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Hey Capcom, Where’s My New Devil May Cry Title?

I think all action fans everywhere have been wondering the same thing: "where the hell is Devil May Cry 5 ?"

Devil May Cry 4 came out well over two years ago and since, we haven't heard hide nor hair from the cocky hero. DMC remains my second-favorite action series next to God of War and although I believe Bayonetta boasts the most impressive combat mechanic of the generation, DMC4 was just more accessible to me. I believe the game sold relatively well and like most entries in the illustrious series, it was quite popular with the fans. Therefore, I'm wondering why we haven't heard a peep about another DMC installment; if it existed at all, one would think we'd have heard about it through whispers and rumors. And yet…nothing. I know they've previously had their hands full with stuff like Resident Evil 5 , and I know they're still working to push Lost Planet 2 out the door, but no DMC? Really? Okay, so Monster Hunter is a crazy lucrative series, which is why another one is hitting the PSP in Japan soon ( Monster Hunter Freedom 3 ), but are you really going to ignore all those die-hard Dante followers?

In looking at the upcoming lineup of games and perusing the news, I only just realized that a major title seems to be missing. DMC5 would really be huge and we can always hold out hope for an E3 announcement but really, we've heard absolutely nothing . Who stops at 4, anyway?

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14 years ago

I hated DMC4. Partially because it would never save my progress and I had to keep starting over, and partially because I didn't like the battle mechanics or the story.

14 years ago

I had the same problem! What the f*ck?

14 years ago

It's funny you say that, because I had the same issues, it pissed me off! lol Maybe we haven't heard a peep because this supposed big E3 Sony is talking about? I mean I'm sure I'm not the only one here who would like to say a DMC 5 announcement, I love the series.

Just an idea.

14 years ago

yeah. dmc4 was quite bland anyways..

14 years ago

i think capcom is suporting much more microsoft console than sony's,they are doing everthing to make 360 owners happy,i am not suporting them like last generation,the only game that perhaps change my mind is a new onimusha,if as made using a ps3 base developer,cuts content because a dvd is a low blow,devil may cry i like the 1 e 3,not play 4,is good?

14 years ago

I didn't understand a word of that, but YEAH, I AGREE.

14 years ago

Capcom is still sore from what sony did to nintendo. Now that they have an option it seems that they're are gonna take their chances with MS. Happened to DMC, happened to RE. Both, IMHO, suck ass compared to what they were while exclusive, of course RE stopped being an exclusive title a while back, but still.

14 years ago

English can be tough.

14 years ago

RE was never a exclusive series.

14 years ago

lol, sorry guys, I'm from Brazil and my english is poor, but I found an online translator and hope that my posts are more clearly now …

14 years ago

I'm sure everyone knows what i meant but i'll rephrase.

"Games of a preexisting series not on Xbox, are terrible when they do go to the Xbox".

14 years ago

Erm you do know that Resident Evil has never been an exclusive to PS… RE1 was also on the saturn. RE2 was on the N64 and RE3 was on the Dreamcast; along with Veronica.

14 years ago

@ ValdiPS3

Some people on here speak English as their native language and don't do so well. All your points were understood, but that online translator is quite impressive.

14 years ago

@ValdiPS3: Don't worry about it, languages can be tough to learn when you didn't grow up with them, lucky for me, my brain sees English as a second native language, since I write English and i've listened to English language for quite some time now (not bragging or something, okay, maybe a bit…)

Anyways, the important thing is that you make your points come across, and I think you're doing just fine. Puzzles are always fun, just kidding.

14 years ago

What in the F are you talking about?

14 years ago

I'll have a P please Bob.

14 years ago

i wouldnt mind some HD of 1-3.

14 years ago

maybe just 1 and 3. they can have 2

14 years ago

Capcom were one of the Japanese Publisher/Developers to actually come out and say that the PS3 drove more of their profits and they needed to be focusing on it more than they had. Let's hope that they continue to be PlayStation friendly and get with the program of delivering PS3 games regularly instead of once in a blue moon.

14 years ago

See my reply to ValdiPS3.

14 years ago

ha they say that but their action prove other wise. they have been screwing pe3 owners over since this gen started.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

They're probably going to put out a game that combines Bayonetta with DMC to maximize profitability. They might even release DLC with renaissance inspired costumes. S&M, even.

14 years ago

DMC4 was a let down. From palying both RE5 and DMC4, I can tell both of those games were gimped because of the Xbox 360. I hope DMC5 doesn't end up like DMC4 and RE5.

14 years ago

DMC4 was my first DMC game. It was disappointing. I was really anticipating the release of the game. There just aren't enough boss to fight. It was most disappointing when half the game were backtracking with the same bosses. Especially the final boss where you cannot use the best weapons and character to fight against.

14 years ago

Yea that's why 4 IMO was an absolute failure. Anyone who hadn't played any other version, just four, might find this game to be bad but man oh man was it sooo much better on the ps2 days. 1 and 3 are the best but 3 beats all. That games story and boss battles where sick when I first played them. Also the weapons. I'm just sad that they ruined 4 with that half baked story and repetitive boss battles. That pissed me the fu** off! Hopefully they can bring it back to it's golden days…there's still hope.

14 years ago

Yeah it was my first DMC too, if it wasn't for footage of older DMCs I had seen before I played DMC4 i would've thought a lot less of the series.

