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DICE Will “Never Charge” For Bad Company 2 Maps

When two games are in competition with one another, the battle can often swing on just a few words from either side.

Or if it doesn't swing, one side at least has to flinch at a jab. There has been much talk in the gaming community concerning DICE and EA's Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Infinity Ward and Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 . Which is better offline? Which is better online? Well, we're not about to dive into that can of worms, but not long after Infinity Ward applied a 1200 Microsoft Points price tag to the new Stimulus Pack for MW2, DICE offered up a little vow. See, DICE just released their own VIP 2 map for BC2 and…well, it's free. And according to CVG , the developer says they'll "never charge for downloadable map packs." As DICE senior producer Patrick Bach told Xbox World 360 Magazine:

"We don't ever want to charge for our maps and insisted to EA that this attitude was crucial when it came to keeping our community happy and playing together."

Bach added that DICE had "generous amounts of DLC" scheduled for Bad Company 2 but there's no doubt that this "free" attitude will go over well with gamers. It also lands that jab squarely on Activision's jaw, although being as big as they are, they may not feel it.

Related Game(s): Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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14 years ago

Cause DICE can't fit in the glory hole and that's why we all like DICE!

Glad to see DICE continuing their trend as being one of the best developers around.

14 years ago

Hey LV you might as well get this cause you wont be getting ICO back.

14 years ago

Why wont I be getting ICO back, I don't get it. I've already traded it once to a fellow PSXE and it was returned, Biker Saint has always been a stand up guy.

14 years ago

it was ME!

14 years ago

Yeah but he secretly mailed me the game about 3 weeks ago

14 years ago

Now these are the kind of developers the industry needs. Activision is just money hungry and they can't contain their beast now that it's loose. Their greed that is. Bravo, Dice! I said it before and I'll say it again, "Battlefield Bad Company 2 > Modern Warfare 2". Activision, Infinity Ward, and Microsoft are almost the same company now. They might as well merge.

14 years ago

That's nice, even though I don't have BFBC.

Why can't other devs and companies offer free DLC, especially the one that are basically unlock keys?

14 years ago

Hey LV,
Pay no mind to your trolling little 8 year old scumbag stalker "hitch, I mean "b*tch.

He's just figured out how to stop hiding from underneith his mama's skirt.
And all his desperate feeble attempts at sh!t-stirring are doing, is to show all of us here that he's sorely lacking any normal 1 year-old's proper potty training.

F*ck off

14 years ago

Battlefield Bad Company 2 can own Modern Warfare 2's ass anyday in my book. I played the game at my friend's house – wow spectacular, intense as hell.

Good going DICE…oh by the way…I'm still waiting on Mirror's Edge 2. I loved the first – honestly I was one of the few who absolutely loved it.

14 years ago


And….this especially goes for you scumbag MONEY-GRUBBER'S….
KOTEX, "ANTI-vision, Wada, SQUAREENIX, and all the others who think of gamers only as if we're just their $$$$$$cash cows$$$$$$ that they want to milk for all we're worth.

14 years ago


14 years ago


14 years ago

That's a lot of caps. I hope you don't get chastised by the Administrator! 😉

Last edited by Hezzron on 3/31/2010 11:51:11 PM

14 years ago

THAT'S the attitude I'm talkin bout.

14 years ago

boo ya. i knew you had my back, DICE

ea seems a bit more lenient with regards to dlc being possibly free. a lot of the early stuff for burnout paradise was free.

on the other hand, ive never seen free dlc coming from activision. ea certainly releases paid-for dlc (like late burnout stuff, and brutal legend, off the top of my head) but if a dev makes it a point to tell ea that it needs to be free, it seems to go over better.

ever since ea got their act together ive been a fan. rock band over guitar hero, BF over COD. i wonder if its coincidence, or if EA knows something activision doesnt…

Last edited by LightShow on 3/31/2010 9:58:18 PM

14 years ago

I love dice.

14 years ago

Really??!! I am going to buy BF:BC 2 right now! 😀

14 years ago

Nice try DICE. Your "free dlc" is already on the disk. What they're really doing is dolling out unlock keys to maps already on the disc to help combat purchases of used copies. Yup, buy BC2 used and this is NOT "free dlc."

14 years ago

Even so its much better than charging everyone for maps already on the disc.

14 years ago

Or charging people for multiplayer maps they probably already own because they have the first MW.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/1/2010 12:03:47 AM

14 years ago


14 years ago

they did same thing on bad company 1 free maps 🙂

14 years ago

Even if the DLC is on the disc already, at least they are not charging for it like Bioshock 2. I am not a multiplayer fan, but even I can see Bioshock 2 multiplayer is weak. I hate MW2 and I would rather play that than BS2 multiplayer. I rented BC2 and I loved it, but I didn't care for the multiplayer, so I will stick with KZ2.

