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Is Kojima’s Current Project A Third Zone Of The Enders?

Okay, so Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is out the door and Hideo Kojima only has a somewhat removed managerial position in regards to the development for Metal Gear Solid: Rising .

So what might his Productions team be working on right now? It seems there's a good possibility that it's Zone of the Enders 3 , which would make many action/mech fans very, very happy if it proved true. Kojima himself leaked a few details of his current project at his Twitter page and several of those comments are getting lots of special attention. He talks about "pondering over the voice cast," and that although the project "still hasn't reached a detailed level, everything is advancing simultaneously in my head." But the most telling quote, which features only one word of interest (but it's an important word) is as follows:

"Title, game design, story, characters, setting research, the mecha that appear, casting, graphic direction, sound, beginning and ending, the major story sequences. It comes together naturally in my head."

Yeah, there are always a few robots in the MGS series but this sounds a lot more like ZoE. It just doesn't seem likely that he would bother to mention such a trivial aspect of a game; talking about "mecha" makes it feel a lot like a game based on big ol' robots. And let's not forget that Kojima has hinted at his desire to do a third Zone of the Enders and when that hint got out, the fans were very vocal in their overwhelmingly positive responses. Guess we'll have to wait and see…

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14 years ago

Oh please let this turn out to be true. Would make my life complete. Alright, that is a little over the top but it sure would make me a happy camper.

14 years ago

But will it be exclusive?

Were the other 2 PS2 exclusive?

14 years ago

Good question.

14 years ago

I'm pretty sure that the originals were both exclusive to the PS2. I don't see Kojima taking part in a multi-plat ZoE so chances are, the third would be exclusive, too.

14 years ago

ZOE and ZOE Second Runner were Ps2 exclsusives.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

will you not play a fun game if its on the 360?

14 years ago

That has nothing do with it. It's common sense that if the developer only has to worry about one platform they can get more out of it hence making a better game.

Multiplats lack exclusive quality for a reason.

Also seeing as how I've been through the whole RROD and E74 routine, i will never buy another 360.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/12/2010 1:25:13 PM

14 years ago

I think so, but this game if it was multi-plat, I don't think it will be affected If the leading system is PS3, WHICH I THINK IT WILL BE. anyhow

Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

14 years ago

the game would still have to be under 9gb unless they went the multiple disk route which could give it the FFXIII effect. Either way you cut it, multiplat will hold it back in some way.

14 years ago

yeah I know , but how exactly a multiple disks on the xbox ruins the Ps3 version??????

14 years ago

TEG3SH, Developpement on the 360 ruins ps3 version (dot). The point is to put everything into the game and make it shine using the ps3's superior specs and storage as well as taking advantage of the cell for all the infinite number of physics generated by those 5000 missiles that will be shot at you. Wasting a second on a port means the game could have been better. I will only be satisfied if they make the most out of the ps3 for ZoE 3 just like they did with ZoE 2 and ps2.

Last edited by VicTheMighty on 4/12/2010 9:34:04 PM

14 years ago


FFXIII is the perfect example.

14 years ago

If i remember correctly didn't kojima have a blog a short while ago asking if we wanted another ZoE cause i signed it

14 years ago

That was actually a contract signing over all your property rights including your own body to the Koj. You've been had!

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

It was all worth it!

14 years ago

I don't know haven't played the other games.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 4/12/2010 12:13:15 PM

14 years ago

GUYS all start posting here that we wont a third zone of the enders to give him the last push to start make the game XD

14 years ago

I sure hope this is true, how bout a Zone of the Enders collection.

14 years ago

I was just going to say the same thing. The games always looked interesting but i never got a chance to play the first 2.

14 years ago

Yeah, I didn't really play them either, I barely remember playing the first game. I wonder if there would be enough interest for such a collection, i know I would get it.

14 years ago

Played both ZoE on the PS2 and they were mecha heaven compared to those clunky Armored Core games and woefully inadequate Gundam games. If this is true I will be at the midnight launch.

Ok just kidding about the midnight launch. Those are for weirdos.

14 years ago

hey hey HEY! I was in fact at the midnight launch for FFXIII….I knew I was going to have the next morning off and didn't want to wait till the store opened the next day.

Everybody there was definitely NOT a weirdo….(sarcasm) There was honestly a guy there on his bluetooth headset to another guy at a different store, and they were just discussing old FF games waiting in line….Then there was another guy in a trenchcoat (nuff said)….Then there was another guy who was getting it for the 360…f'ing weirdo!!

14 years ago

Thanks. It's not often people prove my point. I'm sure you're normal though. I was just joking around. They're not weirdos, they're creeps.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

They're definitely some weirdo creeps.

