Okay, so they're not working on TimeSplitters 4 . But at least they're a hard-working, dedicated group that should make the multiplayer mode for Crysis 2 shine brightly.
As some of you know, Free Radical, the studio responsible for the likes of the acclaimed TimeSplitters series and the ill-fated Haze , was forced to close up shop towards the end of 2008. However, Crytek swooped in and saved them and they're now known as "Crytek UK." According to what studio CEO Cevat Yerli told VG247 , that very same group is toiling away on the multiplayer aspect of Crysis 2 , and he says their new team members display "more focus and dedication" than he's ever seen. Said Yerli:
"On multiplayer, we brought in a whole studio, Crytek UK to work on the multiplayer. That is all they are doing, with a full team on it, and they are blasting forward at full speed with more focus and dedication than I’ve ever had before at Crytek. Because of their multiplayer experience, their job is just to make the most of this experience. So that is all they have to do."
Well, we do have to admit that TimeSplitters online was always fun, and you might still find some die-hard fans who will claim that TimeSplitters 2 online was more fun than Halo online. Those who loved TS are likely hoping for a new sequel someday but for now, they'll have to be happy with ex-Free Radical's work on the Crysis 2 multiplayer. …we're all just trying to forget about Haze .
Related Game(s): Crysis 2
This looks okay. Just looks like another FPS shooter involving Space men and Martians. People say this will be the best looking console game ever. I think it just looks slightly above average. God of War III and Uncharted 2 are better imo.
Ill keep my mind open about this title though. I never played or really looked into the first one. Now that i have a decent gaming rig with my Vaio maybe ill pick up the first one.
Have you played either of the first 2 Crysis games? They're really fun and just as good as any FPS you'll find on consoles.
No, but i did see Crysis on Amazon for 20 bucks. I'll get it next pay day.
I suggest looking into what Steam is offering. I've seen both Crysis and Warhead (the 2nd Crysis game) for sale on Steam for $20.
Ha! i already looked! Its 40 for both now. Ill keep an eye on it though. Thanks for the heads up.
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/12/2010 2:03:47 AM
Never played Haze, never cared to
I did, I now wish I was you because you haven't.
With Crysis 2 on the consoles the game might actually be able to make a splash. Unfortunately Free Radical has to seriously prove themselves before people go forking over money for their product. I guess it's a good thing they're hiding behind the Crytek name now.
Ya, I see this as a step in the right direction for the company. Though I don't think many people will be buying Crysis for the multiplayer just like the first 2 games.
My own Free Radical thinking tells me to stay in suspended animation, till Crytek UK has more to say on the subject of SP game-play.
I'm kinda excited about this for the simple fact that it'll be playable on the PS3.
My PC couldn't even dream of running the first one….and there was no way I was gonna splurge on upgrading for it.
very good news, I'm glad to see EA is putting them to good use on a game deserving of their talent
I'm actually kind of interested in this game simply because of the statement someone from the studio made about this being one of the best looking titles to date. That's a bold statement to mutter to the more than stellar competition. I mean there's U2, Killzone, Heavy Rain, and GOW3 to compete with for that title and I'm dying of anxiety to see how a multiplatform title will size up in comparison (visually) to these awesome exclusive god-like titles.
I mean, is there really anymore room for visual improvement in games texture-wise or detail-wise because I swear some characters in HR can pass for the everyday human being. IMO, art style and the scenery which makes up the background is all I see being improved on in future visually stunning titles. I'm glad quality is slowly becoming the new standard in the video game industry. That's right developers, we don't reward crap anymore!
TimeSplitters like Goldeneye has a special place in my very limited console fps loving heart.
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 4/12/2010 1:18:15 AM
WTF? they said at the reveal that crytek UK were working on the console versions of the game, and they were focusing on the PC version.
so which one is it crytek?
can one developer speak without contradicting his fellow co workers?
anyway, i still say they should be back making haze 2, haze was a really fun game.
buggy but allot of fun, and the end of the games a massive twist they make it quite obvious they were planing a sequel.
Please go on vacation for 5years where there is zero internet access.
Haze sent them under, Crytek stepped in and bought the company, saving jobs and so Crytek UK were born. I doubt any plans are in the works for Haze 2.
no they sent themselves under.
well i have heard stories that they asked for help from sony and they refused since their not first party, but who knows if there true.
fact of the matter being they made a buggy game so now they have to take the consequences.
Please go on vacation for 5years where there is zero internet access.
Please go on vacation for 5years where there is zero internet access.
crysis 2 should be good but come on make timesplitters 4 already!!
Goldeneye is one of the best FPS's ever, along with the Timesplitters Series.
I am not playing anything free radical create as they made one of the worst games ive ever played. That game being Haze, over hyped crap.
You must not play many games.
First, was a benchmark for graphics (and on Ultra settings I'm pretty sure they still beat out some PS3 exclusives) but without a doubt this game will be the graphical powerhouse they say it'll be….on the PC. Who knows what the console versions will look like, but it doesn't bother me as I'll just get it for my PC for the single player and on PS3 just to be able to play with my friends, ah the dilemma of having two great 'systems'.
Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 4/12/2010 2:30:42 PM
i dont know but to me, Crysis graphic yes it is good. but the art direction is not so good.
for me, CoD4MW1 and CoD4MW2 look better than crysis. dispite Mw1 and MW2 have so many static contents and so many baked assets.
but looking the seashore on crysis, sunrise, sunset.. awesome 😀
This team really has to prove themselves to make a comeback. Haze was not a very good game. There were reports that it was a "Halo-killer", but it turned out to actually be a "Free Radical killer."
Wonderful news.
Wonderful news.