Naughty Dog has taken home a truckload of awards for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , which is arguably the greatest game of the generation (note I said "arguably," MGS4 fans).
But just because they're the toast of the developer town doesn't mean they're all in Maui or Honolulu, enjoying a much-deserved break. Well, maybe they did do that but now, it appears they're back to work and likely cranking away on a third Uncharted installment. As noted by GameGuru , the LinkedIn profile for Animator David Lam shows he's currently working with Naughty Dog on an "Unannounced Project." For the record, Lam worked on Uncharted 2 and Halo 3: ODST last year, so it would make perfect sense for him to return. Who wouldn't want to be working for Naughty Dog right now? This comes hot on the heels of learning that an ex- Tomb Raider designer had also signed on with the talented development team to work on a particular project. It seems very likely that it's Uncharted 3 ; even if they wanted to do something else, we can imagine Sony's insistence that a third installment is absolutely necessary. So might we start seeing info as soon as this year's holiday season…?
We just hope they take their time and do it correctly; we don't need an annual title like Call of Duty or Madden . Really, let's not rush 'em. Uncharted must remain nigh-on flawless!
Are you gonna be getting 3D dot game heroes?
Silent, 3d Dot is an interesting concept. I heard it was a Zelda rip off, and I thought no, how could they get away with that, and then I saw a video on it, and they showed a little Mario in the game, and I thought well that isn't obvious or anything. I am sure it is a tip of the cap to Nintendo and their franchises, but I wonder if after the game comes out if we will see some sort of backlash come from the Nintendo legal department.
Part of me thinks, why would I want this game if the graphics are blah, but from everything I have read from those who have had a chance to preview the game, they all say it is a definate purchase.
I've never heard of it but from what MyWorstnightmar is saying, i certainly sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
whoa whoa whoa, Jawk, are you serious? I think once you look it up it will look familiar. Can't believe you really haven't at least casually come across it. Someone on here has an avatar of it come to think of it.
haha i just watched the 3D Dot trailer. I'm buying that game for sure!
I wonder if it will have Move support.
I've seen the avatar i just never thought to ask. Now that i think of it, i do recall hearing the name but never looked for it.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/31/2010 4:00:57 PM
I with Nightmar, I'm surprised you hadn't heard of the game Jawk. It's a pretty obvious rip-off of Zelda and that's why I love it.
To Godsman: I've heard that argument plenty about GOW. But after revisiting the prequels in the GOW collection, I came to the conclusion that story was never the most important element of the franchise.
Sure, it provided the game with a setting, context, and set pieces, but just watch all the clips on youtube, and you'll see what I mean. It was never that deep. After the first, Kratos as a character was set in stone, character development and motivations were flat, not to mention the gaping plot hole where Kratos uses the sisters of fate to save himself, rather than saving his family. The game was more about atmosphere, mood, cinematic action, level design, visuals, sound, and music. But, because the game did so well in these departments, it still was a crazy-fun experience.
What I mean to say, is that GOW can very well be resurrected for future iterations, and even do better, in the same way an Uncharted, or a Zelda, or a Megaman can. Imagine a GOW that takes place in the future where Kratos is resurrected by a secret archaelogist mission to fight warring legions of aliens who had posed as gods throughout the history of mankind. The scientists use a time machine to allow him to go back to various times in human history (Ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and so forth), After carrying out his missions, he would be given the chance to go back in time to save his wife and child, and even his brother, only to find out his brother ends up becoming just like he had become, but in the future. I think that would work!
Last edited by Shams on 3/31/2010 6:35:19 PM
A new proper Jak and Daxter please! Continuing from Jak 3/X
ooo that would be great i loved the jak series!
I hope a Crash Bandicoot game. And not one of those on the side type games, but a real Crash game. It could be simply titled: Crash Bandicoot 4. lol.
I loved Crash! (I'll admit to loving Crash Team Racing too!!)
CTR rocks!!!!!!!! Still play it from time to time. But another crash is less likely than Duke Nukems new game at this stage..
Oh yes, please do. Uncharted 2 is a masterpiece.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/31/2010 12:24:55 PM
Oh yeh sequel plz!! i completed uncharted 2 recently i know im a bit late but i had no money…..
Games are not like fashion, we complete them when we can afford the money and time. What did you think of Uncharted2?
godslim, I am very sorry to hear of your money misfortunes.
Due to your avatar, I always thought you were very well to do, what with your classy attire, pompous look, and of course you are looking down on us. I guess even your riches couldn't withstand Obama, assuming you are from the States that is.
Fear not, we will get you back on track in 2012! Which by the way, we might have an Uncharted 3 that year.
Godsim, you remind me of a guy i knew in high school who smoked a lot of pot and played a lot of Killer Instinct on his N64.
He looks like a guy I know named Dave. He's married to a girl named Jenny and he drinks beer from a straw.
Microbrews only.
I will admit to putting ice in warm beer. Thinking about it gives me a bad feeling, but hey, I like cold beer.
