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Jack White To Aspiring Artists: Ditch The Video Games

Many artists have made it plain that they're not big fans of the music/rhythm boom in video games.

The latest is Jack White of the White Stripes, who told NME that aspiring musicians should lay off the video games and "cut three strings off their guitar." When asked to name three things every new artist needs when first starting out, White's first piece of advice was to "quit playing video games;" this comes after last June's comment about how Guitar Hero is having a negative effect on the music industry. "It's depressing to have a label come and tell you that [Guitar Hero] is how kids are learning about music and experiencing music." The fact that the White Stripes certainly benefited from having their "Blue Orchid" song in Guitar Hero 5 is almost irrelevant; it just seems that such an argument is pretty darn narrow-minded. I seriously doubt most individuals are deluding themselves into thinking they can be professional musicians just because they're good at Guitar Hero or Rock Band . What I'm sure of, however, is that playing such games can instill a fresh love of music in a person, and that's a positive, yes?

I think the point, Jack, is that as time goes on, music changes and how we experience that music changes. There was a time when classical music was the only option and to this day, some still believe it to be the only true form of music. Things change. The only way Guitar Hero hurts the music industry is if all those who like the franchise in question are brain-dead and mentally challenged, and run around with their plastic guitars going, "I'm the next Eddie Van Halen!" Thanks for the insult, Mr. White.

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14 years ago

I agree with you Ben, and I disagree. The ones I think are vulnerable here are kids. The ones who know nothing of music and experience it through games like Guitar Hero. Sure older gamers have been to concerts, listened to radios, bought CDs, perhaps even played a real instrument or two. But for kids growing up, they should not experience their music and culture through the distortion lens of video games. Can you imagine the ersatz culture that would result from generations of kids who experience previous culture predominantly through video games?

14 years ago

I'd say kids today know more about real instruments than you give them credit for. When I bring my daughter to piano class, there's not an adult in sight.

14 years ago

Hey man Oregon Trail never steered me wrong.

14 years ago

Cannon Fodder FTW!

14 years ago

Band class is mandatory in middleschool where I am and iPods line the pockets of every student. Kids are getting their music in other places.

14 years ago


I understand your point about things 'kids' shouldn't learn about in videogames I just don't think music fits in this category, Sex, Drugs, and Violence do. I think any way you experience music is good as long as you experience it and I'm no parent but I think Guitar Hero is a better way to introduce a kid to Slayer for example than going to a concert unless you want to scare them out of liking that genre of music (Which would be cruel! To each his own! except ICP I hate them! LOL) or let them start partying! I've discovered quite a few bands I've grown to love from both the GH & RB series. I'm not saying GH should replace Guitar lessons but to hear a song you've never heard before and immediately like it is one of those simple joys no one can explain or experience for you. I didn't thumbs down you either by the way I prefer talking about differences in opinion over clicking a button 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I agree that kids should be limited in what they see and with what they play.

However, given the proper guidance, I still think something like Guitar Hero can only help a child become more interested in music in general. It requires a parent to remind them that it's just a game and that if they really want to play, they should take guitar lessons. But it's the game that would've instilled this desire in the child.

It's like when you were a kid and it seemed like every parent was forcing their children to take piano lessons. Would they not have been more interested if they had had "Piano Hero?"

14 years ago

As much as I really dislike The White Stripes I suppose he has a point. Both activities take a BIG chunk of time. I don't know about you guys but I never game for less than an hour at a time. If I can't set aside at least an hour I won't fire up the system.

Guitar takes even more time than that to get good. I spent years of 4hr+ days of guitar and it almost requires it to become even decent. Though I think Guitar Hero has done a GREAT job to get our kids off the mainstream rap culture. I never liked that thug gangster culture.

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 4/7/2010 9:43:12 PM

14 years ago

Great point about getting kids out of the thug or gang culture. Unfortunately I think we have a ways to go on that score.

14 years ago

Not a problem. Take it from me. I've played games since NES and i owned a guitar shortly after that. I've been on tours, made some albums and some money and had fun. I did it for the music. Not get on MTV. So what hes saying is bs in my opinion. He doesn't really know what hes talking about.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/7/2010 9:53:23 PM

14 years ago

Same here Jawknee

I have done some touring and made a couple albums but never once felt like video games were somehow impacting my ability to do any of that. If anything I had a relatively easy start thanks to some supurb hand-eye coordination.

It makes me a bit sad because I am actually a big fan of his music.. but this is as you said BS.

14 years ago

Same here as well Jawknee

I've had every major system since the Odyssey, played them all to death, and still had plenty of time to play "realee-real" instruments, (I still play … have an album rolling out worldwide on May 4th). Did I play the Guitar Hero games? …. HELL YEAH I did! I hadn't been as addicted to a video game as I was when I first touched Guitar Hero in a long time preceding … it blended my two favorite activities together.

