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EA Looking To Charge For “Very Long Game Demos”

Right now, Activision is in many a gamer's doghouse, but if EA pursues this idea, they may not be viewed in a very favorable light, either.  But you might like it.

Not surprisingly, EA – like many other major publishers – has already dumped a lot of cash on the growing digital distribution boom and they clearly wish to continue. The huge amount of downloadable content the company has offered already is fairly massive and according to GameSpot , EA plans to push forward with "PDLC" or "Premium" content. Not only will it continue to apply to post-release add-ons but now, they might want it to apply to pre -release content, too. Like demos. In an investor's note, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter spoke about a recent event in Redwood City, California, where group general manager Nick Earl explained EA's "pre-release PDLC initiative." Essentially, they're talking about "very long demos" of certain games, to be placed on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live services for $10 to $15. And when they say "long," they refer to Battlefield 1943 , which of course is a full game by itself. Said Pachter:

"A full-blown packaged game would follow shortly after the release of the PDLC, bearing a full retail price. Mr. Earl believes that the release of the PDLC first limits the risk of completing and marketing the full packaged version, and serves as a low-cost marketing tool."

Battlefield 1943 was a huge success for EA and as of November of last year, they said DICE's solid online multiplayer game had sold around 1.2 million units on both the PS3 and 360. Furthermore, Pachter said that EA CEO John Riccitiello has acknowledged that his company hasn't performed so well during the first years of his tenure, and that a turnaround "was taking longer than he originally expected." Right now, though, he says they're about 2/3 of the way there and 1/3 of the way "towards reaching its goal of transformation into a business that distributes games through 'multiple channels.'" So the question is, would you pay for "really long demos?"  Maybe for big games?

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14 years ago

The old EA is back, YREEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!!!

Ok EA, let's see how much you will actually make off of that 🙂

PS: Though, I miss the old $4.99 demo CDs for ps1. Those had 10 or so game demos in it though. So it was worth it.

14 years ago

I miss them too, the greatest demo EVER for the PS1 was Intelligent Cube. I spent hours on that demo and bought the full game as soon as it came out. Back then though I subscribed to multiple gaming magazines and the demo disks were included.

14 years ago

I used to buy issues of the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (now defunct) just so I could play the demo discs. Though I did enjoy the articles and reviews also, and it was the magazine that exposed me to Penny Arcade. I recently found some old issues of that buried in my closet and saw previews for GTAIII and MGS2! I wonder how time flies so quickly…

Enough of my rambling, the point I'm trying to make is I liked demo discs too.

14 years ago

I kept all my old magazines, ALL of them. I have well over 2k magazines back in my closet at my parent's house. As time goes on it's pretty neat to skim through them. My favorite is the EGM issue previewing Resident Evil2 before they chose to scrap the game entirely and rebuild it from scratch.

14 years ago

I miss the Playstation Underground demo disks, those had demos and trailers.

14 years ago

I still have some of my PS1 demo discs from Square that came packages with Brave Fencer Musashi and others like it.

14 years ago

game players was the greastest gaming magazine in the history of man.

14 years ago

I miss those old PS1 demo discs as well ! I also miss the old underground demo discs too !

The old days when gaming was simple yet fun and addictive !

14 years ago

I have the FFVII demo disc =) It pretty scratched tough

14 years ago

Same here on the magazines. I used to buy Gamepro when they had some better judgement back then. and PSM. Then I discovered PSXExtreme 🙂

But why'd i wanna buy a demo? It's just a demo. I'd rather watch someone playing the paid demo on youtube then buy it if i decide its worth my money.

14 years ago

Yeah, those demo discs were great, but back then we couldn't download demo's and they had to pay to manufacture all those discs. They came with a magazine, so the 4.99 was not only worth it, but a good deal.

14 years ago

This reminds me of the days of shareware where you could try the first 10-15% of a game before you purchased the full game.

As an example, let's say that ND had put up the first three levels of Uncharted 2 as a $5 demo (call it a preview, not a demo please). That might have sold a lot of people on the game.

Now, for games that don't have the mass appeal of an Uncharted game, this could be the best thing since sliced bread.

14 years ago

I wonder though if I choose to purchase the full game is the $5 I've already thrown down included so I'd only be owing $55?

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

LV – that'd be a good concept. Paid $10 for a demo? you get $10 credit if you buy the game.

14 years ago

Right. It almost makes no sense. You'd be paying for something you've already paid for playing. The least they can do is credit the demo purchase towards the retail price of the full game.

I know I would wouldn't pay $5-$15 for the first 15 or so minutes of the demo, and then having to pay full retail price for the full game to be playing the same 15 or so minutes from the demo.


14 years ago

In my opinion, that's what Blockbuster and Gamefly is for. Rent it before you buy it.

