010 5:11:36 PM

14 years ago

Great logic there. Just because I don't mention a game does not mean I'm forgetting it. In your world my responses must have to be 40k pages long or else you'll accuse me of "forgetting" a particular game.

Just because my tastes are different than yours and I fail to mention what you regard to be the scariest game does not mean my opinion or statements can't be taken serious. It's sad that it's taking these many posts to explain something a child gets after the 1st day of school..

Then you say this:

"And I backed them up with FACTS, SH4-forward sucks, RE4-forward sucks.."

Those aren't facts, they're your opinion…thank you for continuing to discredit your very point while proving mine.

Hopefully after this post you'll finally understand what makes you such an ignorant person and choose to not reply since it will only continue to make you look stupid.

14 years ago

Am I the only that has never played a silent hill game? I always look at it with interest but never got around to playing it.If this one sparks my interest again I'll be sure to try it out.

EDIT: didnt see yah there jawknee,I agree with you.I've always played resident evil but not this.

Last edited by Silent_J on 4/12/2010 12:19:55 PM

14 years ago

Well, with the way Capcom has been acting, this is likely to out do any Resident Evil they create going forward. RE5 was such a disaster. Easily my biggest disappointment this gen.

14 years ago

did you play Dead Space? That game was intense and I've read a couple of reviews on Siren: Blood Curse ,I think I might get it.

14 years ago

Yea i loved Dead Space. EA's announcement that Dead Space 2 would focus more on action then horror does give me doubts about 2 though.

14 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, Siren was developed by some of the people that developed the first few Silent Hill games, so I would imagine they would be somewhat similar in style and atmosphere, if that helps you at all.

14 years ago

really, did not know that about Siren…. makes sense i guess, i really enjoyed that game for me it is the best horror this gen, Dead Space a close second.

14 years ago

Siren (and all Siren games) had a few members of Team Silent on board but, they were for atmosphere and certain art direction only. They had nothing to do with story or what not.

All Siren games have been great, peaking at 2.

14 years ago

dead space was not scary in the slightest.
it was far to predictable, how can i be scared if im expecting something to happen?

14 years ago

Anywhere we can see the teaser yet?

14 years ago

I don't really have many high hopes for a new Silent Hill game, since Team Silent has been disbanded for quite a while now, though I'm always somewhat optimistic about it.

As far as Silent Hill vs. Resident Evil, Silent Hill has always succeeded in setting a much creepier mood than RE, in my opinion, but RE, the early games especially, were scary due to the sheer amount of enemies and the tank controls that made it hard to fight them. Can't really say I can pick between the two, though, since both have produced some great games in their prime.

14 years ago


Ben, is something wrong with the forums? A bunch of posts got deleted.


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I don't know; that isn't my area…but they seem to work fine. Sometimes, the forum will lose a few posts when they're working on it, but the posts come back.

14 years ago

I prefer Silent Hill mainly because its soo damn creepy compared to Resident Evil. But i think the enemies in Resident Evil are waaay cooler! 🙂

14 years ago


14 years ago

Bla, this news concerns me. I was hoping Climax would be making another Silent Hill game.

14 years ago

silent hill has sucked since part 4

14 years ago

Can we have a new "Clock Tower" with Heavy Rain's engine and gameplay style please??
Oh the sleepless nights of terror… 🙂

14 years ago

omfg not the scissorman!!

14 years ago

screw that i stay with resident evil the first silent hill had me with freaking nightmares for a week.

14 years ago

I would have the first 3 Silent Hills listed above all the Resident Evils and then RE2 would be 4th on my list.

After the 3rd Silent Hill, that series took a turn for the worse.

After RE2, I didn't really get into the tank controls and sped up action of the last 3 RE's. They feel more like action rather than Horror.

Both series will have to live up to the atmosphere and intensity of Dead Space imo.

14 years ago

Rush N Attack is coming back? Hellz yes!

14 years ago

I never made it through the first Silent Hill because I got too freaked out. I didn't expect going into the game that the atmosphere would be so creepy.