I can go on benders for weekends at a time playing a game, and still practice three nights a week, gig on the weekends, work full time, and take classes. (I'll have time for sleep when I'm dead). My passion for the medium in no way affects my life adversely.

Mr. White is talking out of his ass … (or maybe it's the "in" thing right now for celebrity musicians to bash guitar hero).

14 years ago

Agreed. I can understand playing video games where you're a race car driver, or an astronaut, or a secret agent, but a guitar player? You can buy a perfectly good entry level guitar for less than the price of a game + plastic toy controller. And as anyone who's played an instrument knows, the fun and satisfaction one gets from playing real music on a real guitar is a thousand times greater than you'll ever get from pushing buttons on a toy.

14 years ago

I think it is all about moderation, that or not sleeping on weekends.

I game, I make electronica. I can lose hours on either one. I can actually lose more time producing tracks than gaming though so I don't see my gaming as a huge detriment to my production of music. Also, gaming is not a creative process and anyone who has played an instrument, made a track or at least attempted to with production software, or sat and wrote a song will know that music is an extremely creativity intensive art form. You can't throw yourself down and bang out a song in an hour.

Actually, I guess some techno "artists" do that but I wouldn't consider them artists per se.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. I can game any time but to produce tracks I need to be in the right mind set and really feeling it if you know what I mean, and when I am in that frame of mind all I want to do is lose myself in hours of sampling, mixing, arranging, and tweaking until I have something I can consider beautiful.

14 years ago

I can see how gamers can take this as an insult, but I think what he's trying to say is that it's a lot tougher and a million times more satisfying playing a real guitar than repeatedly stroking colored buttons on a plastic controller.

I think that people don't realize it's actually extremely difficult to get good at an actual guitar and being good at Guitar Hero doesn't mean you're a good musician… It means you're coordinated…

Personally, I think that Guitar Hero is super fun, but it does kind of piss me off when people only know a song if it was in Guitar Hero. I can't tell you how many people go by saying: "Hey, a Rolling Stones shirt! I only know them through Guitar Hero."

Not to mention, no one buys CD albums anymore. Darn Itunes and Limewire or Frostwire or whatever.

To wrap up my super long comment, I don't think Jack White is trying to offend anyone, he was merely offended by the fact that it seems like the only place someone can experience good music nowadays is in a video game or movie soundtrack. No one ever goes to CD stores anymore 🙁

White Stripes rocks!

Last edited by Neurotoxiny on 4/7/2010 9:45:06 PM

14 years ago

What's a CD?

14 years ago

they were out before blu ray i think……

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Nah the 'CD' is the youngest of the Devil's spawn.

14 years ago

i buy CDs ever now and again. im gonna pick up the new ACDC album (its got their classics on it and i dont hav many of those.)

14 years ago

I buy CD's, proud to have never bought any music with DRM, or that has gone through compression methods.

14 years ago

I dislike Guitar Hero but White Stripes also suck .

14 years ago

lol the White Stripes suck and Jack is a tool.

Why only play 3 strings? Cause it's too hard to play all six? They remind me of that other crappy band who only played 3 strings from the 90's. They covered that Video Killed the Radio Star song i think.

Also, the only hobby i enjoy more then games is my music. Sure i didn't become rich and famous and have my bands music featured on Gaytar Hero but we did well for ourselves, made some good music and had fun doing it.

So Mr White, just shut up and sing.

14 years ago

Play 2 strings

Last edited by Alienange on 4/7/2010 9:53:04 PM

14 years ago

there are 6 strings on the guitar not 5.

or were you talking about that 90's band?

14 years ago

even worse than the white stripes….. the dead weather

ugh… that band is awful. i can't believe dean fertita (QotSA) was in that band….

14 years ago

Yup, White is a talentless hack.

14 years ago

I'm good with my ol' 1 string

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

And the best play seven strings.

14 years ago

Eh, I see a different light on the situation. I taught myself to play the Guitar at a young age. I very HIGHLY doubt I'd be anywhere near as good as I am if it weren't for the fact that I did learn at a young age. People in their youth are known to become more fluent with such hobbies.

I think spending the time a kid would spend on Guitar Hero is lost time for that kid with a real Guitar.. Or with any musical instrument. That's assuming they want to learn how to play a Guitar.

Jack White is one cocky dude. He ripped on our local radio station (Q101) for playing his song for listeners because it hadn't been officially released yet. His reason? It hurts his sales.. To listen to a song on the frickin radio?! Ooook dude, put the (not so) peace(ful) pipe down.

Recently, the guy went after the US Air Force (i believe it was the Air Force) for using one of his songs and claims that it "hurts" his sales.

