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Final Fantasy XIII: Fastest-Selling Title In Franchise History

We knew Final Fantasy XIII would be big – any game with "Final Fantasy" in the title is almost guaranteed to do well – but maybe we couldn't quite predict the results.

Then again, because FFXIII isn't restricted to the PlayStation platform this time around, it's probably not that big of a surprise. Square-Enix has announced that the recently released epic RPG has raked in more sales in its first week of availability than any other entry in the series. In that one week after launching in North America, the game managed to sell over one million copies; this number is hot on the heels of the worldwide sell-in shipment announcement of five million copies. This means FF has sold around 96 million copies over the span of its long career in the industry, and that's pretty darn impressive. We provided you with two reviews for the game and although neither finished with a 9+ score, we still certainly recommend the game for purchase. However, as we've already established, long-time fans might be somewhat disappointed with the very new feel and structure, despite the inherent fun factor. And we certainly admit that it is fun. As of now, millions all around the world are likely enjoying the game, so that's hardly something to sneeze at.

Now we're hearing rumors about a Final Fantasy XIII-2 , which wouldn't be entirely unprecedented. Remember FFX-2? With FFXIII being so popular, perhaps a sequel is a given…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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14 years ago

It really is a phenomenon… and one that PS owners should be grateful for. It is incredible to think that FF and GT, both Japanese franchises are two of the most successful franchises the world has seen… testament to the Japanese adage of meticulous detail and the unrelenting will to be the best at what they do…

I am still disappointed that FF lost it's exclusivity of sorts, but at least the M$ crowd now experience something rather special. They have a little bit of PlayStation in their xBots… and that is something they can never deny 🙂



14 years ago

well said my friend.
im not a huge FF13 fan, but it will sell well. lets just hope square enix does something special for us with versus 13. cmon bring back towns n shops. (We all know that was a Bull Sh!t Lie!) the technology was definitely there to do it

14 years ago

Thank you Mamills… It is an extra-ordinary achievement for Squeeeeeenix… but like great Empires of the past, if one get's too proud of their achievements to the point whereby your success blinds you – losing touch with the very people that made you what you are – usually a hard fall ensues and the collapse of that empire…

Let us hope that FFXIII does not prove to be that marker point of a slow degenerative collapse for the squealing wada-you-know-it-all!



Last edited by Qubex on 3/19/2010 10:05:50 PM

14 years ago

Hopefully this won't convince Square-Enix to make all future FF's, including FF Vs XIII, multiplat.

FF XIV is already going multiplat, timed exclusive as many of you know, but hopefully Vs XIII will be the title where Square-Enix want to show off what they can do with the world's most powerful console.

At least we still have Vs XIII as an exclusive. Please don't let MS sway you on THAT one SE.

14 years ago

I am down with you all the way Dancemachine55 – for nearly every game that was originally on the PlayStation and later went on to be multiplatform – we see a sort of disappointment. It happened with Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 4, Grand Theft Auto 4, and now FFXIII.

Hopefully we won't see it happen with FF Versus XIII. That should remain exclusive to the PS3 so that they can definitely reach PS3's potential which they definitely did not hit with FFXIII.

14 years ago

What do you mean by FF XIV being multi-plat with timed exclusives? It's an MMO. It's supposed to be releasing simultaneously for the ps3 and pc. It's so far not being released on 360, most likely because the 360 won't be able to run it.

At least that's the last I heard, if you've got some new info, can you give me a link, been trying to stay on top of XIV.

14 years ago

Huh? i thought it was already confirmed that it's coming out for the 360 eventually, but why wouldn't it be able to run it? it ran FFXI just fine

14 years ago

oh and did a bit of searching around, it's still confirmed only for ps3 and pc, but square said they're still 'considering all options at this time', so they're denying Sony's initial E3 comment about it being the only console one, but they said this around the same time as the announcement so who knows anymore.

14 years ago

@ legendarywolfeh

from what I've seen of the game, I just think that it might be too big to handle on the 360. I know that SE said they were considering their options, but I just don't know if it would be worth it to them, as it would have to be downgraded so much that it probably wouldn't be profitable.

