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Do PlayStation 3 Owners Really Want Gears Of War?

This is more of a poll question, really, but given the number of headlines dedicated to Gears of War 3 recently, we're wondering how many PlayStation 3 owners really want this stellar franchise.

I think there are a number of things to consider when examining this question: firstly, we all have to admit that a lot of the "no" answers out there are simply based on bitterness and bias; i.e., the Xbox 360 has a great series that you don't want to acknowledge is great, and because it's not on your system of choice, you – by default – hate it. I know you're out there…just admit it. Secondly, you've got the people who, for some reason or another, simply don't like the look and feel of the games in question. I've come across many who legitimately despise the atmosphere and style, and they really don't like the controls, either. It's certainly a matter of personal preference and I respect that, but when it comes to Gears , which has a relatively unique persona, it does seem as if gamers are split on the design issue. Thirdly and lastly, PS3 owners have enjoyed a rush of top-notch exclusives over the past few years, so when asked if they want Gears , they might just respond with- "What for? I've got MGS4, Uncharted and Uncharted 2 , Killzone 2 , inFamous , Ratchet and Clank , Heavy Rain , God of War III , LittleBigPlanet , Demon's Souls and soon, Gran Turismo 5 ."

Perfectly valid; after all, we can't play every great game that comes out, as much as we might want to. But while we often chastise Epic for not recognizing the PS3 crowd, we're wondering if Gears would fare as well on Sony's machine. It suddenly has to be in competition with other titles that are arguably better and furthermore, you have many people who never played Gears . I would like to think most would just want it because it adds a great franchise to the PS3's library, but there are always outside influences beyond logic. Personally, I don't really care as I have a 360 – and I need something to put in it – and I'll be getting Gears of War 3 the instant it comes out. Granted, Gears 2 had its fair share of bugs (game crashed when I beat the final boss, game froze three or four times in bizarre places, grenade craziness with the projectile getting caught in the invisible branches of a tree and spinning 'round forever, etc.) and while I have to say I never see those bugs in anything but 360 software these days, the game still ruled.  Bloody and visceral and fun.

So I'd recommend that everyone plays Gears 3 and I can't see why you wouldn't want it on the PS3. But we all have our reasons and opinions, so…what say you?

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14 years ago

I wouldn't mind seeing it come to the PS3, though if it doesn't, I just got a new roommate who has an Xbox, so I can play it on that if I want to… that is until it red lights on us.

14 years ago

I don't want it.

14 years ago

not fussed, if it is good as people say, i wouldn't mind, but theres so much to already play on the ps3, i dont mind if i miss out on one good game.

14 years ago

it can come to ps3 i have nothing against but i will not buy unless it is properly made
i will not tolerate a half-ass port (Valve!)
thats all i ask.

Last edited by manofchao5 on 4/11/2010 5:53:24 PM

14 years ago


Valve didn't port The Orange Box.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Personally, I'm not a big fan of shooters (at least, shooters without a good plot and/or interesting characters), and I played the first 'Gears' twice and the second one only once.

Speaking to the sheer quality of the titles, I would say they are both very well put together. But I still don't find them fun, so I will likely pass on the third.

If it comes to the PS3, I'll be happy for the people who want to play the series but haven't a 360, but if not, I'll still be perfectly fine myself.

14 years ago

I'm one of those who doesn't have a 360 and wants gears. I've played the first one and loved it but have not played the second since it hasn't come out for the pc. I realize that there are those of you out there who honestly don't care, but its good to see that some of you acknowledge that there are those of us who do. Bring on gears trilogy on blu-ray. I would definitely buy that.

14 years ago

Gears of War is a great series so far. If 3 came out for PS3 then I would buy it. It's as simple as that.

14 years ago

I've never played Gears and know nothing about it… The PS3 is my first and only console so far.

14 years ago

could the ps3 output that much brown without dieing of boredom?

they're good games. not worthy of the praise and acclaim they get, but they're fun. if it came out on the ps3 without many flaws i'd likely pick it up.

Last edited by Ogibillm on 4/10/2010 11:24:29 AM

14 years ago

why not? It outputted tons of other earth tone colors in KZ2

14 years ago

"Could the PS3 output that much brown without dying of boredom?"

