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Move Sub-Controller: The “Navigation Controller”

Okay, so we know Sony's new motion-sensing technology will be called "PlayStation Move," but how about that sub-controller? You know, the thing that looks a lot like the Wii's nunchuk…?

Well, according to a recent FCC filing , it appears that Sony part number CECH-ZCS1U will be given the name, "Navigation Controller." It makes a good bit of sense, too, because most games that will utilize such technology will have you aim the camera with your dominant hand and "navigate" with the other. Sony hasn't officially unveiled the whole unit as the PlayStation Move featuring the Navigation Controller but those should be the final names; the ones you'll see when you go shopping for the unit this fall. As most of you know, Sony decided to delay the launch of Move – it was originally supposed to release this spring – in order to have a good number of compatible titles on store shelves. We've already taken a look at one and others will include Motion Fighter , EA Sports 2.0 , The Shoot , Sports Champion , TV SuperStars , Move Party! and more.  We also know that many developers will be releasing patches to make current games compatible with Move.

The lingering question remains, though: just how popular will this technology be amongst PS3 fans who have often scorned the Wii? Perhaps this new and advanced form of motion sensing is better suited to the PS3 crowd…

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14 years ago

i reckon its accuracy and precision will help it as it can be used for more sious gamers, fully opening to sonys demographics… hardcore gamers can use it for 'proper' games and families and kids can use it for party/less serious games, as in it wont just have a load of dodgy Wii-like titles. the wii has some good ones, but the ps3 will trump that.

off topic, having recently got pkmn hrt gld, i was thinking, even tho it'll never happen, how sick would pkmn be on playstation!

14 years ago

FPS has always been intimidating for me. Spinning that reticule around to your target is annoying, especially when you are surrounded by 20 enemies. The Wii's Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 controls are awesome. I am getting headshots after headshots. It feels more natural, that is what I'm looking for in PS3 controller. I will definitely give all those awesome shooters a try after the release of Move.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

It can be a fun way to do things. But I hope they make some kind of gun "set up" so you don't have to be as goofy looking as that guy playing Socom with the move.

A gun with and big red ball on the end is perfectly normal.

14 years ago

I'll take one of those guns timster. Hell I bought a fishing rod for the DreamCast so why not.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

I had one of those too….back in the day.

14 years ago

I'll give it a shot but at the moment, I don't really have too much interest in the Move. Gimmick gaming just isn't really for me.

I'm also a little angry that EyePet was delayed here for a whole year just for the Move. I would've prefered to just draw pictures on paper and then show it to the pet. I would've imported it but then I wouldn't be able to download the new clothes and whatnot.

14 years ago

Shoulda called it the Navi. Cashed in on those Avatar fanboys.

14 years ago

They should have just called it "NavCon" or simply "Nav". When trying to give someone directions or instructions to play something, saying "Navigation Controller" just sounds… what's the word I'm looking for… Stupid.

My thoughts on the Move? I'll wait to see what they have to offer. The SOCOM 4 Move demo seemed interesting. I might consider getting it for that. As for acceptance as the main peripheral for gaming, I'll pass. I get enough exercise with real outdoor activities that I don't need it when playing my video games too.

Last edited by Nynja on 4/12/2010 11:22:21 AM

14 years ago

I like that. "NavCon" sounds cool.

14 years ago

Anything with the words NAV might have confused other customers, especially since SONY had a GPS system called the NAV-U. I think they discontinued them, but I could see some lame owner of a NAV-U buying a NAVI or NAVCON because he thought it would be

Last edited by CH1N00K on 4/12/2010 11:48:57 AM

14 years ago

Move 'n BoomStick! haha.. Perhaps a little too old for some to catch on the humor of it all..?

14 years ago

Personally I would have called it the D-stick or some such variation of the D-pad since they both fill the same purpose.
And like most I'm gonna wait and see. Not expecting much from the launch titles since it almost always takes a while for AAA titles to come around.

14 years ago

I'll pick one up. I'm a sucker for new tech. This looks like if could be fun. Add some extra fun to LBP.

14 years ago

I know E3 is right around the corner, but Microsoft has been very quiet when it comes to NATAL. Personally, I think the device is going to fail.

Even though I am not a fan of the Wii, the simple fact that Nintendo was right with the controllers that look like TV remotes will equal mass appeal.

This tells me that only the hardcore 360 fans will be buying something that relies on "3rd grade" elements.

14 years ago

That's because it doesn't work! lol

IGN wrote an article about a month ago about the two companies new motion controls and how they stacked up against the Wii. They said while the Move shows promise Natal doesn't even work as advertised and quoted one guy stating it was a disaster and the team just couldn't get it to function as advertised.

