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Is Final Fantasy Versus XIII The Real FF For Loyal Fans?

While I am indeed a fan of Final Fantasy XIII , I have often spoken about my mixed feelings concerning the gameplay. Although Gran Pulse makes it feel a bit more like FFXII, the decide-everything-for-me approach to the strategy still grates on me.

Now, I've wondered in the past if this is a nod to a new audience; to appeal to the "twitch-gaming" crowd that can't sit still for ten consecutive seconds without mashing buttons. And granted, you don't necessarily "mash buttons" in FFXIII but in order to speed up and streamline the battles so there is no "pausing" or break in the action, they simplified the approach. This to me is "RPG Lite." And then you factor in the lack of traditional RPG elements fans of this franchise have come to expect. I'm not saying they're essential; I'm merely saying there's still a place for them within the role-playing community who still pine for an FF they'd actually recognize. That being said, does anyone think Final Fantasy Versus XIII might boast more of a standard RPG feel; might FFXIII be the "new FF" for a new audience while Versus be more of a nod to the veteran, die-hard fans?

First, you've got the apparent existence of a map and airship in the game, which immediately reminds me of RPGs the way they used to be . Then you've got FFXIII director Motomu Toriyama saying that due to difficulties and obstacles with "new hardware" (which was new when they first started making FFXIII), they simply couldn't include those missing RPG elements. But at the same time, he says that now that the team has a firm grasp on things, those elements will return . Thirdly, now that FFXIII is out the door, many of the guys and gals that worked on the game have moved over to work on Versus XIII . Lastly, there's some logic worked in: FFXIII was the first FF that went to an Xbox platform and Square-Enix has been saying for several years they needed to cater more towards a Western audience. So a FFXIII release on the 360 makes perfect sense.

But I think Square-Enix knows that's a bit of a different audience. It's a group that tends to focus more on shooters (as Western gamers tend to do) and because of this, they may have factored this reasoning into the making of FFXIII. Would not the rapid-fire combat system of FFXIII appeal more to those who don't play much besides Modern Warfare 2 and Gears of War ? Now, we all know Versus XIII is exclusive to the PS3; Square-Enix knows the majority of FF fans are also PlayStation fans; they've been with them since the PlayStation and FFVII. They know that audience. Hence, considering all this, might it be safe to assume that the new FF could be best described as the true FF for the loyal fans? Well, we'd have to see some gameplay first, I suppose. If it's just an action/adventure game, than I say it's another spin-off and certainly not for the fans. But hey, based on the news and evidence…just thinking out loud, here.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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14 years ago

Isn't the combat in Versus XIII going to be closer to Kingdom Hearts then Final Fantasy?

I thought this was supposed to be an "action/rpg" no?

14 years ago

That's what I heard.

14 years ago

yep. kingdom hearts gameplay is always good tho =p

14 years ago

Yea i have no problem with Kingdom Hearts game play. I would just like Square to release at least one true Final Fantasy this gen.

Maybe with XV.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/25/2010 2:12:24 PM

14 years ago


As much as I still enjoy XIII, I agree. Getting a classic turn-based system would be fantastic. They could give me the exact same battle system and sphere grid from FFX with a new cast and story and I'd be happy.

wow, lots of "Ands" in that last sentence…

14 years ago


14 years ago

Versus XIII is Kingdom Hearts on steroids. I don't know this for a fact…but Nomura sama and the other designers were emphasizing the fact that it will be like Kingdom Hearts except of course with a darker feel and a more realistic approach to Kingdom Heart's action RPG gameplay.

It will have elements of a 3rd person shooter…more like FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus.

Also it's not going to be like a light,magical world like Kingdom Hearts – expect a more grittier/mafioso/darker/bleaker feel to the game.

In other words…yes this is the REAL FINAL FANTASY FOR US LOYAL FANS!!! And they better keep it on PlayStation 3 – because I don't want any of the "OHHHH IT WON'T BE FAIR TO GIVE YOU GUYS A DEMO WHEN THE XBOX 360 VERSION ISN'T PREPARED" – fu** that…enough waiting just give it to us already. Hell we waited…*counts* 4 years for FFXIII.

Now we're waiting 4 years+ for FF Versus XIII…and if you guys decide to throw in a "TAKE A LOOK AT THIS TRAILER ON THIS GORGEOUS NEON GREEN LIT STAGE!!!" – well I can honestly say that you'd only piss us off by you know how much considering we're just going to have to play the waiting game AGAIN!!!

People called me crazy on the US PlayStation boards that FF Versus XIII would come out some time in 2011. "Oh no it should definitely come out sometime in mid 2010" – HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yea sure…I guessed Q2 of 2011 and I'll stick with it. If an Xbox 360 version comes…expect Q4 2012.

14 years ago

That's what I've been saying

Move on over to FFXV already. Frack FFVII remake, that game's fine as it is. Just like Metal Gear Solid 1 is fine as it is. And if they go ahead with FFVII remake, FFXV will come out in 2020…

That said, yes, FFXV for the win
Versus looks to be better than XIII, no doubt. But from what they have said it's a "Kingdom Fantasy" type of game….which is fine, but not true FF.