14 years ago

Well then maybe i should sell MW2 and buy this instead

14 years ago

Nice. I might pick this up when its cheaper or if i find a sale some where.

14 years ago

Aw, that's cute. Seeing as how they "don't ever want to charge", why don't they start giving away free copies of the game too?

Seriously, I'm all for free DLC. That's the way it should be. But they just look like they want to ride the coattails of MW2 with this "whatever they can do, we can do better" boasting.

As the article alluded to, I don't think Activision is worried.

14 years ago

There's nothing wrong with them reminding people they offer a better value then Craptivision.

14 years ago

I suppose. It's just that they keep doing it, and it's looking a little desperate and childish.

They look like a parasite trying to feed off of the largest selling game of all time. It's just not classy.

14 years ago

It's business.

14 years ago

Awesome!!! I knew buying this game was a good idea! I love DICE!!!.

14 years ago

That is great guys… I will always support you… roll the DICE PSXeXtremers!!!


"RoLl ThE DiCe"

14 years ago

That's nice to hear. I love DICE for this. Anyone on here down for some conquest hit me up. Let me know your from here though.

psn yak4life85

14 years ago

sigh can one day pass without DICE taking a shot at activision?
one day, just one thats all im asking!
christ and i thought arron greenburg had a big mouth!
these guys should go work with my ex boss they would be bashed down to the state of toddlers, so much so they would be afraid to open their mouths!

14 years ago

"EVERYBODY" should be taking shots at sleazy anti-vision…….

…..and at that a-hole kotex, too!!!!!!

14 years ago

Nice to see they are doing this without the need to stimulate yet more money from the consumer.

14 years ago

Free stuff is always good, unless it sucks, but then it's still better than something you need to pay for that sucks, duh…
That is all -_-

14 years ago

That settles it.
BC2 is the game for mw.

14 years ago

well I figured I might get this game when it was $20, now I can continue to follow that plan with the knowledge that I'll have all the maps.

14 years ago

first of all i agree with most people that the price for the mw2 maps is too high..and i think its good that dice are giving these bfbc2 maps for free…or are they…at the moment im between jobs so i havnt got much i picked up a used copy of bfbc2 only to find out that these so called free maps are gonna cost me £10 to buy so how can they be free….and then when i look closely they aint even new maps..they are new game modes for existing maps….so if your poor like me youve gotta pay£10 to play new game modes…no dissapointed coz i really like the game but now dice has just given me a reason to buy the mw2 maps and get rid of bfbc2….sorry guys but that is a partial fail in my book….you need to look after the less fortunate people too

14 years ago

You bought the game used, Dice got no money from you for all there hard work, so why should they give you free DLC? And yes they are new maps, if you buy the VIP code you will get 4 new maps.

14 years ago

Hells yeah baby. What a nice 'warm fuzzy' to wake up to? (*fingers crossed* please become a trend…)

I also agree that $15 is crazy. $9.99 tops for any add-on for a game. I mean come on peeps.

It's almost like, drunk with power, they thought they could put any price they wanted and would still sell to the same 90% that were going to buy it anyways. That is annoying as consumers, but I guess that would make it a good business decision for IW. I, however, am not a fan of the $15 price point.

14 years ago

They dont release new maps ,only two new modes on a maps than are already available so not big deal.
I wont pay a pennie for modes on old maps

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

Hello DICE and EA.

Please note: new maps = actual new maps. ie: not same maps in different game modes. Also, while you're still listening, DLC stands for downloadable content. Not unlockable content as is the case with your limited edition release. All the "additional" maps you're giving us are already on the disc sooo.. we were born at night, but not LAST NIGHT.

14 years ago

So the rush and conquest maps are identical in every which way? No, so I guess that means they are not the same map.

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

They are the same in that they feature the same setting. I want NEW setting. Yes the gameplay is different objective-wise, but the scenery is the same.

But youre missing the point and that is, the supposed "DLC" isn't DLC. It's already on the game disc and is being with held from you for a period of time. They're calling it new content which it is not.

14 years ago

This just makes me sooo excited for the New Medal of Honor. Dice doing the multiplayer is absolutely win. By the way… The VIP2 Maps are awesome!!! Especially the new Rush Level. So much more fun the MW2.

14 years ago

If I had more fun playing the BC2 beta then the full MW2 game, that is saying something. I thought I saw through the most ridiculous hype ever for a game, and after I played for a week or so I just got so bored. Lame weapons, People getting unbelievably angry, and people glitching every which way. With how many glitches people found, I believe the MW engine is a steaming pile of Dooky.

14 years ago

These guys have been specializing in online warfare since 1942

Always was and always will be a loyal follower of DICE.