Dude, it handled KZ2 just fine, so Gears should not only be OK, but a fun and welcome change from all the gray (not to mention brown).

Say what you want, but Gears 2 had a far more varied visual design and color palate than KillZone 2 easily, and the first one probably did as well.

14 years ago

Killzone has more color then Gears.

14 years ago

some people are color blind…

It doesnt even matter, this isnt about the color lol.

14 years ago

I would love to see it come to the PS3 for the simple fact that it would be fun to be able to start some friendly ribbing with the 360 crowd.

I own the first 2 for the 360, so I wouldn't buy them again. But I'd get part 3 for the PS3 so I could enjoy some free multi-player.

14 years ago

Tell me about it. If Live was free then maybe I'd have enjoyed Gears a lot more.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

You know that Live isn't that expensive. For a year, it's 30.00 and that's about 1 1/2 hours of pay for the common man. I'm sure that many would get their hours worth over the course of a year.

14 years ago

A year of Live is $30? Even if that were true I'd have a hard time paying for what others are offering for free.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Yeah. I've often seen 12 months for $30 plus two free months. You say that you have a hard time paying for what others get for free? That's true. Many people do get Live subscriptions for free. Go get one.

14 years ago

you're talking about games like halo and gears, and from what i know of the live community, most of that online experience isnt worth paying for in my opinion. i've paid for live and played it when MW first came out. the game was highly enjoyable but the experience was not. I was so glad they patched it with a mute option but it didnt work for the lobby so i still got annoyed by the intermission.

14 years ago

A year of live is $50, not $30, get your facts straight.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

That's MSRP and no one pays MSRP unless they are stupid. Look online for many discounts and many people who are able to get up to 14 months of membership for $30. Get your facts straight.

By the way, the older Xbox Live 12 month membership cards were being clearanced out at many retailers and they went for as little as $10. Some were even able to use a store discount coupon to get them down to $5 for a whole year. Chew on that. LOL

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 4/11/2010 1:57:59 PM

14 years ago

I really enjoyed the 1st one, but I thought the second was mediocre. As LimitedV once said, "We don't want M$ table scraps." which sums how I feel up perfectly.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 4/10/2010 11:25:21 AM

14 years ago

Honestly, I really don't care if Gears every comes to the PS3. I'd probably buy it if it did, but it doesn't matter. I mean, let's face it; that's the ONLY exclusive Xbox has that's really that great. The PS3 has God of War, MGS, Uncharted, Killzone, LBP, Resistance, R&C… and the list goes on and on. Will Gears really have much of an impact in-between all those awesome franchises? Doubtful.

14 years ago

Seriously? Gears is the 360's only good series? Either you're trolling or you're just ignorant. What about Halo, Fable, Forza Motorsport, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead and PGR?

14 years ago

And how many of them are also on PC/Mac? Not quite so "exclusive" to the 360 as you thought.

14 years ago

War shooters never appeal to me. It's usually not the atmosphere I enjoy playing in.
But a good game is a good game whatever the package. If it is as good as they say, by all means, bring it on !

14 years ago

To not buy a good game because you have other good games is just silly. If Gears 3 came to the PS3 then it would sell. Not nearly as well as it would on the 360 though for the simple fact that ports to the PS3 are often crap and there's no chance of Epic switching the lead platform to PS3.

14 years ago

Its more about weighing the options and choosing the proper investments. Just because person A says its a good game doesn't mean person B might have other games on his mind and would rather invest their time and money on that other game. Like its hard to choose, with all the stellar titles coming out for PS3 who wouldn't choose those over Gears? Or even choose Red Dead Redemption over Gears? i certainly would.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/10/2010 12:04:42 PM

14 years ago

True. It would not be excruciatingly difficult to choose one of the stellar PS3 exclusives that are currently available over a port of Gears 3 from the guys who have ignored the PS3 with the first two games.

I was kinda looking at it from the perspective of already owning the games Ben listed. I know not everyone has all of those, but really, shame on them for not using their food money to buy them. They are the best there is.

Last edited by Alienange on 4/10/2010 2:10:43 PM

14 years ago

Food or games, hmmmmmmmmmm…games.

