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Zipper Planning Big Announcement For Coming Months?

Developers and especially publishers are often good at teasing the gaming public, and while some despise the practice, we all have to admit that it opens the discussion floodgates.

So now it's time to hem and haw over the latest tease from Zipper Interactive. This talented designer has already delivered MAG this year – the massive online multiplayer shooter that supports up to 256 players at one time – and we know they're hard at work on SOCOM 4 . Therefore, we're trying to figure out what else they could possibly have in the hopper, or perhaps they're referring to an update for MAG . If you check Zipper's Twitter page , you'll read the following statement in response to a reader:

"Wait until you see what we have coming down the pipeline over the next few months. Very excited about it."

Now, he could be referring to a major expansion for MAG or something along those lines but at this point, that's only a guess. We figure a game like SOCOM 4 would probably take up most of their time, so we'd be surprised if the studio is actually working on yet another big project. But either way, we'll be interested to hear what they have in store for us.

Related Game(s): MAG

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14 years ago

Why can't anyone related to Sony keep their darn mouths shut!!!! Hold your surprises and annoucnements until E3 2010!!! Is it really that hard?!?!?

It happens every freaking time!!! Sony or publishers for PS3 get too excited about announcing stuff that they can't keep it in, and when E3 rolls round, it's no longer a surprise or as ground-breaking.

This is where I have a lot of respect for Nintendo. They can keep their lips sealed and not give away ANYTHING until Reggie hits the E3 stage. I've always loved Nintendo's and Sony's E3 shows.

Microsoft on the other hand…. (grumble… talking up multiplats like they're exclusive, grumble… lousy hardware, grumble…)

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 4/5/2010 9:47:21 PM

14 years ago

but we don't know what's in the pipeline, so maybe they will hold off until E3.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

You actually like listening or even looking at Reggie? That dude looks like he rides the short bus daily.

14 years ago

Buffalo Soldier…

14 years ago

Please be a large free MAG expansion pack, or at least a cheap one

14 years ago

MAG needs something in my eyes, bad.

I have completed Valor and Raven, and am currently on level 25 or so with SVER. I need something to bring me back because I really enjoy MAG.

What MAG needs is new maps, a new faction, and some type of offline mode.

14 years ago

yo im on sver we should game some time if your down. i havent been on in a while but i need to. i got sucked into bioshock 2 and the god of war collection. thinkin i should snipe someone soon…

14 years ago

All I want from MAG is:
-Ability to add more than one faction.
-More maps.
-More weapons. (Sniper riffle that shoots grenades?)
-More gamemodes. (Capture the Flag, King Of The Hill, etc)
And, oh yeah! More MAG!
(Massively Addicting Goodness)


14 years ago

i wonder what they will be unzipping this time?

14 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you!

Note to Zipper…
"Please keep your big thing zipped up!!!

(Or at least till E3 can pimp off their perfect E-spot, just so you can thrust it upon your most ravenous of gaming nymphos)."

14 years ago

(Or at least till E3 can pimp off their perfect E-spot, just so you can thrust it upon your most ravenous of gaming nymphos)."


14 years ago

i really hope zipper gives mag the treatment that criterion gave burnout paradise. i dont really have any ideas of stuff they could do but im sure there are plenty. either way id like to see that game get even better. more maps, weapons or anything for that matter. new stuff is fun most the time.

14 years ago

Seriously, focus on MAG. Give it a cult following, a dedicated following, whatever. The game had great potential, but as a new IP in a world of a bunch of sequels of sequels it stood no chance in getting recognition. I honestly can't believe how many gamers support FPSs. The genre is flooded with too many ports of ports and it's straight tacky.

When I realized how many American losers follow UFC and play FPSs simultaneously I knew there was a problem. They literally feel like they ARE a part of what they see on the screen. What a shame to see how sad their lives have become.

Gamers rock on, Rock on gamers.

14 years ago

i HATE! it when developers do this.
why do they have to tease us?
its like dangling a piece of string in front of a cat.
like dangling a bone in front of a starving dog.
like giving me a free Ferrari enzo than removing the engine so i cant drive it.

i wish developers would learn to keep their mouths shut till they have something to show off, than and maybe then i would not be immensely disappointed when i find out what they were on about.
obviously if im promised a diamond, and receive a painted rock im going to be a little disappointed.

14 years ago

in Zippers defe3nse they didnt promise you anything, so you shouldnt be dissapointed when the time comes. just because they say they are excioted about something they are working on doesnt mean we as the consumer should take it to heart. Sure get excited about it, but you still have to realise it could be something miniscule to the consumer, but something greatly needed for a game, or about a game.

14 years ago

battlefront online 😀 got to be

14 years ago

Sounds like some DLC for MAG.

14 years ago

Mag 2? Mag should have been a third person shooter similar to socom. Or at least an option so it can compete with modern warfare and kill that multiplat. The game has great potential but it lives in a world of watered down fps. Which imo is a fad that seems to only go so far until every game just feels the same.

14 years ago

Why would there be a MAG2? MAG is like little big planet, with out the user created content. Its so massive that they can just build on it rather than expanding it into a series.

Not to mention MAG in my opinion is the best online shooter since, KZ2 and MW. MW2 isnt as good online nor is BC2. MAG gave you a battlefield, an actual war. This isnt your normal kill first, objective later like all other FPS. MAG is you must work towards objectives to win. Zipper was excellent in making it a huge part of the game to achieve objectives, and the kills such a small part of this huge shadow war.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/6/2010 7:42:57 PM

14 years ago

I still need to try MAG, even though I suck at most fps' I didn't suck that bad at the beta, though it might be a bit late in this game's cycle.

14 years ago

Wasn't there something right after MAG launched where Zipper was quoted as saying they were thinking about trying a different IP that wasn't a shooter? Could the be branching out?

If they do, my guess would be that it will have something to do with making the "Move" more appealing to the non-casual game. For some reason I get the feeling that Zipper was persuaded by Sony to make Socom 4 a "move" game.

A lot of the Socom fans are kind of choked that their game is being marketed as being compataible with a casual gamer controller. I'm interested to see how it turns out, but I honestly can't see me sitting on my couch pretending to lob a grenade at the TV. I'll probably stick with the good old controller.

14 years ago

I want it to be MAG related, i'd like to see thew war shift a little. Maybe new maps, different objectives.

But I'll be honest I've been waiting for Zipper to get back into Socom and Socom 4 has my attention.