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Kevin Butler Gives Us PlayStation Move “From The Future”

Everyone's favorite PlayStation pitchman, Kevin Butler, will be helping to promote the PlayStation Move.

Recently officially named at this year's Game Developers Conference, Move is the highly anticipated motion sensing technology for the PlayStation 3. Working with the already-existing PlayStation Eye camera, it seeks to bring a new level of interaction and immersion to motion-based gaming. We can't wait to give it a try, but in the meantime, we'll just have to take Butler's word for it. Here's the commercial you may see popping up over the next few months; it's downright hilarious and you may notice that he takes a bit of a jab at Microsoft's Natal, too. Check it out:

Move will be released this fall, which means that by the end of the year, PS3 owners will have the option of true next-gen motion sensing and full 3D entertainment. The question is, which will be the bigger feature? Well, maybe it all depends on how many Wii fans (or former Wii fans) want to upgrade to newer and better technology. 3D gaming may not catch on until it becomes a common standard in HDTVs. But who knows?

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14 years ago

lol catching red balls

14 years ago

What was he referring to with the red balls?

14 years ago

haha i'm really digging the new Sony campaign with Butler, it's great haha

I don't see why some are putting down the move, i think it's a unique concept for the PS3. Despite the heavy influence from Wii, i believe Sony has done a great job with the technology, by making it more accurate, one to one, and i feel that they'll soon make this feel like their own also. With the advantages in the Sony hardware the possibilities are endless. Look, I'm not the biggest motion tech guy when it comes to gaming, but the future is inevitable, and i think it seems pretty cool and i think it has a lot of possibilites. I for one would give it a shot.

14 years ago

The red balls are a refernce to when Natal was announced and they had some chick hitting abd kicking balls around. Its odd for Sony to attack or even allude to the competition, but this was very slick and professional, and funny as balls.

14 years ago

The red balls is a reference to one of Microsoft's Natal. The fun part is that the PS2 with the old EyeToy could do exactly what Microsoft demonstrated with Natal and the 'red ball' demo.

Better than that is the simple fact that sony published an Eyetoy game that was basically a fitness program using the camera for motion control.

All this BS from Microsoft and Nintendo is simply BS. Sony's been doing all this stuff since the PS2 and before. But then again so have others.

That said, Microsoft's Natal is particularly cheeky since Sony's Eyetoy could do *at least* 75% of what MS are claiming for Natal. So it's not like there s anything particularly innovative in Natal.

However we should not let reality and fact get in the way of a good E3 presentation.

14 years ago

I love how a bunch of famous people were acting like Natal was the second coming of Jesus. Either they didn't know what they were talking about, never knew about Eyetoy or the PS Eye, or simply had their pockets lined.

14 years ago

I thought the red ball refers to RROD. Indeed hilarious.

Especially the part he goes "beew beew beew" *sinister laugh* I could've sworn this dude is pure evil at one point.

Last edited by godsman on 3/17/2010 11:23:10 PM

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

I Agree… Not like sony at all yo attack the competition… But I knew it was coming right after the whole "In the future… Buttons" thing… funny as sh!t

14 years ago

Indeed Highlander, that's what I've been saying to people, the eyetoy was there way before the wii and the PSMOVE was already in early development then. I think natal is just a fancier version of the eyetoy or it's the PSMOVE without a controller.

14 years ago

Here's the fun thing about Natal. No controller. So, how do you control a shooter with it? make a gun shape with your hand and hope that Natal recognizes it? Use a stick? A stick!? Stick.

Seriously, what are they going to do tell gamers to pick up their ordinary non motion control 360 controller for fire and directional buttons in which case how does the gesture control work? As Sony found with the EyeToy and PS Eye, using just a camera is fine for some kinds of activity game where broad motions are used, or for a game like the EyePet where a specific area of focus is covered and particular interactions are handled. However, for general control you need something more – hence the controllers and tracking glow-ball.