14 years ago

Demon, while I am not a fan of Jack White, they didn't object to the Air Force stealing of the guitar rift due to "hurting" their sales. It was that they didn't get permission, and likely permission would not have been granted. Who ever put the ad together for the Air Force on the tax payers dime should be canned. First shot, then canned.

This is from the White Stripes: “The White Stripes takes strong insult and objection to the Air Force Reserves presenting this advertisement with the implication that we licensed one of our songs to encourage recruitment during a war we do not support,” the Stripes write. “The White Stripes support this nation’s military, at home and during times when our country needs and depends on them. We simply don’t want to be a cog in the wheel of the current conflict, and hope for a safe and speedy return home for our troops.”

14 years ago

There you have it, I was wrong. I was aware that they didn't have the rights to the song and that it had been very mildly altered.

I still hate the stuck up little bastard! Not that I think his talent is an absolute waste, I think any talent is better than none. I just can't stand cockiness towards people who support him. Not that musicians OWE their fans anything on a personal level, but they shouldn't be shot down either.

14 years ago

LOL, there are definately some eccentric musicians out there. Some of them take themselves far too seriously!

14 years ago

It's true Ben, most people are not "deluding themselves into thinking they can be professional musicians just because they're good at Guitar Hero or Rock Band."

It is sad though, that professional musicians on the other hand ARE deluded into thinking that video games are hurting their art.

14 years ago

If anything, i think it would encourage them to get a real guitar. I had friends at my old job who had kids who played Guitar Hero. They would always come to me and ask what kind of guitar they should buy their kid because hes been playing Guitar Hero and wants to play guitar.

14 years ago

Sad thing is they probably played the guitar for a week, then put it aside to play Guitar Hero instead, cuz they are better at it.

14 years ago

heh, maybe. haha

14 years ago

The son of a friend of mine (he's eleven, I think) likes to play Rock Band/Guitar Hero, but that didn't stop him from taking up the piano or from practicing it every day. I don't know if it encouraged him, but it certainly didn't discourage him.

I think White et. al. are dead wrong. If you're born to be a musician, if things just "click" when you pick up an instrument, you're going to become a musician regardless of whether or not you enjoy Rock Band (or other video games for that matter)…and RB might just serve as a "gateway drug".

Myself, I never felt that love for playing which would make me want to practice, so I just noodle every now and then. Rock Band gives me the fun–the fantasy–of being in a band without needing to do the hard work. But, if anything, it has made me want to buy a real set of drums.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 4/9/2010 3:54:50 PM

14 years ago

While I dislike the guitar hero fad, this douche sounds like he's knocking all video games. A person shouldn't do that and think they won't incur my wrath.

14 years ago


Im calling kratos or you?
Last time i called him to get a guy he bashed in his eyes.

What was his name again. Oh Yea. Poseidon =l

14 years ago

Perhaps I will just release the Kraken.

14 years ago

Please do!

14 years ago

Hey hey, Jawknee, you stole LV's line!


14 years ago


14 years ago

Sorry Limited. You can have the next one. 🙂

14 years ago

I'm starting to think that World really DOES have a Kraken….and one day he is going to release it.

14 years ago

You never know Sven 😉

14 years ago

get off it jack. these games don't hurt the industry, they help it, immensely. plenty of relatively unknown bands have gained great exposure through gh and rb. lots of people have taken up guitar because of the games. and i don't think anyone with half a brain beleives they're musicians because they're good at a video game.

I've purchased a guitar and drums in the past 2 years and RB is largely responsible for it (i also have a musician friend who was a big influence). I don't have the time to devote to them now that i would have had as a kid, but i'm coming along, and enjoying it. I have no delusions, i'll never be a rock god, but if i can strum some tunes with my kids on the porch and jam with my friends that's good for me.

and i'm absolutely okay with younger people learning about the greats through video games. if GH or RB introduced you to the stones that's awesome! your parents should have but whatever, if they were too busy listening to devo and pat benetar then video games have done you a great service introducing you to real rock music.

man, i like the stripes and all. but i'm just so freakin sick of all the video game hate from everyone who doesn't play video games.

14 years ago

I think he is just talking about Guitar band/Rock hero, as opposed to all videogames.

I think the games would only encourage kids to pick up a real guitar. Every time I play a music game I want to pull out my Dean as soon as I'm done. And there is no way that having his music in the game would do anything to hurt him.

IMO the kids that just play Guitar Hero probly wouldn't be the ones to get into real instruments in the first place.

14 years ago

If it wasn't for Guitar Hero I wouldn't have discovered some of the bands I now listen to today. I think it's a great way to combine two things I love, music and gaming.

14 years ago

Yea, i don't like playing Guitar Hero but i think any exposure for bands is good exposure. Its keeping some of these older bands alive and fresh from younger music lovers. If anything MTV has done far more damage to music then Guitar Hero.