It is always possible of course, but all that's been said so far is that they are considering mac and linux.

14 years ago

Don't want to burst your bubble Kraygen but SE has already said that they were going to be moving FFXIV over to the 360 eventually. Yeah, it's going to be a timed exclusive but honestly the 360 handled FFXI fine so I don't really see what the issue would be behind FFXIV.

14 years ago

@ coverton

can you give me the link please, because I have been unable to find any such comment. at best they said they were keeping their options open.

14 years ago

I believe that it was a Gamespot interview… they are in talks with Microsoft because of Live it'll have to be handled differently though their crappy system with 11 worked so I imagine that it's just being held off for a while after all 14 tech was demoed on the 360 first way back in 05

14 years ago

Fastest selling, sure. Will it reach 9.8 Million like FF7?

14 years ago

fastest selling final fantasy, of course it is because of 2 reasons.

1. its multiplatform, that definitely sells more even when a game becomes compromised.

2. Older final fantasy games were basically for the final fantasy fans, mostly. Dumb it down so much that it can almost be a button masher and fill it with amazing graphics, theres the formula to capture attention of twitch gamers. or course, slapping the name final fantasy on it helps alot too no matter how far it is from the namesake.

14 years ago

Yup, You can avoid using the auto battle, but it's hard not to. Such potential but an ultimate fail in the end.

14 years ago

honestly more than half the time I dont even use it.

14 years ago

I only ever use it when i had to pull off Attack Attack Attack chains lol

14 years ago

i set my default as using abilities. i dont use auto-battle. well, i did use it once. vanille's battle was just a pain in the ass. actually all the eidolon battles were, i was just over it when i reached vanilles. i wouldnt mind fighting to get them but these requirements plus the doom gauge just make it a chore.

14 years ago

I use auto battle but I manually use abilities in the order i want and make good use of the 'repeat' option as well.

14 years ago

Not really surprised, this game was a big deal all around.

If they do decide to make a ffxiii-2 they should make it ps3 exclusive so all the xbots who like the first one have to buy a ps3. That would make me laugh.

14 years ago

I think everyone should get a ps3 regardless. I have an xbox 360 elite and I still play my PS3 more. Even if you cater to the 360 more, trust me you'll enjoy the Playstation 3.

14 years ago

God of war is almost matching them in sales and it's only on one system.

14 years ago

I think the 5year wait helped out, also being multiplatform….

Last edited by huh1678 on 3/19/2010 11:01:31 PM

14 years ago

FFXIII-2 ?!?!?!? please no I don't want more games with the XIII at the title whats next..FFVersusXIII-2?

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/19/2010 11:53:12 PM

14 years ago

indeed, but not because of all the 13's i just want entire new games, no more -2's or anything, just, entire, new, games.

14 years ago

Like noone saw this coming. This is, unfortunately, further proof for game developers to go multiplatform.

14 years ago

along with Versus XIII, Agito XIII and FFXIV?

S-E has too many projects in hand, and I believe that's one factor (indirect or direct, is debatable) that's hurting them from achieving the success they envision and we want.

I'm loving XIII, but please S-E, don't jump the gun too much! You're stretching yourselves too thin =(!

Last edited by Victor321 on 3/20/2010 12:48:34 AM

14 years ago

Too bad it's not as good as previous titles. Far from a FFVII killer like Katise predicted.

"Remember FFX-2?"

Yes I do and it was the only Final Fantasy I never finished. Too bad. Being on the exclusive. Final Fantasy Versus XIII. (as long as it stays exclusive).

14 years ago

told ya it would sell like grandmas underpants!
$E could make a game of a shitting turtle and it would still sell millions.
the name brand is too powerful, just like halo no matter what the game is as long as it has that name brand on it well it cant fail.
trust $E to sell you a turd and convince you its gold.

14 years ago

I know right? I mean, all those 360 games SE made sold millions .. wait a tick, no they didn't.

