This is more of a poll question, really, but given the number of headlines dedicated to Gears of War 3 recently, we're wondering how many PlayStation 3 owners really want this stellar franchise.
I think there are a number of things to consider when examining this question: firstly, we all have to admit that a lot of the "no" answers out there are simply based on bitterness and bias; i.e., the Xbox 360 has a great series that you don't want to acknowledge is great, and because it's not on your system of choice, you – by default – hate it. I know you're out there…just admit it. Secondly, you've got the people who, for some reason or another, simply don't like the look and feel of the games in question. I've come across many who legitimately despise the atmosphere and style, and they really don't like the controls, either. It's certainly a matter of personal preference and I respect that, but when it comes to Gears , which has a relatively unique persona, it does seem as if gamers are split on the design issue. Thirdly and lastly, PS3 owners have enjoyed a rush of top-notch exclusives over the past few years, so when asked if they want Gears , they might just respond with- "What for? I've got MGS4, Uncharted and Uncharted 2 , Killzone 2 , inFamous , Ratchet and Clank , Heavy Rain , God of War III , LittleBigPlanet , Demon's Souls and soon, Gran Turismo 5 ."
Perfectly valid; after all, we can't play every great game that comes out, as much as we might want to. But while we often chastise Epic for not recognizing the PS3 crowd, we're wondering if Gears would fare as well on Sony's machine. It suddenly has to be in competition with other titles that are arguably better and furthermore, you have many people who never played Gears . I would like to think most would just want it because it adds a great franchise to the PS3's library, but there are always outside influences beyond logic. Personally, I don't really care as I have a 360 – and I need something to put in it – and I'll be getting Gears of War 3 the instant it comes out. Granted, Gears 2 had its fair share of bugs (game crashed when I beat the final boss, game froze three or four times in bizarre places, grenade craziness with the projectile getting caught in the invisible branches of a tree and spinning 'round forever, etc.) and while I have to say I never see those bugs in anything but 360 software these days, the game still ruled. Bloody and visceral and fun.
So I'd recommend that everyone plays Gears 3 and I can't see why you wouldn't want it on the PS3. But we all have our reasons and opinions, so…what say you?
interesting story. my answer is neither 'yes' nor 'no.' i am rather indifferent about the prospect of gears coming to ps3. i played the first two with a friend on his 360, and they were enjoyable. however, there was nothing that stood out about them to make them as fantastic or epic as they are made out to be. it seems kind of average to me. i'm sorta in group 2 on this, but i didn't actually "hate" the environment and style, i just didn't care for it.
in other words, i really don't care one way or the other about it coming to ps3. i will probably not buy it regardless (unless by some anomaly i find the 3rd game more appealing than the first 2). but i understand there are those who love it and would definitely buy it. i think its hysterical that some ps3 owners would actually protest this game coming to ps3.. why? if you don't like it, don't buy it. plus its one less retarded argument we'd have to hear from 360 fans
I wanna play it ill be honest, I would buy it if it came to the PS3. but i wont buy another console to play it on, so if i miss it o-well. Same went for bioschock, i didnt care unless it came to the console i owned which it did and i enjoyed it!
meh i know we will get killzone 3 eventually and it will far surpass gears as a shooter imo, so i dont really care one way or the other, to me its just another shooter thats just been way overhyped , same as moderwarfare, they were groundbreaking…..5 years ago, series havent evolved much really, killzone did evolve at its time and im sure it will again in the future, but nevertheless, if i could buy it for 30 buks later for the ps3 id probablyh will
I dont give a crap about it, but if someone else wants it why not? It certainly wont hurt me at all.
I played the first Gears and didnt enjoy it too much. The dialog was terrible, the story was fairly bland (though to be fair so is KZ2's), and they made it hard by requiring 3 clips to take down an enemy instead of programming better AI.
Some people dont care about those issues, and thats perfectly acceptable, so why would i want to deny them the ability to play a game they want on a system they want?
YES, GG, please get some good dialogue and voice acting in Killzone 3. Take a queue from U2 please!
Maybe hire World, I hear he is a starving writer.
I'm one of those who just doesn't like the atmosphere or art direction of the game. Everything just looks boring to me. I'd probably play more shooters if they were more aesthetically pleasing to me, like Uncharted 2, which I loved.
(of course Uncharted 2 was a lot more than just shooting.)
Last edited by n/a on 4/10/2010 2:52:33 PM
Hmmm… I'd have to play the first two games if the third one looked good and came to the PS3.
