This is more of a poll question, really, but given the number of headlines dedicated to Gears of War 3 recently, we're wondering how many PlayStation 3 owners really want this stellar franchise.
I think there are a number of things to consider when examining this question: firstly, we all have to admit that a lot of the "no" answers out there are simply based on bitterness and bias; i.e., the Xbox 360 has a great series that you don't want to acknowledge is great, and because it's not on your system of choice, you – by default – hate it. I know you're out there…just admit it. Secondly, you've got the people who, for some reason or another, simply don't like the look and feel of the games in question. I've come across many who legitimately despise the atmosphere and style, and they really don't like the controls, either. It's certainly a matter of personal preference and I respect that, but when it comes to Gears , which has a relatively unique persona, it does seem as if gamers are split on the design issue. Thirdly and lastly, PS3 owners have enjoyed a rush of top-notch exclusives over the past few years, so when asked if they want Gears , they might just respond with- "What for? I've got MGS4, Uncharted and Uncharted 2 , Killzone 2 , inFamous , Ratchet and Clank , Heavy Rain , God of War III , LittleBigPlanet , Demon's Souls and soon, Gran Turismo 5 ."
Perfectly valid; after all, we can't play every great game that comes out, as much as we might want to. But while we often chastise Epic for not recognizing the PS3 crowd, we're wondering if Gears would fare as well on Sony's machine. It suddenly has to be in competition with other titles that are arguably better and furthermore, you have many people who never played Gears . I would like to think most would just want it because it adds a great franchise to the PS3's library, but there are always outside influences beyond logic. Personally, I don't really care as I have a 360 – and I need something to put in it – and I'll be getting Gears of War 3 the instant it comes out. Granted, Gears 2 had its fair share of bugs (game crashed when I beat the final boss, game froze three or four times in bizarre places, grenade craziness with the projectile getting caught in the invisible branches of a tree and spinning 'round forever, etc.) and while I have to say I never see those bugs in anything but 360 software these days, the game still ruled. Bloody and visceral and fun.
So I'd recommend that everyone plays Gears 3 and I can't see why you wouldn't want it on the PS3. But we all have our reasons and opinions, so…what say you?
I wouldn't really mind it but if it were to come to the PS3 I wouldn't buy it. What can I say? I just don't like hardcore shooters.
what a stupid question, might as well ask me if id like a free Ferrari enzo!
do i want the best shooter released this gen to come over to the ps3?
do i want the shooter, the ONLY! shooter that actually makes you think instead of cover camping to come over to the ps3?
i think the answer is a very simple FU*K YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best answer ever :), It's rare that u get that right???
But uncharted2 is practically the same, you have to be a pretty good cover camper to get through the game. especially as most of the missions require you move around (train mission!)
mmmmmm, not really.
the train mission is really the only mission you have to constantly move around, in most of the others you could basically choose a spot of cover and take everyone out from there.
in gears 2 you cant do that in any level, otherwise the tickers or other enemies will come and blow you to kingdom come!
i love it how you can plant traps and lure your enemies in like GoW2 lets you, its so much fun planting a grenade than luring a unsuspecting victim to his doom!
*evil laugh*
one thing i would really love to see in all shooters is the AI and stealth from SPC.
played the demo today, and in most games say your taking cover directly in front of a enemy and their shooting you.
so you stay behind cover so they cant see you, and move behind them than you pop up and somehow they know your their.
they have eyes behind their heads or something?
wish i had x ray vision!
thats the best part of splinter cell conviction if the enemies can no longer see you a silhouette comes up showing your last known position, and you can easily flank your enemies.
adds a little strategy and forces you to think, instead of just cover camping.
and now ur bak, are u delusional enough to think that gears is better than uncharted ????? like seriously I'm one of the best supporters for Gears but seriously better than uncharted don't think so, hopefully the 3rd gears will prove me wrong , if I ever buy another shitty-box, THEY JUST KEEP DYING ….. :@
Pay no attention to ___________, hes always complained about Uncharted 2. What else is new?
yes gears is better than uncharted, better than any other shooter out ATM for again one simple reason.
it forces you to use your head and not cover camp throughout the whole game.
in uncharted 2 bar the train scene you can pick one bit of cover and stay there till all the enemies are dead.
try that in gears 2 and see how long you last!