In short IGN said Natal sucks. I bet that hurt them to report. You know how MS gives them warm tingling feelings in the pants.

14 years ago

The sad thing is, Natal won't fail because Microsoft has so much money to make casual consumers to think it's the next best thing after Wii. There are too many people, including myself, regretting after purchasing a Wii and let it collect dust after 1-2 months.

Sure Natal will ruin Xbox's hardcore name, but if it means to sell 30 million Natal to those casual idiots, Microsoft don't care. They regret later, but that's after Microsoft have their money.

14 years ago

@ Jawknee,

I was thinking the same thing. I was pretty excited for the gaming industry when Natal was announced, until they showed the commercial. The very first Natal commercial I saw of the girl driving the car with her hands and the father changing tires. There's no way the car drives so smoothly. It's not actual gameplay videos with Natal.

Then there's the kid trying to scan his own skateboard, but Natal manages to scan a clear image while the kid has his hands all over it. Till now I yet to see any working videos of Natal in action.

14 years ago

Never saw that article Jawknee, I wonder if TeamXbox reported it? LOL

I disagree godsman, NATAL won't sell to the casual fans. The hardcore 360 fans will do their best, but I don't think it will matter.

14 years ago
14 years ago

If the xbots will keep buying a console with a 54% failure rate – and bragging about it – I'm sure a non-functioning motion control system won't bother them much either.

14 years ago

From what I have seen, you have to wear an orange jumpsuit to use Natal.

14 years ago

Navigation sounds lame. I hope it's just a temporary name. I can imagine people going to Gamestop "hey, get me one of those navigation controllers." that causes lots of confusions.

I still don't understand why they can't add the analog stick to the Move instead. It's a lot less components for us gamers to purchase to get the full experience. Originally i thought that the analog stick would make the Move "bulky", but look how flat it is on the sub-controller. They could easily have made the Move button the analog "L3 or R3" clicker.

I am really hyped about getting the motion controller. It is looking to be more and more expensive. $100 for camera, Move and game. Probably another $80 for second Move and Navigation controller. It's intimidating even for hardcore gamers to buy the whole experience of motion controllers.

14 years ago

I think the Wii's hate comes more from the games and graphics rather than the motion controls. My son has a Wii and I think the motion controls could be awesome if done correctly and with next gen graphics to go along with it. Only time will tell if 'Move' catches on though.

14 years ago

I was going to say the same thing. PS3 games with good motion sensing will be really awesome.

14 years ago

That's why I think Natal will bring more hate to motion controller industry. There's nothing but shovelware that can come from it.

14 years ago

I love the Wii and ill agree. Nintendo should have just made it HD at least. At least 720p. Don't even need and HDMI cable for at least 720p.

14 years ago

I totally agree. I understand how they wanted to keep the Wii a simple gaming machine. Going after a completely different crowd than M$ and Sony was a brilliant move, and it earned them the big bucks. But in the long run I think it is holding them back. Now people want HD, Blu-Ray, media center capabilities, and more great games that the Wii just can't do.

Sony is going to get all up in Ninty's kool-aid with Move, and it may just be the final nail in the Wii's coffin.

14 years ago

Some of their titles are still stunning. Twilight Princess was a gorgeous game and it only required minimal capabilities of the Wii hardware. it was just a Gamecube game after all. I think the new Zelda will look great but it wont be PS3 great obviously. Would love to see my Nintendo games in real HD.

If Nintendo revamps the Wii and upgrades it to HD i'd buy.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/12/2010 6:18:23 PM

14 years ago

Preach on! It's cool for kids, but not quite family friendly if you're a rational person. I don't get the logic behind how limited movements are. If i'm gonna pretend I'm swinging a baseball bat, I damn sure don't wanna dislocate my shoulder for no reason at all! haha… My friends are Wii-zombies (stoners!) and constantly tell me how you just really need to flick the controller to get what you're trying to achieve.

Wii characters also need necks, arms and legs FOR CHRISTS SAKE! It just drives me nuts that they're floating misc boday parts everywhere! haha..

14 years ago

I'm still waiting for a new "Power Glove" with sensors in each finger. I'm wondering if Microsoft has thought of making them for more accuracy with Natal. I still believe that in theory the Power Glove kicked ass. We just didn't have the proper sensor technology to make it an improvement over controllers.

14 years ago

I'm still not sold on this thing. I think I'll have to wait till it's been out for a while to get some feedback from real gamers on just what they think of it.

