Updated: April Fool's a little early from PS3Clan…and it's gutsy – or just plain stupid – to quote Kaz when it's a lie. Sony mightget upset. Anyway, y'all know by now but we still need to update, of course.
Original Story:
Sony has often said that although they are planning a Premium subscription service for the PlayStation Network, the basic membership will always remain free. But big business has a way of changing that outlook.
We know the Premium service is coming later this year, although we haven't seen any official plans or details just yet. However, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai may have dropped a bomb we weren't expecting: according to European site PS3Clan , his latest statements say that if you wish to remain a PSN subscriber, you'll have to pay…no matter what. Most of that article through the link is in Dutch but it's the English translation of Hirai's comments that will turn plenty of heads and ruffle a few feathers:
"We are confident the Premium service will differentiate the PSN further from other online services. With the new functionalities the PSN will offer the most complete online experience possible. SCE will further increase sales by offering users new entertainment through the combination of software and the PSN. New functionalities as ‘cross game chat’ and Facebook connectivity, are part of our ambition to grow towards a profitable position.
However, to increase revenues further, we are forced to charge a subscription fee to all PSN users, instead of offering Premium services as an optional subscription. I cannot comment in depth at this time but we are looking at $60 to $80 a year. In return, the full Premium services package will be available to anyone without additional subscription fees. The Premium service will be available in the third quarter of this year for everyone to enjoy."
Of course, it could be a screwy translation but that doesn't really seem likely. It appears they toyed with the idea of an optional Premium subscription but perhaps they were worried that wouldn't bring in enough revenue; hence, they decided upon simply charging everyone a certain fee like Microsoft does for their Xbox Live service. Perhaps they don't need the "free online" benefit to sell PS3s these days but current users likely won't be too happy about the new cost. Then again, one can definitely make an argument that the Network has not only caught but surpassed Live in many areas. Is that not worth $60 to $80 per year?
Well, we're not sure. We'll have to see how Sony responds to this and it'll also be interesting to see the widespread gamer response…
I don't think anyone said they'd sell their PS3, just stop going online.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/30/2010 1:14:31 PM
I think only two people they would hawk their PS3's on Ebay.
I'm with chedison, tons of people on here were talking about switching sides and abandoning ships.
I will never forget who you people are, EVER.
You threw me a life preserver and i got back on ship LV.
lmao @ LV
@lv id never sell my ps3 i love it too much!!
Wow! the article has turned some heads. I don't care if this is some kinda of sick early april fools joke or not. I just don't want to pay subscription fees. The "free" PSN is one of the many +++s we have against the competition and SONY is considering doing away with it. Man business hurts.
Well i dont know if this is an early April fools joke, but i bloody well hope it is 😛
One thing where i think the Xbox is better than PS3 is the fact that they can have parties. Other than that, yes, PS3 whoops some Xbox arse. Anyways, yeah, I would be more than happy to pay to play if they make the connection better and faster, and if they include something like party chat.
Lol knew it from the start….
How the heck did you find that article anyways Ben?
Charging for online…
… taking away Linux options.
Next they'll be paying for timed exclusives instead of paying for development of new games.
Dear Sony, please stop acting like Microsoft scumbags.
Edit:Oh it was April fools charging for online? Bad timing with the removal of linux announcement.
Last edited by bridgera on 3/30/2010 12:01:44 PM
Sony isn't removing anything from anyone. You have the option to decide for yourself what to do. Firmware 3.21 is not mandatory, you have a choice. If you want to keep PSN access you need 3.21, if you don't, or find Linux more important to you, then don't apply the firmware update.
Go out and buy a Slim for gaming and PSN and use your old fat model for Linux if you want to keep it that option open you. 🙂
When you present someone with a choice of which features they get to use, you are taking away something from someone. You can't tell me "Sony isn't removing anything from anyone."….
…. then deny me access to the Linux parition on my PS3, or deny me the ability to play Warhawk (online only game).
Both are things I was of the understanding that I could use when I purchased my $500 PS3.
Companies aren't typically allowed to remove functionality AFTER purchase like this.
Last edited by bridgera on 3/30/2010 2:20:22 PM
The problem is that circumstances change. Had the Hypervisor hack not happened, had the system security remained intact, then this would be unnecessary.
