The Stimulus Package for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 hit hard last week when it launched for the Xbox 360, but PlayStation 3 and PC owners were left out in the cold.
Even so, over 1 million Xbox Live users downloaded the Package in the first 24 hours of its availability and before the week was over, 2.5 million fans had their hands on the expansion content. But it won't be long before Microsoft's temporary exclusivity on the Stimulus Package ends; Activision has announced that both the PS3 and PC versions will be available in North America on May 4 (May 5 for Europe and Australia). It'll retail for $14.99 and if you don't already know, it features all new maps: Bailout, which puts you in a high-rise apartment complex of sorts; Storm, which includes an intimidating industrial setting, and Salvage, which is a snow-covered junkyard. Lastly, this large expansion boasts two very popular holdovers from the original Modern Warfare : Crash and Overgrown. So for fans of MW2, this is essentially a must-have. The question is, are you one of the many who will download it on day one?
If you are, you'll probably be interested in the Call of Duty 7 unveiling, which should happen later this month. CoD is one of those franchises that is now firmly entrenched, like it or not.
Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
MS kicks puppies.
That they do.
So wait let me get this straight. Dice releases a small online shooter on psn for 14.99 and MW2 gets an add on for 14.99?
Say what?
Over 1 million xbots bought that?
Said it before I'll say it again, some people are just stupid.
(apparently they all have xboxs)
if they were smart they'd have a ps3 experiencing these crazy a** exclusives and free mature online community
Slow down there kraygen. You don't think the PS3 will see those numbers? Pray that it does.
You pray that other PS3 owners are suckers like you?
Why so it will make you feel better about your foolish decision to buy this crap?
They better have a good 5-10 map packs because this is a ripoff 15$ for 3 maps and 2 that everybody owns wtf!
if my college calculus serves me right, 65+15=$80
$80 for a freakin game???
edit plus $50 for XBL
edit 2 – LOL!!!
Last edited by dachemists on 4/9/2010 1:29:13 AM
I bought the Hardened Edition, so it was $110 CAD for me…
Plus the:
X .13
This my fellow gamers is the biggest ripoff since the Nintendo Virtual Boy
i still think KZ2 has the best MP out there!
it saddens me to see such a crappy game like this sell through the roof and get so much support, but than you try to get into a game of KZ2 and the servers are full of dust balls!
i wish developers would actually release expansion packs for their games like what fallout 3 had, instead of just MP maps.
thats one thing im really preying for with GOW3, i really hope they bring back that level they first showed off at E3 when they revealed the game.
i think if they released dlc addons like fallout 3 in killzone 2, they might not have enough story for killzone 3. or worse yet, we'll get a game like killzone odst. i mean, who elses story can they tell? they killed the hero in the first game, rico was always there in killzone 2, and your squad mates are too irritating to follow.
or maybe they can tie up loose ends from killzone 1. or maybe there werent really any loose ends because i cant remember. all i know is that i remember seeing a helgan on my side in kz1, there was also a girl too (i think a ninja or something). what happened to them? maybe they can also tell a story of a new guy in their kz2 squad. although that may lead to a game like halo odst but as long as they make it a dlc and not call it a "full game" then it would be alright.
they dont need to have a story really, just add a few levels and maybe a few different enemies, just a reason for people to go back and play the game.
it does not need to be a long expansion pack, maybe thats the wrong word for it i guess SP mode DLC would be a better phrase to use.
cant remember what happened in KZ since its been god knows how many years since i played it, but if they did add to the story they could link the gap between 1 and 2.
thats one thing i wish ND would do with uncharted 2, clearly chloe and drake know each other, and have met before uncharted 2.
so id be nice to see a uncharted 1.5 showing us what happened from the end of 1 to the start of 2.
only greed seems to drive them and treating there customers as mindless zealots mw2 quickly dried up for me and wot makes me laff is 2 of the maps i already have in the new package
Im not a hater, I'll get the map pack for sure 🙂
It's not about hate…it's about saying no to rape.
Pull em down and bend over, because Bobby K wants to ride the consumer again, before he takes your money and laughs his way to the bank as he shouts back.. "Suckers…cannot believe I get away with this shiz!"
it has nothing to do with hate. it's no way gamers should stand for this. 3m maps plus 2 old a** ones. screw that.
You and Alienage should be buddies. He loves calling people haters.
This map pack is a little too late in my opinion. Since MAG and Bad Company 2 came out, i lost interest in it. well….i lost interest since white knight came out. That and i was playing uncharted 2.
This kind of DLC will continue because of brainless CoD fanboys keeps on supporting CoD for bearing the name CoD.