I certainly do NOT want that game, they can keep it….. it's crap!
hey guys anyone besides me interested in knowing if the Sims 3 comes out for ps3? I love the sims, and really hope it's for ps3 but i can bet it will be for both ps3 and 360 and other consoles, but it will be better on the ps3 and wii=).Can't wait for a sims 3 article.
Last edited by Alistair on 4/11/2010 8:02:33 AM
Of course, only some fanboys wouldn't want it on the PS3.
Gears of War set the bar high for shooters back then, yes, UC2 is better but that doesn't mean Gears suck, those who said Gears suck are either ignorant(I learned it from you Ben) or not a fan of TPS.
Beside, I also love science fiction world, so that's why I hope there can be a shooter with something similar to Gears but with UC2 quality.
who thumbed you down!
good point, if a game is good on one platform and can be on the other (take note Valve with your shitty ports) then go right ahead.
Gears would be great if it made it, i for one wont lose sleep over not having it.
i can replay the first uncharted a million times, as i love it.
I wouldn't mind it coming to the PS3, even just for the fun that it wouldn't be considered 360 exclusive anymore.
I wouldn't buy it though, don't get me wrong, i see it as a good game, but from what I've played, I didn't really think it was all that good, but I probably would've liked it more if it wasn't with those dam 360 controllers I can't get around with, they're just waaaay to big and bulky, much like the gears characters.
Personally I like the fact that the ps3 game selection isn't bogged down with tons of first person shooters with meaty soldiers whose tiny heads are half the size of their arm muscles. I feel that a big majority of the 360 market is just the same game over and over with different pictures. i'm not a hater, i love halo not gonna lie but even halo and battlefront are the same game with different characters and i love them both!
I don't think that it ps3 needs gears of war, but its really not loosing ME any money by coming to the console. I will most likely never buy it until its in that 3 dollar bin at gamestop or something and i really have no other game to play.
I feel that there are tons of great games for p3 that I still haven't even begun to touch! I cant keep up with the steady stream of games that are coming out now much less coming from another console.
and this is where you get called out because you can't see past the brands on your own system
Most of us HAVE looked past the brands of our own system and found nothing for crap.
I had a 360 when Gears came out. I enjoyed it at the time but compared to Uncharted it's kinda slow and drab, so I don't miss it at all.
I suppose it would be a good laugh at the xbox community if Gears 1,2 & 3 were released on a single blu-ray.
LMAO! The hilarious part is, that is entirely feasible.
I used to have a 360 but it broke now I have a ps3 and I would definitely buy gears for it
Do xbox owners want God of War?
Speaking as one, certainly. I figure the more GoW's on a system the better.
God of War on 360… no…. Gears on PS3… well look at the top selling games… I'd say yes
Cueil, God of War would not sell well on the 360 is your position? Why, cuz there are no guns? I never took you for someone to bash 360 owners, but I do agree with you.
so hears to all the negative comments and especially the guy who calls me a "bag o' douche" for my opinion. I sold my Xbox just to get a PS3 because i was tired of having a heart attack every time it froze up. I was talking about the controller layout for Killzone not the GAMEPLAY. And yes i know they have diff layouts. Man you guys are so sensitive when it comes to the Playstation. And its not about being a fan boy or "sign up for the express purpose of saying such things…". Because i believe that the Gamecube has had one of the best shooters ever made. RE4. I joined this site to know more about the system and to meet people who like to play online.
