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Splash Damage Might Bring Old IP Classics To Life

Developer Splash Damage is currently hard at work on Brink , the promising shooter with a twist of perspective ala Mirror's Edge .

These guys have been around, typically lending a hand to shooters for the PC that have names like "Quake," "Wolfenstein," and "Doom." So when IncGamers asked Splash Damage CEO Paul Wedgwood if they'd consider going back to some of those classic IPs, his reply was encouraging. Who doesn't miss the good ol' days when such titles reigned supreme on store shelves? Said Wedgwood:

"While we're not thinking about what we're going to do next as we're focused entirely on Brink… the point, of course, is that Zenimax bought id Software, so those intellectual properties – Enemy Territory, Wolfenstein, Quake, Doom, and stuff – they're within that Bethesda family now. So we certainly wouldn't shy away from the idea of working on any of those things because we love doing it, but right now our sole focus is on Brink."

Well, if they do decide to tackle any such project in the future after Brink , we would have to ask that it actually gets completed . We're just not sure if we can handle another Duke Nukem fiasco… While semi-entertaining, it just got annoying and sort of sad after so many years of, "no, really, it's coming!" So we say, go ahead and finish Brink ; than talk to Bethesda about maybe doing something with a new Quake or Doom . Just make sure it's a serious talk.

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14 years ago

hello …

hummm, i will check out Brink, some videos were quite interesting.

I hope they also own the licence for heretic (ID/Raven) & they would release an HD port some day, i'm a big fan & bought the old versions off steamy site to be used with some Win32 openGL port (not bad, but during HD era, seems too OLD!)


14 years ago

Brink looks like fun. I know its another shooter… but whatev

14 years ago

If they redid doom and stuff, would it be on the PS3 or only Xbox?

14 years ago

Most likely they would be multiplat since Bethesda likes multiplat also. Splash Damage is primarily a PC developer though.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 3/22/2010 1:43:30 PM

14 years ago

Wolfenstein, Enemy Territory, just update, release and let the fun begin.

14 years ago

Just waiting for Quakecon in August where DOOM 4 info is supposed to be released.

14 years ago

Talk about a bunch of franchises that need to be put to rest. I really don't know what Bethesda was thinking when they grabbed those. Maybe they wanted the tech more than the names?

14 years ago

Hmm, never heard of Brink.

14 years ago

Just what we need, more shooters, shooters, and more shooters. I honestly don't understand, can someone explain what is so amazing about having several different shooters because it makes no sense to me.

14 years ago

YES, YES, YES, Please!!!!!

14 years ago

well, doom 4 is being made, right now as we speak.
john mentioned it at quakecon last year and said hes not talking about it till RAGE comes out, which makes perfect sense.
wow, i guess not every developer has turned into $E.
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only if we had more IDs, and less $Es wed be in a perfect world!

14 years ago

Actually it was first mentioned 3 years ago at Quakecon by John. And as great as the id Tech 5 engine looks, DOOM 4 should look really impressive.

14 years ago

o hell yes!!!!!
their new engine, well it looks like the best engine out there, better than cry engine 3 and even better than naughty dogs engine.
if doom 4 is half as good as doom 3 than were in for a treat!
thats why i cant wait for RAGE.
ID may take their sweet time to make their games, but when they do there a doozy.
just like valve.
thats why valve, crytek and ID are among the industries best developers, every single time they release a game it gets nominated for GOTY.