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Atomic Games Reveals Breach, An FPS Based On CIA

Although they still insist that Six Days in Fallujah will arrive at some point, they're actually working on a different game that will come out first .

Okay, so it's a little confusing but according to Joystiq , Atomic Games has confirmed that yes, Six Days in Fallujah is "still coming" but at the same time, another title will hit in advance: it's called Breach , a new multiplayer-based FPS "based on the elite CIA Special Activities Division officers." The received press release was "redacted" – ha ha – but if you just highlight the blacked-out areas, the following is revealed:

"So you've managed to decode this section to reveal the classified information. Come on! Did you really think it was going to be that easy? Yes, we do work for military and intelligence organizations. Yes, we are creating a game that will blow your mind. Yes, some of it was actually redacted. Yes, many of us have security clearances. So what that all means is I can't tell you anything more than is in this release until it's okay. Until then, we are high-speed, low-drag and ready to work. Molon Labe!"

"Molon Labe" is the motto for the United States Special Operations Command Central (or SOCCENT) so like, they're trying to be all authentic and cagey and stuff. Breach is being made for both "consoles and PC," so we're assuming for now that the PlayStation 3 is included, but we have yet to see the full details. We'll certainly want to learn more about the game and we'll be on the lookout for more info; let's just hope it's not another standard FPS. We want more depth and originality!

Related Game(s): Breach

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karneli lll
karneli lll
14 years ago

So are we going to ignore the fact that the pic there is the halo reach pic with a few additions.

14 years ago

I love the spray-painted B hahaha

14 years ago

I loled at that picture

14 years ago

Extraordinary Ben, todays update proves once again how developers see FPS's as an absolute gold mine… Amazing how many are coming out and how many have the possibility of being re-worked… Saturation is it …are we on the brink?



14 years ago

lol another generic FPS

it wont be anything special, just like brink, singularity, six days in Fallujah, if it ever gets released. etc etc. the list goes on…

sorry but none of these games have a hook, i try to keep an open mind about this stuff but ive gotten to the point now that if the game doesnt wow me straight from the start. i dont really care and just wont buy it.

But ah well they may as well try to get paid

i respect you game reviewers, you guys have to sit and play through all this mind numbing crap that these studios are putting out and still have to give balanced reviews about them. my hat is off to u guys, because if it were me, i would probably hate video games by now.

14 years ago

Mamills… Regarding quality… Are u expecting all these FPS developers to produce Killzone 2 quality FPS games? Because, if that is what you are expecting before taking notice of any of them new ones, I am right with you…



Last edited by Qubex on 3/22/2010 11:44:32 AM

14 years ago

well quality is a big thing for me,

i just refuse to spend money on crap that just doesn't deserve it. killzone 2 is an amazing game and thus the reason its in my collection. it hooked me in from the minute i saw it. i mean i know the first movie shown about it wasn't real but u can tell that the developers really wanted to create something truly amazing. my main argument with these crappy shooters coming out is that they have nothing that screams out to me. nothing about them is special and thus they will be overlooked.

14 years ago

after beat doom , turok and goldeneye in the 90's I just don't care anymore about this genre.

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/22/2010 12:21:11 PM

14 years ago

So far this week we've got one new shooter announced, two more rumored, and a fourth said to be in the works.

And it's still freakin' Monday!

14 years ago

From the looks of it, every developer has a FPS in the works. Twitch gamers are being rewarded. Looks like 2010 will be the year of the FPS.

No thanks, I will keep my money for Modnation Racers, Gran Turismo 5 <–(I hope), Dead Space 2 and Batman AA2.

14 years ago

YES another FPS, cant wait.I hope more is announced tomorrow.

14 years ago

Dude you don't have to wait! They just announced "Generica: Combat Warrior of Doom", "Shoot", "Kill Things Looking Down A Barrel", and "FPS: The Definitive Edition"

All will be running on the Source Engine, and all of them take place in the near future in a war torn country!

Map packs for multiplayer sold separately at $10 a map! AWESOME!

</sarcasm and spite>

14 years ago

love the first Generica ,glad that they are releasing anothers.WHAT SHOOTER too ,no way ,been waiting for that a long time now.


*sarcasm* for both comments

Last edited by Silent_J on 3/24/2010 9:33:35 AM

14 years ago

somebody needs to just make a play, create, share, fps so all those fps nuts can play it from now until the end of time and game developers can start working on something not only interesting but perhaps original and interesting enough to make me wake up and stop drooling.

14 years ago

Ben… when they mean both consoles theyre talking about the xbox threefitty and the wii… hehehehe

14 years ago

So immature….

14 years ago

sorry dude i was bored and i didnt know what i was doing…

14 years ago

Lol at the picture 😛
I love this site

14 years ago

Ben, I see what you did there…
being all stealthy CIA & spook-like with the mis-information on that pic, LOL

14 years ago

huh? wow they really gota get rid of that peace pipe!
i thought you were suppose to announce a game, than release it, THAN announce your next game.
not announce your game, than announce a second one and than release the second one before the first one.
is everyone turning into $E?
GOD HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!