Well, this is…disturbing. "Moving" with a new Manhunt ? Oh dear.
So you may have heard about a big exclusive announcement for the PlayStation 3, which will supposedly be unveiled at E3. Speculation has run rampant concerning the name of the project (if it exists at all), and although this may not be the game in question, it's still pretty darn intriguing. According to an apparently reliable source close to Go Fanboy , Take-Two and Rockstar may be preparing Manhunt 3 exclusively for the PS3…and with featured compatibility for the upcoming PlayStation Move. Take-Two says we should expect an announcement for the game this summer, which is close to E3 (which takes place in mid-June) but we're not sure about the exclusive/motion-sensing part. There's little doubt that Rockstar would try another Manhunt , despite the obstacles Take-Two typically faces when attempting to release the game in certain countries. And can you imagine if we're miming those kill moves with Move…?
That might even raise the ire of the ESRB, which could slap it with the "AO" (Adults Only) rating, meaning they couldn't really sell it in the US, either. Most major retailers won't carry "AO" games. But who knows? We still have to see if any of this is true.
like omigawd manhunt3…1 ruled, never played 2nd
Shaytoon? Devils?
lmao ..the anti gaming people are gonna love this!! ..'look ma i can batter this guy using the ps3 move and its now a scaffolding pole but now im exhausted lol
Haha I can't imagine Jack Treton doing a live demonstration on E3, trying to beat a person to death with a baseball bat.
ROFLMFAO!!!!! I WOULD KILL TO SEE JACK TRETTON DO THAT!!! I freaking love Jack Tretton – that guy's just such a boss – I mean WOW.
But jeese the rumor mill is certainly pumping out a lot of stuff huh? E3 conference leaks any1?
All the stuff so far:
Manhunt 3 (w/ Move support)
Kingdom Hearts 3 (what platform?)
True Successor of PSP in 2010
MotorStorm 3 (pretty much confirmed)
LittleBigPlanet 2
3D Firmware Update
Gran Turismo 5 THIS OCTOBER
Gears of War 3 (possible on PS3 since M$ doesn't own rights to it, EPIC does)
David Jaffe's game – Twisted Metal?
Massive PS3 Sequel (OPM stated so…could be Motorstorm 3, who knows?
But yea……………WOW.
Oh and one more:
PSXEXTREME'S BIG BIG MASSIVE PS3 EXCLUSIVE SECRET THAT THEY'RE OHHHHHH SOOO TIGHT-lipped about! Except that's not a rumor…we're just wondering what GAME IT IS!
Last edited by shadowpal2 on 3/25/2010 7:22:53 PM
Never played manhunt. any good?
look up a few gameplay vids on youtube and you'll see what it's all about lol…
I took your advice and looked it up on Youtube. I can only take so many knives and hammers to the face death shots. Probably not the game for me.
Now I feel dirty…need to play FFXIII for a little soul cleansing.
Cleanse your self in the Lighting.
Manhunt was great,to actually see it coming to the PS3 with next gen graphics and all it's gore and PS move tech souds too good.I do hate what they did to the 2nd one though but hey it came out on the Wii for petesake.
P.S. A lot of you on this site are a bunch of freaking faries.lol
LOL if FFXIII is the light I preffer to spent my life in the darkness.
I hope this rumor isn't true. Manhunt is garbage. Violence without a point. Absolutely disgusting franchise. There is no merit to this game at all, and any fan of it should, quite frankly, be ashamed of themselves.
*gets off soapbox*
*smashes soap box with nail-bat*
Take that hoity toity! Straight from Anybody Killa and company! Hahaha
Why are Arvis and Jawknee getting thumbs-downed? They're not saying that the game should be banned or that Sony shouldn't allow it on the PS3; they're just saying that they don't care for it.
I tend to bring the thumbs down out of people. 😉
I can state why I gave Arvis a thumbs down for this post. He placed judgement to any fan of the franchise. He also said the violence was pointless. It's entertaining and to say that this is disgusting when there are games like DJ Hero, with rap "music", is disgusting in itself.
As for Jawknee, I merely thumbed him down for his ignorance. Just for this post, of course. 😉
And what "ignorance" would that be? Its ignorant to hold an opinion that differs with yours?
