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Square-Enix Will Consider A Final Fantasy VII Remake

It's too early to be an April Fool's joke and I wouldn't torture the loyal FF fans with a headline like this if it weren't true.

Remember when Square-Enix sort of vaguely mentioned the idea of a Final Fantasy VII remake on their blog and the place freakin' exploded? Well, maybe that caused them to take a second look at the situation; in the past, they've been saying they simply don't have the resources for such a project. However, according to Siliconera , Square-Enix president and CEO Yoichi Wada responded directly to a query concerning the company's future plans and perhaps for the first time ever, he said they would consider a FFVII remake. Said Wada at the launch party for Final Fantasy XIII :

"Right now we don’t have a clear direction, but many fans have requested we remake Final Fantasy VII. We’re going to explore the possibility – whether or not we’re going to do it, if we’re going to do it, and the platform."

Okay, two things before everyone goes loopy: 1. this cannot be made for the PSP. It must be a high-definition remake for consoles (and the PC, considering FFVII was available on the PC). 2. if they change anything besides the graphics, I'm not sure what I'll do…I can't be held responsible for my actions. If they wreck the entire gameplay mechanic and rip out the turn-based battle, I won't touch it with a ten-foot cattle prod. This is a remake so don't go messing with it! A few extra scenes for story or a new town or something might be all right, but don't go crazy. Please.

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14 years ago

batman remakes anyone? iron man?
spider man?

i do get your point though, it may end up being a flop if they change too much , or the art direction of the game simply doesnt have the same "Feel" to it as the original in hd

the same people that created the original arent gonna work on this one neccesarily ,and each individual has its own style , thus there will be differences in the art direciton wich we may or may not like…

i wont lie though, as long as they dont change anything other than graphics and better xlated dialogues, also IF THEY ADD the rumored cut part about reviving aeris and white materia that would be awsome too…cant tell me it wont fit now 😉

14 years ago

yea should take 3/4 the time to make this game compared to a new one since they have the story and everything…I agree, no changes, but feel free to add as much to the game as you want. BTW I hate the new battle mechanic, tho better than 12, bring back the old turn based! its more strategetic. and no more extreme linearity!! Thanks

14 years ago

i am not very thrilled about FF7 remake, or in general, any remake will not be as exciting as a great new original game, thats the fact!

instead of wasting tons of resources, fund, time and energy to re-touch an old thing, rather, it would be much better to spend all that on building a new original great JRPG.

or I will even put this way, say Chrono Trigger is my favorite all time JRPG, but if you ask me whether I want a remake for Chrono Trigger, I would rather say, I want a new PS3 exclusive Chrono Break or Chrono 3. so with this reasoning, you can see why i am not thrilled about the remake of FF7.

with all that said, I have not been thrilled about any Squeeeenx game so far this generation anyway, maybe I started caring less and less about all their games for a while already….and maybe this impression is already irreversible in my mind.

and I see in Wada's reasoning that if he orders a remake, it is not to mainly for fans, but still for the globalization and mass sales greed and that is the only reason why he will want to do a remake, and anything about westernizing or so called innovation all come from that greed. nothing more to be said.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/23/2010 12:36:46 AM

14 years ago

I still don't quite get why people think this. I think if the main group of creators are overlooking the project, then the game will rstill bring back that feel of FFVII with at realistic look of Advent Children Complete. They like FFVII so much, they take the story of that game at a personal level. Besides, they have some resources they may even get to pull straight from Advent Children Complete.

Last edited by DeathOfChaos on 3/23/2010 12:50:43 AM

14 years ago


That is exactly my opinion.

14 years ago

I think they need to go back and work on what worked for them before they can make anymore good JRPGs. They aren't doing too well right now.