MS somehow became entranced with Milo, which is hilarious to me since it has approximately zero resonance with gamers. The funniest aspect of this will be when Natal launches and MS makes a great hoopla about the gamer being the controller and how they are unique….then Sony points to the EyeToy, and the PSEye and EyePet. EyePet does damn near everything claimed for Natal – oh and by the way, except for SCEAs decision to wait, it's already available in other markets. IMHO SCEA has it on hold as the perfect counter to the Natal crapolla. Really and truly I don't see how Natal will be all that its hyped to be, it's not a matter of not understanding the technology, I do, I just don't see it as a mainstream gaming interface.

The launch of Natal is going to be a perfect real life illustration of the story about the Emperor's New Clothes. The thing is, we've already seen the preview of the new wardrobe, and it's empty, nothing new to see. How many journalists and commentators will have the courage to stand up and say this?

As for the Wii, the Wiimote and the 'plus' add on is not as functional as the PS Move controller, and the sixaxis already replicated the majority of the Wii mote functionality. Let's not forget that the Eye and Eyetoy already did much of what the Wiimote was deigned to do. Sorry Nintendo. Wii is a great product. It expanded a market that wasn't there before. But please, let's be honest, it doesn't do anything unique. It (the Wii) is cheap, and works with standard TVs, but you know what, that's fast become the bedrooom gamer market – in other words kids. As HDTVs have plummeted in price and the PS3 has been given a reasonable price, the cost of real, honest to goodness, HD gaming and movies has come within the reach of the majority of consumers. Wii isn't in that market at all, no matter how hard you hype the balance board or Wiimote Plus.

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

pissed myself with this one too:

14 years ago

Lol, I hope Kev hosts e3 for sony. rofl

14 years ago

Actually, isn't he supposed to be their host this year – really?

14 years ago

Did anyone else catch the long vowel usage at the beginning when Kev said, "Moooove"? I immediately thought it was a jab at wiiiii. I hadn't even realized this was in production. It took me a good 10-15 seconds to realize it was a real commercial and not a comedic critique of wii and natal. >.< :embarrassed: lol

I loved this ad. It's now plastered all over my facebook. lol

14 years ago

Hysterical. Oh man this guy is great. And his bit is SPOT ON. Who actually wants to hold their hands in "gun shape" like they're six?! What's wrong with holding controllers?! Who knows if Move will be great, lame or somewhere in between, but the ads are a good start. VERY good move by Sony to start defining the terms of the conversation this far out. Good PR 😉

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

it would be funny if xbots used Move controllers as place holders when playing… lol just a thought…

14 years ago

It would probably enhance the accuracy of Natal's tracking…

14 years ago

I loved the natal jabs. freaking hilarious.

14 years ago

After years and years of terrible Sony marketing they finally hit gold. These last few commercials have been some of the best i've seen for any product. I was actually laughing quite loudly at that ad.
Great job Sony and Kev, awesome ad campaign.

14 years ago

Is it my imagination or did future Kevin get a promotion? He's a VP by November!

The commercial was hilarious, and very pointed. Truth be told, most of what Natal and Wii can do was being done by Sony with the Eyetoy on the PS2. But, let's not let facts become a factor in the discussion… 😉

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/17/2010 10:05:38 PM

14 years ago

Butbutbut Nintendo came up with that controller and gave the system a cutesy name! How can you say they weren't doing anything new?!

14 years ago

Damn funny and very tongue-in-cheek. I'm really hoping they come out with good games for this because I'm definitely hyped enough to want to buy teh Move.

14 years ago

Kevin Butler ftw

14 years ago

Someone is going to get pimp slapped using Natal (on accident of course).

I hope the "Move" comes with a good strap, because I wouldn't want to break a brand new $2500 3D LED/LCD HDTV. /being serious (too many reports about Wii causing busted TVs).

14 years ago

GTAV: Natal support for pimp slapping confirmed!

Edit: lol also, there will be a strap…

Last edited by Kowhoho on 3/17/2010 10:20:22 PM

14 years ago

Comedy Gold. haha

Good thing Hitchy boy isn't here, He'd be offend by Kevin Butler's "fanboyism".