14 years ago

If this is true, hail Kojima. ZoE2 was the most fluid and fast-paced mech game I've ever played. The fight with 1000's of mechs all at once was great. The speed of the ZoE series put any other mech game to shame, I would be so happy if they made a third =O

14 years ago

What kind of game is this Zone of Enders? I keep hearing you guys talk about it.

14 years ago

fast-paced action mech game. haha

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

It's it's own genre: High Speed Robot Action.
Very sexy.

14 years ago

Man I really hope this is true, it would make my year!

14 years ago

tremble at the return of dingo egret!

14 years ago

ZOE is the greatest mech game ever. Give us ZOE 3, please.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Yes yes yes!
Zone of the Enders 3 would be the sickest PS3 game ever!

The High Speed Robot Action king.

14 years ago

Yes plz.

14 years ago

I've never played Zone of the Enders but it sounds interesting. Perhaps an HD remake of the PS2 ones with trophy support?

14 years ago

I totally agree Sypho. I Sooooooo want to see and HD remake of 1 and 2 at 60 fps 😀 😀 😀 Would be so damn nice!

14 years ago

One of the best game I played with my PS2 is ZOE2, fast paced action, and the controls are surprisingly good.

I don't understand why consumers didn't give ZOE2 enough love.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

It was hardcore Japanese and ZOE1 didn't make it too popular to begin with, I think :S

14 years ago

Yeah, most people I don't think liked ZoE1, which must of left a bad taste in their mouth, but I know a lot of people bought ZoE1 because it came with a mgs3 ( think it was 3) demo in it, lol

14 years ago

MGS2 demo was in ZOE1.

I never played ZOE1 but ZOE2 remains one of the most unique video game,it might a be little repetitive and though it is quite linear, who's complaining when the game is just that good.

14 years ago

Well, I can certainly tell you, ZoE2 is superior to ZoE1 completely, just the main character of ZoE1 was…well…a young pansy boy..

14 years ago

One of the best game I played with my PS2 is ZOE2, fast paced action, and the controls are surprisingly good.

I don't understand why consumers didn't give ZOE2 enough love.

14 years ago

I would pre-order the day they announce it. Those games were better than I could have imagined mech combat.

14 years ago

Simply can't wait for the adrenaline rush provided by dodging 5000 enemy missiles while gathering a huge energy ball to anihilate EVERYONE !!! HAHAHA. lol Seriously though I read some comments above stating ZOE 1 was better than 2 and I disagree.

In ZoE 1 we were a whiny kid compared to some badass who's life was directly linked to Jehuti in ZoE 2 ( much more interesting ). And while the action and combats were good in the first one when it came out… The 2nd one completely obliterated the first entry with way faster combats, way more enemies on screen and better graphics alltogether. The ZoE 2 was even said to be a playstation 2.5 title lol.

Now if Kojima can do the same with ZoE 3, push the PS3 to the max and make another game deemed worthy of beeing assigned to a future generation OMG CANT WAIT. There is also 3D tv now lol imagine all those fast paced laser beams coming out of your tv OMG epilepsy FTW!!! 😀

14 years ago

Seriously I think stories about Z.O.E 3 are harder on me that the Final Fantasy VII remake, ones.

14 years ago

never played a ZOE game, but id really like to see him do a horror game.
if theres anyone in the industry that can whip up a really good deep storyline its him.
imagine siren meets MGS4.
the horror aspects of siren, mixed with a complex story like the metal gear series.
now theres a game worthy of its hype!

14 years ago

i just want him to do a mgs5, sod everything else!

14 years ago

Peacewalker IS MGS 5. Kojima said so.

14 years ago

I hope it is ZoE 3… Been waiting on the announcement forever. Lord of Shadows , then Peace Walker. I still have my ps2 copies, and PS3 Exclusive please.

14 years ago

This article misquoted Kojima's twitter to support its own assumptions. The tweet read as follows:

"I’m pondering over the next project’s voice cast. I still do not have the details embedded, but everything is running simultaneously in my head. The title, game design, story, characters, setting, mechs, casting, direction of the graphics, sound, beginning & ending, and key story sequences. It all molds together naturally in my head."

"mechs" could just mean mechanics of the game; not saying it does, just shouldn't assume anything

Last edited by Nomad on 4/17/2010 2:38:04 PM

14 years ago

1 was fun. 2 was amazing! Need Zone of the Enders 3!

Pretty please!!!
For the love of crap please!
I'll love you forever Kojima-san!
Onegai Shimasu!!!!!!!