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Future Of God Of War: “Greek Mythology Is Finished”

We hope you get your fill of Greek mythology in God of War III because the game likely represents the end of that type of setting.

As everyone knows, the critically acclaimed trilogy has focused on Greek mythology from the start; it's a central theme for the series and one that has worked very, very well. But without spoiling the ending of GoWIII, let's just say that a new entry in that same universe could be difficult. Therefore, MTV Multiplayer asked game director Stig Asmussen about how they plan to continue the franchise, now that the trilogy is complete. Even if Kratos and Co. don't return, might they still keep the Greek mythology setting? Short answer- nope. Said Asmussen:

"Greek mythology is finished. That's what we've been saying all along, we're closing the book on the trilogy and Kratos has obliterated Greek mythology so it just becomes a myth. I don't know what's next, to be honest with you, I have no clue, but I wanted to make sure that we had some tools in there that we could kind of resurrect the story and take it some other places."

Buuut, at the same time, the source cites a previous interview with SCEA Santa Monica director of product development John Hight, where he said something that contradicts Asmussen's comments. Simply, he said: "Greek mythology is a big part of it. I don't imagine that we'd ever stray away from that." Okay, so who's right? Are we already looking at a clash of creativity? Well, for our part, we almost don't care where the franchise goes, provided the same team works on it in the future. That should guarantee the quality, regardless of setting.

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14 years ago

that could actually work. a native american version of kratos. he could weild dual tomahawks.

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 3/18/2010 4:12:18 PM

14 years ago

Yeah, they need more exposure than PREY. That game was so awesome. Where the hell is my PREY 2?

14 years ago

do they know all the greek mythology? I know many myths that are not used in the game!

14 years ago

I'm sorry, but isn't "God of War" almost exclusively used to represent Aries of…Greek mythology? I mean, just the name of the series kind of implies Greek mythology. Will they change the name? It would be like playing a GTA game in which you never stole a vehicle…

14 years ago

Their are other gods of war in other mythologies. Annubis comes to mind. He might have been the god of death though. Eh, same thing.

Last edited by fatelementality on 3/18/2010 5:11:06 PM

14 years ago

Obviously there are other gods of war in other mythologies, but when one says "god of war" nearly every person on Earth thinks Aries. Nearly every polytheistic culture probably has their own version of Aries, but still…

14 years ago

"Their are other gods of war in other mythologies. Annubis comes to mind. He might have been the god of death though. Eh, same thing."

Yes Anubis is more or less the god of mummification and the afterlife. Monthu is the Egyptian God of War. And I consider him the real God of War since he's been around for over 3000 years as opposed to Ares who is around 1100 years old.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 3/19/2010 1:30:12 AM

14 years ago

Just realized I misspelled Ares. Like a million times lol. My bad. I guess I had astrology on my mind or something.

14 years ago

Agree – as long as the same team works on it, they can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. When you've got people who do a superbly good job, they shouldn't be chained to one franchise or one setting. The GOW series is complete, and it's fabulous. Now let them move on to something entirely new and apply their enormous talents to that.

14 years ago

I was watching the extras on god of war 3 after beating the game and the first one i looked at was:Voice acting.

My oh my the girl who does pandoras voice acting is cute!-lol.

14 years ago

Kratos runs a brothel in the old west. Welcome to God of Whore. Actually, it would be cool to bring him and all of Greek mythology to the present day. Kind of like Darksiders I guess. Just a thought. You know what? Screw you! Yeah, you. And you, and you, and you! *Knocks over vase* I'm outta here!!!!

14 years ago

nope i think it would get cheesy if they brought kratos to the present. i still like my idea with the native american theme. something with spirit or soul or warrior in the title. Soul Warrior: The Spirit Within. something like that.

Last edited by inkme101 on 3/18/2010 6:23:02 PM

14 years ago

Riiiight……don't wanna make it cheesy.

14 years ago

Wow the first thing that I thought of is totally off base from where it seems most of you were going.

It seems that they had a very good story for Kratos and if his story is done, then leave him be.

So my idea was to create a new IP, same team, same style of gameplay mechanics. However create a new character, place him in a futuristic setting, with multiple worlds.

Think about it, galactic gladiatorial fighting, no lasers and what not, brutal hand to hand combat, who is the strongest in the universe type game.

