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PSXE Poll Update: Demon’s Souls Is Your Most Missed

But not by much!

Four votes, to be exact. When we asked you which 2009 gem you most regret missing up to this point, we figured it'd be a close battle but we didn't think it'd be quite this close. Demon's Souls barely edged out Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time for your "most missed," and let's not forget that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves wasn't far behind. The latter is a little disappointing; it's arguably the greatest game of the generation and if this poll is any indication, far too many missed out on Naughty Dog's masterpiece. C'mon, what's the deal?! But we're not surprised at Demon's Souls , which sort of came out of nowhere if you're not a RPG fan, and even those who never really play role-playing games were intrigued. It received glowing praise from the critics – it even grabbed GameSpot's Game of the Year – and it really hooked certain people. They will swear it's one of the best experiences you will ever have, in fact. As for A Crack in Time , that's not a big shock, either, as it was forced to go against some stiff competition last fall.  You can't play everything when it first comes out.

This week, we'll make it easy. …okay, we're just making it easy on us, because it's not a difficult question to come up with. However, it could be real tough for you: what's your absolute favorite PS3 exclusive thus far? Bear in mind that we don't mean the game you think is best ; we mean your favorite . Let us know!

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14 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles Is still my favorite PS3 game.

14 years ago

I miss R&C CIT.

I haven't played GOW III but I still believe Uncharted 2 will still remain PS3 exclusive of all time not even MGS4 comes close.

14 years ago

Hard, very hard.

Uncharted 2 got my vote. The bit when you fall through the hotel window into the next building is my favourite video game moment ever.

Heavy Rain on the other hand was the most sublime, edge of my seat, intense 10 hours of gaming I have ever experienced.

Loved Killzone 2 and just finished God of War III which was superb.
MGS4 I'm going to play through next so I can see what all the fuss is about.

What a lovely choice to have to make. Every game on the list an absolute work of art!

14 years ago

hard to pick on exclusive so i give u my top 5

1. Heavy Rain
2. MLB The Show
3. Whight Night ( I love this game i don't getall the hate)
4. Killzone 2
5. Last Rebllion (same as whight night i really enjoyed this game)

*puts up flam shild for not have god of war 3 in top five*

14 years ago

hard to pick on exclusive so i give u my top 5

1. Heavy Rain
2. MLB The Show
3. Whight Night ( I love this game i don't getall the hate)
4. Killzone 2
5. Last Rebllion (same as whight night i really enjoyed this game)

*puts up flam shild for not have god of war 3 in top five*

14 years ago

I just finished GoWIII on Titan difficulty(gold trophy ftw!), so I'm definitely going to get Demon's Souls (yeah, just make that connection), eventually.
Just have to have the cash, the job interview at the McDonald's went well and I'll be going to a test run this Sunday, so I might have enough cash for some games by the end of this month, Heavy Rain is first on my still to buy list though.

Let's see, favorite exclusive… hmmm… it's going to be annoying to have to pick between Infamous, R&C:ACIT, Uncharted 2 and GoWIII.
I thought LBP was a lot of fun, but I'm still more for the single player, non online stuff.
In the end it will probably be between U2 and GoWIII, I hate making choices…

14 years ago

GOW III all the way. I played it through 4 times allready and still loving the masacre.

I keep hearing about this demon souls, The thing is I hate RPG, I don't like it. I bougt Oblivion last year and it was the biggest mistake ever, even it came from the budget box. I wait till it cost 20 euro or so.

Last edited by Bjorn77 on 4/5/2010 6:38:29 AM

14 years ago

Hardcore, dude. For me it was a huge tossup and I really wanted to click on God of War III. In the end (there will be only chaos) I knew that people would mostly vote for that and Uncharted 2 so I threw my vote to "other" out of respect for Valkyria Chronicles.

14 years ago

I haven't played most of those games because I'm too cheap to buy a game for $60. I always wait until the price comes down. I've got a big backlog of games right now, and the new ones will be just as fun when I eventually get around to them. I'll probably pick up Killzone 2 now that's it's going to be in the Greatest Hits collection.

I voted for "Other", Motorstorm Pacific Rift was insane fun.

14 years ago

You are right but not right. Sometimes games are worth every penny! But I am with you, I am not buying a game for 60 Euros while I am not 100% confident it is good.

Uncharted 2 and GOW3 are games worth it, and the people who made it deserve all the credits in the world for creating such beauty.

14 years ago

It's hard to say what my 'favorite, not best' pick is, since I'm definitely leaning towards 'Heavy Rain' (on my tenth playthru now, and I've yet to even BEGIN 'God of War III', so I know I'm addicted), but it has yet to stand the test of time with me, hence my being a little hesitant.
Still, that's what I'm voting for because it actually exceeded my sky-high expectations for it.

