Killzone 2 was a technical powerhouse; a game that really put the considerable processing power of the PlayStation 3 on display.
But as far as the developers are concerned, they're a long ways from "maxing out" the system. According to TheSixthAxis citing an Edge interview with Guerrilla Co-Founder Hermen Hylst, the team knows it can continue to make improvements; improvements we're likely to see in the next Killzone entry. We keep thinking it will be one of big new games Sony plans to announce (this, and Resistance 3 ) and there have been plenty of rumors surrounding the eventual launch date of Killzone 3 . But regardless of when it arrives, it's Guerrilla's ambition that proves encouraging. Said Hylst:
"We’re satisfied that we demonstrated the potential of the hardware. But we realise that further optimisations are always possible and that we haven’t hit the limit yet."
Some want to believe that KZ3 will release towards the end of this year but at this point, it seems more realistic to expect an early 2011 launch; perhaps it'll arrive in late February, exactly two years after Killzone 2 hit store shelves. Guerrilla clearly wants to push forward with the PS3 and continue to enhance the experience and for that, they receive a round of applause from us. None of this, "yeah, we'll just pump out another very similar title" philosophy.
Interesting comments from the guys that put out KillZone 2 – lat year. Here we are a year later and they are specifically saying that there is further optimization possible. They've been working on their engine for a full year since KZ2, and no doubt optimizing and extending it, and they still think they can do more? Their next game will look awesome.
I know…it's pretty ridiculous huh? It's funny the other day I was watching an IGN video at GDC where they were interviewing Cliff Bleszinski – and he was mentioning how he was happy with Gears of War's strong gameplay, multiplayer, and visual leadership.
I was like…wait…"Visual Leadership?!" Maybe…uh 3 years ago? But with KZ 2 out a year ago…how is he still stating that. And when Uncharted 2 came out half a year back…how is he saying that? And with FFXIII which came out nearly a week back – how could he say that? Hell FFXIII isn't as great as Uncharted 2 graphically – but it's still very very pretty.
It just surprised me a lot. And now with Guerilla stating they can always do a bunch more…it's like…uhhh…oh GOD. It'd be cool if we see 3D in KZ3 (whenever it comes out) as well…somehow.
i think he meant on the 360 since FF13 on it isnt the best it could be.
Just take your time dudes, we have things to keep us busy until your big day comes
It seems look Sony's first party devs are having a competition with each other.
Man how far can the PS3 go?! I mean KZ2 was the jizz. Can we get some move in the next entry?
It's like it was in the PS2 days, each wave or generation of game for the PS2 was a leap over the previous one. We were still seeing incremental improvements during years 6 and 7 of the PS2's life. PS3 had a slower start and is at least as hard to exploit properly. I think we will see continuing improvement in PS3 games for another 3-4 years.
Yeah, It's just like the PS3 plateau seems out of sight. I remember the first time I saw BLACK or FFXII on PS2, or when I first got MGS3 the jaw-dropping awesomeness was so much that I had to eat blended food for like a week I couldn't even close my mouth to chew food!!!
Last edited by totozero18 on 3/18/2010 12:00:44 PM
My guess is that Resistance 3 hits this fall, and then Killzone 3 drops some time about six months later. Sony has the "problem" of having two flagship FPSs now, so I'm sure they don't want them to cannibalize each other's sales. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if KZ 3 doesn't come until Fall 2011, so Sony can get a rhythm going between the two that gives each enough time in the limelight.
Personally I think Sony needs one major AAA title a month, each and every month of the year, with games of like genre separated by 2-3 months to prevent cannibalizing each other. We've been spoiled over the past few months, I hate to think we might be approaching a dry spell, so I hope that Sony has some surprises in store for the late spring, summer and early autumn.
i would agree with highlander but i wont be able to afford all of them. 12 AAA titles in a year, with just exclusives. my wallet is all beat up as it is right now.
I know what you mean, perhaps one a month is pushing it a bit, but you got the message. If Sony can continue delivering top notch exclusives along side all the third party games it will continue to drive sales of the PS3. Bunching the exclusives up in the autumn or winter might help sales in those months, but it could hurt sales at other times of the year. Hopefully they will spread the big releases out a bit.
I think one every other month would be absolutely perfect.
Start in January, when all the kids have some Christmas money. Then every other month give people time to get the money for the next one and play them each.
It would also be great because the last exclusive of the year would release in November, the perfect time to buy Christmas presents. It would also leave a couple of titles released earlier, still at their original $60 price for those needing to buy more games for Christmas time.
