It's not exactly a big surprise, but it appears that God of War III is going to be a gigantic seller.
Prior to its launch last month, many analysts were saying that SCEA's latest masterpiece would become the best-selling PlayStation 3 exclusive thus far. And according to early indications, there's every chance that such predictions could eventually become true: according to what Sony's Vice President of Marketing Peter Dille said at the recent MI6 conference , GoWIII sold 1 million copies "in just a couple days." He didn't specify whether he was referring to worldwide sales; wouldn't it be all the more impressive if that 1 million registered in the US alone? Furthermore, remember that the game has been out for nearly three weeks now (it launched in North America on March 16 and in Europe on March 18 and 19), so if it sold a million in a few days, how many might it have sold thus far? We'll have to wait for the official NPD numbers – set to come out on April 8 – but in the meantime, everyone should expect a big tally for God of War III . By the way, the most recent exclusive to heat up the charts was Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , which has sold around 4 million copies to date.
Incidentally, is it at all strange that I haven't played GoWIII yet? Shouldn't I be punished, or something? I'm stuck playing FFXIII and I hate going to another game before I finish, so… But maybe that's not a good enough excuse. Forgive me.
Related Game(s): God of War III
I know you didn't ask me, but I liked Avatar. I usually grown when I hear a movie is going to be in 3D, but the visuals were amazing. Alienange on the other hand would rather run out of toilet paper, and wipe his hindquarters with his hand then to be forced to sit through that movie. Or at least that was the impression he gave me.
hahahah it was a trick question cause if u liked avatar that means ur perverted enough. so u will be our limited vertigo for 47 days 🙂
No need to apologize man… seriously.
@ MyWorstNightmar – If what you liked about Avatar was the 3D effects, then yeah, it was good. If you watch movies for acting and story, then yeah, Avatar is the bottom of the barrel.
Anyone who says otherwise is Hitler.
I'm not trying to say anything bad about LV, but I think we can all use a break from his antics. He likes to disagree with people just to argue and have more posts.
GOW3 is absolutely amazing in every single way. Don't feel bad Ben. That game will be awesome no matter when you start to play it. I would recommend playing it on Titan mode. That way when you beat it you'll feel super accomplished. The game is so brutal. LOL. Unforgiving… It may be a 10 hour game but its taken me way longer to get where im at.LOL. Still havent beat it!!!
If Ben starts it with Titan mode it might be a break too long in between Final Fantasy, he might forget the story line, then again, he's Ben, so he'll be alright I guess.
Carry on.
I'm right there with you Ben, since I've got so much on my plate I decided to wait and find GOWIII at the cheaper price. Still, it would be nice to break up some of the FFXIII grinding with.
that's what Just Cause 2 is for 🙂
There's a comment by a RehanSB, that you should not read, but will want to delete as it contains major spoilers for GOW3.
shame on u ben Gow 3 was the driving force behind me buying a ps3 and u haven't played it?! Sad Face
I'm the same way Ben, I only play one game at a time too. If I don't finish the game I usually have to start over from the beginning.
i've gotten the platinum on all the 3 GOW so i have did what i wanted in the sony universe for now
I agree with your decision to hold off on GOWIII until you get through FFXIII Ben. Personally I wanted a fresh palette to savor the sheer scope of GOWIII. I played the collection through before I got my copy delivered and that made it all the more awesome.
Last edited by sunspider13 on 4/2/2010 2:46:52 PM
I need to pick up my copy from gamestop i had it preorded just never got around to pick it up waiting for gta e.f.l.c to come out
I got my GOW3 UE from Amazon. Just came in 2 days ago. Solid game. And the graphics!
Every new PS3 exclusive seems to be a technological achiever.
GoWIII is bonkers. I love it. Getting the platinum is another story. Of course I never thought I'd get MW2 Plat but I'm well on my way with that so maybe GoWIII is possible too.
Damn you Titan difficulty !!
MW2 platinum is pretty easy, the only way you would be held back is if you dont have a good partner in spec ops. I got 3 stars on most of the spec ops mission by myself. the only ones i needed help on was the ones that you need to have 2 people and the one killing all the juggernauts on that shanty town.
I did most on my own as well. Not that hard when you figure out what needs to be done. The favela juggernaut on vet is definitely tough, but I'm already down to 7 dead. It's those last three that cause me trouble.
Funny though. Reading the trophy list I thought I'd never do it. Once I started pounding away at it I realized it was completely doable. The campaign on vet is an awesome good time.
I think there might be another sales spike in EU at the end of April/beginning of May when the GoW Trilogy boxset is released. I know thats when me and alot of my friends are picking it up.
I bought god of war 3 day 1 and i still havent played it. Im busy with final fantasy 13 and getting my last trophy for platinum in bad company. not to mention i went back to MAG for double xp. I did start god of war already, just got the zeus power thing. I'll get to it sometime but i still got heavy rain and resonance of fate to get to. If i'm lucky, all these games will keep me from buying any new games till fall.
