The number of Call of Duty fans appears to grow with every passing year, which is why millions are anxiously anticipating the next installment in the immensely popular franchise.
Activision/Infinity Ward lawsuits aside, let's see what Treyarch has to say about "Call of Duty 7," their next effort. CoD Vietnam News compiled a summary of comments made by developer David Vonderhaar – also known as Vahn – in an effort to learn more about the multiplayer details. Vonderhaar is the Multiplayer Design Director for the new CoD title and he posted some information in a thread on Killstreak Rewards; he primarily wanted the readers to understand that Treyarch does indeed listen to their fans. Wrote Vonderhaar:
"I am seeing a lot of what I would call the “echo plex.” As fans of the previous games, we have drawn a lot of the same conclusions that many of you are drawing. Solutions to those problems may be different than any specific proposal in any specific post, but I’m glad we (generally speaking) want to go the same direction you want us to go."
Derived from the designer's statements, one could potentially draw some conclusions, as you can see through the link above. They appear to have contemplated – and passed on – the idea of class-specific Killstreaks, they don't seem to have a high opinion of Commando, the extended melee range perk in Modern Warfare 2 , and they do like the idea of returning to pistols as the only available sidearm (or perhaps we'll be given a choice between pistols and launchers). Lastly, they say the nuke might not return as a Killstreak; Vonderhaar says they're not fans of a game-ending Killstreak. We sort of agree.
If you have any suggestions for the multiplayer aspect of CoD7, feel free to let Treyarch know…they're not kidding about listening to gamers.
good to know their not gonna put in commando…thats the dumbest/gayest perk i ever saw
I hope they take out the choppers. Fair enough come in and kill the same amount of people required for the perk but then go away. It takes too much fun out of the game in my opinion.
But definitely get rid of commando…spraying bullets in an opponents face only for you to go down is unrealistic and extremely frustrating.
Chppers aren't so bad as long as you have rocketeers in your party, me and a friend handle the air in my party.
But hopefully they bring back attack dogs, those little guys were awesome:)
iv slowly began to hate mw2. Spec ops is too hard and thats all im missing for my plat then i can sell the dam game.
Recently played online and one game i managed 0 kills and 26 deaths lol.
I agree the nuke is pointless and the air support annoying, overall cods become like an arcade shooter.
0 kills 26 deaths or some guy with 100+ kills and 5 deaths is not just cheating it down right stupid
I had a game of bfbc2 the other week, 19 deaths 0 kills, guess that is why in the real army they don't let intoxicated soldiers fight.
I have to disagree PAKINIPS,
Spec ops was the best part of the game. The story in SP blows. The multiplayer is a cheat ridden noobfest. The only thing I am missing for a platinum trophy is the freakin' PIT trophy. Spec ops was challenging but not so much that it made me want to throw my controller.
I loved WaW. That game puts either MW to shame but to play that game on Veteran, with the grenade whoring AI, that was too hard.
My Pit record – 24seconds, if you dont miss any shots, you get a big time bonus.
Everything sounds cool on that list except the fact that they wana get rid of shotguns and machine pistols as secondaries
I'm ok with machine pistols as secondaries, but being able to carry a shotgun and a primary weapon without at least using a perk slot(overkill in MW 1) was just plain stupid.
I enjoyed World at War more then MW 1 or 2. Sure this one will be decent. Bug and glitch free as well.
As for suggestions, make it a PS3 exclusive and then see what you can do with it. 😉
Last edited by Jawknee on 4/4/2010 10:49:54 PM
I won't be buying the next installation either, and that's all there is to it.
my opinion w@w was the worst i h8ed the old ww2 setting and i didnt think the gameplay was as smooth
Lol MW2 is great. Yeah it can be frustrating trust me! Even the best of players get immensely frustrated by stupid things happening and people cheating. But hey dont people find ways of doing so in any online game?
Mw2 is going to be around for sometime to come and for some reason I dont think this new one is going to compare with it.