14 years ago

Yet, interestingly, I believe Tetsuya stated in a previous interview that there was some incorporation of classical Final Fantasy battle elements along with the already stated dynamic action a la Kingdom Hearts. Hopefully SE will let go of Tetsuya's shackles and allow for an E3 showing.

14 years ago

Well gbhsiris – although I'm pretty sure that Square Enix is being an obstacle in some way to Nomura sama for an E3 showing…I remember him saying that he's not sure whether it can be shown even this E3 considering how he hasn't gotten the world map to work just yet – and he really really wants to show it off.

I hope he gets it done before that, he and his team are working on it – but we'll see.

14 years ago

Well, I remember that Tetsuya stated he was not allowed to show anything, trailer or otherwise, at TGS last year. This somewhat insinuates his ability to do so. Iwata has a portfolio of Front Mission, Nier, continued sales of XIII, etc. to push into this year. The stark superiority of Versus XIII is actually not a very good selling point for these multi-plat titles. Versus is coming out in 2011, so there's ample time for lots of more work, but remember how much media XIII had released at this point in its development? Granted, his perfectionist attitude does not accelerate these unveilings, but I believe SE's portfolio and board plays a bigger role than his ability to show it.

Last edited by gbhsiris on 3/27/2010 11:39:37 AM

14 years ago

You might be right Ben, but at the moment I'm looking forward to FFXIV and I think that'll give me the open world FF I desire right now. I think both Versus XIII and XIV will be quite different from past FFs (besides XI I guess) but I think both of those will satisfy the rest of the audience that kinda went "meh" on XIII. Should be a game for everyone with those 3.

14 years ago

Honestly, after the "departure" from the series with XIII – I'm also looking forward to XIV. I didn't play XI, so I don't know what to expect from the whole online thing…..but it might be interesting to check it out.

14 years ago

Hopefully I'll see you guys on there. Look for me. It'll be either below;

Nynja or iNynja

14 years ago


What is your story? I watched many kung fu movies and ninja movies in the 80's. I don't remember any of them hauling around a sniper rifle? =)

14 years ago

Hey if you guys are planning on playing XIV, please add me to psn. I could use some friends to hang out with on there at the start. PSN Zemus101

14 years ago

Meh i think FFXIII is a true blue FF.I think FFversus might either have nearly the same gameplay as ffxiii or kinda like dirge of cereberus or KH. Or who knows, it might be like heavy rain. Lol.Speaking of heavy rain, Imagine how a heavy rain like gameplay + horror game would be like. That would be sick.

14 years ago

Also speaking of Heavy Rain….I just saw that Europe got new Avatars today. I'm likely to buy one or two of those. Looks like they'll only be 50 cents, or so.

14 years ago

Maybe one day Ben, but it won't be FFvsXIII.

14 years ago

FFXV or I totally give up on the series. Not give up playing it, but give up hope that it will have the ability to be great again.

14 years ago

If it were not an action/rpg I would say yes. It sounds like turn-based is all it needs to get there.

14 years ago

It versus 13 is pretty much like 7 with the look of 13 that would probably end up being my favorite game of all time but since it seems everything is changing as a lot of gamers are I won't get my hopes up. The higher you are the further you fall and I want toa void that feeling so until it gets reviewed I will try to concentrate on other games.

Off subject a bit. I didn't know this site existed for as long as it did. I went into the review section and found reviews for part 8 and 9 and reading those reviews reminded me how great those two games were so much so that I am playing them both again. There are not a lot og games that get a 10 so it just goes to show the formula was correct in the prvious installments of the FF series so why Square had to go change pretty much everything that made those games so great is a mystery to me. Open world exploration, towns, airships, and the ability to go on side quests for special weapons and powers even if your party is nowhere near strong enough, and turn based battle makes the FF series what is has always been and if any of those elements are missing from versus 13 then I'd say that's a pretty good sign that the FF we have all come to know and love is dead and buried. We shall see.

14 years ago

Im really psyched for versus, even if it isn't exactly what we expect I feel fairly confident it will be closer to what the loyal fans will be looking for.

14 years ago

I hope so.

14 years ago

To add to my comment;

Personally, FFXIII did not appeal to me nearly as much as FFvXIII when I first heard about both of them. After playing FFXIII, I must say that I am satisfied. It has been a long time since I've played any Final Fantasy.

I still have high hopes for FFvXIII and can't wait to find out more. It just seems to have a darker story line and a more "adult" styled RPG.

14 years ago

that basically how it is with final fantasy. It doesnt come out that often so you either like it or just satisfied with the results, at least for average gamers. but if you're a fan of the series like most of us are, its just either like it or be disappointed by it. Final fantasy XIII is a great game but actually caling it a final fantasy when most of what made the series great is just a disappointment. If they never called it a final fantasy title, i wouldnt have much complaints about it other than the game basically deciding how to fight battles. i mean, if you dont have a sentinel around the second part of the game, you're pretty much screwed.

