We know EA is using the PlayStation 3 as the lead development platform for Medal of Honor , but did you know the team has completely embraced the system's available power?
Or so they say. While Guerrilla Games say they can continue to squeeze more out of Sony's console, EALA creative director Richard Farrelly told CVG that the new MoH "maximizes what the PS3 can do." As they remind us, this comes not long after Platinum Games' Shinji Mikami told everyone that leading with the PS3 for Vanquish allows their project to reach "a certain standard." Said Farrelly:
"We're leading on PS3, we've developed the game on PS3. We're working hard to deliver the exact same experience across all platforms. I think for me the most important thing is for everyone that plays Medal Of Honor is satisfied… I guess the benefit to the PS3 owner is that we're leading on it, so we'll maximise what that platform can do for our game."
It all depends on how you interpret that quote. Personally, I think it sounds like the team has a set image and concept and they know the PS3 can bring that image and concept to fruition. It doesn't necessarily mean they're diving into the system to drag every possible advantage out of it, as first-party developers tend to do. Remember, he does say they have to make it identical across all platforms, so… Anyway, we're all very interested to see how this one will turn out.
Related Game(s): Medal of Honor
well theres a controdiction of terms, where maximising it for the ps3 and We're working hard to deliver the exact same experience across all platforms, since the ps3 is more powerful, i dont see how there maximising it, otherwise the 360 version will be inferior, such as FF13. i hazard a guess this game will not look as good as killzone or uncharted or GOW3
I was just about to bring up that point Cavan.
Yeah, I was like wtf is he on?
Could it be possible that he mis-spoke? It seems to me that he may have meant that EALA are trying to maximize the game to perform properly on the PS3, rather than maximize the PS3 to handle the game. This guy should really work on his communication or he's going to be eating a lot of sole.
remember he says "maximize what the ps3 can do -for our game-" I think he just means the PS3 version will be the standard, and not gimped like in the past. It's a REALLY misleading statement.
Once upon a time, the only talking 3rd party devs would do concerning making games on the PS3 would be a bunch of whining about the difficulty to do so. Now, they are trumpeting it as a lead platform.
The writing is on the wall. Winds of change folks, winds of change…….
Please don't start whistling. lol
well the game looks promising I'll give it that, hopefully they keep it original enough so that it is not identical to MW2
And the trend continues. Kudos to Naughty Dog for inspiring the development community to try and match or surpass Uncharted 2's visual fidelity.
These are all just words until they bring out the product to prove it. I hope they drop a polished end game that we will all love.
Medal of Honor redefined FPS's back in the day. Here's hoping they can do the same with this iteration.
It's good that they are leading with PS3 as at least we won't be suffering from a broken port.
But the maximising of the PS3. I bet it is very easy to do with a poorly written piece of code.
I want the best quality games rivalling Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 or God of War 3. I don't care if they can achieve this with only 30% on the PS3 power utilized.
I want results not empty statements.
Take care.
The correct statement is, "We will maximize what we can do on that platform to make a multiplatform game".
But I highly doubt they will be maximizing the PS3 if both versions come out looking the same.
I'll believe them when I see the actual stuff because so far no multiplat developers have done it.
Good luck on surpassing KZ2, UC2, and GOWIII
I think u missed it scarecrow…
EALA, Just put your money where your mouth is & we'll be the judge of it.
Here comes our 15.00 demo!!
Well, if they want the same experience across all platforms, then they will have to 'dumb it down' for the 360 crowd won't they? Ultimately meaning it isn't maximizing the PS3's power?
I ask this of my fellow commentor's: When will we see a multi-plat game that is developed to the max on the PS3 and then left alone for the PS3 release? Which would then mean it would clearly be best played on the PS3.
Why can't we see this? Will this be the 'next big deal' with gaming? Sort of like an exclusive timed release? I like this idea I must say.
Stay classy PSX
errr, seeing as how this is a multiplatform game using a tremendously flawed engine, i kind of doubt that. If developers want to "max" out the PS3, they need to ditch the money pit and starting making games exclusive.
you guys should re read it. I dont think he's speaking of maxing out the ps3. What he is saying is using the ps3 as the lead platform, they can reach the goals they have for there game. Using the ps3 as there lead platform they can, "maximise what that platform can do for our game."
If MOH comes out on 1 Blu ray for the PS3 and 2-3 DVD's for the 360, I will believe them.
If not, all they are doing is attempting to get PS3 owners to spend money on their game.
PS3 first, port the 360 to 3 discs later.
End of story.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 3/24/2010 12:57:55 PM
To put a maxed out PS3 game on the 360, you would need 6 or 7 discs. 6 DVD9 discs would equal 51GB, which 1GB above a Bluray dual disc, lol.
I don't think I've ever seen that many contradictions in one quote. LOL, what a funny statement.
"We're leading on PS3, we've developed the game on PS3. We're working hard to deliver the exact same experience across all platforms."
I'm sorry, if you think you "maximizing" the PS3 and you want to deliver the exact same experience across all platforms? Not gonna happen.
he said they will "Maximise what that platform can do for our game". Not that they are maxing out the ps3. basically saying they are maximising the level and/or quality of there game by using the ps3 as the lead platform.
I'm not paying for a demo sorry to say, demo's should be free if you ask me.
I'll just look at video's and research on it when it comes out if i want to buy it or not.
Lies and gorilla dust.
how can you say ea your maximizing the ps3 when you say your trying to bring the same experience across all plateforms. only way you be using the full maximize hardware for the ps3 is to make the Medal of Honor exclusive to the ps3. let alone your using the unreal engine lol that right there shows ps3 wont be maxed out. naughty dog even came out finally and said they didn't fully max out uc2 with their engine. uc2 still the best looking game ever made next to crysis of course. Sony Santa Monica was only using they said i think 30% of the ps3 hardware, look how awesome gow3 still looked.
I just really wonder how much Versus XIII is going to max it out, lol. Maybe 70% if they get everything the way they want.
It's just another Medal of Honor game. You can only go through WWI and WWII so many times…
this one is modern!
this one is going to be their first modern one, and im totally pumped, watch the trailer, looks pretty badass
I think a lot of you are mis interpreting what he is saying.
To hopefully help better understand, what I think he is saying in the quote is, they are using the PS3 as the lead platform to get the most out of there game. I dont think he is ever saying they will use every ounce of the ps3' power, nor is he saying it will be better looking than any other game on the ps3. When he said "I guess the benefit to the PS3 owner is that we're leading on it, so we'll maximise what that platform can do for our game." that kind of clarifies that. He's simply saying the ps3 can do for there game what they want to achieve, and are basically saying they are taking advantage of that opportunity the PS3 gives developers.
Maybe this is going exclusive as the big announcement.
"The PS3 is going to "maximize" our newest Medal Of Honor"
(see? Quote easily fixed!!!!)
so the days of the 2007 crappy ports are over?
i sure hope so!
im still on the fence with this, they sure talk the talk but as they say talk is cheap!
till they come out and show me and put their money where there mouth is, ill be putting this on the skip pile.