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THQ Pursuing Red Faction Movie

Okay, so what game developer isn't trying to get a chunk of Hollywood money these days?

The number of films based on games continues to pile up; there's "Prince of Persia" coming in May, and we just heard that Bruce Willis and Jamie Foxx have been confirmed for the "Kane & Lynch" movie. Now, according to CVG , THQ would like to pursue a Red Faction big-screen adaptation. In fact, they say the movie will actually release alongside the new title, just like Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands and the aforementioned picture. THQ vice president Danny Bilson says it's part of the company's new "trans-media" strategy, which will of course involve movies in addition to games. He says THQ will be doing the "most robust trans-media plays anybody's ever seen in the games business," and they will soon announce "some really interesting stuff." One of the first announcements is related to Red Faction . Said Bilson:

"My game is going to get made either way but what I do is I'm giving these movie guys the opportunity to meet me two or three years at the end with a triple-A, awesome game and a triple-A, awesome movie that compliment each other – and certainly don't repeat each other – and start to build a world and a fiction and all of that."

Yeah, well, we have yet to see an "awesome triple-A game" correspond with an "awesome triple-A movie" but we have to admit that Prince has a shot of doing that in May. So are you interested in the idea of a Red Faction film? It's about time Hollywood returned to Mars, right?

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14 years ago

Ugh, this does not sounds like a good idea at all. Not very much story in Red Faction.

14 years ago

No offense to THQ, but I wish game developers would take their lesson from Square Enix. Being a good, even great, game developer does not make you a movie studio, and having a superb game does not translate to a blockbuster movie.

14 years ago


did u watch advent children????

14 years ago

I was all for the Kane & Lynch.

I'm still a little skeptical about the prince of persia movie.

But This Is Down Right preposterous.

14 years ago

I don't want people to think I'm racist or anything, but Lynch is perfect as an insane sociopathic white guy with bad hair. It just doesn't seem like Jamie Foxx will fit as Lynch.

14 years ago

People thought you were racist?.

14 years ago

They might if I'm sayin the black guy shouldn't get the part, lol.

14 years ago

well i'm black and jamie shouldn't get the part. it's just weird.

14 years ago

I'm constantly skeptical of bringing up this "Jamie Foxx as Lynch" subject, too. Sometimes it makes sense for a person of the opposite race of the established character to play the role (i.e. Michael Clarke Duncan was perfect as the Kingpin in 'Daredevil') but as far as this role goes, there's plenty of white actors that could've easily played the part. Even if you disregard skin colour and pretend that Lynch was black in the game, Jamie Foxx would still be a strange choice (it'll be worth it to see him with a skullet, though).

14 years ago

Good point tridon, he just doesn't fit regardless. I bet Nick Cage could do it, even if he doesn't look much like Lynch he does crazy well.

14 years ago

jamie just doesn't have a crazy look to him that's the draw back. this movie will probably flop and be crappy anyway so why bother?

14 years ago

It will probably be a rubbish and ultimately disappointing film so Nicolas Cage is perfect for the part.

14 years ago

Wouldn't John Travolta play a good crazy too ? I thought he was good in Taking of Pelham 123 and Swordfish. He does play a good bad guy in movies lol.

14 years ago

Have not played the game yet so I can't say whether or not I think the movie would be good.

Anyone who played Red faction recommend it? or should I just stay away?

14 years ago

I say you should try it out. I liked it a lot destroying complete buildings is really fun!.

14 years ago

It was a massive disappointment to me as a fan of the original FPS series. If you like Grand Theft Auto and Saint's Row, you'll probably like it. Don't expect it to be true sequel, though. I like to think of it as a spin-off as I patientally wait for the real third title.

14 years ago

I hope THQ focuses more on a story for the next Red Faction game. I enjoyed RF:G, but it was a step backwards compared to the original IMO (and I still pretend RF2 does not exist).

14 years ago

I personally loved Red Faction II. It wasn't as great as the first title but it was still an excellent FPS.

14 years ago

Everytime I think of Hollywood movies on Mars I always just think of Johnny Cabs and Kuato.

I like the idea of having 2-3 years of production together though. But then again, that didn't help the Avatar game.

14 years ago

I don't the movie good. I didn't even pay attention to the story in the game. I just played it for the sole purpose of blowing stuff up. They could have Uwe Boll direct if they want a movie so bad lol.

