Remakes are great for discussions and debates these days. Now that Square-Enix has said they'll actually consider a FFVII remake , everyone is all sorts of excited.
And let's not forget that other developers and game designers have expressed their interest in creating remakes of their classic titles. Take David Jaffe, for instance; the man who initially gave us the likes of Twisted Metal and God of War . We keep assuming that Jaffe and Co. are still toiling away on a new Twisted Metal at the relatively new Eat Sleep Play studio but as of yet, there is still no official confirmation. So, let's talk about remakes: might he be willing to look into it? Well, if his latest blog post is any indication, the answer is a definite, "hell yes."
"And to answer a question that I imagine someone may be thinking: yes, I’d LOVE to see a remake of a game I’ve worked on in a few years. Take God of War I. Do it with better graphics, add new puzzles and characters, twist the story a bit, fix the stuff that sucked, redesign Kratos (bad ass in 2035 is gonna look a lot different than bad ass in 2005). I got NO issues with this and think it would be very cool. Ideally they would retain the core of the game (violent action with a strong central character and a blend of accessible combat mixed with some puzzles and platforming all set against the backdrop of the ancient Greek myths). As long as they didn’t walk away from that core, I’d have 100% no issues."
We've already seen the high-definition overhaul of the first two GoW titles in the God of War Collection but we'd certainly be interested in seeing an altered remake of the original classic. But we'd almost want a remake of TM2 more . Of course, that may be unnecessary if they are indeed about to give us a new TM title but even so, a remake of one of my favorite PlayStation games of all time would be most welcome. What say you?
Yay, Ben's back with our daily fix!!!!!!!!!!
I worked all weekend, did I miss something?
Actually you missed nothing… 3 day drought, during which I was a little worrisome. Good to have you back Ben!
Jaffe needs to start showing me a product, he talks too much sometimes.
yeah what the hell? I don't wanna call any bloody cars or whatever. Put out a real game.
LV, yeah, you missed all the crickets chirping during the silence in the absence of any articles here while Ben was gone.
Agreed about Jaffe, I guess he's been too busy trying to get 15 seconds more of fame, being a judge on the Playstation show, "The Tester"…"GIGANTIC YAWN"
its so pathetically lame too, that show.
I say that in 2035 we will BE Kratos in the VirtualRealityStation remake of God of War.
By 2035 badass I believe he means that Kratos will finally grow some hair…and have an afro.
Jaffe rocks.
I'm always up for a good product, whether it's an original or a remake. Good is good to me.
A Twisted Metal 2 remake with online would be a fast purchase for me, especially if the GoW collection was any sort of price guideline and Jaffe says he'd be willing to alter his remakes, adding levels and characters and redesigning stuff he'd have us assume. I say he's on a shortcut to a goldmine if they'll get us a damn game out the door to play.
I still play in TW2 to this day … just popped open a few Mad Elf's and played a few rounds with my roomie a few hours ago!
From the sounds of it Jaffe has no interest in doing it himself. Lazy bugger just wants the paycheck for the rights to make a HD version of his games from years ago.
Welcome back Ben. Also I think I want a twisted metal 4 remake.
I'm waiting for another great game from David Jaffe. I appologize for having to point this out but, CALLING ALL CARS, sucked, big time.
It never made sense to me why Jaffe would just let go of the reins of his God of War franchise.
Either way, I'm a supporter, and look forward to anything he has in store. Especially if it is Twisted Metal.
Thankfully I was never subjected to Calling all Poop.
Make it happen David! I'd definitely love to play God of War I remake, but I think you don't really need to redesign Kratos.
dude, i love ya and all but you seriously need to shut the ^%$# up and start working on your game!
the next words coming out of his mouth should be "our next game is ………." and nothing else!
now while were on the subjects of remakes id do anything and i mean ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!! for a crash bandicoot 1,2,3,CTR, bash, and a ratchet and clank series, HD revisions with trophies support.
and while your at it chuck in ico, SOC, BLACK, killzone, mortal kombat series, twisted metal series, syphon filter series, splinter cell series, MGS series.
hell, just take every ps2 game convert it to HD, add trophies and put it on shelfs.
he should definitely make an HD version of gowIII, oh wait…
PS: Welcome back Ben, hope you had a good weekend. mine was kind of boring without my daily shot of PSXE news.
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 3/29/2010 5:19:46 AM
No I don't think they should remake God of War. I've already played it twice, it's a great game as is, and if you want better graphics, it's already been re-issued in HD. If they want to tinker with it, can't they just release some DLC for the PS3 version?
When it comes to a choice between these fabulously creative and skilled people going forward with a brand new IP, or going backwards to tinker with something from the past, I'll taking the forward direction.
Look forward, not back.
I say DO a complete 360 when looking,
(and I "DON'T" mean a MS360 either)
No GOWI remake, if he wanted to be part of GOW still, he should of worked on GOWIII and made it as special as GOWI was storytelling wise.
Little off subjuect from PS exculsives and Jaffes great creations but i wanna see CALL OF DUTY 2 on the Playstation so we can do it the justice it deserve that xbox just couldnt provide. CALL OF DUTY 2