I don't own a Wii, but I'll admit I've played at friends places and had some fun. I can't help but feel like a damn fool waving that stick around though… This just isn't the kind of gaming I do at home.

14 years ago

by compatible do you mean we will have the option to use it? like Little Big Planet.

14 years ago

by compatible do you mean we will have the option to use it? like Little Big Planet.

@Zorigo; We can dream can't we?If that would happen i would die i LOVE pokemon

14 years ago

Like I always say – it depends entirely on the games (which is why I have zero interest in the Wii). I can pretty much guarantee that motion controls will never be the primary way I play, but just something for an occasional change of pace – assuming there's an outstanding game to be bought. If they can give me aiming controls as accurate and fast as using a mouse on a PC, that would be a very good place to start.

14 years ago

I've been drooling over the move since I first saw it at e3. I don't have any interest in the wii as, it not very accurate and there are very few games for gamers.

The move on the other hand has 1:1 tracking, will support gamers and non-gamers alike. Also its on the system I already own and already has tons of other great features.

The move for me is like an uber awesome add-on for an already uber awesome system.

14 years ago

Navigation and move!!!!

PS MOVE and PS Navigation

LOL they don't rhyme!!

Their Slogan should be

"Join the movement!"

14 years ago

That is one hell of an idea

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

Have a parade of people marching down the street with it in their hand, on the way to a concert… then the band starts playing and everyone lifts their controllers and it zooms out to show the massive size of the crowd and every glowing orb… with the words "Join the movement" fading in.

That would be awesome 😛

14 years ago

So the Wii sucks as a gaming system, we all know that. But I'm pretty sure that most people here, like me, have played some of the wii games with friends at a party and had fun.

Of course most of those people don't want to spend the extra money, or go through the hassle of buying a new system just for the fun little party games. When move comes out we will get the quirky, social, casual games (which are really one of the only reasons the Wii is still alive), and also new ways to play the games we all love. People that can only afford one console will no longer have to sacrifice performance for motion controls and visa verse. This is why I am excited about Move, and also why I think that it will be more than a gimmick.

Last edited by Jed on 4/12/2010 5:26:58 PM

14 years ago

I agree, this is a very promising extension to the PS3 library. However, as I said in my post below, the price can break this deal.. they're estimating it to cost about ~$100 for a Move stick, the eye and a game. Now, I'm not sure if the nav controller is included. Consider the additional cost of another Move stick & nav stick and you're pretty much at the cost of a Wii.. Maybe exceeding it by the time the Move is released!

14 years ago

I haven't heard to much about the price, but I figure it is going to be pretty steep.

14 years ago

I plan on buying this, but after I get some money. I still want to buy all the DLC for Dante's Inferno and Bioshock 2. I also plan on buying Arkham Asylum, Prototype, inFAMOUS, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, and ModNation Racers. Games are expensive. Oh well, I'll just platinum the games I currently have.

14 years ago

I'll make the leap, but I HOPE Sony won't pull any punches with the bundles. If they want this to be a practical bundle, the nav controller and move "stick" should be sold in pairs. The price will also make or break the deal for me. $75 for the pair won't be a fair buy, IMO. $50, TOPS, for the pair would be acceptable. Any more than that and I'll just pass on the deal. No way can I justify $200+ for two to play.

I should add that I'm not including the Eye in this price. Strictly talking about the controllers.

Last edited by DemonNeno on 4/12/2010 7:04:32 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

@DemonNeno, same feeling here, if they're gonna sell it at that price then I rather wait till 2012.

How much does the Eye cost anyway?

Last edited by Snaaaake on 4/12/2010 7:21:31 PM

14 years ago

I'm not sure.. They're talking about a bundle for about $100.. The eye, a move stick and a game.. But! No mention of a nav stick.. I really hope it'll be a realistic price range as I know my family would enjoy the addition!

14 years ago

Here's a break-down from Engadget, on Sony's Move controller

PlayStation Move: everything you ever wanted to know

14 years ago

how about the nunchuck wannabee?
or copycat, or patient pending?
catchy no?
anyway, joking aside im really interested to see what developers will do with this.
ill probably pick it up providing its priced efficiently, but the GDC price estimation surely does not strike confidence in me.
100 USD in sony terms, well if were going off the GOW3 collection that translates to 250 AUD so its not off to a good start!
if sony think im paying 200, let alone 250 for this motion sensing dildo than they have a few nasty surprises coming!

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
14 years ago

My question is this…will the "Starter Pack" include an Eye Toy, Move, AND the Navigation Controller in addition to a simple launch game? If yes, then count me in.