I would be very happy if it came to the PS3, because I would get it ^.^
I played only the second one, and it is enjoyable, and as for the story, it's easy to understand, and moves the singleplayer forward (I don't need every game to have a beautifully, complexly structured story, or a story to remember for the years to come to be honest, because will we remember each one if that were the case?).
So, I'd get Gears of War 3 if it came to the PS3, otherwise, it's a 360 purchase =)
I don't really mind, it would be a game i'd get for around 30 euro's max since there are allot of shooters out there that are just as good if not better. I do miss more offline coop games of quality, and gears is one of those. However, I really can't complain with the amount of quality gracing the ps3 at the moment, in all genres.
I wonder what the incentive is for Epic, Bioware and Ubisoft to keep making exclusives for a console who's maker doesn't even make exclusives for it anymore.
Oh wait… never mind.
if they release the entire trilogy at the same time on ps3 then maybe i'll try it out. but right now i have no interest in any upcoming 360 games. although getting all 3 games at the same time will be a bit tough to play. i dont like dropping into a game without knowing/playing the story. i'm already playing a trilogy called god of war. i prefer uncharted's atmosphere more than gears. i didnt like all the dark stuff and the story didnt really pull me in either.
Last edited by johnld on 4/10/2010 3:42:45 PM
to answer your question, yes
Please, please come to the ps3. This is my favorite xbox exclusive and i would love to see the next iteration on sony's console. For me the first and second gears of war's are amazing games! (9.5/10)
I will probably get gears 3 if i would be able to play 1 and 2 first. and for that to happen they shld bundle the first 2 games before bringing over part 3 like what they did with GOW 1 and 2 from the ps2.
i would love to play some gears on the ps3!
It's the only game, besides Halo, 360 owners can feel proud about…
They should keep that game
I wouldn't care, except the fact I would want to play it on my PS3, but my OCD would compel me to buy it on 360 because I own the first 2 already and it would feel out of order to own the 3rd on a different system.
Nah. Gears is pass for me
I'm actually pretty excited for the new Halo game, not cuz its Halo but cuz its actually doing a more of a bfbc2/mw2 thing with making and choosing your own gun/equipment layouts. I might actually pick it up, OR Brink just looks ridiculous but I've only seen the trailer which I drooled over…free running plus guns! Altho I do wanna finish the Gears story other than that I think its fine staying on the 360 ::shrug:: the PS3 is doing just fine with its exclusives and multiplat titles 🙂
I'd buy it.
This is the only franchise that the 360 has that I am actually kinda jealous about.
I utterly reject the no answer as being utterly out of jealousy and fanboyism. come on that's just bs. The whole reason why I don't have a 360 is because all the exclusive games of testostorene, steroid fueled marine/space marine/ some more marine games don't interest me 1 ioata.
Even if I won a xbox/ had money to waste, I would not buy gears, it signifies for me what's wrong with the games industry. A penchant for the immature violence without substance.
Yea those characters are so larger than life, I hate those looks!
I'd say no personally, because I don't like jumping into a series without playing the previous titles – I like gaming for story just as much as gameplay.
So if they released Gears 1 and 2 as well as 3 on the PS3 then sure, I'd take a look. But just 3? Then I'd pass.
I might get thumbs down because it's going to sound petty and small but taking one of the Xbots beloved franchises would serve those S.O.B s right. Anytime a game flips from PS3 only to multi platforms Xbots troll PS3 friendly site comment sections or PS3 message boards to brag.
But on top of that having another great title on the PS3 doesn't hurt either.
I would like to play it….I don't have an Xbox, but I am not a fanboy. I honestly don't really see a reason to buy an Xbox, most of the games are the same, and I have plenty to play, and I don't even buy all the great PS3 games. Once and a while a game that is hyped on Xbox I feel like I want to play it, then I think if it were on PS3 would I buy it? rent it? For instance I haven't played heavy rain, but if it was on Xbox I might find myself really wanting to try it. Gears is one of those games, I would like to play it, but I don't think it's a U2 beater.
Last edited by migabyte on 4/10/2010 6:50:26 PM
Call Of Duty owns!
Too Many Shooters out there. the genre is becoming saturated. Now-a-days i go to the arcades for some third strike or play demons souls. But Until battlefield 3 hits the market i know im not touching another shooter for a while.
Having that said i would not mind if gears of war came to ps3 im always open to developers.
