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Qore: Killzone 2 Will Get 3D Support

Although 3D gaming isn't quite here just yet, we know that several current games will receive a 3D patch in the near future.

What we didn't know is that Killzone 2 would be one of them. We knew about Wipeout HD , LittleBigPlanet and the fact that Gran Turismo 5 will boast 3D, but Guerrilla's fantastic shooter? Really? That ought to be intense. If you want the proof, simply download the latest episode of Qore on the PlayStation Network and they'll confirm it for you; Killzone 2 is definitely going 3D at some point, and when it happens, we just might have to pop it back in and give it another go. Of course, we still need those goofy glasses and a TV that supports 3D – which is hardly cheap – but it all might be worth it to see the nearly unparalleled intensity of KZ2 in stunning high-def 3D. We've been thinking the same thing in regards to GT5 and crazy action games (there's a chance God of War III will go 3D, too); shooters will benefit as well. The question is, do you think this will become the norm in the future? Do you think that when a game like KZ2 arrives, people will be extremely disappointed if it doesn't feature 3D? Almost like if a game doesn't come with online multiplayer these days?

Well, regardless of your answers, you have to admit to being a little excited about the 3D revolution. Now, if someone would just buy me a nice 3D-compatible HDTV…

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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14 years ago


14 years ago

Say it again!

14 years ago

Issue is it goes against my wanting to wait 3 years to pick up a 3D television…

Man, I may have to bring that forward… considering I am not married with kids… and have no responsibilities except to myself… surely I can spoil myself and get it… I don't even run a car… (you really do not need a car in Singapore!)



Last edited by Qubex on 4/3/2010 2:10:38 AM

14 years ago

holy sh**, the graphics were already insane and now 3d would make it insanly insane

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/2/2010 9:47:00 PM

14 years ago

yea cool ey

14 years ago

"Do you think that when a game like KZ2 arrives, people will be extremely disappointed if it doesn't feature 3D?"

do you mean KZ3? because kz2 is already out

14 years ago

he means a game like KZ2.

14 years ago

oh i get it now, sorry

14 years ago

no need to be sorry 🙂

14 years ago

I don't think we will hear too many people hollering "Damn why isn't it in 3d?" since few of us are willing to throw our relatively new HD TVs in the trash to buy a 3D one at a ridiculous price point. I know I won't.

3D is a fad, one that reduces the frame rate significantly, and I'll be fine without it. If I ever get a 3D TV I'd certainly give it a whirl though.

14 years ago

So far 3d is just an excuse to have shitty content but flashy visuals, just look at hollywood…

But adding it a game like KZ2 should be awesome because we already know KZ2 kicks ass, so they arent sacrificing dev time or delaying the game (god damned GT5) to push 3d.

Still, im happy with my 60hz LG tv and i dont plan on going 3d any time soon. I dont know about shutter glasses, but polarized 3d gives me massive headaches. Anaglyphic doesnt bother me, just polarized.

14 years ago

If i get a 3d tv i would deffinitly play this game in 3d. but considering that is like never going to happen (i just got my hd tv like a few months back).

14 years ago

If I win a 3D tv then sure I'll give it a try. But as far as I'm concerned 3D is just a passing fad. I don't need it.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

I'm not so sure its a fad. The entertainment and manufacturing companies are about to cram it down our throats. In the near future, if you don't own an 3DTV, you will be outdated and uncool.

just like people who still play the ps3 on tube tvs.

14 years ago

I can't even play K2 for more than 10 minutes due to lagging controls. The controls drag and are not responsive as they should be. That's the only reason I couldn't get into this game. Anyone else have an issue with the controls not being responsive enough?

14 years ago

nope, that sluggish movement is part of the game. its that kind of immersion that tells you that your sluggish movement is due to the equipment you're carrying. i kindda liked it, it gives you the feel of how the guns and other stuff weighs.

14 years ago

Maybe I should give it another go with that in mind. I know the game has nothing but great reviews.

14 years ago

Johnld is right. The game wasnt meant to be sluggish. It wasnt meand to be an arcade or twitch style game like MW2, or halo.

KZ2 controls and movement were absolutely about immersion and realness. KZ2 really ia one of the best FPS of the generation.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Holy cow Batman. I can only imagine..

14 years ago

I want 3D!!!!!!
(but my wallet is full of hatred)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/3/2010 12:48:25 AM

14 years ago

i really can not see this paying off, sony are pushing it so hard and its going to flop big time!
most people just bought a new TV in the last year or so because till then HD TV prices were still ludicrously high!
i think sonys forgetting there not the only ones who have lost a sh*t load of money.
i dont know about you, but i dont have enough cash to buy a new TV every 2 years.

14 years ago

Me either. I'm content with my 46" LCD anyway. When prices drop dramatically on those 3D gems, then I will pick one up. Probably a black Friday deal. That's my TV buying day of the year. Not every year, but when I'm needing, or should I say wanting, a new TV.

14 years ago

whats wrong with pushing a new feature? sony pushed bluray by using it as a standard ps3 feature. it sure as hell didnt flop or else were still only using dvds for movies and games. It may not be the right time for it but once the mainstream media starts talking about it along with great examples of 3D gaming/movies, its gonna be fine. initial sales might be slow but once people actually know that they already have something to play these 3d stuff on (the ps3), then the next step is to buy a 3d tv. The only thing i see is that the timing kinda sucked, which i agree with you guys. They shouldve said something when the slim came out. It couldve been a big thing if both the slim and 3d gaming came out together.