14 years ago

to not buy a good game because you have other good game is a good excuse for me. at least if you're just trying to postpone game purchases. I'm all backed up because i bought mag, white knight, bad company 2, heavy rain, god of war series, final fantasy13, and resonance of fate. Im still not close to finishing even half of it. so i chose not to buy just cause 2 because i dont know when i'll get to it or if i'll even finish it. although if its a port that arrives way after it released on a different system then i'll gladly pass.

Last edited by johnld on 4/10/2010 3:51:11 PM

14 years ago

No the campaign was short and depended too much on online with only three modes.
I'm glad this was sorted on Gears 2 but campaign seemed to be lacking.

I don't really care if it really went to PS3 then I probably would.

14 years ago

No. Not because I dislike the box but because I didn't enjoy the first one and don't care for any more Martian shooters. There are plenty of other games more worth my time and money. I can't be bothered with another shooter based around a bunch of muscle bound freaks shooting hoards of aliens. It's old, stale and tiresome. Plus it's on of the ugliest games I've seen. Uncharted 2 is way prettier and better to look at.

Not to say it shouldn't come. I know some would like it on the PS3, but I wouldn't but it. IMO it's one of the most over hyped franchises in video game history. Along side Halo but at least Halo brought something new to console shooters. A solid online play while Gears brought only a broken online play and a broken game engine.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/10/2010 11:44:19 AM

14 years ago

Jawnee always bring the truth, hard and cold as it is.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I agree its over-hyped, but I believe like Resistance, these were the only good games back in 2005-2006, so they kind of laid the foundation.

I have Gears 2, collected a whole lot of dust, its just another Resistance-Killzone alien-hunting game, so No! I don't think I really want it on the PS3, we have a lot and I have a lot of catching up to do already.

The best shooters are COD games imo.

14 years ago

no no, its all about Counter Strike.

14 years ago

I'd buy it. I played the original with my brother and people say that the second was even better. I can appreciate a game like that. However, like you said, the sales would be very skewed towards the 360, probably comparable to the FFXIII situation but reversed.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

I would love to see Gears of War on the PS3. Never played it but always here good things about it.

How about Gears 1 and 2 on one Blu-ray for $39.99..I would buy that to try a great franchise. Make it so….

14 years ago

Yep, I agree with Timster. Though tbh, $39.99 is the price point we now associate with "value" titles like Way of the Samurai 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes and the God of War Collection – I'd probably pay the full $60 for Gears 1 and 2 on a single Blu-ray.

I've never tried 'em – I'm not prepared to buy a console when only two franchises interest me (Gears and Mass Effect) – but I do feel I'm missing out on the collective gamer experience by not having played them.

That said, I can give no assurances that I'd love Gears of War. I hated, HATED the demo for the first Uncharted simply because it was just the (solid) gameplay with no story, and I wasn't able to connect with the characters. The gameplay alone wasn't enough for me.

When I finally rented Uncharted and was able to get the full experience, I fell in love with it. If Gears has that level of narrative and character realization, I'm sure I'd fall in love with it too.

Either way, I'd like to try it.

14 years ago

I wouldn't mind seeing Gears on PS3, I'm not fighting for it though. Personally, I wouldn't buy it, I wasn't a big fan of the first two.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I want it on PS3. I'm hoping for a Gears trilogy megapack all on one Blu-Ray disc for $60. If I remember right, the Gears franchise has a limited exclusivity agreement with MS. And if so, once that agreement is up, I wouldn't see why Epic wouldn't want to make some extra $$ on 360's leftovers for PS3 fans who really wanted to play the series. I played Gears 1 and 2 when I had a 360, and I would like to still have a shot a Gears3.

14 years ago

What happened to your 360?

14 years ago

Haha talk about a loaded question

14 years ago

I'd give it a try I think, just to see what all the fuss is about.

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
14 years ago

There's no point in bringing Gears 3 for many players like me who know nothing about the franchise.

Honestly, if it ever comes to PS3, it's absolutely IMPERATIVE to have Gears 1 and 2 as well to know the story and gameplay.

Otherwise, many people, me included, will not buy it

14 years ago

Put me in group 3. I've got a huge backlog of games and haven't even begun purchasing all the AAA titles that have come out in the last few months yet. I'm in group 2 as well. The cornball dialog and oversized armored suits make me think it's a game for little kids.

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