No cheaters or hackers in Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. MW2 is broken.
No excuse for the cheats and hacks to still exist, for which their are plenty. Sloppy code, lazy dev's whatever the reason it should not happen.
Just shows that Activision does not give a damn about the consumer, which is why this will be another title I will avoid, I am not going to give money to a company that will F me over time and time again!
I want to see the return of the War game mode from WaW, at least it actually had a little bit of teamwork going on.
Vietnamese Zombies this time?
I can see it now.. Commie Zombies.
I second that, zombies!
So it is in Nam eh?
Well, I hope Treyarch is aware that someday soon, Kotex will insist they do a musical COD:Guns & Poses.
It will be a FPS Guitar Hero shooter which will also utilize the Tony Hawk's "Ride" board as Improvised Explosive Devices, & upgraded DJ turntables, as their newest deadly airborne, Rock band-seeking stealth-missile drone.
Otherwise the Treyarch company will most certainly wind up with the 2 newest MIA bosses, and will forever be another etched segment on Anti-vision's own Prisoners Of War casualties list too.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/4/2010 11:43:35 PM
You F-ing WIN SIR!
The possibilities for killstreak rewards is endless. I'm sure they can some up with some good ones. As for having only pistols for sidearms, well, that's just stupid. The wide choice of secondaries in MW2 is great.
for once, i really do not care.
im sick to death of these military styled shooters for christs sake enough is enough!
i mean we have had military styled shooters for 20+ years now, so maybe, just maybe its time to give them a rest and try something new?
treyarch, its a spy styled game or dont waste your breath.
I would love to see No One Lives Forever return.
ah, as would i.
treyarch theres a nice juicy check in it for ya!
or even a HD remake of goldeneye, that was a classic!
Anytime I exhaust a shotgun clip into a man an inch away from me, I expect him to go down and not slide across the ground and stab me. Commando is the most annoying perk ever! Nukes, well, I'm not very fond of them and I've never put it on before. Honestly I enjoyed WaW more than MW2 by far. I felt the pacing in WaW was more steady than the MW's. Can't wait for their upcoming project, yeah I'm a COD attic, sue me! Or is it addict?
I do not care much for CoD, unlike most of the people…
This article is almost as interesting to me as reading about speculation concerning the next season of American Idol.
It's gonna be better than MW2 for sure…
I'm not buying it! I haven't touched MW2 since I got BFBC2, no reason to. Actifishin is full of crap.
but infinity ward are awesome!
I read that Call of Duty 7 is from WW2 to Vietnam, and apparently the SAS are back in some way.
Just wanted to toss in my hatred for the Commando perk. Nothing like shooting a handful of bullets into someone from 30 feet away only to have them knife you and they live. Sweet. So realistic. Clearly this game is not that realistic to begin with, but that is just stupid.
i wish they'd take melee out altogether, or at least make it two hits to kill someone or something.
nuke is lame thats about it
I dont know why people always give Treyarch a hard time, they seem so humble. I'm interested and hopefully they bring zombies back
While they're at it, let's hope they dump tactical insertion which is the dumbest most retarded piece of equipment in the game….even more so than commando. Yet again, something that looked good on paper but boosters proved it to be an epic fail.
It's not like MW2 won't spawn you 15 feet from where you died anyway….
That's what gets me the most. When I'm trying to clear out an area, it always seems like I kill one of the first dudes, then I end up dying a few seconds later from one of the guys I just killed. Then I watch the kill cam and sure enough, I see me kill him, he spawns, walks around a wall, and kills me.
I prefer the Battlefield Series over CoD series. I like the fact that it has huge maps and it really allows you to come up with a strategy as well as the awesome "squad death match" and "squad rush" modes. Just a better game in my opinion.
agreed with all the comments left here.
I have never bought a COD game… or any Activision game for that matter.
MW2 Online in a nutshell:
– Spawn, run around the map, die from someone you didn't see.