Sadly I can only afford 2 games a year…
But on the bright side, we can have a wider selection of the game genra we want right? And they're all AAA games!!
Last edited by Vitron on 3/18/2010 7:44:40 PM
I really like Guerrilla Games. They aim high, and deliver. Their developer diaries for KZ2 were some of the most interesting I've seen.
Killzone 2 is already looking superior to Halo Reach. I can't imagine how bad K3 will make it look..
killzone 3 is going to s**t on ever fps. they already have a fell for the ps3 hardware. when kz3 drops it will separate the boys from the men.
*houston we have a problem*
i just argued with an xbot co-worker. he said halo reach will be better than killzone 2, and uncharted sucks. what a moron. then i told him every game you guys have we have one equal or better. the first thing i said was GOW 3 and MGS 4 before he got upset cause he couldn't think of anything that could top those 2, and said "well live is better than psn". smh!!!! i told him to just suck it up and get a ps3
Xbots live in their world, we play in ours
Last edited by hellish_devil on 3/18/2010 5:07:12 PM
lol lol lol lol that's their crutch. it's a shame they brag about something that they pay for and we get for free.
Yup, I see KZ3 next year
I have a feeling it will release Fall 2011 (FPSs seem to do better later in the year, people wanna let out all that "anger" later in the year haha…, maybe)
Can't wait to see how much further they push it. They really did an amazing job with KZ2. And best of all, they actually pushed the game storywise.
haha I love the competitiveness of each of Sony's 1st party devs, it's this kind of friendly competition that's going to keep ps3 owners very happy for the next 10 years. It all started with KZ2 keep on pushing Guerrilla.
sony's first party studios are untouchable. these titles are light years ahead of the competition. the ps3 is steam rollin everything in it's path. it's crazy.
I'd like all developers to focus their 'further optimisation' on achieving a silky smooth frame rate, and when an unwavering 60 FPS is the norm, then it's time to see if they can visually improve upon the already stunning Killzone 2, MGS 4, Uncharted 2, GOWIII etc.
This is what I love about developers that make exclusive ps3 titles. They make statements about how they can make their next game better.
Meanwhile 360 devs are making statements about how games they made 3 years ago are really awesome.
Good job you did something well once, now do something better, wait what's that? You already maxed out your box, oh, that's too bad. 😉
Interested to see where KZ3 will take place.
Maybe Earth this time?
they said they were using 65% of the ps3s power if i remember right back late 08 so that leaves plenty to squeeze out.
all i ask is please give us some differing enemies, and a stronger storyline.
kZ2 had simply one of the worst storylines in the history of video games.
were at war with these people why?
why did the ISA kick the higs off vetka?
why did they choose helghan instead of another planet?
why is ricko such a d*ck?
KZ2s storyline had so many holes in it im surprise the mice are not after it since it could easily be mistaken for swish cheese!
and differing enemies, force the player to leave cover, leave his comfort zone and re think his approach.
as ive said a million times all you do in KZ2 is take cover, pop, shoot, take cover, rinse and repeat.
O and dodge a grenade every once in a while.
i dont know about you, but to me thats boring as bat sh*t!
give us some varying enemies where im taking cover than i see this enemy walking towards me, i swear in fear than have to re think my approach to how im going to take them down.
gears did this so well with the tickers and those grenade swinging guys.
gears had some tactical choices too, you could use your grenades as traps and try to lure your enemies into them.
thats what i want to see, not only from KZ3 but every shooter from now on.
the whole point of this industry is to innovate.
a company comes out with a new idea, you either implement that idea or improve on it or come up with your own.
not stick to the old formula ala battlefield bad company 2.
now that really disappointed me.
they invented building destruction in BFBC, than RFG came out and did not implement it but take it to the next level than injected it with steroids.
i was expecting BFBC2 to do the same, i was expecting there to be a leap like there was from BFBC to RFG.
but sadly i was wrong, sadly they just took what they had in the first and chucked it into the second.
thats fine if what your doing is still best of the best, but if someone has bettered you than you cant keep using that.
its like entering a rally with a new type of engine that kicks the sh*t out of the competition.
so the competition creates their new engine and kicks the crap out of you.
do you stick with your engine, and let them kick your a$$ or do you create a new engine so you can kick their a$$ again?
its called pushing the industry forward and sadly this gen im not seeing much of it.
sadly this gen i am yet to see something that could not of been done on last gen systems, besides graphically wise obviously.
wheres the innovation?
wheres the improvement and pushing the industry forward.
if this gen was human evolution we would still be stuck as apes!
Is there any video game you like?
I'm psyched about Killzone 3, I got pissed when Radec killed Templar.