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New Greatest Hits Additions Include Killzone 2, Resistance 2

The Greatest Hits lineup is very attractive to consumers, especially those who couldn't snag every last fantastic title the instant they hit store shelves.

There are already plenty of available games in the PlayStation 3 Greatest Hits library and now, thanks to a new Wal-Mart flyer , we know about a half-dozen more that you'll soon be able to purchase for the agreeable price of $29.99. As of this Friday, the following titles will drop to that price so if you've been planning to grab any of them, just wait one more day:

We've raved about Killzone 2 in the past and many PS3 owners have already sampled its greatness but if you missed out, now's the time. There's also Resistance 2 , which is vastly under-appreciated by many (or so it seems), and one of our personal favorites of 2009, inFamous . Sucker Punch's awesome and surprisingly addictive action title is a steal at only $30 so take advantage of the deal!  As for the LBP GotY edition, if you haven't sampled Sackboy and his antics just yet, well…we kinda feel sorry for you. UFC Undisputed is great but you have to be an ultimate fighting fan to appreciate it, right?

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14 years ago

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Thanks to the PSN I'm playing some of the greatest classic PS1 games that I missed out on!

14 years ago

Time to pick up LBP. And I just bought inFamous on eBay for 25$. But first, i'll finish Valkyiria DLC