Updated: April Fool's a little early from PS3Clan…and it's gutsy – or just plain stupid – to quote Kaz when it's a lie. Sony mightget upset. Anyway, y'all know by now but we still need to update, of course.
Original Story:
Sony has often said that although they are planning a Premium subscription service for the PlayStation Network, the basic membership will always remain free. But big business has a way of changing that outlook.
We know the Premium service is coming later this year, although we haven't seen any official plans or details just yet. However, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai may have dropped a bomb we weren't expecting: according to European site PS3Clan , his latest statements say that if you wish to remain a PSN subscriber, you'll have to pay…no matter what. Most of that article through the link is in Dutch but it's the English translation of Hirai's comments that will turn plenty of heads and ruffle a few feathers:
"We are confident the Premium service will differentiate the PSN further from other online services. With the new functionalities the PSN will offer the most complete online experience possible. SCE will further increase sales by offering users new entertainment through the combination of software and the PSN. New functionalities as ‘cross game chat’ and Facebook connectivity, are part of our ambition to grow towards a profitable position.
However, to increase revenues further, we are forced to charge a subscription fee to all PSN users, instead of offering Premium services as an optional subscription. I cannot comment in depth at this time but we are looking at $60 to $80 a year. In return, the full Premium services package will be available to anyone without additional subscription fees. The Premium service will be available in the third quarter of this year for everyone to enjoy."
Of course, it could be a screwy translation but that doesn't really seem likely. It appears they toyed with the idea of an optional Premium subscription but perhaps they were worried that wouldn't bring in enough revenue; hence, they decided upon simply charging everyone a certain fee like Microsoft does for their Xbox Live service. Perhaps they don't need the "free online" benefit to sell PS3s these days but current users likely won't be too happy about the new cost. Then again, one can definitely make an argument that the Network has not only caught but surpassed Live in many areas. Is that not worth $60 to $80 per year?
Well, we're not sure. We'll have to see how Sony responds to this and it'll also be interesting to see the widespread gamer response…
Thx all, just happy to be breathing again.
Anyone else pissed that this news is fake? I was really hoping they'd start charging us for the PSN.
Not pissed but now I'm more interested in what their Premium service will look like.
C'mon. It's a little silly to want to pay for something we already get for free. You gotta see that, right?
Not when I expect there to be more content to go along with the fee and the fact that I believe Sony deserves to get paid for PSN usage.
Don't worry LV you can still pay for the premium service, or just send me a check now and then.
I already knew it was April Fool's story but I was playing along with it 😉
That was a pretty good prank, Ben. When I read it last night I was shocked but I took it with a grain of salt until I see a confirmation.
I HOPE THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! because $60-80 a year that's more than xbox-live and we don;t even have as much as they do on it hope sony makes and optional priminm service with ther features and keep the ones right now free of charge sony will lose a lot of customers because of this policy!! one of the main key points the system sells is because of free online!
I am confused by your posting this AFTER the update..unless it took you half a day to write it.
I really find no humour in a prank like this.
Last edited by Victor321 on 3/30/2010 3:05:58 PM
Especially when you are the butt of the joke.
i may have just pooed myself…. but anyway when are we getting cross game chat? or will that come with the mandatory fee? (never)
Damn you Sony! Now I've got to sell my PS3 and buy an Xbox360 and Wii. I hope your happy with screwing over your loyal fanbase. J/K:)
Can we just get rid of April Fools Day? It's pointless and stupid. Just like DST.
Hey, lets go for 500 comments!
Well, I guess that PS3Clan are ashamed of their joke or something. After they hastily pulled their story and replaced it with an April Fools Day message, the story is no longer linked on their news page, you can only get to it if you have the link already.
I guess it's not so much of an April Fools Day joke if it happens two days early and then goes missing before April Fools Day itself.
Wonder if they simply screwed up, saw the reactions and realized they screwed up, and then yanked the story in a hurry trying to save face by claiming it was all a big joke?
That site must be full of idiots. Who does an April Fools 2days ahead of time then retracts the story completely.
i always had faith in sony to keep what we have now free but i do believe that there will be a premium service that will require payment!!
and i new it was a joke!!
and lets get to 500 every 1 else has a comment so i thought id stick my 2 pennies in
Maybe if you jerks spammed the thread as much as Death, Jawk, World, Tes, laxpro, DIs, and sorry to say it but Highlander we'd be at 500 by now.
i have finaly been insulted by lv i feel accepted now!!
Last edited by kevyd09 on 3/30/2010 4:37:42 PM
Theres no I in Team!
but theres a ME
Me? Spam? I thought I was offering information wherever I could!? LV I'm Shocked. Shocked I tell ya. Such accusations…
There is good spam (ME) so no worries.
lol good thing this was one big joke i mean i was a littl bit worried but hey PSn will remain free!! YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!
"carelessly walk off a cliff"
"sad life."
Dontcha think you've gotta add yourself in there too this time though, LOL
And Spam can be great thing
(but I prefer to slap a few well done slices on some toasted Rye bread and a coupl slices of cheddar, with a few thinly sliced red onions & slathering on some horseradish sauce……. MMMMMMMMGOOD!!!)
leave out the red onion and horseraddish and ill take 1 of those!!
Last edited by kevyd09 on 3/30/2010 4:53:39 PM
LOL, I didn't include myself in hopes someone would notice!