I signed up because Ben is awesome and I respect him and is opinions though I disagree on some thing… the other people here… maybe not so much though it is amusing to see them make fun of a game that heavily influinced last years GotY
Gears heavily influenced UC2……….what? lol
The guy who called you a douche shouldn't have done that. Its your opinion. Doesn't warrant insults but i will question your tastes. Gears is not that great of game. Its ugly, flawed, boring and over hyped.
Yea and Gears hardly influenced Uncharted. if there's any game it did influence it was RE5 and it had a terrible influence on it.
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/11/2010 2:30:37 PM
@ comrade yep there are some douches (fanboys) in hya , but for the most part ppl in here are the cool( I'm the best though) look at how many thumbs down I always get .lol
You're welcome here but you have to assume that when you say Gears is better than Uncharted 2 – which most don't agree with – you're bound to get some flak on a PlayStation site, especially when people don't know you.
Feel free to stick around and see what's up.
UC2 > anything made with the Unreal Engine. I'll leave it at that.
Couldn't have said if better myself Otis.
As much as I love both games, Gears and Uncharted, I have to say that Uncharted did have the same cover mechanics (not identical) as Gears. Also Gears did come first to the table with the 3rd person cover system. Now, Uncharted did execute the story telling much better and the voice talent was on a much higher caliber.
What makes Gears of War so much fun is how it was designed with Co-Op gameplay in mind. It's nice to take a break every once in a while from the world of realistic physics to some outlandishly bloody and gory game that can be enjoyed with friends online or offline. Tackling the campaign mode in a shooter with a friend, to me at least, makes the game that much more enjoyable.
I wish Uncharted 2 had a full co-op campaign instead of only the 3 missions included with the game. Both are great games.
It's kind of a toss-up for me. I absolutely love the first Gears but the sequel let me down something fierce. I will definitely play Gears 3 because the original got me too invested in the franchise but I'm not looking forward to it for any other reason. IF it was on PS3, I would play it there since I prefer my PSN friends to my XBL crowd and I hate the 360 controller. If it was 360-only again, not really a big deal.
Speaking generally about the PS3 audience as a whole, however, I don't think the game would do THAT well on Sony's machine. Neither would Halo. Almost any PS3 owner will tell you they have X number of games they think are vastly superior to those. Whether they're "right" or "wrong", it will certainly limit the potential of a Gears of War PS3.
Now, Mass Effect on the other hand…I would buy PS3 versions of those games even if it meant I had to create new characters, get the Trophies again, etc. BioWare is losing out on way more money not releasing those games on the PS3 than Epic is by keeping Gears on 360.
Last edited by Keeng on 4/11/2010 12:37:15 PM
they don't seem to buy those "vastly" superior games in droves… even Uncharted numbers are dwarfed by even the lowest selling CoD game on the PS3
I could really care less about queers of war.
Let's not do that.
I played the first one at a friends house didnt' like it at all.. I have way to many great exclusives to play, also saving my money for the new medal of honour and just picked up KZ2 Finally LOL and played 2 hours last night 🙂 loving it and I see that their is sale on the DLC for it, so I'll be picking up a PSN card today as well so I can get all of that 🙂
If Gears came to the PS3 I know a few people would love to try it but I have to agree if you don't know the franchise it will be defently hard to just get into the 3rd installment.
I would get it if it come to the PS3 simply because the free online play via the PSN.
Failing that if it comes to the 360 only I'll be buying it for that.
When I had a 360, Gears of War was one of my many hot titles that I owned with it. I sold it before Gears of War 2 came out so I never played the sequel. Still, I didn't feel like I missed out on any must haves after I sold my 360, when it's over it's over. I'm a PS3 owner that would be more than happy to see Gears of War 3 on our console because Gears of War was awesome.
The more hot titles start showing up on the PS3 the better for our beloved system. Quite frankly many titles on the 360 should have never have seen the light, they should have all came out for the PS3 exclusively. Now that the Playstation 3 is making companies million+ unit sellers over, and over, and over again. Trust me, developers and software companies will make the PS3 their system of choice.