14 years ago

my favorites are
1. Uncharted 2
2. God of War 3
3. Killzone 2
4. Resistance 2
5. MAG

honorable mention. Heavy Rain, Infamous,
FIFA 10(world cup upon us) I know not an exclusive.

14 years ago

Blame Modern Warfare 2! Lol =P

My favourite by far would be Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots. It's timeless.

But some people are making the list, so I'll jump in on it too ^.^ (just from the list though…makes it easier for me…lol)

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
3. Heavy Rain
4. Killzone 2
5. Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time

14 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles is still the best PS3 exclusive so far. 🙂


14 years ago

Arvis wins.

14 years ago

*fist pump*


14 years ago

*Paradigm shift pose*

14 years ago

Great minds think alike. +1

14 years ago

@ Arvis

hell yeah!

Last edited by hellish_devil on 4/5/2010 3:43:33 PM

14 years ago

This is Big_T and I approve this message.

14 years ago

I voted for Heavy Rain, although Uncharted 2 and Ratchet & Clank were close behind. I just loved how intense everything was, and how crazy it would be if I had to do each of those trials in real life to save someone I loved.

After Final Fantasy 13, I'm looking forward to playing through God of War: Collection and God of War 3. (I've played 1 & 2 when they first came out, and loved them.)

14 years ago

I voted uncharted 2, and although it is superior to the first title, the first title (being my first proper console title and a nostalgic experience) is most definitely my fave title.
gs4 in close second, tied with uncharted2.

14 years ago

Demon Souls for two reasons

1 – No time. I have alot of games going on.
2 – Difficulty. Not sure if I want that stress.

14 years ago

Uncharted2 is my favourite game this gen – it's the first game since Resident Evil 4 that I bothered with a second play through (I am now on a replay of Final Fantasy XII).

I'm conflicted about Demon's Souls. On the one hand, battling demons in a medevil netherland is everything my heart desires (something my wife doesn't fully understand…), but a difficulty so punishing that even hardened game journalists felt the pain lead to me wimping out on this one

14 years ago

You only have to replay a game once, and then you'll find yourself doing it again and again in the future. For me it was RE4 :P. I've played through that at least 10 times, literally.

14 years ago

hey, Valkyria Chronicles is not an option??? wtf Ben????

14 years ago

I keep telling people who'd listen to go get Demon's Souls. I said if you have a PS3 then DS is a must have. I'm kinda surprised by the poll that DS is most missed among my fellow PSXers.

14 years ago

I played and loved Valkyria Chronicles but I think I will appreciate it more for the PSP.

These RPG time sinks are all well and good for those hard core gamers that can sink a good 10 hours in a row into a game.

For us older gamers with restricted PS3 time it's the flashier action games that are more rewarding for that quick bit of gameplay or bang for your buck. (I also include Heavy Rain in that!).

RPG's that take 60 hours or more can never be on my radar for this time reason.

The train commute to work on the other hand, I put 75hours into Jeanne D'Arc on the PSP which was a superb game. I'm playing FFVII on the PSP now and am looking forward to Valkyria Chronicles 2.

When you are young you have the time but not the money and when you are older you have the money but not the time!

It's a cruel world!

14 years ago

"When you are young you have the time but not the money and when you are older you have the money but not the time!"


Although I still think that RPGs are better on home consoles, in general. If a game takes me a while to complete, it just means I don't have to spend as much money buying a lot of different games. Right now, Resonance of Fate is filling all my gaming needs with what little time I have to play, and I feel no need to play anything else at the moment. Of course, if I was able to game portably more often, then I would certainly appreciate your viewpoint. But appropriate opportunities for me to utilize my PSP as a gaming device are few and far between.

I'm still going to buy ModNation Racers day one, though, regardless of whether or not I've finished my current RPGs. 🙂


14 years ago

"When you are young you have the time but not the money and when you are older you have the money but not the time!"

Yup, life is unfair. I hope growing old and not have a decease like Parkinson or something else that keeps me from gaming. Maybe then I can play games in the Retirement home. Maybe then I have time to complete all the games I can't play because of lack of time.

14 years ago

same here, Demon's Souls is my favorite PS3 exclusive this gen, and Lost Odyssey is my favorite 360 exclusive.

this weeks vote is actually quite tough, out of the list, I love Demon's Soul, MGS4, inFamous, GOW3, and Heavy Rain, all of them are awesome and unique it their own way. really hard, but i will still pick Demon's Souls as the most favorite this gen. FF13 is way behind, not even deserve to be in this list.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 4/6/2010 12:30:13 AM