I'm thumbing your down for your arrogance.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/25/2010 12:41:37 PM
Your reaction and follow-up post have enforced the point. Thank you.
Thank you for not answering the question.
I'm sorry but the answer is clearly there. I wasn't attacking you or the fact that you have made an opinion. Please, read again and understand what I was trying to convey. It really is right there if you read my original reply.
Happy gaming. 🙂
LOL @ World. 😀
Sorry fluffer if I ruffled your fluffy nutty feathers. Enjoying gore is just… it's something I'm EXTREMELY sensitive towards. I used to be a graphic designer and I was searching for stock images on the internet. I accidentally came across a site that exists ONLY to display graphic photos of REAL corpses of REAL people that had been mangled, dismemebered, crushed, etc. All so people could look at them. For entertainment.
I closed the window as soon as I could, but not before I saw… some stuff. I started shaking and almost ran outside and threw up. My eyes started burning. It wasn't so much the images themselves as the fact that such a website EXISTS that made me feel so… so sick to my stomach.
Anyways, my point is: Manhunt, to me, is the video game version of those kinds of websites. And I just can't, can't, can't abide it or understand. I won't. Things like Manhunt make me ashamed of the human race. I really hate that there are things like that in the world and I will never apologize for my utter hatred of them.
*sigh* I'll let it go. I'll just avoid subjects like this if possible.
Gore Porn.
While I understand your sentiments about real-world violence and its consequences, I don't see why enjoying pixelated violence & gore is something to be ashamed about.
The reason why I think you got thumbed down was this: "any fan of it should, quite frankly, be ashamed of themselves". You passed judgment based upon your standards of morality.
Surely you realize that different people have different tastes, and just because somebody likes to see/play media that portrays faked violence doesn't mean they are actually contributing to the real stuff.
Your statement sounded like this: "I'm from India and a Hindu – I don't see how people like to eat cows and stuff and so anybody that doesn't see the world LIKE I DO should be ashamed of themselves".
See how ridiculous THAT sounded?
Last edited by Thinker on 3/25/2010 3:10:39 PM
I support Thinker's reply. 😀
Yes, Thinker, you make an excellent point (like you always do). And I knew my statement was too judgmental when I wrote it, but I decided to send it on through anyways, knowing I would get a chance to explain myself later.
As good as your point is, however, your comparison is not a perfect one. My issue is not one of conflicting worldview. It's one of common humanity. Lack of basic compassion for people other than one's self is the root cause of all sorts of crimes, is it not? And it's these crimes that cause distress, unhappiness, insecurity, etc. They obstruct the basic "inalienable rights" that humans should be born with. Being entertained by lacivious images of human gore in any form, real or virtual, seems like a glaring symptom of this lack of human compassion. Am I wrong?
Being able to play a video game where you virtually act out bloody murder and not be disturbed by it seems… off, at the least. Especially when you consider that these sorts of abominable crimes are ACTUALLY HAPPENING to innocent people all over the world.
It just seems like something that stable, healthy individuals would want some distance from.
But again I pass judgment. Never will I say that a video game will turn someone into a murderer. That's impossible. It's just the taste for obscene violence that some people have disturbs me and I will never believe that it is "normal" or "natural" to be that way.
Your ideas of "normalcy" were brought on by what society believes is right and wrong. This is why people feel uncomfortable in taking pleasure in things that aren't widely accepted and it's frankly disgusting. I am not saying that one should go out and kill or defecate on the homeless but if you take an interest and read or look at such things because of your curiousity, you should not be scorned or looked down upon because of it. It's human nature to be curious. Don't ever punish someone just because they are being inquisitive.
Fluffer, I for one want to see curiosity stick around. If it wasn't for curiosity, there would be a lot more cats….I hate cats.
@Flutter nutter: Rap "music" is disgusting? not sure what kinda rap you have heard but you shouldn't judge the genre as a whole with whats playing on mtv. If its not in your taste, then so be it, but don't try to discredit it.
Saying the crap rap thats popular on the the radio and tv stations is all hip hop really is is like me saying AFI and Good Charlotte represent all there is to know about Heavy Metal/ Death Metal. Think about that for a minute, let it marinate.