Even Gamestop offers a 7 day return policy on used game purchases. If you don't like it, bring it back within 7 days and get store credit for the full amount.

As Ben said in a later post, it would have to be months in advance before release.

Last edited by Nynja on 3/23/2010 6:06:14 PM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I wouldn't mind paying for an extended demo if it allowed for two things. First, you could use that money spent towards the purchase of the full version of the game and second, you could retain your progress and transition to the full game seamlessly. I think a lot of gamers would find that hard to argue against.

14 years ago

That would be great to say the least but how are you going to be able to prove to Amazon, Gamestop, Best Buy, or wherever you buy your games that you spent that money towards the preview?

Don't get me wrong I would love to see that happen I just don't see them utilising it that way. More over I see them just using it as a money grab unfortunately.

I know that most of the time I stand up for pay for DLC and the like but I don't condone the practice of making people pay for a demo then pay full price for the game. If the initial investment into the preview goes to the end price I am for it, but if it is just an extra 10 to 15 bucks you have to shell out then screw that.

14 years ago

This will not happen. The whole point is for the game companies to make more money. I will not support this venture.

The word GREED comes to the forefront of this conversation. Companies will not let you use the money spent on a 'long demo' towards the purchase of the full game. It defeats their purpose entirely.

There will be some that jump right into this when it happens but I truly hope that enough people stay away from this so that companies realize we do have some sense. This will be the first step to full Digital Downloads. Watch and see.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I didn't say that it will happen but that I would like it to happen. The proper way to get the amount applied to the future purchase would probably be a unique code sent for a discount. The said code would be given to the retailer, much like a manufacturer's coupon, and so the retailer would get reimbursed for every coupon code that they submit. Wouldn't it be nice?

14 years ago

I think they could quite easily do the paid demo counting towards a full game price for the PC games that you buy from Steam and also for PSN games.
But truth be told I don't see them doing it even there.

Take care.

14 years ago

THAT would be the greatest thing ever.

14 years ago

You are on point Rogers. What EA is proposing is more than a demo. They just want to get some extra scratch. I thought the purpose of the demo was to give the consumer a taste of the full product. The process has been working good so far. I hope for EA's sake that they still intend to provide free demos too.

14 years ago

I understand where they are coming from, but I was under the impression that people download demos to try out the games, and making someone buy a demo, albeit a "long" one, it just seems they're going to scare away customers. I suppose if you wanted to play more, but didn't want to buy the full thing it would make sense, but you could rent the game long enough to beat it for less than $10 anyway so it still doesn't make too much sense. This just seems like a bad idea all around to me.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

its a ridiculous idea to consumers. I feel like I was just slapped across the face.. or mugged thru the internet..

Obviously they can see how many people download demos, quite a lot. And EA knows that some of their games don't sell well, so if people arent going to buy their games, maybe they can make some of their money by charging for demos.

14 years ago

not gunna work, why the hell would anyone pay for an extended demo? its bollocks

14 years ago

So "try before you buy" is gonna turn into "buy before you buy"?……and I was having a hard time being inspired to play them when they were free.

It's like being charged for watching a TV commercial.

Someones gonna get fired at Activision for not thinking of this first.

Last edited by Hezzron on 3/23/2010 11:36:24 AM

14 years ago

When I first read the header…I though, meh…2-5.oo for an extended demo wouldn't be bad, but my jaw hit the floor at 10-15.00. Are they nuts?!?! Unless they add your expenditure to the sale of the game, well…let's just say game prices are skyrocketing…much like hidden bank costs, we're getting taken to the cleaners.
10-15.00 – Premium Demo
60.00 – Game Price
5.99 – DLC #1
5.99 – DLC #2
Total: 82-87.00

Becuase it's getting so incredibly expensive to invest in a game, I've really cut back on the number of games I'm willing to buy, mostly sticking to the AAA games and almost entirely get all my games from Gamefly (where I can truly test it, before I buy it).

14 years ago

I will not pay for a long demo, just because it's long, I would not pay for any demo anyway.
Just keep the demo short and free, it's only for the feel and the looks of the game.

14 years ago

Jawknee not willing to pay for demos, especially ones from EA.

$15 for a demo, then $60 for the game, then DLC. Good luck with that EA.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/23/2010 12:00:45 PM

photo K
photo K
14 years ago


they better have a free shorter demo, cuz I am not paying no $10-15 for a freaking demo.

14 years ago

Yeah, no thanks on the paid demos. If I'm going to spend $10-$15 on something, I'll just get one of the great PSN games that I haven't gotten around to playing yet.

14 years ago

The most annoying thing about hearing this sort of ideas is that we don't even get a "short" demos for every game and yet the EA people now want to charge us for so called "long demo".

Take care.