14 years ago

fire wada and 60% of squarees problems are solved right there…the other 40% is getting someone with vision and as analy perfectionist as that guy from GT5 and they can do great things…

14 years ago

They said a long time ago, at least it feels like a long time ago, that to make a FFVII remake, they would want all the ORIGNAL creators to get back together to make it. That being said, wouldn't that turn out GOOD? They could add a few other people that probably wouldn't effect the original game except for the better (like a good programmer who knows to to use their resources very well) and then ultimately make the remake of FFVII more like a means to put all their FFVII side games to rest. Making an FFVII remake would give all those new fans a full HD experience with the original game in the graphical quality as Advent Children Complete. With that said, I would welcome it. I've played through and beat Final Fantasy VII so many times, and it never gets old. If they were to remake this gem in full HD for the PS3, I would probably replay it even more!!! Add a cinematic theater after beating the game or something, that would be great. That would be a good addition that wouldn't ruin anything, but make things feel better. I would make a separate game save just so I could watch different parts of the game over again or even fight a boss all over again. And if they make a Final Fantasy VII with Kingdom Hearts II graphics, I would love that too, always have ever since KHII came out. Cloud looked awesome in those graphics, in my opinion. Made him look more serious but still left a nostalgic feel because of the more cartoonish, not so real graphics that KHII has.

14 years ago

The one and only reason I'd prefer to see this as PS3/PC exclusive, is due to the amount of data that can be used, OR failing that, just pack it onto a shitton of DVD's for the 360. Point is, an FFVII remake would be big. Really…really big. And I wouldn't want to see ANY version suffer, because of possible fee's for the game shipping on too many discs.

I had ~144 hrs on my original save game. I'm not sure there are many other games out there that can boast _that_ much to do in them. Sure allot of it was grinding, but hey, without Final Attack, you ain't killing the other two Weapons. To say nothing of KoTR.

But yeah, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't buy it 😉

14 years ago

I've got 446 hours on FF 12. 🙂

14 years ago

Isn't FF12 online? Yeah…I've got 198 _days_ on my World of Warcraft character.

14 years ago

No final fantasy 11 is the one that is online. Final Fantasy 12 was that last final fantasy on the PS2.

14 years ago

Jesus Christ, XII had 446 hours of sh** to do in a Single Player campaign? That's pretty damn impressive. Had no idea.

14 years ago

i thnk i had about 86 on ff7 , tactics was the realtime sink for me, toped the clock at 99.99.99 so i have no idea the actual hours on it, but i reckon its gotta be about 125ish eyeballing it..

didnt spend that much time with 8 im afraid, about 80ish on 9 too, cant remember FFx but i spent a lot of time on that game getting everyones weapons, especially tidus' i dont wanna see another chocobo or baloon on a ffgame ever again lol

14 years ago

A lot of it depends on every individuals style of play. At times it was puzzling trying to figure out to make some of the monster marks to appear. That took me some time. still haven't found every single monster.

I also collected 99 of almost every possible item. Still working on that. not possible to get 99 of every weapon tho. Missed the strongest weapon in the game. Don't know if i have it in me to start over..

14 years ago

OMFG can we get over this already?
i thought there not going to do it because it would be "too hard"
i swear to god $E are the industries biggest tease, if your going to do it good shut the fu** up and do it.
if your not, than fine but again stop teasing us.
god there really frustrating!
almost as bad as 3D relms and DNF, but at least you can understand what their going through.
$E have no excuses!

14 years ago

Phew, it's starting to sound a bit like "no girl ever kissed me like she did when I was 14".

Come on. Remakes? They are on a hiding to nothing.

The nostalgic FF fanboys will criticize every little thing that is different from the original and ignore all the good bits because they are non-canon.

The newbies that have never played the original will be bewildered because it will be fan service and play like a 15 year old game!

Gamers perceptions and levels of patience have change a lot over 15 years. The increase in technology is not always a benefit.

The things that made the original so special are not the things that would make it special now.

FFVII is a classic and as such deserves to be left sacrosanct. Why sully it's memory.

It's like going back out with that 14 year old girl 20 years later and realising that some things were better off left as memories!

14 years ago

Uh huh, anything else that's new?

14 years ago

I'm having a good laugh. I still believe that they've had the game under development for a while and just do things like this to cause an uproar.