Are you sure that update 3.21 is optional because it really seems mandatory and also they could make it optional for awhile only to make it mandatory after awhile.
I really hope they reconsider.
Or do you mean optional as in DON'T UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM!
if ya dont update ya cant get on the psn so to me that sounds like its compulsary, not optinal as they say
It's not really optional, unless you consider not connecting to PSN optional.
Its mandatory if you want to continue using PSN. So in a way its mandatory but it's also avoidable with a sacrifice.
It's optional because you have to decide to do the update. You have the choice of whether to access the PSN or not. Yes, I know PSN is kind of important to online gaming. But the point I am making is that it's not necessary to perform the update for your PS3 to operate correctly. It's required if you want to log in to PSN. It is optional because your PS3 will not cease to function if you skip it.
Hey Highlander,
OK I can kind of understand from a few of your earlier statements on why Sony might really be taking away the "Other OS" option, for the security reasons.
But let's just say for argument's sake, a 60Gig user decides to keep his Linux by refusing to update any more firmware on it & just uses one of the newer 120/250 slims to do the firmwares, gaming go online, etc.
So being non-tech noob, my question is, wouldn't Sony still be in the same security/hackable predicament from those who kept their Linux & didn't upgrade, or has Sony got that route pretty much covered too????
Not really. What I think Sony is concerned about is that the hack that exists represents a chink in the armor of the PS3 that could potentially be widened. Right now it's very hard to do, you have to effectively dismantle your PS3 and potentially fry the motherboard if you mess up. However, what was demonstrated was an ability to cause the hypervisor (in OtherOS mode only) to act in particular ways by directly modifying memory used by the hypervisor. In other words, a hacker can gain control of the hypervisor. The security of the PS3 is very complex and robust. The designers actually assumed that a hacker would one day gain control of the hypervisor and so the system and Cell CPU were designed to be secure even from a compromised hypervisor.
Now, the thing is that the security of the Cell is hardware based, there are encryption keys burned into the Cell CPU that are not accessible by software. The worry is that even though it is in theory (and by design) impossible to get the keys, somehow someone might find a way. Since the way into the system is through OtherOS mode, as soon as it was confirmed that someone had broken into the hypervisor in OtherOS mode I figured that the OtherOS mode would go away.
In terms of the threat, in the scenario you describe, of course the user with Two PS3s offers no more security threat and Sony is not mandating the update be installed. It's optional so if your PS3 doesn't ever need to talk to PSN, you don't need to update it.
Sony is taking a precaution just in case someone somehow turns this exploit of OtherOS mode into a way to open up the GameOS mode and custom firmware. A PS3 with custom firmware and an insecure GameOS mode is a security threat to PSN because it is capable (until detection) of getting into PSN and past the authentication security of PSN.
You remember that old expression that you give someone an inch and they take a mile? I think it applies here. If Sony gives an inch on security, what's to stop hackers taking a mile. Sony cannot work on the basis of what is proven to be, they have to plan for potential threats.
Removing OtherOS is a precaution. I know it's upset some who did in fact use their PS3 both for Linux and for games. But the number of such users is in reality very, very small. So the pain is limited, it's not that I don't care, it's just that I don't want to see the PS3 or PSN hacked.
Researchers using PS3s as low cost super computer clusters are not affected by this because they have no reason to update their firmware in any case.
If they are that concerned about security/hacking they will probably make it mandatory. In that case you would have to update if you want to play while your system is online.
Now I feel bad for doubting Sony. This "joke" was in very bad taste. I hate ploys like this to drive up site traffic. Death to PS3Clan.
OK, thanks for all the 411, it must be great to be able to understand all this tech stuff.
(Sometime I wish I had went tech geek as a tyke)
Don't know why the extra post popped up, so I'm deleted what I already said above this one.
(It should still count towards the 500 comments though, LOL)
Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/30/2010 8:53:41 PM
WTF is going on…I leave this site for a week's time and when I return, there's nothing but chaos. I'm ashamed at some of you Sony fans. Jumping to conclusions when an article presents a distasteful idea such as an overlapping premium service…this is downright uncool. TheHighlander is as cool as ever though, always successfully remaining levelheaded despite the widespread disbelief and fear around him.
Regardless of this being or not being a rumor, I just find the topic in the article unbelievable. Before anyone takes this comment in the wrong way, let me clarify. It is difficult to believe Sony could just up and exclude free content, literally commercialized as free media. Now, I see no problem with Sony providing extra special services under certain subscriptions…leaving those consumers content with their free services unscathed in mind and in wallet. However, if these promised free services are in any way denied to the consumer by Sony, there lies a problem.
I'm not going to bit@h on about my worries because I'm fairly certain this is just a hoax and somebody really soon will clear this up and all this panic and anxiety will be nothing but a faint memory traveling to the back of our heads. Yeah…I'm not worried…I mean really! Paying for online service…that's preposterous! I'm just waiting for this joke to just blow over! Guys, how about some backup?
You forgot to mention my name.
There, I took the liberty of doing it, LOL
Might as well go for 500 no?
Yeah! It isn't real. I had a heart attack and was about to kidnap Kevin Butler and make him change Sony's mind.
Last edited by sirbob6 on 3/30/2010 9:18:36 PM
"YUP", with only 1 post to go now…..
Hey Ben, I think you should do the honors for the 500th post!!!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/30/2010 9:13:52 PM