14 years ago

I know "Take Care" is at the bottom of all your comments, but its most fitting with this one. ha!

EA:"hey wanna pay for our demos?!"

Everyone else: " Take Care".


Last edited by Jawknee on 3/23/2010 12:27:39 PM

14 years ago

That's a good one Jawknee. Thumbs up.

14 years ago

Fat chance EA. Unless you plan to provide me with a voucher I can use to knock that $10 – $15 off the purchase price when I buy the game, I would NEVER do this… stupid.

News flash EA, game demo's are advertising. A tool you use to encourage consumers to buy your product. It's borderline unethical to charge people to view your advertising. But I guess, if people are dumb enough to pay for it, EA might as well cash in on it. What is the world coming to?

14 years ago

To answer your question gumbi, even though it was rhetorical, I would say a mixture between "Idiocracy" and "Gamer".


Take care.

14 years ago


…But surely you'd pay to watch an advertisement if it was longer than average?

LOL Good luck, EA!

14 years ago

No alarms and no surprises please. Silent.

14 years ago

I'm alarmed at the prospect of paying for advertisements, but not surprised it's EA's idea… can't think of one for silence 🙂

btw, I swear this dude cannot take a bad photograph O.o

14 years ago

Hes the most unattractive photogenic person i know of. hes takes great pictures and rights awesome music. What more can we ask for? ha

Did you pay for In Rainbows?

14 years ago

writes awesome music. Oh i need more coffee.

14 years ago

Not while it was a voluntary donations type deal, but I have the CD now (good album). I'd never been on the internet at that time (PS3 introduced me to the 'net) so it was a real bummer to find out that's how they were distributing it.

If they do the same again I'm not sure I'd pay for it. It's just like the download versus disc thing for games… gimme the disc! Did you pay for it?

14 years ago

Yea, I paid $5 bucks for the mp3's then picked up the Cd later on for $10 at Walmart. It was a smart on their part with all the piracy. They recorded it, allowed people to pay what they wanted for a limited time, made their money back then released it on an indy label in Cd format for even more return. I love Radiohead. I don't mind supporting them anyway I can. What would the world be like with out Radiohead? Probably not much different but still. ha.

14 years ago

wow is EA seriious? theyr staff must be full of jews

14 years ago

If that were the case, they would have monopolized the gaming market by now.

Don't under estimate the power of "Jews".

14 years ago

IF you still have a blockbuster locally why wouldn't you just rent the whole game for cheaper?

14 years ago

Paid demos???
No thanks, I rarely pay for DLC, so they won't be getting my dime for this Bullsh!t either.

Hell, I loved the old days when we used to get those old "PS Magazines", & I always looked forward to their free demo disc they included every month.
Matter of fact, I still have 22 of those demo discs in my PS1 collection.

And even better yet, was the old "PS Underground" demo discs sets.
They came out quarterly, as a 2-disc boxed set, complete with a booklet & they had an average of 15 game demos on both discs(I still have 4 complete seasons of them too).

FYI, In the PS Underground series disc # 3.2, it actually had exclusive coverage of 1999's "E3 In LA" on disc 1 of the 2 discs.
It also gave a great PS exclusive on "The Next Generation Of Playstation" story on their upcoming PS3 & exclusive interviews with the true Godfather of the PS3, Ken Kutaragi, along with interviews with Kaz Hirai & Phil Harrison.

Plus it also had exclusive footage of the future PS3's "Emotion" chip.
Also included, was all the behind the scenes craziness at E3, and a tour of the upcoming 1999 Tokyo Games Show.
Plus a part 4 on R&D on "Project Wormhole", a sneak peek on the uncut Um Jammer Lammy Rocumentary, the cool features of the Ocean Star RGP, & the Import game, "Tsumu. Also, hidden codes, downloads, bulletins & more.
And all that was just on the first disc alone, simply awesome stuff.

Dics 2 had all the demos….
Final Fantasy VIII
Um Jammer Lammy
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Soul of the Samurai
Ape Escape
MLB 2000,
and an alpha copy of Jeto Moto 3


Ahhh, the good old days, shame the ways of giving 100% back to your devoted fan-base is now only a ghost of our past.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/23/2010 1:28:17 PM

14 years ago

OPPS, Just noticed I made a PS console boo-boo in my earlier post….

Instead of….
<<<<It also gave a great PS exclusive on "The Next Generation Of Playstation" story on their upcoming PS3, & exclusive interviews with the true Godfather of the PS3, Ken Kutaragi, along with interviews with Kaz Hirai & Phil Harrison.>>>

I should have inserted "PS2" in there where it says "on their upcoming PS3", especially seeing how it was only 1999 back then.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/23/2010 3:34:37 PM

14 years ago

Long time no see EA