For a while now, most have just assumed that Insomniac would unveil the third entry in the critically acclaimed Resistance franchise.
And while that anticipation remains, we haven't seen an official announcement via press announcement and we keep wondering when Sony or the developer might finally lift the curtain. Well, based on a recent survey sent to PlayStation fans, we're wondering if Resistance 3 is indeed a reality or if the team is still testing the market waters. The question asks, "Do you think that there is a future version of Resistance, Resistance 3, being developed?" Now, Insomniac has alternated between the Ratchet and Clank and Resistance franchises for several years, typically releasing every new installment in each series during the holiday rush. Last year, for instance, we saw the excellent Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time and in 2010, we've been assuming that Resistance 3 has a good shot of landing in time for Christmas. Unfortunately, there's really no knowing what's going on based on this survey, although it could be interpreted as worrisome if it's viewed as a "gauging interest" question. Isn't a little late in the day to be asking that…?
We're still hoping the third Resistance drops soon; we may have to wait until E3 in June but it'll be worth that wait. This series remains a PSXE favorite and we still believe R2 never got the respect it deserved.
I'll only consider it if they bring back the co-op campaign like the first game had. I don't play these games solo, just doesn't do it for me. But I had a blast playing through it with a friend of mine. We polished R1 off just before R2 came out so we went halfers on it, booked a weekend to play through it and to our great disappointment… they removed the one feature that made it fun for us. Returned.
What is the story here? The quote John quotes doesn't indicate Sony is gauging interest. It is a clear yes and no question:
"Do you think that there is a future version of Resistance, Resistance 3, being developed?"
Answer: Yes, I think Resistance 3 is being developed.
"John" strikes again.
Don't be so literal. You might want to try reading between the lines; do you really think Sony cares whether or not we think R3 is in development…?
But what if that is all that question implies and "John" is just inferring something else entirely? Then being literal is accurate.
Maybe this was just a tease on Sony's part. After all, wasn't a Resistance 3 billboard spotted somewhere?
Either way, I'm sure we'll get an Insomniac game this year.
R2 did not sell anywhere near as it should have, I would pick-up a R3 game. I never got on with the online multiplayer that much but as gumbi has already said the lack of co-op campaign play was a huge disappointment, and I would like to see it return with a third incarnation.
Well I personally would buy and completed this on day one. I preorderd R:FoM, along with the PS3, I preordered R" and completed it on day one in one sitting, Preordered R:R and completed it in the first weekend. This would easily warrant a preorder and probably a non-stop play through. Simply put, I love this franchise LOL. I really don't understand why people get so stroppy at R2, the graphics were great, the story was great, online is great, co-op was fine although a little boring as all you did was repeat the same levels in different orders, but in all honesty, that is my biggest issue with it. I didn't have any bugs with it, and the sooner they bring out R3 the better.
Following on from the other two though, I think it should be set on a different continent, like Africa or Australasia because in the series so far, it is explained that the Chimera are adapting rapidly to the climate of Africa, and they havn't yet reached Australia, so would be interesting.
Also, anyone who loves this franchise and enjoys books (to a certain extent) will also love Resistance: The Gathering Storm. Excellent!
Hmm I also assumed they are making R3 already. R1 was there better overall game IMO and R2 while good wasn't the same. I thought the story was fine but they needed the old multiplayer back, and add the co op camp with it. Bring back the old wheel and healthbar from R1 and ramp up the graphics. Then all that's left is to finish up the story with a great ending. I would also like to see Hale return but not sure if it's feasible. Would be cool if u did come back as Chimran Hale and u play against the Humans.
*SPOILER* (although we have all played it)
unless there was some lag, hale got headshoted. but where does the story go from this point onward?
The chimera are still all over!!! WE HAVE GOTS TO GET 'EM OUT!!!
I hope they get started if they haven't!
Do they really need to worry if it will sell?
Bring it on…I enjoyed R1 and R2. Great games, my only complaint would be the MP maps in R2 sucked. Get that straight and Im on board for 3.
Isn't that an image of resistance 1 on the article?
If anyone remembers back to when R:FoM came out Insomniac said that the game was going to be part of a trilogy, and what they did w/ R2 by messing around and saying stuff like they weren't going to work on it or release it until they "felt the market was ready for it" and such, I think this is nothing more then them messing w/ Resistance fans. Will there be a Resistance 3? Of course there will be, and Insomniac Games/Sony is just yanking our… chains…
I just hope they go back to the weapons wheel of R:FoM instead of that stupidity of carrying only 2 weapons at a time, I enjoy the possibilities of being able to carry a multitude of weapons gives me, instead of the limitation of only being able to carry 2 weapons. I never did finish R2 for that reason, got stuck on a part where I didn't have the "correct" weapon load out and got frustrated from not being able to get past that point how I wanted to. It's one of my biggest gripe about the halo series…
I've been reading articles for a while now. I LOVE Resistance: Fall of Man. I loved how the storyline was setup, how the campaigned played through, the weapon wheel and health system. I loved the way it felt playing through. I loved the black and white cut scenes and the narration style story telling. I'd play R:FoM any day, anytime, anywhere.
I played Resistance 2 and had to force myself to play through. I didn't like how it felt. I didn't like how you only had 2 weapons the whole game. I didn't like how the story was played out. To me, it felt like every other shooter. I preferred how unique the first resistance was compared to R:2.
I want R:3. I will buy it, probably first week, or first day if I have money. My question is, Insomniac, are you going to put it back to the unique style, or continue cloning other FPS games? I hope it will be unique, truly. In the meantime, Resistance: Fall of Man is the only good game for PS3 I own, and will be the only game I play.