They'll keep doing this until one day, they'll appear to be making another statement like this one, but then at the end of the conversation say something like, "oh and the game will come out later this year, by the way."

On that day the internet will explode and even mainstream media will carry the story. I'm not psychic but I can totally see this happening.

I also don't think that fans of the original will nitpick a remake to death, some would of course but only a select few I think. I think gamers as a whole are pretty smart and will expect some minor changes. As long as the game is true to the original, with better graphics, same gameplay, same story. We'll love it and it's what so many people want.

And for those who don't like the idea, that's ok, just ignore it and remember the original will always be there. If it is remade, we still have our nostalgia, and new gamers can enjoy the story we all fell in love with.

14 years ago

Maybe if another dev company scared square-enix with some competition they would just do this already.

Ohh, I don't know maybe if another dev created a game called 'VII' and put in a disclaimer saying that "If liked Squaresoft's Final Fantasy 7, you'll love this game! ONLY for the PS3!"

Square-enix: "Dammit! We have NO time to loose! We have to get the original Sony and Squaresoft staff together and get the FF 7 remake underway… like right now!!!"

14 years ago

Exclusivity would be wise. Because of the obvious, bluray.

Last edited by Andysw on 3/23/2010 5:50:05 AM

14 years ago

Funny how blu-ray was once considered the thorn in the PS3's rose bush. Made it too expensive and all developers were still tapping the limits of DVD.

Now Blu-ray is leading the industry by giving developers the freedom to put whatever they want in a game. If it fits on blu-ray, throw it in.

And to think, MS thinks Natal will save the 360. Too little too late. From what I've heard, all the developers and users are having a real hard time with it, to the point that it might get delayed to early 2011 just to work out the kinks.

But it's Microsoft. Natal will release in shoddy unworkable form, be forced to need updates just to get certain games and services working on it, people will buy it, realise it's crap and swap it for either a Wii in their bathrooms (hehe), or the PS3 Move controller.

If you don't believe me, head over to IGN and read the GDC 2010 Editor's Floor Report. This is what they had to say:

1. Playstation Move was announced. Great tech, but underwhelming software to show it off.

2. Developers and random people trying out Natal all claimed it was crap, didn't work properly and that many were on the verge of giving up on it entirely.

3. Wii is finally hitting its stride with games for the hardcore. Here's hope that these hardcore gamers still have their Wii's.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 3/23/2010 8:27:23 AM

14 years ago

I wish they would stop dragging us over the coals again and again please stop the madness and make it already.

14 years ago

They should really just get this over with, just start making it(right after Versus and KH3)
And don't, really, DO NOT release any of it on xbox or whatnot, PS3 ONLY.

14 years ago

knowing SE recent mental break downs FFVII remake will be a CrapBox 360 exclusive

FFVII was the first Video game i ever played and i still think its the best game ever made. And im with Ben that if the screw up the remake i cant be help responsible for my actions. And this whole thing about towns hard to make, BS WKC hads lots of towns hell u can make ur own town, SE is just making excuses and it shows how stupid they are.

Last edited by Athrin on 3/23/2010 8:34:09 AM

14 years ago

I really don't know if I actually want them to do this or not… Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see and play FFVII with today's technology, but there's just too much that could go wrong. Remaking FFVII would be like walking on eggshells. This is SE we're talking about after all, they're not the same company they were 15 years ago. This whole thing could just end up leaving a bad taste in our mouths.

What I would like to see is a new and original FF story, with some classic JRPG gameplay. I know they want to appeal to the western market, but at what cost? There are a LOT of western JRPG fans who are very happy with the tried and true formula.

OR even better than that, give me a godam Legend of Dragoon Sequel/Prequel. Criticize away, but I'll take a new LOD game over a FFVII remake anyday.

14 years ago

Based on the general reception for FFXIII, I'm not sure what we can expect from this. If they do it, I hope they give it to the Kingdom Hearts/Vs. XIII team.