What the hell? Why buy games you don't play? I never understood that mentality. You buy games just to say you have them? So you can tell all your friends that you have it? Then not play it.
That is gaming fail in anyones book
i didnt say that i wasnt going to play the games i bought, i meant i havent gotten to it yet. I never had a backlog of games before and i was just bombarded with games the past 3 months. i had 3 rpgs (final fantasy 13, white knight chronicles, resonance of fate), heavy rain, mag, bad company 2, and the entire god of war series. i dont like playing 2 or 3 games at a time. i prefer to do things one game at a time. right now i'm working on FF13 along with the final online trophy for bad company 2, i also never played a game while playing a final fantasy game except 13. but that last trophy was just getting on my nerves. i am working on playing all the games i got. probably gonna go with god of war, then heavy rain with multiple playthroughs, and do resonance of fate last since its probably going to take a lot of time. but first, ff13 and bad company 2. I still havent played the marked missions other than the ones that would give me the growth egg. again, i am working on this backlog. its a good thing i'm not interested in buying any new game till the fall.
Of course it sold well…its GOWIII. I personally think this is the only game I have played this year that has replay value. Just for everyone's information, the games I have play for '10 is BC2, Heavy Rain (replay value for endings), Bioshock 2, Bayonetta, and just started Just Cause 2 (not a bad game). Of course this is a personal opinion, but I still which they provided more story. Now when the hell do we get I still need to play FFXIII, but I just can't get into the anime story it presents, I'll rent it first to see if I like it.
Hopefully GoW 3 will be my 1rst platinum, yes still have yet to get one. I was THIS close to it for Infamous but got sick of looking for the VERY last blast shard, god I hate finding 100s of hidden packages.
Already got the 1000 hit combo and titan isn't that much harder so far, just got to SPOILER!
END SPOILER, but those challenges look like they're going to be the real hurdle, much like GOW 2.
But now I finally got Mass Effect 2 running so the platinum will prolly wait a while.
Arnold, will you please take RehanSB's comment away(he spoils the end), before Ben sees it, if he didn't already, which I hope not.
Anyways, it's ok Ben, just don't wait long enough till everyone has already played it and you see all the ending spoilers and whatnot (rehanSB, this is what I meant).
I have 4 trophies left, the dam Olympus challenge trophy, the trophy for which you need to blind 100 enemies with helios' bodypart, the titan playthrough and the 1000-hit combo(which will probably be my last, unless the challenge of Olympus will take too many tries, not that it didn't already, 3 more to go).
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 4/2/2010 6:59:21 PM
I contributed to the sales of the GOWIII. When I showed up to store there was only one copy left.
There's a comment by a RehanSB, that you should not read, but will want to delete as it contains major spoilers for GOW3.
Trust me, everyone…I know full well how great GoWIII is. I really can't wait. 🙂
I have been dying to play God of War III. I picked it up day 1 and have only gotten 20 minutes in. There are several reasons for this:
1. TV is rarely free
2. Parents are home and are against grossly violent or highly sexual content
3. Uni and primary school teaching
So, I often have to wait for the perfect moment when none of the above applies just to play the game. Can't wait to finish uni and move out with a full time job.
its just one of those games ben…
those games that 3 minutes into the game the production values and epicness alone drop your jaw in disbelief that this is rendering and not some sleazly stuffed in cgi….you say in your mind this is "pure awsome" the game has to go downhill from here because this is just too much….then you keep playing and totally forget about the last part because its pure awsome alll over again , the attention to detail is …undescribable, kratos is by far the most polished , well made, and graphically amazing game character i have seen on a screen…
i was expecting it to be better than that, he did not mention if that was just US or worldwide though.
considering this is the first big well known series to hit the ps3 i was expecting it to sell through the roof!
i mean come on its GOW for christs sake, GOW is to sony what mario is to nintendo and what halo is to M$.
if this dont do it, what will?
still have to say GOW was the best of the series, the level design was top notch i cant help but think SA really need david back, ever since he left the level design just feels way out of wack.
especially GOW3 its just far to repetitive and restrictive, the whole game revolves around a few areas.
they needed more puzzles too, like large open world puzzles like the hera garden one but bigger.
combat in GOW3 feels the same, but everything else feels like from another series.
ppl should know this by now, ps3 owners don't buy games. This should be selling 5-6 million in the first 3-4 months but it will never do that.
LOL, it's all good, when you get to God of War III you'll love it. I like finishing up a game too before starting another.
Uncharted 2 selling 4 million…sweet.
to those who havn't played gOw3 yet – play it and enjoy it
I have not played it, I decided to play 1 and 2 first, but some idiothole decided to release them after GOW3 in the U.K
Not surprised this game is F'ing Amazing, I was playing the other day and looked up and damn it got dark, looked at the clock and WOW I had played for 6 hours straight…. This is what happens when the kids aren't home and are with the grandparents sit and catch up on my games lol.
GOW III just drags you in and you never know it till the sun goes down and your hands are sore from playing so long 😉