What would you have Sony do? Leave the systems potentially vulnerable so that the minority of users who make use of both the Linux and PS3 functionality are satisfied? I'm sorry, I understand the dilemma you're in. However I also see that Sony were faced with two alternatives and chose the one that hurts fewer paying customers.
The honest truth is that your PS3 continues to work as it does now if you do not update to 3.21. Nothing is taken away from you. You paid for your system and your games and you can play them. The truth is that accessing the PSN is strictly controlled and if your system doesn't beet the terms and conditions, you can't access the Network. That still doesn't take your system or anything on it away from you. Sure it cramps your style, but Sony are not taking anything away from you.
Sony is not taking any functionality away – they leave the decision up to the user, the update is not forced onto your system, you have to agree to it. The firmware update is something YOU have to initiate in the full knowledge that it disables Linux mode for security reasons.
I agree with High, this guy found a weakness in Sony's security, it's gotta go.
"What would you have Sony do?"
I would have Sony find a better solution. They are not a bunch of mindless weeklings that are incapable of finding legitimate solutions, let's not act like they are.
"Nothing is taken away from you."
Yes, it is. Either my Linux partition Xor PSN access to play games that are online only, such as Warhawk.
Posted this above, but I'll post it here to.
You may think it's okay for any company to disable any feature after you purchase a product.
I do not think that's okay. If it says "play on PSN" "option to install other OS" on the box, or in advertisements, or promotionals, I had better be able to use all those options.
You don't have to agree with me on that, you are entitled to your opinion.
Most comments ever I think, had an idea it would be an April Fools joke 🙂
Last edited by tlpn99 on 3/30/2010 12:12:35 PM
stupid hoax.
Wow. Limited Vertigo talks a lot.
And we are grateful as it is entertaining.
…and your mouth tastes good, so what?
Ew. I haven't brushed my teeth in two days. Even I think it tastes bad. lol.
That was one sick joke….
Man. No offense to all you guys/gals that I have been posting with for along time, but I can't believe any of you took that serious.
Well it was two days before April 1st and in Dutch. So there weren't many clues to suggest it was a Hoax. That said, as I kept saying, people would have been better served waiting for a real announcement before blowing their gaskets.
Yeah. April fool's jokes are supposed to be on april or at least a couple of hours near April 1st. This one was so far that it makes it one very very bad joke.
I prefer to pretend it's real, go insane and destroy everything, then settle down when it gets updated.
I was calling BS the whole time, but damn,….just the thought of it fires me up.
The world makes sense again.
I dunno, I really enjoyed your "Release the Kraken", and then followed by "Huh? I just thought it was time to release the Kraken."
I remember something about dicks and Denmark too. Real knee slappers.
Oh SH*T! I forgot to put the Kraken back in the cage!
400 lol 🙂
I still would never pay for online.
This thread has left me open to the idea of paying for a Premium service. I want to see what Sony's going to offer in terms of new features for a price. Like LV i do trust the Sony brand and would love to see what else PSN could be and the fact is they would need revenue to due that. What a learning experience this has been. 😉
I still wouldn't pay to play like LIVE people though. I'd just go back to playing Counter Strike on my Vaio before of pay to play Killzone 2 or MAG.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/30/2010 1:24:17 PM
yeah the premium service is still a good idea, and if it offered stuff I wanted I would pay for it.
I'm really curious as to what they will offer. I still think Core was a waste of money. They'll need to offer me some discounts, free games or rewards somehow to keep me interested in paying extra. Guessing that's why it's taking them so long to create the service. Hoping that E3 sheds some light on all of it.
See, the Dutch are just terrible at April Fools pranks.
They're great with slavery.
"The Dutch invented the slave trade you know?"
Terrible movie, but that was pretty funny.
Chicken and Waffles anyone?
If you're going to do something at least do it right, I tip my hat to them.
We're also good at building bridges and dams…
I enjoy their dikes.
Good God, I see what happens when I'm out of the loop for a few days dealing with H1N1 AND a death in the family (service was last Thurs). I hope that Sony sues the bejesus out of them.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, glad to see you back on.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. H1N1 sucks as well. Watch out for the Bronchitis that can follow on from H1N1.
Sorry to hear about all your troubles, & hope things get better from here on out.