– Kill someone on the other team and have them spawn directly in your blindspot.
– Walk out a building to get hit with a Predator or Chopper Gunner.
– Listen to 13 year olds brag about their 'skillz'
idk about u guys but, campers make me want to drop-kick my tv. there should be a rule where if you stay in one place for too long, it kicks u from the game or u automatectly die. that would be cool. i hate campers. theyre the reason i hate online. i liked waw caz there was no campers.
I disagree with you there.. Think about CoD MW2 .. Imagine the game with no campers.. where people just rush you with UMP's and Tac Knives.. It would suck, and your team would get owned.. Without campers it would make the game WAY too hard ! But I do hate camper when there camping in the worst spots ever so u run by and its like YOUR DEAD !
and bring zombies back! that was awesome!!!
Getting rid of nuke? are you serious.. Okay I see why you complain.. But at least make a 25 kill streak that automatically kills the other team, I don't care if its a bomb or anything.. It's just awesome to have a 25 kill streak cause then you get past 11 and your like.. well no more kill streaks might as well just die and try and get them again.. honestly.. that's what it's like.. And I agree definitely bring zombies back, I don't care what people say but spec ops S U C K S !!!! and if u have chopper gunner or ac 130 let it reach the whole map and make it so that your helicopter pilot doesn't fly you to the opposite side of the map the enemies on.. And I agree with the commando I don't like it, but I do like the pro part, how you don't die from falling damage, that is pretty sweet.. and I like how u can get perks pro. I actually really like that.. anyways that's all I have for now lol, I know I sound picky, but I'm just trying to help CoD developers out. 🙂
wow, lots of interesting comments, most of which i also have an opinion on.
1) I love Battlefield, it feels like a grown up version of COD, far more creeping about needed to survive. i play COD and there is often people running about everywhere (who can still turn round and kill you when you are shooting at them, grrr); however, BF has same spawning problems as COD, many times i have been shot (or shoot others) as soon as i spawn.
2) Perks are great but i would say most people choose same perks once they have unlocked most things. Get rid of perks that are stupid or unrealistic (like nuke and commando) and have categories of perks that are equal in value. Maybe have rules where no more than 1 or 2 classes can have same perks? anything to make it more interesting and strategic! i love perks, more of them please.
3) i also thought that COD MW could do with a new direction and thought a spy led game would be excellent. like many people, i have thought of a storyline and set scenarios and just wished a developer would take it and use it. I imagined a game to start with a police car chase where the cop afterwards becomes an agent. there would be drug dealers, castles, mad master criminals and maybe an assasination of a world leader. I have always wated FPSs to think outside the box and thought having multiplayer modees e.g.based on one team member being kidnapped and has to escape at the same time team members try to rescue him/her wold be cool. Also having modes where there is a upfront bias rather teams being equal e.g. defending a criminal base (castle) should be easier than attacking it – game points should reflect this; having more than one side ala Battlefield should become a standard of MPGs
4) campers! camping has no place in game modes like sabotage, and it really annoys me when i hear online people say to keep the bomb near there base and just defend it as they will get more points grr. That is when there should be a penalty for camping. Maybe the player blows up if they cannot get the bomb over to enemys side of the map within a certain timeframe?
5) Muting everyone should be the default setting and then you can choose to talk/listen to others. so many times i have joined a game whilst loading and have to hear abuse from others until i can mute. or someone joins in halfway thru game and starts mouthing off.
6) I do not want any game to be too realistic as that sends a dangerous message to the crazees who believe they are Rambo anyway, BUT it is so frustrating when you shoot someone and they can still run up to you and stab/kill you. There needs to be some substantial impact to players that get shot, even if they dont die.
7) Even though i am happy if i get a killsteak reward like a chopper, it can change the game for the worse. Something new needs to be thought of.
8) i just want to play fair competitive games. i dont like thrashing the opposition and i do not like getting owned. Find a way for the game to put similar experienced people in against each other.
9) zombies, yay!