I know I don't want it and halo too for that matter I hate both games even on the PC and yea if this game does go to the PS3 then all Xbox has is halo. I dont care, xbox needs all the help they can get to slow down the PS3 from passing them up on sales. so keep it M$ you need it.
Why fuss about Gears of War 3 when Uncharted 3 is inevitable.
Uncharted > gears
gears> >>>>>>>>>>> Killzone
Masseffect>>>>>>>> killzone
Haze>>>>>>>>>>> Killzone(not really but u catch my drift)
Uncharted and Killzone > everything you listed.
I just really hated KZ2, I hate most FPS for that matter, but dude ur missing out GeOW and ME are in the elite list of games this generation with so many others o'course
i really can not see the big deal with mass effect 2.
im playing it now along with metro 2033 and to be honest its boring the crap out of me!
By all means push Gears for the PS3. I've never played it though but it looks like a solid title. I like shooters because well, you sorta have to if you want to play some of the best games nowadays…I won't go and ramble any titles off though but I think Gears would be a nice addition to the PS3 game roster. Like someone muttered before me, if you don't like…shut-the-hell-up and go about your business. It's not hurting the PS3 in anyway, right? It also gives the Xbots another reason to ponder a PS3 purchase if they haven't already been thinking about it. Wait…they can think…right?
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 4/10/2010 7:24:25 PM
However, to my post above, the character designs are awful IMO, I'm not a big fan of monster-sized, muscle-bound, freaks of nature. I tend to like playing with normal looking human beings more so than a hybrid human monster. That's just personal preference though. That's also the reason why I was never influenced by any hype to play Darksiders. I mean, the main character was just too freakishly large for me to want to enjoy the game.
so u like ur men small, I get
i agree. Ugliest design Evah!
as an artist, who LOVES character design to death, I agree. One of the reason's I've never been attracted to gears is the character design. The main character looks like a personified ego trip.
@JDC80 yes i agree thumbs up=)
@just2skillf00l lmaooo, true
I don't want it. Those games were boring and the second one was even worse than the first. The first I could live with, the second I say no to.
@JDC80 yes i agree thumbs up=)
@MyWorstNightmar yes i add new gmaes to my list all the time
@just2skillf00l lmaoo true
And i wouldn't mind the more games the better
Well for me, I already have Gears of War 1 & 2 on my Bots Box.
But I think it would be great(& I would get them on the PS3 too), but only if they make a seriously upgraded the series & made a Gears ! & 2 collection, just like our own GOW did.
Epic would need to first fully optimize it to the PS3, & then include any DLC, & add a lt more bonus stuff too, just for making all the Playstation fans wait all this time.
Then Epic could truly claim to be their own namesake…EPIC!
But if they just want to do a ho-hum port of it over to the PS3, then I say NO!
Don't bother, and just keep it over on the Bot Box.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/10/2010 8:35:55 PM
Seriously, I like Sci-fi games, so if Gears came to PS3 I would definitely pick it up, but I think I will be getting an Xbox soon so I can play ME2, Alan Wake, and maybe Splinter. Then pick up the Gears franchise to see what the fuss it about, but no Halo…hate it hate it hate it.
I wouldn't mind it coming to ps3 simply to whittle down the xbox exclusives even more but I'd only buy it if it was really cheap, mostly because it has a co-op campaign which is too rare even today.
Overall though I've got enough shooters as it is. Even though my next anticipated game, RDR, is technically a shooter at least it has an atmosphere that isn't more dull colours with more aliens.
PS 40k had chainsaws going through aliens since the 80's, they're just taking forever to do it outside of an rts or cutscene.
And I already got ME2 without an xbox, there's not much they have that the PC doesn't.
Last edited by Nerull on 4/10/2010 9:17:33 PM
I played 5 mins got bored and walked away, for part one and 2
Screw Gears. There can only be one GoW and it's GOD OF WAR!
Either way, I don't care. The games true lack of plot forced me to believe that this game was designed for nothing more then the shoot first crowd.
Yes I do want Gears of War on PS3.
I'd trade my 60 GB 360 and Gears 2 limited edition towards a copy. (And the trade value of a 60 GB 360 is only 60 bucks compared to 150-250 for a PS3 at EB. Aussie prices of course)
And now to read the rest of the article.
yess heck yes… this game is the only reason i have a 360…. this game would really help ps3 in the online/friends list community and to better improve the network because right now… people have no mics….. its rare… and sony should include a wired mic… to get people used to talking to other gamers online…. because face it… gamers like to talk to other gamers…. its our passion