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MMO Elements Featured In Starhawk?

Ex Incognito members have formed their own studio, Lightbox Interactive, and although it has never been made official, everyone assumes they're working on the successor to Warhawk .

Apparently, it's called Starhawk and although we still don't have any confirmed gameplay details, it seems it may feature some MMO elements. Now, this probably shouldn't come as any surprise, considering Warhawk is technically an MMO. Well…if not a true "MMO," it only features online multiplayer.  However, we've also heard that Starhawk will actually present players with a separate single-player campaign, and that's what we want to hear more about. In the meantime, though, the pseudo-sequel set in space just might boast even bigger MMO elements; for instance, a living, breathing, continuous world not separated by maps with player limitations. That's just an assumption but as noted by PlayStation LifeStyle , Lightbox has been recruiting MMO experts to help with their project. They now have James Mestemaker, who worked for both BioWare Austin and NCSoft on Star Wars: The Old Republic and Tabula Rasa , and Steven Wartofsky, who also worked for the same companies as a "producer of internal and 3rd-party MMOs." What we're hoping is that a big set of details and info for Starhawk will come down the pike very soon.

It's easy to forget just how good Warhawk was (and still is), so don't gloss over Starhawk when it finally receives an official announcement.

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14 years ago

I'm really excited about anything related to Starhawk. I thought Warhawk was an amazingly fun game and I just wanted more of it.

But I agree – I want to hear about the single player. We know it should have a strong MP because of the first game. But I think everybody wanted a SP campaign.

Last edited by SvenMD on 3/18/2010 9:44:49 PM

14 years ago

Yea I defintely wanted a single player mode.

Also I loved this game but it felt a little off to me at some points so I'm hoping the MMO elements can fill whatever void I had with the original. (obviously I can't put my hand on what I thought lacked but its not too important as Warhawk was sick!)

14 years ago

Warhawk is still a really fun game. Really feels like an all out war (really like this)

The fact that they're EXPENDING into space COULD be good…

I've never been a fan of "space" games, or rather, games based on space…

But then you have games like Ratchet and Clank and Mario Galaxy and those were beautiful.

So who knows, maybe they'll let us form armies in different planets! Imagine that! With costumized weapons! costumized ships! costumized STATS!

I can definitely see what they're intention is with Starhawk. They're going to make it MORE dynamic, instead of standardized, which is definitely an rpg aspect. Should be interesting to see what Starhawk develops into.

14 years ago

Customized stats would be cool.. I think the carbon copy thing annoyed me with the planes, though what was cool about that was your usefulness in a fight relied solely on your skill level

14 years ago

Scarecrow – what about Star Wars Battlefront II with the space missions where you ended up boarding the ships??? That was awesome!

I still love that franchise.

14 years ago

Warhawk, Starhawk are fine….just don't call it Mikehawk.

14 years ago


14 years ago

You Win, Thumbs up!

14 years ago

I always win 🙂

14 years ago

Well played World

14 years ago

@ hezzron73 – Hilarious.

14 years ago

At least someone got it.

14 years ago

I enjoyed what little I played of the Warhawk demo so maybe this would be worth a shot. Will it be on PSN or as a Blu Ray?

14 years ago

Just give me the new Warhawk already! I've sunk so many hours into Warhawk and met a bunch of good friends:) But i can wait, for now…

14 years ago

Well said, Nighthawk 🙂

14 years ago

i remember the game all too well, it came out when PS3 had no games:( But Warhawk quickly became THE game for me. And the support was awesome, xmb music, APC's, Jetpacks, dropships,clan servers, dedicated servers *begins frothing at the mouth*

14 years ago

T. Hawk would be proud…

King James
King James
14 years ago

I can't wait for this game! I loved Warhawk. B4, Uncharted 1…Warhawk was the game I showed off to friends back in 07.

14 years ago

o god please let this be a fighter jet game with story mode this time!
god knows we need all the fighter jet games we can get, the only decent fighter jet game on ps3 was tom clancys hawx and that wasnt exactly stellar.

i wish developers would stray away from the over saturated RPG, MMO, FPS, TPS usual crap and give us some proper platformers, survival horrors, car combat games genres that are not over saturated and people want.

i thought the first rule to releasing a game was to research the market and
A see what your fans want and
B see what theres room in the market for………………. looks like i thought wrong!

14 years ago

Hi NoName,

I think they are researching the market, but game development takes time. And the research is done before the development even begins.

If it takes a few years to make a game, then by the time you release it, or even have something to show for the game, you have a very different market situation.

I think the RPGs on PS3 are a very good example. We had to wait almost 2 years without a single RPG and now we are bombarded with them: Dragon Age: Origins, Demon's Soul, WKC, FFXIII, Resonance of Fate just to name a few.

And here you have another coincidence. Most of us are psyched about The Last Guardian. We have been waiting for a game like this for years. But if you take a look at "Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom", you'll see that it is pretty much a very similar concept (young thief in a forgotten city meets a creature of legends). And how is it that after so many years we might get two games with very similar story and maybe even similar gameplay.

Here you have a very nice trailer:

Take care

Last edited by mbg77 on 3/19/2010 4:46:14 AM

14 years ago

RPGs ok thats fair enough, but weve been drowning in FPS ever since the ps3 released.
how many platformers have been released since the ps3s launch?
tomb raider underworld, uncharted and uncharted 2, infamous and, assassins creed and assassins creed 2 and prototype by my count thats it.
to the billion and one shooters.
same thing for horror games.
same thing for car combat games.

14 years ago

I only played a little of warhawk, which I thought was fun, but I have issues with any game that doesn't have a sp campaign. Just a personal thing for me, I just need more than multi-player combat for me to seriously consider buying a game.

In that case starhawk might be the game for me.

14 years ago

the most game i played on my ps3 , i was sad when they stopped providing DLC.

In space!!!!! god dammit i have never been and never will be a fan of space games or movies ( apart from dead space that game was sick) still will it be spacecrafts with green and blue lasers. tsew tsew ( the sound they always use).lol

disappointed incognito disappointed 🙁

14 years ago

I'd be really interested in this if it had an honest-to-goodness single player campaign. You know, something that could justify the purchase price all by itself.

We'll see. Not getting my hopes up.

14 years ago

Something sounds seriously wrong here. I doubt a game like Warhawk would be updated to include a sp component with MMO styled online. Sounds too far fetched. Usually it's either an MMO or it's a sp game with mp added on. Not both.

14 years ago

warhawk is a game i will never get rid of

14 years ago

I agree with most poster's, I myself loved warhawk, but sp canpaign would have been stellar. So if this is anything like warhawk's mp and adds a great SPC look out I may never come out of my home for a while.