Relying on that broken radio and not being able to see very far really got to me. SH also had some crazy looking creatures to fight.

I would say SH is the winner over RE for the scariest.

14 years ago

Silent Hill (team silent) and Resi are nothing alike nor is Silent Hill (team silent) a survival horror. Team Silent disliked the comparison.

Anyway, please do not support more insult to art people….i just absolutely can't fathom what the original creators are feeling watching their art become a dumbed down mainstream affair, now made in the west. Their creative art being destroyed over and over by multiple studios after being sold on by Konami…

I'm sad the real town was closed after the 4th installment just as much as the next fan and upset that we won't get another hardware pushing quality, REAL Silent Hill again but, rather that than Homecoming!

14 years ago

I just recently started playing Silent Hill, but I think the original developers should create a Silent Hill for the consoles. What happened to them?

14 years ago

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too…

What happened to the original devs?

14 years ago

Konami disbanded them after they refused to dumb down (sell out) the SH franchise anymore. SH4 was showing signs of the men in suits interfering.

Now most of them are independent and have already worked on other projects only not as a team.


14 years ago

Silent Hill is my favorite Psychological/Thriller genre game out there. Nothing just throws you into a nightmarish hell like Silent Hill can. Shattered Memories was freaking stupid and pointless, and Silent Hill Homecoming just didn't exactly give off a Silent Hill feeling, but it was pretty fun to see some Silent Hill creatures in some upped graphics, but that's part of the game that left more to be desired. I always looked at Silent Hill as one of those games with great graphics for it's time.

14 years ago

They seriously need to go back to how the first Silent Hill was.

That one had a lot of complete helplessness. You never knew where you were and things will change on you in a matter of SECONDS

That's what I love 'bout SH. You never know where you are (vaguely you kinda know). And how things change on you from one sec to the next

Pyramid head > all

14 years ago

Never played a Silent Hill game. I agree with Jawknee about RE5 being the biggest let down this generation. I found RE4 to be one of the best survival/horror games I have ever played, it was just too bad the sequel didn't live up to its predecessor.

Siren Blood Curse was probably the scariest game I have ever played due to the lack of power and weapon attacks the characters possessed. Just remembering playing with that innocent, pure, and defenseless little girl with no attack capabilities whatsoever added to the emotionally intense atmosphere. She was just a little girl!

Dead Space comes in a very near second simply because Isaac did possess the power to slay monsters unlike in SBC, where stealth, speed, and timing were the focus. That game was truly a nightmare!

14 years ago

as long as its a proper survival horror game, like the old classics on ps1 than im all for it.
god knows we need all the horror games we can get!
but ive got a bad feeling this is going to be another horror flop and follow the sheep of resident evil and co.
why cant horror games go back to the good old days and be horror games?
now today horror means either torture porn ala saw, the hills have eyes, hostel. or mindless action game ala resident evil 5, fear 2.

14 years ago

I agree that Fatal Frame (or Project Zero as the are known here in the UK) are truly the scariest games ever made.
As for Silent Hill, SH2 was a high point, one of the first masterpieces to appear on the ps2, but the series went downhill from there. The truth is that since Team Silent relinquished production duties, the series isn't that significant anymore

14 years ago

All I can say since I played the first Silent Hill that freakin siren that starts going off just before everything turns to sh!t still freak me the f*ck out…

I bought the first Silent Hill expecting (and being prepared) for something similar to Resident Evil…. But I soon found out it was nothing like that. I wasn't scared of what I saw it's what I couldn't see that got me…

That game and the rest of the series up to the 4th one was some of the most intense mental and psychological fear I felt in any game I played. For me personally it was a really intense experience.

I have the utmost respect for Silent Hill and I really hope they can deliver something like the original one… The kind of game that takes your insides and twists it inside out… the type of game you literally feel your heart rate go up if that siren starts going….

I can however not compare RE to SH for me they were both brilliant but two completely different experiences. Either way I miss the old days of both of them…..