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Final Fantasy XIV Races And Tribes Outlined, Detailed

If you were a fan of Final Fantasy XI , you're likely psyched for the upcoming MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV .

The game's official site has been updated with the game's five available races, and the explanation and details for each. It's all in Japanese but the English summary can be found over at RPGLand , and RPG followers will definitely be interested in the very distinct races. There are the Hyuran, the most numerous tribe; Midlanders who "are literate from a young age, and are brought up with many customs." Their Highlander counterparts are bigger and more muscular, but aren't considered to be as intelligent. The Miqo'te have two tribes; the Seekers of the Sun (active during the day) and the Keepers of the Moon (guess). The Lalafel consist of Plainsfolk who boast flaxen hair and are noted for their good hearing thanks to over-sized ears (sounds a lot like Elves to us). The Dunesfolk "are a nomadic herding people" with "peculiarly glasslike" eyes.

The Elezen tribe has the Foresters – "pale forest-dwelling people" – who have great eyes and the Shaders, who live in dim limestone caves and have a great sense of hearing. The latter is also well-suited to hand-to-hand combat. Lastly, there's the fearsome Roegadyn, which includes the Seewolf tribe (raiders, pirates, and general sailors) and the Roegadyn of Lohengarde, also known as the Soldiers of Fire. They live in a volcanic crater that some believe to be the gates to purgatory; these people are stubborn and have an aptitude for the mystic arts. Sound intriguing enough? Which class will you be?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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14 years ago


I'm looking forward to this game, hope to see some of my fellow PSXE members within the game when it releases.

14 years ago

Yeah I'm looking forward to it too. I'm going to try to get everyone on the same server but it's highly doubtful. Anyone from PSXE that plans on playing XIV add me on PSN Zemus101

14 years ago

Add me… my SN is LimitedVert

I have a headset and a very sexy voice.

14 years ago

Lol I believe it. If you'd have me I'd like to friend you too, so I could hear it! I might get FFXIV; it depends if there's an online fee/how expensive it is. I liked XI at least.

14 years ago

I am not sure if i should try the beta… hope the download isn't too big!…
might just get the game and the free item… xD

14 years ago

Tried adding LimitedVert and no go 😛

14 years ago

You sure you did the correct SN? It's LimitedVert

A few from PSXE just added me a few minutes ago…

14 years ago

Zemus, Limited's PSN is


he forgot the under score.

14 years ago

Jawk pointed this error out to me on PSN while I was in a long ass battle in XIII so he was kind enough to point out the mistake.

Thx Jawk, hope you're able to upgrade now.

14 years ago

yup, thanks for the clarification.

14 years ago

Hey I might add you guys after I get home in July… my psn id is: SantaApe or Santa_Ape

lol kinda forgot -_-

14 years ago

I'll be there! Hopefully under the same name as my FFXI character! My PSN id is Underdog15 (no '0' like in my psx name)

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/31/2010 9:41:09 AM

14 years ago

Too busy with Demon's Souls/White Knight Chronicles (and those have sweet online components and classes)

I'll probably never pay to play any damn rpg online

Prefer the small dedicated online rpgs, mmo's are just full of ego and in the end, or as a result, a big waste of time

Last edited by Scarecrow on 3/30/2010 9:44:33 PM

14 years ago

We're not seeing I2I tonight…

14 years ago

Idk I see them as more immersive, ie you're in this huge world with a realistic amount of inhabitants due to it being an mmo. Plus, you're always gonna have people to play with, I mean, it is Final Fantasy after all, you can bet it'll have more players than the other RPGs

14 years ago

Nice, yeah I'm really looking forward to it. There's a podcast over on ffxivcore about xiv that I just found the other night. Great site for this game. I have no idea which race I'm going to choose. At first I was going with Hyum (or however it's spelled) the Hume type, but now …I dunno, those little Lallafel guys are adorable >.>

14 years ago

Are any of the classes similar to the Mithra? I was always curious about how they felt to play as.

14 years ago

The Mithra in XIV are called Miqo'te. Still not sure why they changed all the names of the races when it is so blatantly obvious that they are the same.

14 years ago

Not exactly the same, they just wanted to make similar races for people to keep their characters relatively close to what they had in XI. Like ..the Lallafel don't quite look like the Tarutaru, and the Galkan …well the new ones don't have tails.

14 years ago

Who is Leroy Jenkin's going to play as, that is who I will team up with.

Leeeeeeeeeeeerrrroooyyyyyy Jennnnnkinnnnnns!!!

Ahhhh, it never gets old.

14 years ago

Good to know that "the big dummy" is still a staple character, lol.

14 years ago

Yeah but I'm glad it's not an Orc (they went for unique).

14 years ago

I know which class will "TheHighlander" choose.

14 years ago

I must say its quite nice that they are using the FF Main Theme on the web site.

14 years ago

I'm about 70 hours into XIII, and just noticed the other day that I never heard the victory theme play once. I became very sad.

14 years ago

The chocobo theme is still there though, right? Please tell me the chocobo theme is still there!

14 years ago

yeah, that pissed me off. i wanted to hear the final fantasy 7 victory fanfare after beating a group of enemies. one of the few things i missed. also getting gil as a battle reward too since you dont really get much component droppes even with the catalogs. It may just be because i'm battling adamantoises. got about 20 platinum ingots, 2 trapezahedrons, and 50 of each credit and incentive chips. it may sound a lot but compared to how much battles i played farming, thats nothing.

