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Square-Enix Confirms FFIX For Japanese Network

We kind of figured this would be happening, what with the hints Square-Enix had already dropped. But it's good to get the confirmation.

As reported by Andriasang citing the Square-Enix Members Twitter page, Final Fantasy IX will launch on the Japanese PSN at some point in the near future. We don't have an official date or price just yet but we imagine those are forthcoming very soon; Square-Enix CEO and president Yoichi Wada made the brief announcement himself. If you missed FFIX, you definitely missed another masterful RPG; it was a little different from FFVIII but then again, all FFs are "a little different" than the one before it, and although I personally didn't like the characters very much, the game ruled. Just out of curiosity, did anyone else finally beat Ozma buy chucking a piece of Dark Matter at him? I was down to only Zidane and I figured I'd have to reset and try again, so I just tossed a piece of Dark Matter I didn't need any longer and bam, max damage…dead. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.  Just priceless.

But anyway, the point is that FFIX is coming to the Japanese PSN and I'm relatively certain it'll be available on the US PSN at some point, too. We'll let you know when they release full details.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy IX

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14 years ago

Well, you are limited vertigo, so of course you'd use a feature of limited point…

14 years ago

I don't get it…

Wait, I got it.

14 years ago

LOL! I wrote it and I'm not sure *I* got it.

14 years ago

That's great news. I am 65 hours in on FF8 so should be ready for 9 soon and I still have the strategy guide for 9 so I am more than ready. Hopefully, although I doubt it, it's released here before June since I start school then and will have limited time. I know the best news for me would be making XII downloadable. That was one of the best for me but since that is a PS2 game probably won't happen but from what I understand they can make any game downloadable but the system won't play the actual disks.

14 years ago

Can some 1 tell me a storyline from 9 im not sure if i played it or not i cany even remember it being released here knowing australia it probably wasn't

14 years ago

Young man kidnaps a princess with his fellow friends but she wants to be kidnapped then they embark on a battle to defeat bad guys that want to destroy the world, yada yada.

14 years ago

thx 4 tht i,ll probably get it anyway bcuz its FF can some1 tell me when FF13 gets good im up 2 fighting 2 turtle things Enki and whatever bcuz up 2 here has been chronically boring

Last edited by Hazama on 4/7/2010 5:09:22 AM