I know many of you have been pining for a sequel to 2007's solid and flashy action title, Heavenly Sword . However, developer Ninja Theory has long since said they'd pursue something else.
The only question we have is, "what might it be?" This particular design team has been awfully good at keeping their current project under wraps, and oddly enough, they're simply not interested in divulging any details at this time. According to a recent PS3Center interview with Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades, their latest game has just entered the pre-production phase. As for information or even the title of this mystery game…that just has to remain unknown for now. Said Antoniades:
"We've just started pre-production on a new secret project. It's a full scale, it's a pretty big project. It's still top secret, but it's gonna be awesome, obviously."
And if you're wondering, this is not the game Enslaved , which Ninja Theory is working on with Namco Bandai. The only other tidbit Antoniades would provide us with is that their "top secret" project isn't for a handheld nor is it a downloadable title. We'd love to think they're working on HS2 but we're fairly certain they're not, and we're just very psyched to learn about this new game. Will it be exclusive to the PlayStation 3? Will it be action game? Will it be something we would never have expected?
Yes, a 'Heavenly Sword' sequel would be ideal, but I have my doubts about it as well.
Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of Ninja Theory. The fact that they made 'Heavenly Sword' obviously earns them points, but I haven't played their first game and what little I know about 'Enslaved' is interesting, but nothing about it has yet to grab me.
Anyway, they're clearly a capable developer, so I'll keep my eyes open for any new info on this and 'Enslaved.'
Last edited by Jalex on 3/28/2010 9:08:58 PM
I have no doubt their next game will be on the 360 as well as the PS3. They've made it pretty clear to me based on their comments over the past year.
Please Heavenly Sword!!!!!!! Please!!!
I second that. ;o
Here in full support as well!
You know I want it ;0
Enslaved doesn't look so great if you ask me, but I suppose we will have to wait for reviews and such. It really is a shame they left Heavenly Sword behind so quickly, but what can ya do?
Unfortunately this new big scale thing will probably also be multiplat, and thus suffer. Get it together Ninja Theory, we're counting on you to make enough money to make HS2 one day.
I doubt it will be Heavenly Sword…they sound as if they really are working on something new.
Would like to see how it goes…
Massive huh? Let's hope it's a 4-disc 360 game.
Let's hope it doesn't go on 360 at all.
Let's hope.
They aren't likely to be making an exclusive game, which it would be best to use the PS3 as the lead platform, in which it would require the 360 version multiple discs if it truly is such a big project.
Companies these days tend to do a lot of talking and only a select few have delivered. I'll wait and see what they do.
I will love to play HS2, one of my favorites games from the first generation.
Last edited by jlch777 on 3/28/2010 11:08:27 PM
"It's a full scale, it's a pretty big project"
Antoniades is talking like Mario. I guess the rumors about him losing it are true.
haha, it's a-Mario
Well, he IS Italian 🙂
Cool guy too
Just sucks that Ninja Theory is now being going for fame and money
Instead of going for quality, creativity, and grandeur like they did with Heavenly Sword
Sounds more like a Greek surname than an Italian one.
Please let it be HS2 -|-
Not sure about the hype for Ninja Theory, everyone said HS is amazing but when I played the demo it's just not as fun as I expected and I didn't really enjoy the demo.
Do I need to get the full game to be able to enjoy HS?
The full game is better than the demo (obviously) but personally I did not get far into Heavenly Sword before I grew tired of it. But then again I find hit-the-right-button-sequence fights to be utterly dull. If it wasnt for the fight system I'd probably enjoy it a lot more. The animations were beautiful, the story (from what little I saw of it) seemed pretty good, the cut sequences were excellent. So in short, good looks but annoying gameplay.
pretty much.
just rent it.
heavenly sword is the 3rd best action game out there, after GOW3 and NGS obviously.
the final battle was absolutely incredible, you will shat your pants when you see how many enemies are on screen.
just a sea of white!
Hmm, since my place doesn't have games to rent…..I guess I'll just look for a used copy.
Thanks for you guys' time anyway.
Can I assume that it's 10 times better than dynasty warriors?
Last edited by Snaaaake on 3/29/2010 2:43:16 AM
one thing i love is controling the cannon balls and stuff
The story is pretty important, too.
never played dynasty warriors but everyone should play heavenly sword.
its short, thats the only thing that disappointed me, but the gameplay the combat is a lot of fun.
E3 will reveal all!!!
Ok, so was HS unsuccessful or something? To my idea it was a pretty decent game, definitely left a basis to improve on. No doubt i'll definitely keep my eyes open for this new game.
Thing is, Heavenly Sword has sold 1.4 million copies at this point, which isn't bad at all. Seems strange that it wouldn't be enough…
All I ask for is, what ever the game is, for it to be PS3 exclusive, unless it sucks, then it can be multiplat. Is that too much to ask for?
If it is multiplat THEN it will probably suck.
PS3 exclusive Heavenly Sword 2 please!
Whatever they're doing, if it's not as good as Heavenly Sword, I don't want it.
lol Squeenix sell the rights to a FF7 remake maybe? (please no one think I take myself seriously on this one… >.<)
Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/31/2010 10:53:27 AM
hello …
would be great to see HS2, with KAI this time or a new character, i really loved that game & would certainly buy it.
Hope would be exclusive too, don't you dare Ninja Theory port HS to other platforms …