Stupid Kotick should have put a $25 pricetag on it. I'm sure it would have only reduced sales by about 3% lol. "It's MW2 – I must buy it immediately at any price!!!"
Are the babies crying about 5 maps for $15 the same ones who bought 7 multiplayer skins for $5 for UC2? Or are they the ones who paid $5 to have their Rock Band songs exported to RB2? Or who paid $10 for Flower's 6 maps?
I wonder.
Last edited by Alienange on 4/9/2010 12:45:19 PM
Wait so 3 new maps and 2 recycled previously free maps are rightly priced at $15 but an entirely new experience in gaming such as Flower isn't at $10?
And correct me if I am wrong but isn't this coming from the guy who would have the price of games raised if possible? Clearly he and his company are out to squeeze customers for all they are worth and it is mindless marching to the stores and gobbling up anything that drips from their slimy fingers that allows them to continue with such practices. It is also that kind of blind devotion with no thought that is driving our entire society towards a future resembling that portrayed in Idiocracy.
Thanks for helping bring full body lattes to Starbucks.
Gotta love your attempt to justify bullshit with even more bullshit.
Keep it up pal, maybe Craptivision will give your a marketing job.
Flower was great value for money!
What the hell is wrong with you man? If the industry follows bobby's lead is is bad for all of us, not only would the games be greatly increased in price, you can say goodbye to titles such as Heavy Rain, even Uncharted 2 as they just would not be allowed to be made, we would just get the same old crap again and again but with slightly different dressing.
Staggered to believe anyone can actually defend their practices, wish you were into anything but games so you would spend your money elsewhere!
Aliennage has bad taste. So of course he sticks up for the crap.
You guys are silly. Angry about nothing. All upset that some big bad company is making money off of gamers as if that hasn't been happening for years.
All I did was ask why babies are crying on here about the sales numbers of MW2's map pack when they're fully willing to drop money and their pants for other frivolous dlc.
@ coverton341 – "2 recycled previously free maps" How's that now? Recycled yes, free? No.
hahaha this coming from the guy who routinely accuses his opponents of hate and leaves some of the most intense comments on the threads.
okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. hahaha
I'm a little amused at all my PSX friends badmouthing the 2.5 million 360 owners who've bought the MW2 maps to date…….as if PS3 owners won't put up similar numbers.
…and those that do it are fools and have zero credibility in discussions concerning Activisions's pact with satan.
They won't.
Quiet yourself LV lest the hound be unleashed upon all of us free thinkers.
As other people have said. This gives people all the more reason to go to BFBC2. Sure the maps may take a while to come out but they are still free. And i think the name is fitting. Its definitely a stimulus package for Activision!!! $14.99 is absolutely outrageous. Especially seeing as how stupid buggy MW2 is. Greedy bastards!!!LOL
In all honesty this is extremely overpriced..heck even half that price would be high enough.
I guess this is more DLC ill be passing on until i believe its correctly priced!
if this was $4.99 and i still played MW2 i might have considered it.
Meanwhile, you can buy all 6 NEW Killzone 2 maps for $8.
Tell that to the people who bought those map packs for $5.99 each at launch.
Activision can suck Microsoft off, XBox getting everything sooner is garbage. Sony is a peice of S#$%, the run very few ads on TV it's all XBOX for everygame and then they let Microsoft pay people off so they run ads for them. I read ads from Best buy, Wal-mart, Target, and many more, and none of them have any PS3 ads in them. Maybe this site should look in to that more then anything, would be a good story
I can only assume how COD death feels about the franchise, it just goes to show how mindless action junkies can get hooked on the most popular FPS even if it is the most broken game I have ever attempted to play. I just feel bad for IW, I mean, they created such a bad engine that people can constantly find ways to exploit it for their own gain.
When I sold my copy of MW2 the guy that bought if from me was telling me how he only plays anything COD. I tried to tell him there are other shooters out there(and other types of games) but he just didn't care. I enjoyed Borderlands on split screen, KZ2 will always be highly underrated, and Bad Company 2 in my opinion is clearly the Superior FPS.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 4/9/2010 4:39:03 PM
$15 for five maps. So each map is priced at $3…two maps are respawns and the other three are less tactfully inserted. This is what happens when you get danger close to the COD franchise, your instincts lead you into making decisions that deeply impact your wallet. If you are paying $15 dollars for map-packs you need to steady aim your scrambled mind. We all know Kotick is a scavenger for the bling so we should just run a marathon in the opposite direction. Sometimes, all it takes is a one-man-army to provide minute but significant stopping power to a cold-blooded money-hungry franchise cloning jerk. If not we can always hire the ninja assassin as a last resort.
Wow. I like that.