Well, it's certainly an exotic take on your standard wrestling experience.
Konami has announced that they will distribute Slang's Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes Del Ring in the US, Canada, and Latin America (outside of Mexico). The Unreal Engine 3 will be used in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game; Immersion Software will handle the development. Argentine developer Sabarasa Studios will take care of the Wii, PSP and DS versions. Although we don't have any specific gameplay details just yet, we do have a few of the wrestler names that will be featured in the game: La Parka, Konnan, Psycho Clown, Charly Manson, El Elegido, Abismo Negro, and Electroshock. This actually marks the first time that Konami has utilized a real-life license for one of its wrestling titles; up until now, they've only used fictitious wrestling federations (take 2004's Rumble Roses , for example). Well, it seems they've decided to go all colorful and AAA on us, so get ready to go crazy this summer.
Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes Del Ring should hit store shelves on August 9. And just as a little reminder, no, this isn't based on Jack Black's movie, "Nacho Libre." It really isn't. It's about the actual event.
Related Game(s): Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes Del Ring
Seems interesting.
Nacho Libre and Jack Black is all I can think of.
thats what i thought when I read the news, then I saw the L instead of N and I was like bummer
Que Bien!
My last wrestling title was a WWF installment on the PS1. This may be a good title to diversify my game library. I'm sure it'll sell quite well in Latin America but there's some of us here in the states who are fans of wrestling back in my native Mexico and would pick up this title.
Oh man that's weird
*rubs eyes*
I thought for a minute there you were telling Ben to be quiet.
Charly Manson !?! What about Richard Ramirez ? At least he's latino.
if they make it like the first rumble roses and not like the crappy 360 one, this might be good.
Wow what an incredible waste of money.
Because you say so?
We'll let the sales tell the tale I guess.
Just for kicks they should cameo Nacho Libre.
Hopefully it's half as good as No Mercy was on the N64.
The last good wrestling game was Day of Wreckoning on the GC. Not counting Fire Pro on PS2.
I don't even like wrestling anymore, who cares about the roster. It's all about the hilarious character creations our sick minds come up with.
Anyone wanna go up against 'NOT HHH'?
Being Mexican I feel insulted with your Nacho Libre jokes dudes.
Do tell, what are you insulted by? I read the comments and didn't see anything insulting, but then again, I am not Mexican.
Was Nacho Libre not a movie, and a comedy at that?
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 4/9/2010 3:31:52 PM
I'm not Mexican but my long time girlfriend is and I've spent several years in Mexico/El Paso. I don't find what's been said in these comments to be insulting just ignorant of other cultures. Can only help there will be those that will give it a try and expand their cultural experiences.
Thank you for your reply Jackyl, although I don't agree that humor equates to ignorance.
I was thinking more along maxpontiac's and TEG3SH's comments which I don't really think was humorous or meant to be taken as such. And I'm speaking about ignorance just towards different cultures, not to be confused with general ignorance.
Last edited by Jackyl on 4/9/2010 6:22:01 PM
Make Suikoden VI instead!
Here here !
Alien, only since you never get corrected, it's hear, hear. You can write it to your memory banks, or discard it if you so choose.
Nacho Libre may be a silly inclusion, but how about putting in the wrestler he was actually based on, Fray Tormenta? Priest outfit and all.
Last edited by Superman915 on 4/9/2010 6:42:21 PM
I thought the last nail in Konami's coffin was already in place. I guess there's always room for one more.
I prefer casket. The term coffin offends me.
How about KOFFING!!! :0
@jakyl WTH!!!!!!!! are U and OXvial on about, I THOUGHT THAT IT WAS A GAME ABOUT A MOVIE CALLED NACHO-LIBRE A COMEDY BY JACK BLACK…. HOW THE HELL IS THAT INSULTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jakyl talking about ignorance ,really ?????? I thought u would have gotten ur facts right b4 playin the , "your an ignorant " card ( a little tribute To southpark) …
PPL are way too sensitive these days .
Last edited by TEG3SH on 4/9/2010 7:03:22 PM
You said it. As if people come on here to comment about peoples races. Some people have to over themselves.
@ alinage
I know right, like we will come to A GAMING site to bash other ppls religion or race. I think we have utube for that.lol
consider urself sued MR , u made me ruin my new pair of jeans,i laughed so hard I peed a little . lol
Last edited by TEG3SH on 4/9/2010 7:22:45 PM
What is humorous about that is Oxvial in past discussions has been one to let anything be said, and you shouldn't be insulted by it kind of guy. In otherwords, he has told people to lighten up so to speak. When I read what he said, I really thought he was trying to be humorous.
Teg, that is why I wear plaid pants. Easier to hide the stains.
Yikes TEG3SH! Please, learn to type with some kind of grammatical sense. Also as I stated before I did not find any comments particularly insulting, just disappointing that when people here lucha libre they only think about that somewhat enjoyable movie.
It's not really your fault that you have no knowledge of certain other cultural entertainment.
….the only reason people are making the connection is because they both have the word "libre." don't look into it so much.
Don't ruin my trolling >.>
I thought something was fishy, I never could grasp the Idea that i was being insulting or as "smarty pants " puts it " culturally ignorant ", he really pissed me off :@
NACHOOO!!! XD couldn't help it. But I think people are getting their kick out of SvR2010 still and then Undisputed 2010 is coming.
excuse me but "Nacho" is hate word around here, and we don't use this kind of offensive language . XD
I haven't played a wrestling game since the WCW games on the N64, but this does sound interesting. It makes me think of the good ol WCW days with Ray Mystereo jr. (before he went to WWE and got hopped up on steroids) and all the other luchadors. I just loved all the acrobatic moves and double back flips off the third rope and such. That was entertaining.
I can guarantee you that they wont have their original entrance songs so I hope the can let us customize our own ones.
Cool, wrestling games are fun and something different other than WWE and UFC gaming would be sweet.