14 years ago

You are just asking for trouble aren't you. Give him time and he will be here.

14 years ago

No that was Funny and GREAT!!! I know you don't understand the difference Jawknee but its ok. Most fanboys are blind.

14 years ago

That guy standing in his living room with no furniture in sight and crouching down as if he's sneaking around is absolutely ludicrous. Is this what their research has determined? That people want to look like stalkers while playing their fps?

14 years ago

You didn't see the Move Boots!? lol

This video is a prime example of an effective ad campaign, tongue-in-cheek humor (as Kowhoho mentioned) is very effective on intelligent people, I loved the "using your fingers as guns joke" Kudos to Sony for having awesome commercials now, I did like some of those weird Japanese ones too though back in the day.

14 years ago

Well maybe someone's actually playing it using the dualshock since its wireless making it more realistic while using move LOL

14 years ago

How many people a) play their games in a living room large enough to b) play with virtually no furniture in the way so that you can c) move around sufficiently to control a shooter?

Oh, that's right, none. Unless you live in a MS play test lab, or E3 stage.

14 years ago

I love, cause real boxers don't punch like this. (Flails arms like a child). HAHA.

14 years ago

Finally! I though nobody catched that pun to the Wii.

14 years ago

finally! the year of the Royals! go KC!

14 years ago

We will win it one of these years!

14 years ago

Seems like Sony's on the offensive for once. Kevin Butler, this guy is phenomenal!

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

its amazing how on other websites, sony's being attacked for this cuz of everything from the attacks on wii and natal, all to the fact that the guy in the commercials is only an actor…

LMAO they have to show me a commercial where there are no actors…

14 years ago

This guy is so funny, i've watch it 4x already and i'm still laughing at the boxing motion and the gun firing w/ his fingers MOVE. Nice one Sony…

14 years ago

Damn, Kevin Butler … he only does VP of Everything! Wasn't he the VP of First-Person Shooters (in the "MAG" commercial)? And now VP of Realistic Movements? Or maybe it was a sideways promotion … perhaps that dude (who looked like Andy Samberg) took over for him. And wasn't he the VP of the PS3 Softball Team (in the "MLB 10 The Show" commercial)? Either way, he's the PS3 of Sony Vice Presidents!

14 years ago


14 years ago

i really hope developers catch onto this quickly and start implementing it in all their games very soon, but please make it a choice.
terminator salvation on the iphone is a perfect example of how easier aiming move could make shooters.
the analogue sticks are so freaking twitchy it drives me insane!
its impossible to keep the reticule moving at a steady pace to pop off moving targets.
move would make aiming so much easier.

14 years ago

He was bashing the Wii too with the boxing reference.

Also, there's a petition going on to have Kevin Butler host Sony's Press Conference at E3

14 years ago

Holy crap, if Kevin Butler hosted the press conference, E3 would explode from so much awesomeness. Let's make it happen!

14 years ago

already voted

14 years ago

Hold hold hold, the Move needs the Eye to be able to play with?
Or is it just certain games that needs both?

14 years ago

The motion tracking requires the eye. The glow-ball on top of the controller is tracked and along with the information from the gyros and accelerometers in the controllers themselves the system allows the PS3 to track the movement of the controller in a 3D space as well as the angle of the controller and so on and so forth. But the Eye is required. I believe that the PSMove package includes the Eye, but the controller elements will also be sold separately since many already have the Eye.

14 years ago

look on the bright side, even if you don't like the idea of having to have to buy the eye for move, just go get one now and start enjoying video chat with your friends.

Ps3 It only does everything

No doubt!

14 years ago

I hope you're right Highlander,

I already got the PSeye camera, all I've heard is that the Move will be a camera bundle. I hope there will be cheaper Move controls only pack for those already with the camera.

14 years ago

In the video, the guy playing the fighting game is holding two controllers with glow-balls on them, so I am having to assume that means you can buy a second set of the controllers separately.