@ Arvis: yeah real life gore isn't for the weak at all, it can be quite disturbing. But Video game gore? Really? to each his own but Manhunt's kills just doesn't give most people that same disturbing feeling.
So i take it you don't like the God of War games
Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/25/2010 5:03:15 PM
@Flutter nutter: Rap "music" is disgusting? not sure what kinda rap you have heard but you shouldn't judge the genre as a whole with whats playing on mtv. If its not in your taste, then so be it, but don't try to discredit it.
Saying the crap rap thats popular on the the radio and tv stations is all hip hop really is is like me saying AFI and Good Charlotte represent all there is to know about Heavy Metal/ Death Metal. Think about that for a minute, let it marinate.
Firstly, I think all rap, hip hop and r'n'b is disgusting in the sense that I do not like it. If it is your bag, so be it but I do not like hearing any of it because I do not consider it music. Please, don't try to disprove what I'm saying because it's purely an opinion based on my tastes. If you enjoy it, great. That's for you and it certainly is not for me.
Secondly, to even consider AFI or Good Charlotte as heavy metal is pretty disgusting and ignorant. Those bands are not heavy metal, nor metal, nor punk or rock. They are just commercialized crap made for the blanket hugging kiddies that like to look as feminine as possible. I understand your point, though. I do not consider rap and hip hop the same. They do have their differences which are easy to hear.
I think it's kind of funny that all of this just occurred around the same time as the new South Park released. It deals with banned books and every in the episode reads very disgusting stuff but loves it lol. I don't necessarily agree with what Arvis or Jawknee said as I enjoyed the first game. Never played the second, but I don't think people are "sick" for liking them. If they became too graphic I'm sure I would not like them any more but only because I have a rather weak stomach.
I say let's censor, censorship.
These days, there's just too damned much of it.
Biker should get the most thumbs up ever for that one. Rock on, dude. Rock on.
"Being entertained by lacivious images of human gore in any form, real or virtual, seems like a glaring symptom of this lack of human compassion."
I disagree. Does watching cartoons or (certain) animation movies reinforce childishness in the viewer? Does watching romantic movies (or romantic comedies) turn somebody into a sentimental sap? I don't think so.
Sure, repetitive and endless sampling of ONE type of product (be it childish, sappy, brutally or sexually violent) may inure somebody to that particular emotion, and in turn, that desensitization could even lead to a morbid fascination with it. But I believe a healthy individual can sample various types of media and not be unduly affected by it.
The reason I gave the above examples and made the aforementioned connections is that I think you were equating being entertained by violent media as an example of "active participation", hence your use of the term "seems like a glaring symptom of this lack of human compassion".
I myself watch/read/play media that run the gamut from sunday-morning-disney-cartoons to "torture porn" like "Saw" and "Hostel" (in fact, my favorite genres are SciFi, Fantasy & Horror) and I believe it hasn't affected me in any untoward manner. Yet. 🙂
It's my opinion (and if I offend you, my apologies) that, for whatever reason, you are a bit too sensitive (probably in real life as well).
Maybe some desensitization will do you good? 😉
Last edited by Thinker on 3/26/2010 1:35:13 AM
"Too sensitive?" ME!? HOW DARE YOU!? 😀
Yes, I am a sensitive soul. I don't care for cursing, either. One thing I'd like to say, though, is that I never said that playing Manhunt "reinforced" anything in anyone. Enjoying gore doesn't CAUSE anyone to do anything. That idea is both insane and stupid. I said that it seemed, to me, like a SYMPTOM of the already pre-existing lack of human compassion. Meaning, the problem is already in the person, and it comes out in games like Manhunt. Hence: I hate Manhunt.
However, like you say, balance is important. I hate gore so much… but I'm really trying NOT to judge those who don't hate it. Talking this through with you, Thinker, has actually helped. Thanks. I'm never going to "come around" and like that sort of thing, though. 😉
Wow, longest reply thread I've seen so far.
Anyways, how does the senseless violence in this game differ to the senseless violence in horror movies?
With movies like Saw, Final Destination, Scream, Nightmare on Elm St, etc etc. they are just as bad if not worse than Manhunt 2 because it displays violence in an incredibly graphic and realistic manner.