14 years ago

i dident say theres anything wrong with it, im just saying there really pushing it they make it seem like there confident its going to make their TVs fly off the shelf, which i can guarantee wont happen.

the only reason why bluray took off is because of the ps3.
it was the cheapest bluray player out there so that helped them big time, and not to mention sony owns quite a few movies so when it came to the competition HD DVD bluray had a much larger library than HD DVD.

bluray did not have the hurdles to jump but 3D does.
bluray did not require a 2K+ tv to use did it?
sure you needed a HD TV to take advantage of it, but you did not NEED it.

not to mention the glasses, everyone i speak to says if they think im going to wear those stupid glasses for several hours just for 3D they have another thing coming.
not to mention the cost, there 300 bucks each ive heard and well if you have a family well thats a easy 1000 bucks gone on the glasses alone!

bluray was a simple transition from media to media, it required nothing for you to use it.
3D on the other hand is just to expensive and really has to many annoyances for people to adopt it.
once 3D comes cheap and tvs dont need the glasses than yea 3D will take off, but till then it will be nothing more than a novelty in the hardcore homes.
and that wont happen for quite a while, there testing the tech for non glasses 3D TVs in china, there due out some time late 2011 and they say it will take 3 to 5 years to hit worldwide.
so i just think its a little early to be pushing something consumers are not ready for.

14 years ago

just cus you or i dont have the money to buy this stuff, doesnt mean a vast majority doesnt either. They need to push this new technology and by adding it to some of our fav. games already will give us more play out of those games, assuming it works well.

Regardless if i have the money or not, the industry will always be ahead of me. I may be able to keep up on the most current game or consoles, but technology will always be ahead. U cant expect sony to wait for everyone to get a 3d t.v. before dropping the flood gates. Plus if you wernt so selfish you'd realise technology, and the minds behind it is what keeps giving us, this awesome stuff, and is what pushes the industry!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/3/2010 7:43:45 PM

14 years ago

Even tho 3d tech has come a long way in the last 20 years I think it still has a way to go. Would KZ2 be cool with really awesome 3d? Heck yeah! Is that really awesome 3d tech available, in my opinion, not really.

Bulky glasses, expensive price point, low frame rates, among a few other minor details lead me to believe that we should perhaps wait another 5-10 years for 3d.

When 3d tech is advanced enough to not need glasses, to have 1080p picture quality, and to have a good frame rate, then and only then will I believe that we are ready for 3d in our homes.

I also don't think it will really be acceptable until its affordable for the average person. Considering right now that many people can't afford a regular lcd tv, how are people going to afford these 3d tvs.

Just trying to look at the 3d thing realistically. Kz2 in 3d, nice for those who can afford it, but I wish they would set the 3d aside until its a quality worth having.

14 years ago

3d killzone 2, my reaction is why have guerilla games work on making 3d killzone 2? just work on killzone 3 already and do the 3d options available there.

14 years ago

That makes sense!



14 years ago

Doesn't the game need just a small patch and not a whole remake?

14 years ago

It would be awesome to see I guess, I just still won't buy a 3d tv until the PS4 hits stores, and I might still not have enough money, since I also need to get a PS4…
Job interview tomorrow!!

14 years ago

best of luck with it dude!

14 years ago

Why are people so negative about new technology?
I saw a demostation of Sony`s 3D TV connected with a PS3 that demoed the 3D Games in Nagoya (Japan`s 4th largest city). I could not stop to watch it!!!
It just looks incredible!!! I saw Super Stardust HD
and Motorstorm 2, as well as some movie-demos, and you
really have to see it to believe it. The cars in Motorstorm 2 looked as they came out of the screen, the
environment and just everything looks so much more
immersing. Don`t judge the tech before you saw it in action!!! Because 3D is the next step in the gaming evolution. Of course it is expensive, but wasn`t Blu Ray expensive as well at the beginning? And a lot of people didn`t upgrade their TV yet, and people that did it early will upgrade again, because they are the early adopters and will spend the money on the latest tech. And for those who want to wait: You have the joice, Sony will not force you to buy a new TV, but when the time comes you have an advantage too, because Sony invested in knowledge and technology than had time to mature, and is again a step ahead of the competition because of it.
They do now what the competition does witch the next generation of consoles, so the PS4 is already a step ahead because of PS3. And for now PS3 is increasing the technological gap to it`s competitors. It is a win for every Sony-Fan.

14 years ago

I am going to wait for a proper 3D solution.

14 years ago

This will get people playing the most complete fps ever again. Game has been out a little over a year and they gotta do something to get people focused on it again. Until KZ3 comes out in 4 more years! Lol

14 years ago

This is great really! But by the time i have the money for a 3d t.v. im thinking KZ3 will be released, and i assume it would have 3d support! IDK, just saying!

14 years ago

That sounds epic, but Killzone 2 is intense enough as it is, adding another dimension might just make it too intense. But hopefully Im wrong 🙂

14 years ago

im kind of scared about GT5 having 3d…walls coming at you at 150+mph!!! Talk about suffering from whiplash!!

As for FPS..3D and surround sound ill be able to see the bullet for my headshot coming at me..

Theres gonna be some people with some SERIOUSLY scary dreams after this.

14 years ago

Amen lol

14 years ago

God of War III 3D anyone ^__^?

14 years ago

KZ2 + 3D + Move = Much higher chance of me buying a new display.

14 years ago

I want a small 3D TV like 20 or 30 inches, i would be ok with that something small just for me in my dorm and not too expensive, i would be willing to get a credit card

KZ2 would benefit, i would love to snipe in 3D!


14 years ago

my problem with 3D is that what is popping out always looks a bit jittery, i think that this problems with Frame Rates, or is this just me or my eyes not adjusting

14 years ago

if that happens and i play im going to be shiting my pants coz bullets will be coming at me in 3D every seccond