I get really slutty when I drink anything other than beer.
Remember that….
Margaritas anyone?
haha thxs guys 😀
and yeh dude i luved uncharted 2 was so EPIC the set pieces are brilliant and its sooo needs a kick ass sequel!
beer from a straw makes u drunk as hell
Oh come on, everyone knows Halo3 is the best game thus far this generation.
Naw, ODST is. Expansions that feel like 2002 always rule.
$60 expansions always take the cake.
Halo has become like an enema. People paying money for a world of discomfort.
LV, you mean "next generation". See, you slipped right there when you said Halo3 is the best game thus far this generation.
I pay attention and learn from you, and you have made it clear that this generation is indeed the "next generation".
I said "this generation", I'm referring to "Next Gen". Go rent the movie TimeCop and you'll understand.
Nice try!!!!!
LV, oh no, don't bring time travel into this equation.
Ever see Primer? Interesting little time travel movie. Check it out. Came out in 2004.
I own it, it's a great movie especially on the budget they had.
Whats it about?
That is funny. Here I thought I would give you a cool scoop on a little known movie, and here you own it.
It gave me chills when they first saw themselves when they were hiding in the van, watching…themselves.
I need to rent it again.
Main – it is about a couple of guys that were making something scientific like, but had no intention of making something with the intent of time travel, but after fireing it up, they discovered they discovered they made a small device capable of time travel. So what do they do? Make a bigger box of course, get inside and see what happens. Hope I didn't give too much away, but you asked.
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 3/31/2010 4:25:10 PM
Just download it, if you've rented it before you're justified in downloading it…that's what the internet gods told me.
I won't give the movie away but everyone on here should check it out, it's a real mind fu$k.
Will do. If its as good as you say, LV, I'll give you a dollar.
Hey now, shouldn't I get half? 50 cents seems reasonable, due to the fact I originally brought it up. LV is just a willing participant in my movie recommendation.
Nightmar is the one that brought it up, give him all the praise (let me have the dollar though).
Nightmar – 'Hey LV, check out this GREAT movie called Primer, you'll like it.'
LV – 'I own it.'
Main – 'What's this now?'
Nightmar – 'Primer, great movie, check it out.'
Main – 'Hey I will! Thanks LV.'
Nightmar – 'WTF?'
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 3/31/2010 4:56:55 PM
Nightmar – 'Hey LV, check out this GREAT movie called Primer, you'll like it.'
LV – 'I own it.'
Main – 'What's this now?'
Nightmar – 'Primer, great movie, check it out.'
Main – 'Hey I will! Thanks LV. Here is a dollar.'
Nightmar – 'WTF?'
Main – 'Did you hear something?'
LV – 'Nope, anyone want a Margarita?'
lol, but honestly i didn't see your post before i commented thanks Nightmar.
I'll write you a check (boing)
Last edited by main_event05 on 3/31/2010 5:25:35 PM
You know what Mr. High and Mighty, you can just give your dollar to the government. They need it more than me.
lol, that is unfortunately to true.
You guys are totally forgetting Uno.
And lol @ nightmar ><
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 3/31/2010 6:04:39 PM
We might see some info on an Uncharted 3 by the holidays, but I don't want to hear a release date until X-mas of 2011. They need to take their time, and REALLY show what the PS3 can do.
I can't wait to see what they come up with next after Uncharted 2.
I don't have either of those 2 movies, but I do have "Time Machine".
So, can I get a quarter too?
Can't wait to see how they manage to topple the second one. The game literally blew me away, I just exploded right there in my chair. What I'm most interested in is where the story will go, and will Chloe be in it?
Also I think it would be cool to split up some missions and let you control the other characters a bit.
…Sully is my grandpa…
Oh, I hope that they are cranking on another Uncharted, but I'd be happy for it to be another 12-18 months before launch as long as the quality is there.
The thing is, what I want from Uncharted 3 is more Uncharted 2. Let me explain what I mean. I loved the story in Uncharted 2, the epic battles mixed with awesome and huge platforming sequences, the train, the monastery, the heist, the village, the finale. The game was immense, and I want MORE of that. I don't personally need the graphics to be that much better, in fact I would be happy with the same quality as Uncharted 2, with as much spit and polish as the devs can muster.
Uncharted 3 needs to maintain the scale, the epicness, and the length of story. If anything, make the story longer. More story, bring back Chloe, Elena and of course Sully…
Gee, I don't want much, do I?
Sounds good to me. I don't even care if multiplayer comes back.
I don't think they need to make a new multiplayer. They can just keep expanding on the one that came with 2. May some how, allow the assets from 3 to work with 2's multiplayer. would that be possible? maybe.
Definitely not asking too much Highlander, I too really wonder which mystery they're going to tackle this time, atlantis maybe or the bermuda triangle treasure I just made up o.O
I too hope they make the story a tad longer, and with a tad I mean like 7-8 hours, or longer, good too.