You could do so many crazy things with that, the possibilities would be endless, there would be no constraints, it could be all original and you know the people behind Gow are probably the best people for that job.

Well that was my crazy idea, gritty, bloody, brutal, world clashing, gladiator goodness, with fresh stories and faces, set to gow gameplay.

I like to dream.

14 years ago

i think that no matter where they take the game throughout history each lead character should be kratos re-incarnate! then they could go on with the series without having to really go on with the series. or i would really like a zues game going from childhood to being the reigning king of the gods. thatd be neat too! whatever they do i sure would like some more titan battles.

14 years ago

Norse mythology would be cool indeed but my vote goes to a "destroy the Roman empire" setting starring Attila the Hun.

Just got my Pandoras box last night.

Last edited by Nerull on 3/18/2010 9:40:06 PM

14 years ago

when you get the platinum you get a secret teaser website address!(possibly for the next game) have fun!

14 years ago

how did you get the trophy for 1000 hits?I didnt fight so much enemies in where that could happen.

Last edited by Silent_J on 3/19/2010 9:18:14 AM

14 years ago

Aphroditie is with child and guess who the daddy is. What? All those red orbs (and then the single orb over and aver again) and no consequences?
…And that will be the basis of the next game.

14 years ago

Wow…a lot of crazy awesome ideas for Santa Monica's next project. I think they should start something new though.

Forget about Kratos and Greek mythology (even though I love Greek mythology more than any other kind). Create a new setting, with new characters with different personalities and new enemies, change it all. Well…by all means stick to the hack-n-slash gameplay though because they have perfected it!

I think a new art direction would be great although the art direction for GOW3 fit the aura of the entire GOW3 world flawlessly. I want to see SCEA tackle a completely different beast…whatever it may be.

P.S- Ok…they can stick to Greek mythology, Greek mythology is simply, epic!

14 years ago

well they have been saying that ever since they announced the game at E3, thats why they say at the end there will be nothing but chaos because everything has been totally destroyed thats the whole point of GOW its destroy and destroy EVERYTHING in your path take no prisoners!
they could do a prequel and thats what im really hopping, take us back to the war between the titans and the gods, show us how both came to life, why they hate each other, show us kratos child hood and his brothers stuff like that.

just finished the 2nd boss battle last night and holy fu**ing sh*t is all i can say!
i had massive expectations for this, higher expectations than i have ever had for anything in my entire life and it still some how managed to exceed them and leave me in disbelief.

you play GOW and say well how can they top this?
there making a massive mistake GOW2 is going to be a massive disappointment theres no way they can top this.
so GOW2 releases and proves everyone wrong, than this releases and o my fu**ing god!
well id say dont bother releasing anything to anyone.
to every developer delay your game till at least next year, because nothings good enough to follow this!
talk about the tough act to follow!

only thing thats driving me nuts, and this is with EVERY platformer for some reason is the camera.
why does it have to be so fu***ng far away?
it feels like im on earth and the camera is on the fu**ing moon! i cant see where the hell im going!

14 years ago

hmm something medieval perhaps, dark ages stuff ala dante's? thats based on some books though, but i guess the setting would "fit" …

but frankly im at a loss as to what they would do next, id rather they let Gow3 go out with this inmense bang than ruin the franchise by pushing a 4th entry just because….

when i thnk medieval, i think lord of the rings kind of game (the old ones like return of the king, imagine something like that , with similar gameplay as Gow) could be a good route too what do you guys think?

14 years ago

ooohh just had a good one…

how about the story of troy and achilles? possibilities!!!!
Achilles was also a bad ass so that could be our next hero!!!

Last edited by Irievibes on 3/19/2010 10:01:42 AM

14 years ago

There are sooooo many stories around greek mythology. How about iliad, which could have the Trojan War as a prequel. Or ho about the make a game with Zeus leading up to the war with the titans.

12 years ago

If Santa Monica Studios were to make God Of War IV, they should stay the course with Kratos and the time period (and of course the Greek mythology) the GOW series is in. At least let fans know what happened to Kratos after the cut scene with the trail of blood leading off of the cliff, HADES IS DEAD THEREFORE NO ONE ELSE CAN TRULY DIE, ESPECIALLY KRATOS.