What other system out there has the ability to sell titles in the millions in just about every game category you can think of?
Diversity on the PS3 can equal a hot ass title. No other system gives that type of assurance and confidence to developers. Diversity on any other system can equal epic fail. Why is that? Who cares if you ask me. What I see here is that if a developer wants to bring their A game it'll work on the PS3.
I find that Playstation owners have a better ability in separating crap from goodness. Bring out the goods and PS3 owners will reward you.
Last edited by RebelJD on 4/11/2010 2:43:40 PM
Gears of War would be a great addition to the PS3 especially if done right, refined graphics,smoother controls. It's a great series why not bring it over, another exclusive lost by Xbox.Sounds good to me.
Cliffy B is too much of a arrogant douche to take his 24kt M$ crown off for even a second.
It's not coming to PS3. He'd have to accept being a little fish in a big pond of amazing exclusive developers. As it stands he only has Bungie to compete with.
I did own both Gears and enjoyed them immensely. They were fun in co-op, boring solo and too many issues with online. I wouldn't be to interested in playing the third. That horse is beat.
Last edited by elass0wyp0 on 4/11/2010 3:55:01 PM
crabwalking was hilarious, though.
Ok I honestly wouldn't mind to see This game on ps3… I think It would look so much better n e ways on ps3.. But it's xbox.. They always gonna be crying so just leave it on xbox.. Sony is coming up nd having super cool exclusives so they own xbox that much.. Just a matter of time before the 360 is done
Last edited by iNANDO on 4/11/2010 4:12:26 PM
I had the 360(not now sold it) when Gears of war 1 came out and really liked it but when i tryed it online i just didn't like it as much as i thought i would ;-( but hell yeah if we did get gears of war 3 i'd get the game with out a second thought.
1 sucked 2 was actually really fun.
I think the majority would welcome Gears to the ps3. Gears 1 is one of the most fun multiplayer games I have ever played. If gears came over it would no doubt sell a couple million copies. Im just hoping gears 3 goes back to the gears 1 multiplayer feel. I was so dissapointed with gears 2 online, campaign was fun though.
Last edited by n/a on 4/11/2010 9:20:08 PM
GOW series, yes, the crap box can keep their lamo, halo.
I used to have a 360, and i honestly got tired of paying for online. I grew up playing PC, and everything nintendo and sony, and I have yet to have to dish out money to connect to a gaming server. As far as GOW goes, i really am MEH about it…I played them, but they got old quickly…..Anyone else here noticed how increasingly difficult it is to play a PS3 exclusive and not judge others by the standards those game set? Like for me, Metal Gear came, and set a high bar, KZ2 set it WAY higher, Uncharted 2…well the GOTY is self explanitory, Heavy Rain was out of this world, and now God Of War 3, just totally made it hard for me to play anything else and have a fair view when the level of gameplay, level design, GRAPHICS, voice acting….i can keep going. But the PS3 has consistently been setting trends and a higher standard with each release. So to have all of those releases, and then Gears…i would have to say negative to that one. Im not big on multiplats, because of their crummy work on the PS3 ports, but Red Dead Redemption looks awesome….lets just hope that Rockstar wont leave the PS3 with sloppy seconds, yet AGAIN. The only other 360 games i really think should be on the Ps3 is the new splinter cell and mass effect 2.
Last edited by preppybeats on 4/11/2010 9:49:13 PM
Sorry all you forza lovers…..but when GT5 comes out….Game OVER….i hope that GT5 will allow custom soundtracks as well….seems like developers dont incorporate that functionality into any releases lately.
never play it,so don't really care,honest truth
played gears 2, i'd say i prefer it over all the rest of them shooters on console,
yea i want gears on PS3, but speaking as quake veteran, want it, but not REALLY…