Last edited by 556pineapple on 3/23/2010 11:56:17 AM

14 years ago

Which platform? Really. Here's a question for copy right lawyers out there…

Sony Computer Entertainment published Final Fantasy VII on the PSone. Are there any standard agreements when this is done? Such as Sony owning rights to the plot, game play, title name, etc.

As long as Sony does not own any rights to FFVII game, I can't see any problems with a remake so long as the PS3 (or PS4) remains the lead platform. I will -NOT- purchase this game or any other Final Fantasy if they lead on 360. I can settle with a PC version though.

Except their MMOs – what can I say, I'm a sucker for their online games

14 years ago

5 bucks says they're already well into developing the game and are just stringing us along till the big reveal. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. I'd definitely check it out, on PS3 of course.

14 years ago

Just because something is a "remake", doesnt mean that nothing will be changed…

But just to set it straight all i want is a graphical update too, but the script probably should be modified slightly in places.

14 years ago

i like what they did with Tactics for the psp release, the dialog was MUCH better on the psp version as it was better xlated and it fit the atmosphere of the medieval setting better

14 years ago

If they did this right and made it the way we (psxextreme)all want them to then it could kick the sh** out of everything else we've seen this generation. That's saying a lot with the likes of MGS4, UC2, KZ2, GOWIII, etc so on so fourth.
However… doing a remake of the legendary FFVII the way we want square to do it seems sadly unlikely. Much like FFXIII I'm sure it would be a damn fine game that could have been an exponentially epic game.

But you never. One can always dream.

14 years ago

"and the platform"

i just know microsoft will weasel their way into this… :/

14 years ago

From what S-E has said in the past about a remake, it seems clear to me that this entire idea is a gimmick for free press. Seriously; unless all of their employees have been living under a rock for the past few years, they HAVE to know that all of the fans want a remake. I don't believe that they are "considering it" now. They've figured out free press: all they have to do is mention the name and people from all around will flock to their website.

That disgusts me. Have any of you at PSX considered just ignoring anything they say from here on out (unless it's a 100% confirmation)? I guess not because this is your job, but still. At this point they are likely just toying with us, and they should be ashamed.

14 years ago

I agree that the materia system should stay intact in a remake, and I agree that the storyline should remain intact (maybe some new scenes, some more tie-in with zack, etc.) but I can't imagine how an HD remake of FF7 can fulfill some of the expectations I see on this comment thread: for instance,

1. ff7-8 style atb combat system, where the characters and enemies bounce up and down until their bar is full. I'm not sure how the devs could make this look good in HD. I'd imagine it would be closer to ff12 in that the characters walk around on their own between command inputs to make it look more cinematic.

2. A world map in hd? I can't really picture this. Running around with an hd head poking through the tops of forests? Nah. Would you guys be happy with a ffxii style map?

3. Text bubble NPC conversations don't really apply in the HD world of voice overs. Expect advent children style voices with lip syncing, otherwise whats the point of a full HD- makeover? The traditional NPCs that say the same thing (welcome to Corneria) 1000 times every time you speak to them are a thing of the past.

Overall, my point is that if you want a FFVII remake, expect it to be somewhat different than the original. Even though the original 32 bit game is a masterpiece unto itself, its mores don't apply 12 years later in today's HD gaming world. If SE merely made the exact same game with new graphics, they might as well use the DS or the PSP to accomplish the same end. If they are going to use the full potential of the PS3, then the ff7 remake will not look exactly like what turn-based rpg fanatics are looking forward to.

14 years ago

If this game ventures onto the market and, more specifically, finds a home onto the PC, it'll inevitably be tried and pushed onto the Xbox.

Unforunately, "Games for Windows" is a force that'll blow the windows out of your home, raid your entertainment systems and profit Microsoft. As regrettable as it may seem, I would deem it unsafe to port to the PC for this reason. This coming from the guy who has ONLY played FF7 on the PC.

And to set the record straight, the PC version fell victim to the PSX. The Cutscenes were bloated with horrid pixelation. The control axis was unfriendly and controller based (no diagnoal movements. Lame.) and the glitches from translating the code were hideous at times, if not OS freezing.