14 years ago

The problem with the victory theme being in FFXIII is you have a battle every 4 seconds, so it would get annoying.

14 years ago


Ya it's in there, you're even able to ride them. It has an updated Jazzy style to it but I enjoy it. Overall I love XIII's soundtrack.

14 years ago

LV: thank god. If that was gone I would have flipped out!

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Yeah, I agree. The sound track for 13 is fantastic.

14 years ago

Maybe they could have included it like the did in FFXII. Obviously tough to do for every battle, but perhaps after important boss battles? I love how the fanfares all had the same intro, then the continuing song was always unique. They all had (and I KNOW you guys can hear the song in my mere text!!) "Da da da daaa daaaa daaaa dun duh daaaaaaaaaa!!! (unique part here)"

14 years ago

Good point Underdog, I would have enjoyed that more than not having it at all. I love that fanfare, it's been in my head since I began FF1 all those many years ago.

14 years ago

I'll be a Shader if I try it out. Waiting to hear pricing details before I commit.

14 years ago

I'd be a midlander, i like intelligence 🙂

14 years ago

I'll give FFIV a whirl, I guess. I played XI for a couple years and had fun until the grind got to my frontal lobe and beat it with a hammer.
Hoping to get into the beta, but if I don't, I'm still buying it day one.

14 years ago

We all know the races should have been AVALANCHE, SEED, l'Cie, and SOLDIER.

Ok so they are not races but it would definitely get some rivalry goin

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Free – day one
Pay – pass

14 years ago

I can understand not playing if there's a cost, but I DEFINITELY wouldn't play if it was free. Read my post lower. It wouldn't be a quality experience if it was 100% free online play. Guaranteed.

On the other hand, rejecting a game because of monthly fees makes complete sense to me. Just don't expect the same caliber of support, updates, and quality from a free MMO.

14 years ago

I'll pick it up day one most likely. Enjoyed FFXI for a few years. May subscribe again just to get used to it again and try the three new mini expansions that are coming out this year. I don't mind paying per month in the least. It keeps the content additions coming. EVE Online is a prime example. The 13th expansion is about to be added in a few months.

14 years ago

why don't you just link to the English version of the site? it has all the races information. In fact its been there for a few months now when I last checked in December or January I believe.

As far as races go, I usually play the human type so I'd probably go with Hyur but Roegadyn seems pretty cool too.

14 years ago

hey ben you can actually find all this at the north american website too.

click world at the top and then choose races, then overview.

I'm really looking forward to this game and I won't know which race I'll play until I see their stats. I won't play the Hyur tho, hate playing human. I'm human, its fantasy so I want to be what I can't be.

Glad to know they got this new info up, I hope it plays really well on the ps3 as I'd prefer to play it on there until I can get me a gaming computer.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, well, I didn't even know there was a NA version. When it's FF, I always just assume it's all in Japanese at first.

I'm still living in 1997, obviously. 😉

14 years ago

thats ok ben, I've just been checking that website like once a week since they announced the game at e3 last year. really been looking forward to it.

14 years ago

Their Highlander counterpart is seemingly not as smart as our Highlander part.
See what I did there, yeah me too.

14 years ago

I really want this. I can't find any real good mmorpgs on my pc and I'm not getting into WORLD of Warcrack. I've lost friends to that game 🙁

14 years ago

If it wasn't an MMO with monthly fee, I'd consider playing this game. But an online Final Fantasy has just never appealed to me anyway.

14 years ago

I'll keep an eye on this one. I am hoping this one is what 13 should have been.

14 years ago

I wish they would let play be free, just sell the game at full price, then sell tons of weapons and upgrades and houses and gil and stuff in the XIV world.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/31/2010 1:23:00 PM

14 years ago

Only problem with selling things like gil or anything else that might have an in-game monetary feature, is that it can really screw up the in-game economy and cause things like inflation or deflation (depending on the rarity of items, etc.). Those who remember FFXI in the early days might recall certain items that sell for 1million gil, might now only sell for 20k.

It definitely would be a good idea, though, like World's said, to sell items or upgrades, but you would need to ensure that those items could not be resold in-game or transferred in any way from one player to another.

The infamous gil-sellers and their websites ruin in-game economies, hence their use being banned. Although, in reality, I'm sure Squeenix allows it in limited amounts since it would promote them making more money through gil-seller accounts and increased traffic of players otherwise discouraged by the amount of work it takes to farm gil.

However, what World's says is basically the only way the game could possibly be free to play month to month. With numerous servers, inevitable glitches, and P2P interactions, there needs to be some sort of admin support for MMO's. It's not like MW2 where a random player can host a match. These worlds are massive and need entire servers dedicated to their maintenance. Similarly, there are always times someone, somewhere, will need admin support. How could SE support that without a steady flow of income?

Then there's the updates. These MMO's need pretty much monthly updates to either fix bugs or add additional content or abilities. Alot of the free downloadable MMO's out there make their money by buying items and such and also through advertising. I think the last thing we want with our admin support is a plethora of advertisement courtesy of google-ads, or something.

Point is, maintaining what will need to be 10-20 different servers, supporting hundreds of thousands or millions of users interacting with each other (this carries tonnes of issues like harassment, discrimination, etc. that you cannot avoid like you can in small scale multi-player games like shooters.), and monitoring abnormal activities carries a heavy cost. If it was completely free, these issues would not get resolved quickly, and the experience would go to pot. So with all this in mind, I do not think it will be without it's monthly or yearly access fees.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/31/2010 2:26:49 PM