14 years ago


Very true. Then again, if it didn't have Final Fantasy in the title I probably would not have picked it up right away either.

14 years ago

Hopefully some real gameplay at E3.

14 years ago

Absolutely, Im hoping for the same.

14 years ago

I don't know if Versus XIII is the more real FF, but I know I'm looking forward to play this one more.

14 years ago

I hope it is more action oriented but not crappy like Dirge of Cerberus. I always loved Final Fantasy for the stories not the gameplay. Final Fantasy XIII was a boring grindfest. I think a Final Fantasy game with a Fallout 3 RPG/Action style gameplay would rock. Give us guns too. Swords are getting to be like WW2 FPS's(STALE)

14 years ago

The day Final Fantasy becomes anything like Fallout is the day I stop buying Final Fantasy.

14 years ago

Are you out of your mind?

14 years ago

i dont know, i kinda liked dirge of ceberus. i guess that means i wont be easily disappointed.

Oh, an action oriented final fantasy game, i may look into it. however, i miss their games when you have to use strategy to win and not twitching.

14 years ago

@ pirate drunk

14 years ago

Nononononononononononononononono!! Why in the world would we want an action/shooter Final Fantasy?!?! The whole reason we like the series is because THAT is what it is NOT. I only own one shooter (2 if you include Dirge of Cerberus) over the last 3 generations. Most of what I have? RPG's… Final Fantasy titles, Xenogears, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono trigger and Cross, Tales of Destiny and other Tales of games, Xenosaga series, heck… I even have Chocobo's Dungeon 2! Part of the reason I like the RPG genre is because it ISN'T a shooter. I enjoy traditional athletic styles of fighting, despite how medieval it may seem.

I agree with piratedrunk… the day the FF series becomes a shooter, is the day I betray FF.

EDIT: lol… had to fix a double negative in there. >.<

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/25/2010 3:38:05 PM

14 years ago

I love Fallout 3, but that idea is just… off. Way off.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

The CEO is getting demoted…

14 years ago


14 years ago

I don't know, SE has been horrible this gen, FF13 being the only game i like by them. I won't get excited about this game until it comes out.

Who's to say they won't screw this game up for FF fans that are looking for a "true" FF game?

Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/25/2010 2:43:53 PM

14 years ago

The two games I am psyched for most getting articles in one day, this is a good day, meaning the attention is drawn to the next epics in the gaming business.

And I don't think Versus XIII will be like the classic final fantasy style, since the gameplay would be more like Kingdom Hearts' meaning action oriented, I like the Kingdom Hearts gameplay a lot, so I really don't mind.
I'm sorry Ben, but I guess you'll have to wait for FFXV.

Dam I'm psyched for this game, have been from the moment I witnessed the first trailer. Always knew I would like it more than FFXIII, and I probably will, regardless, seeing as it just looks way more awesome and I saw blood drawing action in the trailer (omg blood, whuut, didn't see that enough in gowIII), it just looks more adult oriented than XIII and that's what I like about it over XIII and of course that it is going to be PS3 only, I hope, if Nomura keeps it that way, which he will(don't give in to evil Wada!!).

14 years ago

Wada is way to dumb to tell the diference between good and evil.

They'll probably focus on the VII remake cuz people is already hyped up, and about half the ff fan population are reluctant about XV, they may be waiting for it, but let's face it XIII was a let down, the depth of the letdown depended on each one's hopes.

The only thing we know about VS comes from the cgi trailers, and a couple of screens.
Needless to say I have big hopes on this game just like the rest of you, I really liked KH (except for the disney part, *pauses waiting for the thumb-downs*) but judging from SE's last couple of moves, idk if we should be expecting a gloomy KH or a sort of Devil May Cry cousin…

Last edited by totozero18 on 3/26/2010 8:28:20 AM

14 years ago

If what you're saying comes to fruition Ben, then boy, VSXIII does live up to its name; "Versus" XIII, if you get what I mean.

14 years ago

I want a new persona!!!! Turn-based of course

14 years ago

Apparently they are working on it says an article in Kotaku

14 years ago

dude, i think you and me have the exact same taste in games 🙂

14 years ago

IMO Atlus is the new Squaresoft.

14 years ago

Whether this game has a KH feel or a traditional FF feel will not be the difference maker in whether or not I like this game. Obviously, I would love a more traditional FF feel SOON. But as most people here reluctantly admit, it's not a tremendous likelihood (much to all of our dismay). Still though, until we see some gameplay, I, like Ben, will continue to hope, pray, and dream that something of familiarity will return to us in a triumphant High Definition fashion.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/25/2010 3:21:49 PM

14 years ago

I remember when they said FF XIII was supposed to be the next FF 7. From what I've seen of VERSUS XIII, it looks as if the world resembles FF 7 more than FF 13.

14 years ago

not sure about that but the world of vsXIII is in the world of XIII so…