Manhunt displays graphic violence using pixels and animation sequences. The only reason it is worse in some people's eyes is because the player is the decider on whether to perform the horrible act. However, the game will not continue UNLESS you perform the graphic act of violence, much like horror movies not continuing unless they show the hot blonde girl getting sliced in half vertically. It's all part of the genre!!!!!
I can see why anti-gaming people will not like this series, but that's what the rating system is for. It is limited in its release so only those who enjoy its entertainment value and its genre can access it.
As an Aussie, I doubt this would get past the censors here. We are still awaiting word on the R18+ debate now that South Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson has stepped down despite winning the state election. Gamers 4 Croyden did get a surprising 3% of the vote, so well done to them for doing quite well for a small independent party.
But adding hi-def graphics AND PSMove controls could turn a lot of heads and possibly create a ban on graphicly violent video games like this altogether. Personally, I can't stomach it, so I'm happy to let this one slide. God Of War 3 might just be my limit in terms of stomaching violence.
I don't know, I kind of have to agree with Arvis.
I think there should be a limit placed on some things, and extreme violence without a point is one of them. The problem with Thinker's argument is that he says that a little bit of anything is alright, and shouldn't be a big problem.
My problem with that is that some things shouldn't be done simply from a moralistic viewpoint. If I look at childporn for 5 minutes, I'm not going to go out and have sex with children immediately correct? Yet the act itself of watching child-porn should not be partaken in at all.
I believe the same thing of extreme violence. It's my opinion, and I do think that people who enjoy that kind of thing are kind of messed up, but I do respect that's my own opinion. The fact that extreme violence is socially acceptable is a bit confusing for me, as I really don't understand why anyone would enjoy it.
It literally is for me as if someone is looking at child porn and it's legal. It's still gross and shouldn't be done, and I think you're a little messed up for enjoying it, but hey, your call to make.
Philip, nothing should be illegal just because it doesn't go with someone else's morals. Creating and playing extremely violent games doesn't hurt anyone. At least it hasn't been proven that it makes people violent, and I don't think it ever will be. Child porn should be illegal because in order to make it, someone (the child) has to be hurt (usually physically and probably always emotionally).
Virtual child-porn is still disgusting and sick. Just… for the record…
"If I look at childporn for 5 minutes, I'm not going to go out and have sex with children immediately correct? Yet the act itself of watching child-porn should not be partaken in at all. "
The difference is that child-porn, as it is portrayed with real life, always has at least one real-life victim. Conventional porn has paid actors/actresses, while I imagine a child would have to be pretty much forced or coerced to participate in such an act.
So, on the one hand, you have an immoral act, which actually hurts someone, while on the other hand, you have either an actor/actress or a pixelated representation of violence. One is real, the other isn't. By no stretch of the imagination can your example, which is little more than a straw man, be considered rationally.
I would have given more thought to your argument if you had bothered to reply rationally like Arvis.
There was a point, I forget what they were, but there was one. Wasn't it to escape the facility or something? I never made it to the end of either game.
Move support would be cool for a little while but I think it would get old. If you play it with the blinds open and you have a willing friend or partner to play the attackee you could scare your neighbors! lol
impossible to do.
Won't happen unless the game is extremely toaned down.
Think about it….1 was temporarily band due to some sh** ACTUALLY moving to it on an actual human thus killing him.
2 was refused classification until cuts were made.
How the jesus tits can a PS3 visual, motion controled, improved sequel be pulled off? No me thinks.
I loved the first one…2 sucked.
If this one goes exclusive would be awesome!
These were fun games, as a fan of blatant and horrifying virtual murder I would not mind taking the Move dildo and using it as a table saw to some freak's face. I have the uncensored Manhunt 2 and it is BRUTAL.
Fighting with a dildo, reminds me of that aweful movie Sorority Boys.
Fun times.
A table saw is cute and all, but a virtual katana would be more fitting I think.
Lmao. World just cuts the bull and tells it how it is.
This would be amazing!
Ben why do you put 'oh dear' like its a problem or something?
Manhunt 1 is my 2nd fave game ever so a 3rd exclusive to ps3 would be a dream.
Whats everyones deal with using motion controls to kill ppl ffs?
Its for ADULTS!