14 years ago

That's the fault I found with DMC4, but not only that though: The entire game was meant for Nero and his devil bringer. When Dante was thrown in with a different gameplay mechanic, he felt way out of place. The fact he simply can't have his own areas to explore and how a lot all of now-useless nero-only items/puzzles are in every single level he goes through worsens this

14 years ago

If they plan too, it better be all dante, i hate nero.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
14 years ago

I also could not stand Nero! If they do put Nero in the next installment they should put him in the X360 version and put Dante in the PS3 version.

14 years ago

I think Dante is done for a while after what happen in part 2, but I wouldn't mind playing a Devil May Cry set in hell. I did enjoy part 4 my only beef was fighting the same bosses when you switch to Dante and the closing parts of the last level.

14 years ago

@ JDC80

It was stated that DMC2 happens way later in dante's life than the other games so far.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

There's always Bayonetta I suppose.

It's like DMC, but Dante is a sexy lady who constantly feels the need to get naked.

Last edited by Mr Bitey on 4/1/2010 12:14:13 PM

14 years ago

Bayonetta is the DMC4 that could've been..

14 years ago

beyonetta sucked. only pervs like it to get off on it. it's like soft core porn.

14 years ago

Bayonetta doesn't even come close to porn. She's not f*cking anyone, we don't see Luka getting a boner off her, and the nudity in-game lasts for less than a second. It's called fan-service. By your logic, any show, movie, game, book, etc. that even references female sexuality or even the slightest nudity should be labeled 'Adult-only'. I guess you and Fox share the same view about Mass Effect, right?

Last edited by sonic1899 on 4/1/2010 2:27:37 PM

14 years ago

cochise, I don't appreciate you calling Ben Dutka a perv.

sonic, what happened on Fox years ago was a travesty, but when you lump all of Fox into that fiasco because of what one hot blonde anchor said who I don't even know if she still works there, it makes me cringe.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 4/1/2010 2:50:35 PM

14 years ago

bayonetta's sexual innuendos are just gratuitous. it's not even in good taste such as heavy rain. i just think the game was mediocre and exploited gamers as bein pervs. but whatever floats you guy's boats

14 years ago

believe it or not the innuendos are actually one of the themes of Bayonetta [and maybe one of the reasons some people didn't like it]. You can't say that about Heavy Rain, can you? But to call a game bad just because you don't like its theme isn't a good thing

14 years ago

it's not that i disliked it. i just don't think it deserved the praise that it got. people thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. it was all style and no substance and not to mention a crappy lazy a** port. bayonetta can't even hold a candle to dante's inferno

14 years ago

Hack n slash in general have always been about style over substance. Some of the highlights about Bayonetta was that even though she flaunts her sexuality, she's not exploitative material. Her character design highlights that fact. Other things include how fluid combat is (especially moving from one enemy to another) having some of the most epic boss battles EVER (Fortitudo makes Berial look like a common enemy), the concept of a witch fighting angels, the satisfaction you get from being able to torture your foes with torture attacks or infernal demons, countless weapons and combo customizations to choose from, and so many things can go on on-screen at once with little problem. The game does have it's flaws, but they don't hinder the game's experience (i'm talking about if the game is installed and the 360 version of course…). That's the core of Bayonetta's praise.

As for the port, I know it's inferior, but there's a lot to consider about it. Bayonetta was platinum's first multiplat as well as their first PS3 game. Being a newer company from 2006, they don't have all the resources that match other developers and since they had little experience with the PS3, they developed Bayonetta for the 360 first because it was 'easier'. I know some of the employees aren't unfamiliar with game development, but they can still be perplexed by hardware that's been known to be harder to develop for. but Sega was more experienced with the PS3 than they were and left it up to them to handle the port…but that obviously didn't work as planned (and this is why I blame Sega for the bad port). Besides, the new install option helped the PS3 port a lot.

Last edited by sonic1899 on 4/1/2010 6:07:01 PM

14 years ago

The only good multi game of Capcom its the SF franchise ,their glorious days are over .

14 years ago

to heck with DMC! I want a new onimusha!!!

14 years ago


14 years ago

I'm anticipating the movie.

14 years ago

yeah but the movie is on like an indefinite hiatus

14 years ago

I have been wondering that myself. Have they kept mum because of the 800 lb gorilla in the room (GOW III) or are they just quietly plugging away on a story for 5? Who knows, I do know I miss the Capcom of old.

Here's hoping that DMC5 has no Nero, has Lady and Trish in bigger roles, and some boss battles that'll do the series proud.

"Let's Rock!"

14 years ago

exactly .
I was thinking the same.
I want DMC5 it will be a day 1 purchase for me.

14 years ago

Woah, so much haters here. DMC4 is totally bad-ass. Waaaay harder then G.O.W or PoP, by far. The techniques associated with the heroes are too awesome. Damm, only reason I stopped playing DMC4, is because I got a C-rank on hard mode, and I don't do 'Cs', only 'A's' and 'S's' :-/ Anywho, can some1 please send me a message telling me how to easily beat the Thunder-Beast. Please. Lol.

14 years ago

I loved DMC4 too, but it's far from an upgrade from DMC3.

14 years ago

For this Thunder-Beast (Blitz), I just spam charge shot (dodge everything he throws at you of course) and then combo his ass with devil trigger once his shield is down