14 years ago

M-A-R-S, Mars Bitches!

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/5/2010 1:01:34 PM

14 years ago

A movie MIGHT be good. It's hard to tell. It all depends who's on it as producer, writer and director. If Jerry Bruckheimer was interested in producing this, there's an excellent chance that it'd be awesome. However, if someone like Paul W.S. Anderson takes hold of this, we'd probably get a turd-pile that's Mars-based but takes place on Jupiter instead.

A movie is the least I'm worried about at this point, though. I want a new FPS Red Faction… none of this GTA-on-Mars crap.

14 years ago

Well if THQ stays close in the production of the movie then it has a shot… But otherwise, here comes another Resident Evil movie :/

14 years ago

It's funny when I was a kid and was playing Red Faction I actually wanted them to make a movie about it. Now though it seems like they would have a hard time.

14 years ago

If the game is 100% finished then its an excellent idea but if the game is buggy or feels rushed then we'll know and down the pipes it'll go.
I'm interested to see how well it translates to film, I haven't seen a Mars movie since Total Recall. THQ has gotten their 1st next gen RF title out of the way, (I remember it as the game that fully maxed out the 360) They may unleash some impressive stuff this go round. I've always loved their damage physics.

14 years ago

dunno about jamie foxx, but I prefer jamie over nick cage. colin farrell or better yet Vinnie jones or jason stathem, both will be an awesome choice

14 years ago

Guys I have a problem i need help with.

14 years ago

That's a shame.

14 years ago

I was just playing Modern warfare2 I got off check my received messages and before i could finish my PS3 just went off for no reason.I tried turning it on several more time but it just goes back off. The green light goes on for 2 seconds then it goes yellow it turns off and a red blinking light goes on. I need Help

14 years ago

After that i press the power button thred blinking light turns solid red the i press the power again and the whole process begins again. I don't know what to do.I have a 60 gig Ps3 from launch with an updated 120 gig in it. This is the first problem i have ever had.

14 years ago

I unplugged it at the moment hoping it gets fixed in a couple of minutes but I am freaking out, I was about to play with my good friend online.Do any of you guys know whats going on anybody.

14 years ago

Highlander, Jawknee,World,Sven guys what do you thing is wrong.

14 years ago

i think you need a new ps3. if it's still under warranty they'll service it for free. might as well convert to the slim

14 years ago

I hope not i was just playing it minute ago.I really can't afford on at the moment. This is the first problem I ever have I cant believe it. I bought it on launch date I doubt it's still under warranty.

14 years ago

Well, I've never had a system die, sounds like it could be the yellow light of death though. Some people's systems fire right back up again after they vacuum out the dust, other people try a soldering solution from directions found on the net, is your disc stuck in there or can you eject it?

There's always lots of help in the forums.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/5/2010 6:19:16 PM

14 years ago

Disc is still in there, i've never been good at navigating thrue this site though.

14 years ago

I agree with world – sounds like the unfortunate YLOD. There are some fixes on the Internet with a heat gun…. But I would NEVER recommend doing that stuff. Sounds like you need to call up Sony. Or head to Best Buy.

Sorry man.

14 years ago

thanks alot no response for ya 🙁

14 years ago

@ Ben do you have any insights on something like this?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, sorry, I don't. But the whole thing is OT. Go to the forums; please don't bring up personal subjects that have nothing to do with the headlines.

14 years ago

well while the history book points to a absolute disaster, what the hell, a RFG movie could be really cool!

i wish more and more developers would implement their physics engine into their games, i cant describe how much fun it was driving around than saying hey thats a massive bridge lets go blow it up!
i had so,so,SO! much fun just turning buildings into rubble!
thats one thing JC2 really needs, the amount of times a pesky rocket launcher wielding guy has blown me up i wish i could send his building to the ground!

or that tower in the middle of the map, now that scared the SH*T! out of me.
out of no where got shot out of the sky, jumped out of my skin and said WHAT THE FU*K WAS THAT!
than walked up to the tower, and oh how cool would it be if i could bring it down!
sadly tis was not meant to be 🙁

14 years ago

i think itd actually be pretty cool…that is if the movies done well. Peter Jackson i can see directing this type of movie or the director of war of the worlds or whatever. Just my opinion. I also want to see the gears of war movie or a mgs movie.