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Final Fantasy IX Should Be Cleared For A PSN Landing

The most downloaded PlayStation classics on the PSN are Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII , so wouldn't it stand to reason that Final Fantasy IX should arrive at some point?  Isn't that logical?

Of course. And according to , Square-Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto said he would introduce the idea of bringing FFIX to the PSN at the company's next board meeting. Well, that idea must've gone over well because Hashimoto stated on his Twitter page that as this is the game's 10th anniversary, the board members approved of the plan. We should expect an official announcement "by next Friday at the latest" and that'll be great news for all RPG and FF fans around the world. This means we would now have the best of Final Fantasy during the franchise's golden years on the PS1; PS3 owners will be able to go online and download FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and Final Fantasy Tactics . Of course, if you already own them all – as any good fan would – this doesn't interest you, but it's great for bringing in new fans, and allowing those who didn't get a chance all those years ago to indulge now.  And oh yeah, they're all actually turn-based .

And you're trying to tell me a FFVII remake wouldn't work? It took long enough for S-E to finally consider the possibility , didn't it?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy IX

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14 years ago

Beautiful game
Second best in the ps1 FF era, imo

14 years ago

Would be great if the downloadable versions of these games fixed some of the multi-disc issues.

I remember in this game, you had to get Vivi's Firaga rod by disc 3, or you would be completely unable to learn the spell by disc 4.

14 years ago

I know I'll end up buying this, but right now I have enough to play.

14 years ago

Watch these three titles outsell FFXIII.

14 years ago

When that happens, hopefully Square-Enix (yes i'm showing the respect again) will decide to do remakes of 7-9.

14 years ago

Essentially getting free money in this situation. There is NO reason that more classics like these haven't showed up…unless Sony is pacing us.

14 years ago

I demand Tomba and Klonoa >:<

14 years ago

Tomba was one of my favorite games. I've tried like hell to find it again.

14 years ago

This is the only FF from the PS era I have yet to play all they way through. I can't wait to complete the collection. I have yet to get XIII but I'm already more excited for this.

Last edited by Mavfan321 on 3/29/2010 4:19:23 PM

14 years ago

I think I'll buy VII VIII and IX in one go, since I still have 15 bucks store credit and I'm leaning onto a job at the MCdonaldz so hopefully I'll get that, so I can spend all the money I earn in the first month on Heavy Rain, of course these FFs and probably 3d Dotgame Heroes.

14 years ago

Vivi, by far, is my favorite Character of the entire series.

And Rikku was the sexiest.

Last edited by main_event05 on 3/29/2010 4:40:54 PM

14 years ago

Vivi was better than Zidane in my opinion
And should have been the main character too

14 years ago

Indeed he should have been. But he didn't fit into that whiney, metro-sexual box that SE has reserved for the main characters.

14 years ago

I never thought of Rikku as sexy… mostly cause she's only 16… same with Yuffie… I'm 23, so I fall outside of the MADR (Mathematical Age Dating Range).

I suppose you could say she's sexy if you're still in the MADR!!! What is the MADR, you ask? Take the elder age, divide by 2 (odd numbers give you a .5, round UP), and add 7!

It's ok to think Rikku is sexy if you are 18 or younger… (19 divided by 2 is 9.5 rounded UP to 10, plus 7 is 17… OUTSIDE the MADR) If you're 19-22, it's ok to like her in X-2 when she's 18. 23 and older, always wrong! Hey! Don't get mad at me, though… Take it out on SCIENCE!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/31/2010 9:08:51 AM

14 years ago

hurry up n release final fantasy 6 =)

14 years ago

I have 8 , now all I need is 6 and 10 , 12 doesn't hurt either never played it before

14 years ago

You are lucky.

12 was the worst ever, imo

also it had one of the worst final boss battles, so anti-climatic.

14 years ago


I hear so much praise for it though, never got it cause my ps2 lens was dying and every time a movie play it freeze , so never got past 5 sec from the opening sequence. there is resonance of fate though the demo was sick even though it was japanese

14 years ago

yea some people liked it. i tolerated it, i guess the biggest problem i had with it was the change from turn based to what ever they call it now. but even after that its hard to ignore how awful that final battle was.

14 years ago

I loved XII, amazing game and I find myself going back to it far more than X.

14 years ago

with the exception of not controlling everyone at the same time like other FF games, FF12 was more like the older FF ATB systems than FF10 was

Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/30/2010 1:41:28 AM

14 years ago

They should just release all FF games (1-9) on PSN. The only one that didn't get ported to the PS was FF III, but that made it to the DS, so it should be easily portable to the PS3.

14 years ago

I agree. The only FFIII version I ever got to play was the original and translated version I got for a SNES emulator when I was in high school not minding about downloading media illegally…

NEEDLESS to say, I doubt that poorly translated and glitchy version I played was as great of an experience as it could have been. I already have FFI and FFII on PSP, but I would love to see the rest of them on PSN (since I download these PS1 PSN versions for my PSP). Of course, that's no reason not to have the first 2 for everyone else. ^.^

14 years ago

I dug FF XII not the best by far (FF VIII is still my favorite) but the questing was fun to me.

14 years ago

I admit that I did like the bounty hunts. but even there, tactics did it better.

14 years ago

Yeah i enjoyed that about ff 12 as well. I do understand some people's grip tho.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Slightly off topic:

I'm in Gran Pulse. I've done about 20 side missions or so, and some chocobo hunting 🙂

I know I can come back to the missions after I beat the game, and I know the crystallarium stats carry over. But what I don't know is, do my weapons and items carry over as well?

And help is very much appreciated.

14 years ago

its not a new game plus like you are thinking, its more along the lines of finishing any hard hunts after you have beaten the game. In fact, the last level, level 10, unlocks after the very last boss.

Some of these monster hunts are damn near impossible to beat without maxing out some nodes in level 10. And if you complete certain hunts ( the cie eth stones are in a circle formation ) you unlock a MUCH tougher version of the adult turtles that roam around

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Thanks so much!

So only the hunts can be replayed? And do my weapons and items carry over?

14 years ago

well the areas you can revisit are Edenhall and the Gran Pulse ( basically all of chapter 11 and 12 ). You keep everything you had before beating the game. The only thing not done in post game is the boss, you can refight him if you want.

Getting the ultimate weapons in post game is a lot easier than before post game, cuz gil is so hard to come by and those large turtles make excellent farming for gil and cp but are hard as hell to beat without beating the game first

Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/30/2010 6:29:14 PM

14 years ago

oh god yes

can i buy this now?

14 years ago

nice. i only made it in afew hours on this game for some reason. i'll be glad to finally play through. on ffxiii right now. um. turn-based kicks ffxiii's arse. that is all.

14 years ago

Sweet. For some reason my discs for this game don't jive well with my ps3 so this will work out well.

14 years ago

12 or nothing!
dunno why but 12 was really the only one in the series i really enjoyed.
i know it will never come to PSN though being a ps2 title, but one can hope sony will wake up and offer ps2 games on the PSN.
then and only then would i consider paying for PSN.

14 years ago

Actually… it does interest any good fan like me! 😛 I own all the original copies of all 4 of those FF titles… and I still downloaded VII and VIII off PSN for use on my PSP! But then again… as I said in a past post on some other article… they could probably scribble "Final Fantasy" on a napkin they picked up in a diner, and I would probably buy that, too.