Since the PC comment has been sparked up, though, I realized a high-res patch has been released for the game… Maybe I'll ditch my PS3 version for a bit and see what 1200p can do for me! 😀

14 years ago

All they have to do for this game is touch up the graphics, fix minor translation errors, fix errors with programmable controls, add trophies.

That's it, and I'll buy it. 720p resolution would be nice. It doesn't need to be as pretty as FFXIII to be awesome.

14 years ago

Eh, it would work, but most people don't realize that the although the PS1 version was based on a 2D texture tile format with 3D Modeling attached to plane coordinates, the actual engine itself is old and useless in todays arena.

You see, the whole image is based on polygons. Redrawing the polygons (larger texture tiles), redrawing the character (larger polygons) and reassembling everything would leave you with a few problems most won't take lightly.

A.) Your 3D polygon characters will look like chess pieces on a chessboard (background)

B.) The engine wasn't meant to handle higher definitions and isn't optimized to do so. Sure, it can be modded to handle it, but it would ultimately need to be rewritten to truly shine. The code is meant to run a PSX File Lib of the past. Small chunks, here and there, and nothing more.

C.) Creating new character models will still leave you with characters that don't have actual images (except for the eyes that are implemented on the polygon characters) but rather only shaded. You'd have two choices here. Either you create images (now you're talking background and polygon characters) or you implement cell-shading such as in Street Fighter IV.

Either way, a good ole fashion "refreshening" will still be very dated. In fact, I'd venture to say it wouldn't be worth much more than what many of us have already paid for on PSN for the unedited copy you can get already.

Look at this link below for a little longer than just the first page to truly appreciate what hard work can do but what you simply can't achieve without reworking the game from the ground up. Keep in mind, this hi def version is running 3x the res the PSX version did.

^ Topic of "rebuilding" a fresh look for the PC game along with ridding glitches

^ Running 1280×960 res, 16qAA

^ Idea of how the 2D Texture tiles lay out (this is how they keep your character from walking over 2D "walls" and structures)

^File Fragment Shader – Before

^ File Fragment Shader – After

I hope the links don't bother you guys at PSXE.

Long story short, there are obviously enough PC gamers who would LOVE to see a FF7 remake as well! 🙂 Although, I still would hate to open the door to a possible xbox port. Boo.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

This is GREAT news that has made my day! SE is finally seeing the light that many of us have been trying to get them to see but they were too caught up in making the dough from going multiplat. Perhaps they will finally realize that remaking this great oldie will bring them into a gold mine. It goes without saying that this beauty should go straight to PS3, EXCLUSIVELY. Let me reinstate that… E-X-C-L-U-S-I-V-E-L-Y! However, if SE is still in their mind set of "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!", then we may be up a creek without a paddle.
However, if we somehow get SE to see that the fans want it to be an exclusive remake, they could possibly do it. Although we need it to be the Japanese fans that have this say-so. It does make sense how they paid much more attention to their homeland because they released so much more (games, movies, etc…) there than they have here. Also, I have a hunch that there aren't many 360s in Japan since 360s are the state's doing.

I agree with you Ben, if they mess this up (provided they even do a remake) they will be murdered and shut down by FF die-hards such as me, you, and everyone else here. They sure got close to that conclusion because of XIII. Luckily, casualties were greatly prevented but can't say the same for a bloody mess up of a great game.
Also think that they never confirmed they were going to set straight for the goal of a remake. But, I don't think this is the time to be saying such down-sided things. Just look to the silver lining, wherever that may be, and keep yourselves pumped and excited. Keep talking it up, it may just push SE into a corner with no way out. Make that remake!!!! 😀

14 years ago

Well, this is nice news. Unfortunately for some reason it seems to reach me with a lot less excitement than past possibilities. Now if Sony announced a Legend of Dragoon remake, that would get my butt bouncing in happiness (yes, weird thing to say, but commonly used here, sounds better in spanish)