Naughty Dog has taken home a truckload of awards for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , which is arguably the greatest game of the generation (note I said "arguably," MGS4 fans).
But just because they're the toast of the developer town doesn't mean they're all in Maui or Honolulu, enjoying a much-deserved break. Well, maybe they did do that but now, it appears they're back to work and likely cranking away on a third Uncharted installment. As noted by GameGuru , the LinkedIn profile for Animator David Lam shows he's currently working with Naughty Dog on an "Unannounced Project." For the record, Lam worked on Uncharted 2 and Halo 3: ODST last year, so it would make perfect sense for him to return. Who wouldn't want to be working for Naughty Dog right now? This comes hot on the heels of learning that an ex- Tomb Raider designer had also signed on with the talented development team to work on a particular project. It seems very likely that it's Uncharted 3 ; even if they wanted to do something else, we can imagine Sony's insistence that a third installment is absolutely necessary. So might we start seeing info as soon as this year's holiday season…?
We just hope they take their time and do it correctly; we don't need an annual title like Call of Duty or Madden . Really, let's not rush 'em. Uncharted must remain nigh-on flawless!
lol… CoD being likened to Madden. Makes sense, I suppose, if you compare how one year builds onto the next. Usually something a little better, but not much different.
(I loved your review on CoD: MW2, by the way)
reskin FTL
PcGamer lingo eh?
remove arguably ben , it's the best game in this generation as well as the best game ever along FVIII that is
As a MGS4 fan I beg to differ but UC2 is a very close second. By very close I mean if I didn't breathe the MGS series I'm sure I could put it at #1.
See? 😉
Honestly mgs4 isn't my favorite game to play, but I'd still have to say it's the best game ever put together. Simply because it does everything right, allowing you to play as you choose, weapons, combat, everything was just done to perfection.
Even if it's not your thing, anyone with a decent understanding of reality could admit its incredible quality.
You all know Haze takes the crown.
Saw some DLC on the PSN store the other day, looks Only game where the dlc is more expensive than the game it is for.
i have to go with MGS4. i love uncharted but MGS4 can't be touched
ffviii??? PWUH
no, no, no you got it all wrong heavy rain is the best title this gen.
As much as I want an Unchartered 3, I got a feeling its Sly Cooper 4.
I dont think Naughty Dog made sly cooper,isnt it made by the guys from Infamous?
Last edited by Silent_J on 3/31/2010 11:08:38 AM
yeah Sly Cooper is done by Sucker Punch, who made inFamous.
I dont care, as long as naughty dog do well like always.
if it is the third uncharted, i could wait another year probably, dont rush it at all. i want it to be perfect. there probably isn't much more they can do to it, but im no dev, so if there is, rock and roll.
as long as they dont fiddle with the controls. they work fine.
im sure naughty dog wont fail to impress
You want to take 3 Unchartered flights? What?
Research fail
Glad to hear that they started the third one.ND can take all the time they want ,I'll wait .
Agreed. Besides, there are plenty of great games to keep me satisfied (not to mention broke) until the inevitable time comes when a third is ready to release.
Yes, ND please take your time and continue to do things right. I will just say it now, whatever the game happens to be, it will be a paid in full pre-order day one pick for me.
Thought we knew this already, hope U3 has some more puzzle elements in it, and lets you work it out by yourself, not telling you the answer straight away when you look in your book.
i want some more difficult puzzles as well
some of that sh*t confused me.
Well, I like puzzles, but let's have them vary in difficulty according to the difficulty setting, so if it's on easy, have the notebook provide some easy clues, and if it's on hard, throw in a misleading clue or two, or remove some of the clues. And if it's on crushing, have the notebook badly scorched so the outside half of the page is unreadable, and some of the few clues in the book are misleading too.
@ world ,I think the one that got me a little confuse was when you had to spin those big drums with symbols on them.
Im all for more puzzles though.
Last edited by Silent_J on 3/31/2010 2:07:12 PM
Last edited by Silent_J on 3/31/2010 2:05:52 PM
i thought it was too untill i put in my god of war 3…. but you see a trend here… ps3 exclusives you can tell the difference with the quality improvement but with the 360 all you see is little improvements and more of the same….
Hope they take it slow, I wouldn't mind waiting for a while if it means they make it perfect. I have faith in the company, so I know they will make a quality product. Day one buy for me already! =D
Chances are, yes, it will be the next Uncharted… but wouldn't it be cool if it was something else, too? I still have dreams where Universal comes knocking on Sony's door and says that they'll license off Crash Bandicoot to Sony for an exclusive game and that Naughty Dog must be the developer. Oh, only if dreams came true.
Anyway, if it is indeed Uncharted 3, then I guess we're one step closer to an Uncharted racing title. LOL. Think about it; the Crash trilogy was followed by a racing title and then the Jak & Daxter trilogy was followed by a racer, too. It's only inevitable.
I have a confession.
I've never played either Uncharted.
Did the priest slap you?
my foot ur hole should meet pretty soon .lol
I balanced the ol' budget and now i have around $200 to play with. after watching some FF13 footage on youtube i decided it isn't as bad as i thought it would be, so i'm gonna grab that and maybe the 1st Uncharted.
My religion tells me to forgive you, but it's hard.
How hard is it………
Don't feel bad. A lot of people haven't played the two Uncharteds. We've got some people out there now hunting for them, but you're not the only one.
hard enough Uncle Pervy.
If you follow my post you'll know i have no problem spending a few extra dollars on those hard to find games.
i.e. $160+ for RE 1-3
Too bad you didn't just buy those RE games when they first came out…
You got jacked Main Event.
I did, but i wasn't the most responsible person in the world back then.
Lol, I thumbed down Nightmar for the priest comment but now i get it. sorry, i'm a little slow today, planning for the holiday and all.
G-WIZ it can't be Sly Cooper 4 as that was developed by Insomiac games, the developers of Resistance franchise.
Sly Cooper was made by Sucker Punch.
That would be Sucker Punch, the developers of inFamous, who also made Sly Cooper.
As much as I would like another Uncharted, I want another Jak and Daxter. Either way, I will purchase any game they put out there because NG is one of my trusted developers.
It only make sense to have another Uncharted game after such an achievement from 2009. I just hope they don't make one unless it's a huge upgrade like the second was to the original.
Unlike GoW3 where you eventually run out of gods to kill, in Uncharted, you never run out of treasures to hunt for. Sequels can come every two to three years.
I like the 2-3 year interval, it means that when the next one comes along, people are itching for it to arrive. It's not 'routine', it's special.
Yup, that's part of the reason i love Zelda so much. Although I'm starting to grow impatient with Nintendo and their lack of info about the new Zelda.