14 years ago

I hope this doesn't mean that SE switches all future FF titles over to the linear, no world system. And yes I know Versus 13 supposedly has a world map but it is not a full fledged FF game (though I am really looking forward to it)

14 years ago

From what I have heard in interviews, SE are trying really hard with Vs XIII to make it a lot like a massive hi-def version of FF VII in the world of XIII.

It's dark, it's serious, it has a world map, it might have an airship from what I've heard, and it's a Playstation exclusive.

I really am looking forward to Vs XIII. I barely touched XIII, then I got God of War III. Final Fantasy XIII may have to wait until holidays.

BTW, trust MS and 360 magazines and sites to give Metro 2033 a much higher score than any other editorial or reviewer. Compared to what PS3 has been dishing out lately, it's all they got so they're trying to hype it up a bit more. I just laugh at their attempts while I continue to make Kratos do the most awesome things seen on a console.

14 years ago

in the end is all about profit…

FASTEST selling titles does NOT equate to "Most profitable title" automatically.

People seem to assume that the faster sales on a shorter time period will ultimately prove to be "profitable" but in the end it all comes down to:

How much they made –


how much they spent making it,marketing it, and releasing it

..remember 5 years and 2 consoles and a VERY big team, thats a lot of production cost they have to cover before they even start assesing if the multiplataform release was actually profitable in the end or if it was just a monumental waste of time and cash (personally im leaning towards the latter, i seriously doubt they covered the numbers they had projected)

14 years ago

I wonder how far and fast the sales drop in America. Probably not as much as in Japan.

14 years ago

if anything the cost was a decisive factor to make it multi-platform that and Square is going to need to make a name for itself with the Xbox Fans since the system is by far the more dominate one in the US. They have a much better chance with Dues Ex

14 years ago

Multiplatform. Thats why.

14 years ago

I just hope the battle system in XIII ends here.

14 years ago

Ugh, i loved Final Fantasy XIII but i dont want a part 2…

14 years ago

i wonder if they called this a different name could they have found a new IP. kinda like a final fantasy light game. All the story, none of what makes it final fantasy.

14 years ago

I'm having fun with the battle system but I think we all agree that turn-base is where its at. XII-2 should incorporate more of a Turn-based battle mechanic if you ask me. All that said, I'm very impressed with how good that story of ff xii is.

On chapter 11…

14 years ago

Well hellooooo. Of course it's the fastest selling in the series. This generation of consoles has starved rpg fans.

14 years ago

For once we agree.

14 years ago

please DO NOT make a sequal F113-2, please DO NOT.

it will only make a disaster based on an already disappointed and de-railed "not so classic JRPG" from SE, and it will make FF game further de-railed.

FF13 ends with FF13, nothing more.

Make sure FF15 go back to the golden classic JRPG feeling, or I will never play another FF game from FF15 on. ( i will give FFv13 another chance)

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/21/2010 1:18:55 AM

14 years ago

*points to resonance of fate and wkc* take notes sqeenix, take notes…..

14 years ago

two games that got lower scores? Ok…

14 years ago

have you played either one?
i have and i can say they are 5 times the rpg final fantasy 13 will ever be…maybe storywise FF is better but i pay for a game , not an overdone cgi movie..

those games were apparently reviewd by twitch gamer or xbot fanboys , because anyone that likes rpgs cannot find any fault in either of these two games, i can actually call these RPGS , i can barely do so with final fantasy….

BTW, WKC got the same score as FF on this site, if i were to pay mind to the reviews wkc got , i would have never tried it, and its an awsome TRUE jrpg, funnily enough, the same sites that gave this game low scores also gave FF13 9+ scores…
take that for what you will…

Last edited by Irievibes on 3/22/2010 9:07:15 AM

14 years ago

Resonance of Fate great? I've seriously trying to hold off but it just looks so fun.

14 years ago

the combat system looks really promising, cant say i dig the neosteampunk w/e theme of the game that much but its ok i suppose, its an rpg and a challenging one at that, at least more so than FF i believe, but i havent played final fantasy:linearity within yet so i cant compare it with that, its good in its own right i suppose, but im busy with kratos atm 😉